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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21620827 No.21620827 [Reply] [Original]

Statera refund confirmed. Fudders get the rope.

>> No.21620966

Literally dumping

>> No.21620970


>> No.21620986

Please explain what this means to a retard like me please OP?

>> No.21621038

Early on, a Statera balancer pool got drained (through a balancer bug that was previously reported to them). This caused everyone in the pool to lose the liquidity (tokens) they added. Statera are refunding the people that got fucked out of the dev wallet.

>> No.21621043

anyone who pooled in july when the balancer got hacked got rekt. which is why price went to $0.01

>> No.21621089

Ahh OK thanks for the update.
Do you think this will mean a dump? Im guessing people who lost their tokens in a hack will wanna jump out ASAP?

>> No.21621109

look at the price

>> No.21621115

my guess is dump, then pump when balancer refunds the other assets. it's going to be massive exposure and proof that the project is legit.

>> No.21621165

There will be a momentarily dump from those who don't want to hold STA anymore before the Balancer refund which will start perhaps the largest pump STA has seen.

>> No.21621197

Best move ever. They did STA first, barley dumped. Every cent now from big balancer refund will pump STA.

>> No.21621213

burgers are sleeping

>> No.21621240

Good stuff, I've got a small bag of STA so any pump is good. Let's go!

>> No.21621313

they keep trying but they cant kill this coin....its invincible.

>> No.21621318

i cant wait to tell everyone "i told you so" when this pumps hard

>> No.21621347
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RIP to paperhanded fools who listened to the weakass FUD

>> No.21621456

It was tough, but i held. Glad the worst is almost over.

>> No.21621579

HOLY SHIT!!! sorry i thought this was a scam, im all in now

>> No.21621586

where is the bottom

>> No.21621625

you are looking at it

>> No.21621659
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Right here.

>> No.21621669

Don't try to time this one. Not worth it. This is already a great entry

>> No.21621737

I entered at 25 cents which was a steal at that time so getting it at 20 cents now is amazing

>> No.21621778

I've got some eth waiting for burgers to wake up, I fucking hope they sell

>> No.21621799

i am a burger but I am buying now, its on uniswap right?

>> No.21621816

Yes. Don't have the contract on me but you can find it through etherscsn

>> No.21621818

I have 1750 STA will I make it guys?

>> No.21621829

thanks I will find it

>> No.21621850

>last person to enter the ponzi proceeds to ask if he'll make it
of course you'll make it how does 175 quadrillion imaginary dollars sound

>> No.21621874

When is the balancer refund?

>> No.21621884

How does $21,875.00 sound?

>> No.21621886

That sounds great. (It’s a soft ponzi btw)

>> No.21621888
File: 515 KB, 720x696, 1597777550513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, another STA thread with 90% of the replies coming from the devs and their 2 friends again
gotta say, you guys are the most persistent scammers i've ever seen
board's been flooded with STA threads with replies that are all the same
a 5 year old aspiring to be a detective because he loves scooby doo could've identified this, which is why i'm so surprised there's actually a few people that buy in thinking these are real replies not made by the dev team and their 2 fag friends using residential proxies
i guess people that dumb don't deserve to keep their money anyway, good luck STA devs
i figured i wouldn't reply to any specific reply in here since i'd have to tag almost all of them to talk to the 4 of you guys kek

>> No.21621916
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>> No.21621922
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It is funny when you know STA is going to $1000+ in 2025 that entry at 25 cents vs 20 cents sounds funny.

When you know, you know...

>> No.21621931

Best of luck anon. Set a high tolerance. I did 5% because 3 was too low

>> No.21621946

Are you ever gonna stop being absolutely retarded?

>> No.21621959

Stale pasta is stale and crunchy

>> No.21621997


>> No.21622005
File: 6 KB, 218x232, 1597684819510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, the day you guys quit spamming this board with this scam.
you're paying out refunds when you own 93% of the addresses
you guys are gonna have to hire some shill team of at least 20 people because this is too transparent, everyone can see it that's why you only get people buying in that have never bought crypto before and think this is the next 10x since they missed out on everything else
smelly pajeet scumlords

>> No.21622018

The fuck?

>> No.21622023

My man, the only thing anyone can see is that you are desperate. Did you sell at 0.02 or some shit? Give it up, go buy flow, you are still on time for that one

>> No.21622036

jesus christ imagine spending this much time in threads about a coin you don't like

>> No.21622121

Thanks for fudding, anon, but I've already filled my bags. It's time to let this rocket launch.

>> No.21622263
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