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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 222x268, 134523145678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21618388 No.21618388 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.21618448


>> No.21618509
File: 506 KB, 860x888, 129-1293933_pink-wojak-shotgun-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21618513


>> No.21618542

putting a few more bitcoins in this over the next few days

>> No.21618771

Buy more then fag

>> No.21619324

This isn't official and just a random dev. Coinbase has no relationship with iExec and recently said ocean protocol is brilliant. Honestly I bet coinbase would rather have chainlink or ocean use their api

>> No.21619369

The anon who made that literally posted it on here 1 ~ 2 days ago.. IMAGINE NOT BROWSING /BIZ 24/7. Fuck this shitcoin

>> No.21619416

fuck coinbase and especially their "oracle" to be quite honest

one day all these centralized pieces of shit will get a scandal or hack going and crash and burn

>> No.21619489

I legit want in but all the anons posting about their bag got me worried. It's kinda different from fudding to accumulate, like they legit have bags they want to dump ASAP

>> No.21619565

Lol only newfag top buyers are getting wrecked. This was under $1 for 2 years, most of us are very comfy

>> No.21619660

don't buy their bags anon, you will get dumped on

>> No.21619669

I have 50,000 barrels of this digital stench, and you can bet your life I will be unloading these barrels to the nearest refinery at 1.96

>> No.21619679


>> No.21619742

Weeks hands, digits ending in 69
Digital stench, I bet that is what your partner said when the 69 was attempted.

>> No.21620026
File: 17 KB, 209x241, tripexec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fud. 16200 barrel holder here. Not selling this gem until at least 50$ per barrel. Anyone holding this is aware of it being a fucking moonshot

>> No.21620105
File: 117 KB, 1208x689, 1597734304965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How based is George Boole he destroyed this scam by overflowing their code

>> No.21620162

Why sold at 1.96 weak hands when we all know this shitcoin will moon between 20$-50$ then crash to 0

>> No.21620180
File: 642 KB, 904x884, 08C34BE3-185E-4019-A0F0-E40237467AB7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won’t ever be mooning after this fiasco

>> No.21620355
File: 145 KB, 334x506, clownexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This FUD is so weak I can't even believe it. I mean, how dumb can you be to believe this shit. Every time someone FUDs this gem I buy more. Thank you anon

>> No.21620364

This anon knows whats up. Until the real adoption comes in, I aint selling

>> No.21620486

Post proof that it’s fake then

>> No.21620516

Post proof that its real besides a screen shot anybody could make.

>> No.21620569

anon look at the registration,, its a display car

>> No.21620575

Why should I? You’re the one holding the bags, not me. If you’re holding bags without even knowing if this is real or fake you’re retarded.

>> No.21620611

Realistic price prediction? 50 seems super low considering its capabilities. Am I wrong?

>> No.21620629

This fud is so gay

>> No.21620655

Prove a negative... that’s not how it works. You need to post a proof it’s real you brainlet.

>> No.21620668
File: 329 KB, 1696x1808, oil_pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, how fucking stupid are you. It's literally a car in a car shop. You can see people at the back, look at the registration number. The image itself is not fake. The conversation is...

AGAIN, the image itself IS REAL. The conversation is fake, because it's written as if he's a 15yo retarded child. If you actually took 10min to DYOR, and went to google schoolar and searched for Gilles Fedak you'd see that this man is brilliant.
What fucking bags? I bought this at 30-50c. range. And I already made at least x10 on the partnership pumps and on the V4 pump and made my make it stack MUCH MUCH bigger. I don't know what the fuck you're trying to do here except weak ass FUD

>> No.21620678


>> No.21620686


>> No.21620741

”The image is real”

Gee, I wonder why he would take a selfie with a car he’s not planning on buying. So you’re saying he’s a poser? You trust in a project run by a poser?

>> No.21620777

hes shopped in are you retarded or trolling?

>> No.21620802
File: 721 KB, 750x866, money_shower_rlc_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He likes the car. Why do people take selfies before a monument? Are they planning to buy a monument? When you make a selfie in front of anything, does that mean you buy that thing? HOW FUCKING DUMB DO YOU THINK WE ARE?

Come on anon, this pajeet shit is getting funny. You must be some sad pathetic loser to go into threads of coins you don't like and doing your best to try to convince people it's shit. This FUD is so obvious it's scary. Jelly because you didn't get a make it stack and now you've got priced out? I know that this is the TRUTH. You're just butt hurt because you think you can't make it with your below 1000RLC stack. But don't worry anon, even 500 barrels is a make it stack. No worries, you don't need more. We're all frens here. We accept everyone

>> No.21620817
File: 599 KB, 1082x695, 1597482754455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1000 EONY

>> No.21620859

Did you just compare a car to a monument? Like for real? Did you just compare a CAR to a MONUMENT?

>> No.21620864

Well said anon. Really can't be bothered writing back to the obvious FUD. glad you are

>> No.21620879

Even if he bought the car, so what. Can't a man have a nice car?

>> No.21620886
File: 68 KB, 600x582, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.21620919

Not when your project is fucking unknown, no. You’re not supposed to be buying a car but investing money into making it more successful so that you can buy MANY cars in the future instead of just one for fucks sake do you people never think?

>> No.21620977

It's an obvious shop you retards.

>> No.21620993

He can invest his own private money in whatever he wants dumbass.

>> No.21621060

indonesian discord trannies infesting this thread spreading their diseased bussy juice everywhere.
Gilles is a Straight White Male of high born francish stock. He practicised semen retention and mountain climbing in order to preserve and grow his noble evolian spirit.

>> No.21621076
File: 52 KB, 800x533, 82BE6336-CD7F-43A4-BF6E-0EFC62122DB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying a car

>> No.21621106

I'm not a native speaker, I mean buying

>> No.21621139

Ok, fine. I’ll let that one slide. And just so you know, that’s not his ”private money” that’s your money. He’s taking your money and buying cars with it.

>> No.21621153

And no I'm not Indian lol

>> No.21621194

> ICO funds him
> Grabs money and only spends it in the most frugally way on the team, lets go any senior members who want a raise, hires cheap pajeet interns instead
> refuses to pay for listing
> buys new cars and other stuff for himself from your money

Yep, totally trustworthy guy

>> No.21621200

Picture is fake anyway
But he probably got a fuckload of BTC, ETH and LINK and can di whatever he wants with it
Mans not hot without a nice car
Car is shit btw

>> No.21621220

Done talking to fudders bye
Inb4 no arguments

>> No.21621232

Quit shitting the thread up you stupid faggot. Buy or don’t buy WE DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR $1500.

>> No.21621263

It is fake. And iexec has been involved in blockchain since the beginning I’m sure he bought a shit load of bitcoin when it was like $5.

>> No.21621280

Do you guys even understand baseless fud makes us more bullish?

>> No.21621310 [DELETED] 


>> No.21621322

Kek if it’s shooped just post the original images, I’ll wait.

>> No.21621422
File: 626 KB, 1280x720, classic_doomexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this... Buying more and more every time i see stupid FUD