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21618287 No.21618287 [Reply] [Original]

>Ethereum is considered to be one of the standards of the blockchain technology
>Transactions can last as long as 10 minutes
>Gas fees are unpredictable and can change immensely in just a few minutes
>Gas fees are huge
>Your transactions can be delayed/cancelled because the gas price changed
Is this really the best the blockchain can do? Do you really think the 4th revolution is going to happen when it is based on information transaction technologies that are slower than 1990's emails?
Do you really think any real organisation/institution/company will fully adopt such a clunky piece of shit?

>> No.21618309

holy shit anon you've figured it out better short all crypto and invest in AAPL.

>> No.21618313


>> No.21618353
File: 647 KB, 1200x756, Muh Meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why flare is going to blow this piece of shit out of the water

>> No.21618443

xrp will never go up in price, though

>> No.21618460

gen 3 blockchains are in the works, namely cardano

>> No.21618646
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>Do you really think any real organisation/institution/company will fully adopt such a clunky piece of shit?
They allready are building on top of it check baseline kek
Thing is its game of confidence in network and network acually beeing used unlike any shitcoin bags You are about to shill hiding behind scaling meme
>Ethereum is considered to be one of the standards of the blockchain technology
>Transactions can last as long as 10 minutes
>Gas fees are unpredictable and can change immensely in just a few minutes
>Gas fees are huge
>Your transactions can be delayed/cancelled because the gas price changed
Meanwhile im daytrading for fun on lpr l2 and literally cant spend 0.01 eth after 200 trades

>> No.21618694

>Ethereum is considered to be one of the standards of the blockchain technology
EVM chains yes
Ethereum is for retail users, other EVM chains will be used in industry

>> No.21618700
File: 50 KB, 718x596, 1590253148258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheer fact you using term" gen 3 blockchains" screams normanfag you normanfag

>> No.21618739

Cardano is pure vaporware trash.

The only other ETH competitors worth investing in are Algorand (very smart team) and Casper labs (originally chosen to do the Casper upgrade to ethereum, but backed out because they realized they could make money off their talent). Nothing else is worth even giving a second thought, other than ATOM, which connects multiple blockchains and will be important to China's BSN.

>> No.21619017

No don't you heckin understand? People need blockchain technology because debit cards are just too confusing. Doesn't it make you po'ed that the banks charge a whole fee of fifty centerionos? And fuck off with that 250k insurance shit. It's 2020, wouldn't you rather a negative article to destroy the value of your money rather than the slow decline by inflation? I fucking love science, and this stuff is as revolutionary as smart cars and 3d printers. A total game changer

>> No.21619064
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>> No.21619122

Can't argue with your logic but give it time.
Block chain as a currency has a long way to go but as a utility, I think it'll happen within a few years and once the change starts to happen it will be very quick

>> No.21619873

>Transactions can last as long as 10 minutes
Who cares. Exchanges and banks are just going to trade IOUs of Ethereum between them. What matters is that it works.

>> No.21620199
File: 25 KB, 540x367, 1597633655908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to send $50 to your other wallet goy? Okay, I'll send $46. Then you can get $40 back after you invest.

>> No.21620391

you still have some time to buy iota before an historical pump.

>> No.21620446
File: 172 KB, 300x356, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally 6 fucking dollars for a transaction
>means that every trade you need to make at least 6 dollars profit

>> No.21620471

>Do you really think the 4th revolution is going to happen when it is based on information transaction technologies that are slower than 1990's emails?
Do you really think any real organisation/institution/company will fully adopt such a clunky piece of shit?

obviously not. Never forget you're in a bubble.

>> No.21620481
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The is why I am balls deep invested in the solutions to these problems. Stakenet and Lition.

Stakenet will make the transfer of crypto instant, cheap and private.

Lition will allow Corporations to actually utilise blockchain.

I am comfy as fuck.

>> No.21620498

I want whatever coin this cunt is buying

>> No.21620518

ethereum 2 will be out soon. meaning no more paying the miner jews. this will be the flippening event. bitcoin will become number 2 after ETH.

>> No.21620521

Just buy Waves bro. Transaction take like 3 seconds and are and been almost for free since ever.

>> No.21620538

The combination of ETH 2.0 and Polkadot will usher in the new world order.

>> No.21620545

But my three transaction failed. Fucking absurd.

>> No.21620805

But it will though. The low costs associated with XRP will allow financial institutions to onboard. Through utility the price will rise, and in the process, unlock trillions stored on NOSTRO/VOSTRO accounts

>> No.21621777

Iota will take over.

>> No.21621820

*ETH 2.0 and COSMOS

people have already poked holes in polkadots tech

>> No.21621824

all of your points boil down to your lack of knowledge on using ethereum

>> No.21621991
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That's why I only use it to buy drugs with my forex gains

>> No.21622022

>wires can’t scale
Said no one

>> No.21622313

shut up you faggot nobody thinks what you're saying is funny

>> No.21622363

Watch this

>> No.21622367


TSLA is the new AAPL

>> No.21622508

Fuck you