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21605029 No.21605029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Death to swingies edition, /comfy/ edition, mega moon edition. Get the fuck in edition.

>> No.21605061

since btc has found its new floor for now i'm expecting some activity tonight

>> No.21605166

Its so obviously just getting started with how easily it rips through 5-10 cent swings as 50 cent coin. OXT is a powder keg

>> No.21605511

As-salamu alaymoon my mujorchideen

>> No.21605520


>> No.21605546

>missed the bottom
>can still buy in where sequoia capital did

>> No.21605695

Bought in at the dump this morning and sold again at .65

Sorry! But i need to snowball this initial!! Hope I don’t miss the boat waiting for dips

>> No.21605736

Redpill me on this. Isn't it just a VPN?

>> No.21605746

You will. Swingies ALWAYS miss it

>> No.21605754

token not needed

>> No.21605831

Its a bandwidth marketplace first and the only VPN service on earth that doesn't track/sell your data (inb4 muh sent cope)
Based retard

>> No.21606076

any more info on the token releases and when they can be sold off?
a previous thread mentioned $0.70 was the target for the price... that makes sense seeing as how everything below that is getting sold off quickly and mercilessly.
This chart just looks like a battle between a couple of algos and a small number of whales moving in and out when ever the fuck they care to.

>> No.21606093

the token is the value of used bandwith. users surf the web with orchid and are only charged for what they use, represented by the token

>> No.21606129

Large scale VCs bought in at 50 and 70 cents. This is the bottom, dont miss it.

>> No.21606173

get the fuck off this board normie no bizraeli would give away their money like that

>> No.21606264

youre a funny guy. i talk to my fellow .30 holders in these threads, we see potential

>> No.21606268

holy shit oxtrannys btfo

>> No.21606295

>made over 50 grand the last week off oxt
Seethe bitch

>> No.21606358

how do you lads figure this isn’t the top and we are going back to 20c forever. i bought at 70c with a 1k and i’m down a quarter of it. dumb buy..i know..

>> No.21606385

I put in a sell order when it hits .70. This can't be a moon mission r-right guys

>> No.21606439

.15 holder here. From a trading principles perspective this thing is just a home run. Normie CB money is going to disproportionately flow into here (low marketcap guys!!!) and a binance listing is an easy explosion

>> No.21606469

>the top
Its a coin that literally JUST started its trend. VCs bought at 70 cents and theyre not in the business of losing money. Orchid was anointed by the big boys right out of the gate, it will be over 5 EOY

>> No.21606472

If you never sell you wont realize those losses.
Seriously, it has potential to hit $1+ once staking/win client get out.

>> No.21606653

Mate, it's at 3x in the last few days even after this huge dip. We're at 35m mc. It's on coinbase. We're entering a bullrun. You think it'll just go sideways forever? Why are you so afraid?

>> No.21606845

swapped my pathetic few links for a stack of 3k oxt at its peak 2 days ago. im just gonna hold it and stop checking the prices and stop browsing biz later all

>> No.21606856

this coin came out in 2019... its super new, inexplicably listed on coinbase early in its lifespan, backed by normies. bullflag.

>> No.21606868

Good choice. Link is a 30x away from 1k. OXT is a 30x away from fucking 15.

>> No.21607313

break out looks doubtful until a Orchad shows up
but grab a bag while it's at .55 and go long on this.

>> No.21607403

already at 2k but damn if its not tempting to get another 1k at this price

>> No.21607406

What happened yesterday that caused me to get 20 price alerts from coinbase?

>> No.21607496

it was swinging like a big dick on a windy day.
it got a lot of attention from a big blogger who talked about it, right around that time it did it's first big jump.
Plus it doesn't really take a ton of money to move the price it's still small mc.

>> No.21607518

It went from 15 cents to a dollar in 4 days, then "corrected" to 50 cents.

>> No.21607600

Last I heard the VPN was complete dogshit. Has anyone tried it out recently?

>> No.21607601

there's someone out there trying to get a little pump started, but that .60 wall is there

>> No.21607646

>.60 wall
Kek, next move will be 1.50+

>> No.21607647

Lmao thank you for putting into perspective how salty non-orchies are

>> No.21607670

>last I heard
Good analysis faggot

>> No.21607685

Based comfy orchid general.

>> No.21607693

my buys ain't going to get us there, so it's gonna have to be someone else.
Hopefully that blogger is here tonight so I can ride along.

>> No.21607704

give me your orchid address right now for not being a complete LINK-addict goy and seeing the forest for the trees

>> No.21607736

orchid address faggot.

>> No.21607787

orchads unite

>> No.21607840

Possibly last one. Orchid address. Post it.

>> No.21607856

Lmao, another orchid giveaway thread?

>> No.21607859


>> No.21607889

salty nolonker spotted ..don’t worry i’m one also

>> No.21607898

I've given away 100+ OXT for truly based anons. My only requirement is you heil and hate niggers

>> No.21607907

>thank you based orchad

see you guys at 1.30 (and in every oxt thread)

>> No.21607936

I have 20k LINK and 120k OXT. But this board has rotted to the core from LINK.

>> No.21607962

Careful fren that might be worth 500 dollars in a few months

>> No.21607966
File: 210 KB, 1074x1184, orchid general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the authentically anonymous internet usage with OXT.
VPN use is also supposed to grow and grow the more people learn about what they are sending out with there data

>> No.21607980


>> No.21607996
File: 412 KB, 1125x2436, 27C75741-3C8F-4616-AFF4-E411C54FCD9B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m a lowly orchad pls help fuck niggers

>> No.21608033


>> No.21608074

orchads, will we rise tonight?

>> No.21608102

hopefully. looking to break that .60 resistance

>> No.21608110

checked, Orchad spotted.

>> No.21608111

Fuck you faggot. Said oxtrannys and salty nolinker.

>> No.21608156

lol it was a joke i’m a oxtranny myself anyhow. oh well. and i’m salty about being a nolonker so i took it out on you. oh well maybe if i hold my stack will help me someday

>> No.21608184

Check'd and kek'd

Bless my wallet holy Orchad


>> No.21608213


if digits I'm dumping my entire life savings into Orchid. Help a brother out

>> No.21608233

I'm guessing no, but still hopeful. I just think the price will bounce between .5 and .7 because the old tokens are getting dumped onto the new buyers and the devs can get paid. I don't think it's a walk out, but they are just slowly control the price by setting their bots to unload massively at .7
I'm long on this but enjoy watching a small cap go crazy.

>> No.21608236


Deliver me from poverty orchad

>> No.21608262

Thanks bro. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.21608263

nice and subtle that is how to do it. otherwise this may attract the street shiters.

>> No.21608304

They have it written in when they are allowed to sell. in this for the long haul, I'm comfy holding 3k

>> No.21608316

we are getting dumped on :/..and the most positive statement you can muster is “it might not be a exit scam”

god damn we are in trouble oxlads

>> No.21608334

Sitting on 2.8k, willing to dump more in. What's a comfy stack?

>> No.21608389

>"it might not be a exit scam”
it has a working product, its on coinbase, we are buying at LOWER prices than the insiders. This is why they are dumping.

>> No.21608421

Got about 230 at .3 after I fix my truck the rest of my pitiful wages are going in

>> No.21608432

So still dog shit, got it.

>> No.21608470


Orcichad if you're still in here please grace with me with your gains


>> No.21608484

I have it, works fine now after the patch

>> No.21608496

Twice that amount

>> No.21608586

>10% circulating coin supply
>300 million market cap for a VPN that's decent and obtuse to use.
>people expecting 100x to 30 billion market cap while the VPN industry itself is only expected to grow to 60/70B in the next ten years.

top kek

>> No.21608683
File: 891 KB, 850x1012, 1591116698856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jaines we have niggers in chad OXT thread

>> No.21608695

>in the next 10 years
>doesn't realize it has more uses than dVPN
>what is bandwidth worth
RIP retard

>> No.21608725

based post. Orchid address.

>> No.21608784


>> No.21608834

If its worth 500 I'm worth a 5 million. Don't care. People who are early to understanding orchid deserve help with their stacks.

>> No.21608876

We should be charging for the info they gain to sell us more shit

>> No.21608935

Desktop or mobile?

>> No.21608977

on mobile

>> No.21608984
File: 523 KB, 1280x720, YoureGay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn these nufag 4channers sound like absolute god tier homosexiuals with your /comfy/ and your "mah tendies!" and shit. Why dont youll just start sucking each other off for fuck sake.

>> No.21609010

i'm glad to see others have a lot of faith in orchid. we're riding to the top boys.

>> No.21609210

This just looks like a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Also, their BLM silence is violence nonsense gets a hard NO from me.
6/10 got me to respond.

>> No.21609237

08, I admit. original newfaggots have assimilated by now calm down.

>> No.21609332

oh shit they did that. kek we are fucked

>> No.21609345

Optics are solid, icon is memorable. They have the tech and marketing, make gains and buy a third nazi flag fag

>> No.21609451

Please surrender your OXT you fucking nigger

>> No.21609511

>Optics are solid
Sure, if you happen to look at it from a certain angle or perhaps enjoy being gaslit, or take a particular pride in being a useful idiot.
>buy a third nazi flag
I'm a jew BTW, not sure if that makes a difference?

>> No.21609587

Nice try shlomo, back to posting pink woman and on niggerLINK threads

>> No.21609712

I have a boot for you to lick whilst you apologise, racist.

>> No.21609817


>> No.21609898

can you post on 4chan with this vpn?

>> No.21609974

I'm posting from it right now, check my flag on /pol/

>> No.21610309

this is a buy signal

>> No.21610316

>it's afraid

>> No.21610335

Imagine a world where every 4channer isn't using OXT. It's almost like they want to be exposed and lose their job

>> No.21610359

your're dad keeps giving me his bi signals, I don't really mind but his ass is already broken in and I am not interested in a worn out hole.

>> No.21610370

>I'm a jew BTW
>seethes about OXY
I rest my case.

>> No.21610391

this is my job

>> No.21610421

Based jeet

>> No.21610638

>it's my job to shill
not anymore. your fired.

>> No.21610698

My fired? What do you mean?

>> No.21610738

the joke is on you street shitter

>> No.21610817


>> No.21610900



Literally have end stage cancer at age 30 and trying to make a stack to leave my wife and daughter. Any help would be awesome.

>> No.21610935

Will send, for pics of wife and daughter

>> No.21610965

>muh edgy club
fuck off bitch this is OXT town not whine about the past town

>> No.21610998
File: 274 KB, 1125x1125, EAE99144-06C6-42AD-9321-92A5F4C8360D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me up. I sold at fucking .35 thinking it was done


>> No.21611011

Can't do that. But I'm not lying. Have had stage 4B classic Hodgkin's. Had 2 failed stem cell transplants, 6 types of chemo, and radiation and just found out last week it's back in my throat. Nothing I can really do now.

>> No.21611147

>Nothing I can really do now
May as well send tokens to your're best freinds from 4chan.com

>> No.21611202

Would send unironically if I didn't think you were a pathetic pajeet with a village to feed

>> No.21611293

Not sure how I can send proof without ID. I did a clinical trial at Karmanos cancer center in Detroit done by seattle Genetics, it was a brentuximab and novolumab combination trial.

My first stem cell transplant was my own cells, second was a 20 year old German girls.

Not a street shitter.

>> No.21611306

I won't survive long either, good luck. People waste their lives and health but so would I without this appreciation

>> No.21611359


Here's the trial

>> No.21611384

Nice, I went to ann arbor near there. I really hope this takes off but also the tech helps the internet remain somewhat wild west

>> No.21611575

anon why wouldn't you just buy 1 BTC and leave it to them? It literally controls the market and is the safest crypto bet.

>> No.21611589

kek gonna be 40 cents by morning

>> No.21611677

there is ZERO chance that this will replace centralized vpn's nobody wants to go through the hassle of trying to understand this shit.

>> No.21611774

I'm sorry to hear that anon, may God look after you and your family

>> No.21611836

Maybe in 2017 but the masses have learned more about crypto and vpns in general are growing as governments get shittier and we learn how much info they take and use

>> No.21611871

I’m just poor asf I have $200 in oxt I’m trying to hold with iron fists I got them at .30 send me some frends will hold. I hate niggers but I also hate
everyone. Hope we all make it boys


>> No.21612165

Great so I can buy more
Checked, but seriously you're a nigger fuxk off to PNK general or XRP nigger nigger double nigger

>> No.21612197

Anon you only make it if you ignore all niggers. Except the ones that glow in the dark you run those over with you car

>> No.21612287

Based. Give address cancer nigger

>> No.21612570

Think if I accumulate at least 1000 oxt I’ll make it. I work too just trying to make it

>> No.21612593


Thank you. Seriously helps more than you'll ever know.

>> No.21612829

this has a token element that fucks with humans psychology, people will like that they can provide bandwidth to earn the token. thats new right.

>> No.21612897
File: 45 KB, 324x276, orchad 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no begging
>pic unrelated

>> No.21612932

see watch how fast it pumps with just a little bit of buying... this this is still swinging

>> No.21613009

was gonna donate til you dropped the n-bomb. not cool bro, especially at a time in American history when supporting minorities is more critical than ever. hope you take some time to reflect on your character, and strive to be a better man, faggot.

>> No.21613026

Digits and I invest in Orchid, Sent otherwise.

>> No.21613052


>> No.21613077

Kys nigger

>> No.21613080
File: 2.81 MB, 1591x1061, ifya1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are going to make it

>> No.21613118

Dip shit you do know oxt is the only coin supporting BLM educate yourself and do your own research. Also this why we have a divide because we everyone is fucken polarized. You should be able to be real and talk about anything that’s called freedom of speech and one more thing I’m a beaner. Faggot

>> No.21613124

sent* 2u brother. Good luck. My wife just went through in-utero surgery to fix my second son's spina bifida

>> No.21613160

go back.

>> No.21613174

if digits i buy

>> No.21613195


I was laid off from my job because of COVID bullshit and my pop's business that i was going to go work at until i found something was just looted because of dindus, so lifes great anon. any leftover otx would be dope because im trying to get wasted on hopium to avoid bitter reality

>> No.21613303

I grabbed 1500 ALGO over this last week simply for the daily staking rewards. But I'm probably getting some of this this week and hoping it stays put until at least Friday. My three to ride for a while are this, ALGO and LIT.

>> No.21613468


>> No.21613515

>.55 cent token
>4 cent swing in less than a minute
>that volume
where? I didn't post a wallet but pic related anyway

>> No.21613540

Top 80 holder.
I unironically bought an enormous bag this week.
This coin is too fucking good.

>> No.21613560

>You should be able to be real and talk about anything that’s called freedom of speech
we want anonymous comms too dummy

>> No.21613606

P gl bro

>> No.21613640
File: 39 KB, 472x718, orchad 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pray for Orchad

>> No.21613733

Thanks theres already fluids draining from his brain post-surgery still in the womb so the effects have been unbelievable so far

>> No.21613758

>6 cent swings on a 50 cent stock

>> No.21613803

>quickly punished back down to .51
fun to watch

>> No.21613812

In fact, read evola. Lesser races do not matter but ours is dying due to faggots like you.

>> No.21613833

this actually could be a little sell off for the day

>> No.21613879

Whats the make it stack

>> No.21613880

might be going to .45 tonight

>> No.21614056

>so triggered i got the double reply.
not reading your retarded propaganda either you broke loser

>> No.21614106


>> No.21614122

PND by the stock bro? Yeah, no thanks. I'm buying more DMG.

>> No.21614133

Nigger skitz0 poster. Entire crypto market crashing atm ofc it will go lower. Btc shed 300 today FUCKING NIGGER

>> No.21614170

So many fucking niGGERs in here jfc

>> No.21614230

Dumb niggers donate to my $200 oxt stack. Looking to hold adding as much but I’m poor just poor asf for now thanks frens


>> No.21614244

just a fucked up post
this is worth watching

>> No.21614257

They thought of this, they have an app on the iphone store and you can just join with a credit card if you dont have oxt

>> No.21614308

Please gtfo linkNIGGER

>> No.21614346

Moon imminent

>> No.21614659


>> No.21614742

>since btc has found its new floor for now i'm expecting some activity tonight
second post btw

>> No.21614791

a smart whale would try and make this oxt market rn but they probably dont know about it

>> No.21614836

everything crashing except oxt coz its too small

>> No.21614843

Stfu shlomo and fuck off back to linknigger HQ

>> No.21614882

N i g g e r posting in chains like the ones you wear

N I g g e r posting in chains like the ones your momma wore


>> No.21614891

count how much shit is crashing then look at this

>> No.21614923

>400 million of volume 2 days ago
>80 million today
too fishy. looks like SAFT holders are dumping on newfags. average holder still thinks only 65M are circulating because CMC is too lazy to update anything

>> No.21615016


>> No.21615027

why tf does gemini have it at 58 cents?

>> No.21615084

Been arbitrage opportunity last few days

>> No.21615161

seed was .03
SAFT was .50 and .70
opening price was .40

>> No.21615212

i’m financially ruined

>> No.21615311

where did you get in?

>> No.21615389

my favorite part about tonight is that all the good alts will be proven

>> No.21615411

Buy the dip

>> No.21615501

this isn't even the previous 24hr low btw

>> No.21615580


>> No.21615604

there are reasons to be long on this btw

>> No.21615616

Disgusting nigger

>> No.21615657

this thing does 10cent swings all day long, it's just the seed tokens are still being sold off at .70
that is what I think is happening, so if you agree with this then .70 isn't bad at all.
take a look at it yourself. the people who are building this are selling in an organized way, it's spelled out. computers do all of their trading according to a release schedule. Some whales are around obviously but that is true everywhere even in btc.

>> No.21615739

The most overlooked benefit is their transparency. Its all laid out in the table. As any investment should be. Were going to make it

>> No.21615868

it ends up punishing the low iq i'm okay with this

>> No.21615977

the rally has started lads lets go

>> No.21616010

it's going to happen in the next 10 mins or not

>> No.21616069

how new are you to crypto? it’s not going anywhere.

>> No.21616089

i appreciate your optimism and enthusiasm being a jaded holder but i cant help but think you are overly optimistic

>> No.21616165

if it were going to that would have been the opportunity for someone to make it move a lot higher.
yeah it looks like the answer is not tonight. it was a sudden burst of buying after a few minutes of complete silence.
Still not dropping past the previous low of the day though.

>> No.21616219

LFG! The Orchid god is with us

>> No.21616221
File: 2.86 MB, 2048x1152, based2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21616459

It's really trending down. If it goes below .50... I'm buying a stack.

>> No.21616619

pretty sure the SAFT stops selling at .50 to allow for buying. but that is just my guess.
anons have been buying at low 50s the last few days. I'm in at mid 50s

>> No.21616675

Ahhh, then I'll just buy at .51-.52. Good lookin' out, fren. You mind me asking what kind of stack you got?

>> No.21616704

it's doomed anyway. If it really does what it promises, a completely private vpn that doesn't answer to anyone it will get pozzed as soon as it becomes mainstream.

>> No.21616742

it's small but it was all the extra cash i had could pull together. I'm really trying to get more for the coming bull market.

>> No.21616802

Haha.. I hope it's not doomed. I'm always worried this shit gonna plummet in the four hours I'm asleep and I'll lose my money.

Yeah, I totally get it, man. The 10k stack I have is just money I finally moved away from XRP, because it's not really doing me any good atm anyway.

>> No.21616839

we'll all be rich if it happens. Just enjoy the ride. If it happens it will be like being on the internet in the late 90s early 2000s where you can do whatever the fuck you want and no one can stop you, just for a little bit.

>> No.21616871

xrp looks like it just started its rebound, take a look how long it will last.

>> No.21617143

It's all the way back down to .29 from .33. I thought we'd see some excitement from it this week, but I'm honestly just sick of the wait.

>> No.21617476

>carefully noting which alts are still swimming rn
>can only pick one because i'm a stacklet

>> No.21617485

xrp will never go over 40c

>> No.21617633

I can't help it. I really should split everything, but I honestly don't and I don't really have a good reason for it either.

I feel terrible about it, but I have my suspicions. I mean, for all I know... maybe it will someday. I'm just really not feeling good about them rn
Even with an abundance of good news.