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21602336 No.21602336 [Reply] [Original]

Really makes you think...

>> No.21602432

>If ethereum did it so will LINK

Let's see how many other coins had the same chart but instead of going up it went down down down.

>> No.21602567

>other coins
>top 10 marketcap
>normiebase listing
yah... all those other identical shitcoins like ethereum

>> No.21602593

Jesus fuck my asshole

>> No.21602603

Time and place, punk

>> No.21602613
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>> No.21602620

inverse head and shoulders forming

>> No.21602641

I'm all in

>> No.21602643


>> No.21602647

That's a fair point. I think the response to that, however, is to argue what the coins/tokens are used for.

Both ETH and LINK tackle smart contracts. Fundamentally. Bullish.

>> No.21602652

>Let's see
yeah let's, show at least 20 charts pls since there seems to be so many
and none of them better be from the last major bull run

>> No.21602653

really makes me cum

>> No.21602670

Why would you let the newfags know? Why did you post this?

>> No.21602711

local top will be $30-40 before SmartCon

>> No.21602744
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>> No.21602748

>Time and place
Now. My asshole.

>> No.21602753

Link is literally the only project to defy 2018 bear market. It has been on a long term uptrend ever since the ICO. Why are you still comparing it to other coins, when it clearly doesn't behave like any other coin?

>> No.21602803

The difference is Link has 10x the supply of Ethereum. $20 LINK is equivalent to $200 ETH.

>> No.21602848

Ethereum didn't have any utility or incentive to hold. LINK is going to have staking and node operators will require collateral. Free flow supply is going to decrease, not increase like ETH.

>> No.21602851

Eth has unlimited supply newfag

>> No.21602879

Link will be worth 100x eth can ever imagine being worth. The market link captures is literally in the quadrillions. Eth is a ponzi scheme game network that costs 20 dollars per action..

>> No.21602883

lmao what a fucking retard

>> No.21602905

>one is across 4 months
>the other 4 weeks
Yep really sustainable

>> No.21602915

the broader market is now too mature for top 10 mcap coins to do this. i'm not saying LINK won't go up over time but this run won't include sustained RSI-defying pants-on-head retarded moon missions, like last bubble's ETH, outside of microcaps. it'll be a year long slog to $100+ (during which time BTC and ETH will barely eke out maybe 2x-3x over their prior ATHs)

>> No.21602931

Wtf, checked

>> No.21602935

just bought 20x margin LETS GO

>> No.21602952

wew lads calm down there with those digits

>> No.21602985
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>>If ethereum did it so will LINK

>> No.21603002

at current market cap, link would be at $70 if it had the same circulating supply

cope bagholder and enjoy poverty

>> No.21603005

ETH's true bull was May 2017 imo when it reached 0.1 BTC, that's never gonna happen obviously but I do expect a similar boom for LINK due to defi hype similar to ICO hype for ETH back in 2017 bull run

>> No.21603028

they are both 1D candles, smoothbrian

>> No.21603048


>> No.21603556

PLEASE give an example that looks this accurate. LINK is top 10 for a reason.

>> No.21603667

ethereum is responsible for the success of hundreds of utility tokens like link.
link is fundamentally arbitrary.

>> No.21603759


>> No.21603808

why about what

>> No.21603896

The answer is literally zero you fucking idiot

>> No.21604044

>sir it is top 10 coin sir

Holy fuck no one show the newfags any old CMC screencaps

You guys are gonna get fucking destroyed

>> No.21604059

No one is gonna buy until it drops to around $15. Bottom is $13-$14.5 btw

>> No.21604079

what top 10? whats CMC

>> No.21604851

Very qt

>> No.21605548

>link would be at $70
>ETH went to $1400

>> No.21605589

It must go lower

>> No.21605596


>> No.21605653

That doesn't negate my point at all.
The fact is you stinkies forget while LINK is innovative, ETH was gamechanging. Also you had to buy ETH to participate in ICOs
It was a completely different environment

>> No.21605682

>sold at 20
>bought at 15
Fucking nailed it

>> No.21605707
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Nice one

>> No.21605732

Thanks brother, I'm new to this. But i learned from working the AH in WoW for nearly 10 years

>> No.21605759

link is the easiest golden bull run signal i have ever seen. linkers who sold are going to be buying rope after a weeks time

>> No.21605877

why the period of LINK seems shorter compared to ETH?

>> No.21605905
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>> No.21605909

this. my brain thinks this is all a game, so when my folio drops 50k, I'm only mildly annoyed

>> No.21606070

this, my brain has gone completely numb from losses from playing steam, runescape and a variety of other markets within games for long enough.

money has no real world meaning to me as long as its enough to do what i do in peace

>> No.21606274

Smoothbrain is a great insult.

>> No.21606383

My god...

>> No.21606474

We are at eth rise to 50 not 20. Fuck can someone remake this

>> No.21606488

It's because it's unrealised gains. If you to cash out and then lose 50k you'd cry yourself to sleep

>> No.21606544

May your asshole rot and fall to the ground.

>> No.21606576

You fail to realize LINK is also gamechanging.

>> No.21606605

$77 eoy cuntbois btfo

>> No.21606614

Literally happening right now

>> No.21606642

It has to break $16.88 to stop the downward trend of the entire day

>> No.21606680

Same. I think it's cause it's just numbers in a screen. Gamblers also say that online gambling is way more dangerous for them because the losses don't feel as real as losing physical cash at the casino

>> No.21606719

That’s literally what we’re doing

>> No.21606767

you think link was a gamble? lol

>> No.21606779
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>> No.21606816

$100 eoy

>> No.21606833
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don't be late to the party anon. buy the dip

>> No.21607013


>> No.21607232

>Both ETH and LINK tackle smart contracts. Fundamentally. Bullish
Tbe link devs, fundamentally, hold the entire token supply. They can break the market anytime. The can sell for 50c and make millions. Greed.

>> No.21607317

all the anti-link shills that have been popping up lately are going to get real quiet real soon. Which is a bummer because the deranged hate posting is probably the most bullish indicator we have.

>> No.21607344

dubs and green ID confirms

>> No.21607501

Does link have any moat? What’s keeping anyone else from doing the same thing as link?

>> No.21607589

you are so fucking stupid you deserve to be decapitated

>> No.21607664

its just way ahead of anyone else. The only comparable project is Band which is a recent chinese rip off of link. They even copied the logo. So its going to basically dominate with the first mover advantage. Additionally, the value of link isn't in the technology or the tokenomics. It's in the network of nodes, APIs, and endusers. Once link captures the market it will be a defacto monopoly for years to follow, because any new oracle project will have to compete with a fully fleshed out network.

>> No.21608093

I am cooming day and night

>> No.21608247

>what moat?
>first mover
Thanks for the info anon. What’s a good source to understand this technology?

>> No.21608278

are you white

>> No.21608344

LINK will surpass the market cap of ETH

>> No.21608453

"Let's dump for a few million instead of riding this out to the billions."
This FUD argument was always, and will always be, retarded.

>> No.21608471

Only if you consider an Irish/Serbian mutt white.

>> No.21608495

Why would you be right when so many others have been wrong? What do you have to gain from being utterly BTFO again? Why do you link fudders enjoy being shamed?