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21596876 No.21596876 [Reply] [Original]

xUSD is the first private and decentralized stablecoin and can be minted by burning XHV: shinny app, working product, market cap under 20M, strong demand for its usecase and more "xAssets" like xGold or xBTC are coming. Haven is like Synthetix but on Monero.

An audit of the code was asked by popular exchanges (probably Huobi or Binance given the usual clients of the audit company) and should be released within a few days. Market cap is so low because XHV is only listed on shitty exchanges (Bittrex which requires KYC and Tradeogre which has very low liquidity), it's going to explode as soon as it gets listed on a good exchange.

Who will use xUSD:
-ppl who want to do tax fraud since blockchain analysis softwares are becoming more and more popular, crypto will not be the wild west it is today and soon the IRS will look further into defi on ethereum
-Whales who don't want to be caught transferring funds from one exchange to another (chain analysis algos give good alphas, believe it or not...)
-criminals, drug cartels don't like using XMR because they don't want to be exposed to its volatility so they need a private stablecoin and xUSD is the only one

This is a easy 10x don't wait anon

>> No.21596974
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confirmed. they are undergoing an Audit right now from Slowmist (trusted by Binance & Huobi)

>> No.21597015
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XHV is heaven to escape the feds

>> No.21597109

This is the most lolable market cap on the market right now. Every day it is not at 1000 USD is an atrocity to mankind. Seriously, it should be at least at 100 USD. It’s a gem among scams and fake promises. It fucking works already and is the only coin that can protect you from the market volatility AND from an Orwellian future. I’m buying every fucking dip. Like now.

>> No.21597167

i cant wait to see the people who missed the LINK train cry on /biz for missing the next 100x

>> No.21597210
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Imagine not having all your net worth in XHV right now.

>> No.21597214
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>> No.21597314
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Yeah it's crazy ppl are still sleeping on it, I guess they're just too lazy to use bittrex/tradeogre and want to chase uniswap scams. Whales are going to love it, low fees feel like fresh air lol

>> No.21597438

minimum 1 bill market cap incoming. in the U.S you are taxed on every trade. Haven will be heaven for illicit activities to escape the IRS auditing your ass

>> No.21597725

As more xassets are added the total value of all xassets will definitely increase (as long as XHV price) but I think going through xusd before cashing out your profits on coinbase (or similar fiat off-ramps) is going to become the norm so that tax services can't track you have done before. This is next-gen defi made possible by chainlink, the future is bright

>> No.21597907

this or RSR? they're both attempting to be stable coins right?

>> No.21598306

The stablecoins market on Ethereum is saturated, exchanges have ties with the company minting USDT, nobody cares about RSV when it offers nothing more than USDT, DAI, USDC or sUSD. I'm not saying xUSD will dethrone USDT within a year but to me it's obvious a lot of ppl are going to seek stability and privacy very soon. Just imagine the rush to xUSD if (more like "when" really) a western gov updates its regulatory laws, the pump is going to be insane

>> No.21598451

ya I just took a quick glance and it does look pretty good ima do more research but I might sell my RSR for this, thanks for the thread anon

>> No.21598626
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It's a good time to accumulate, 10k sats is a strong support

>> No.21598753
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while everybody is screaming "defi defi defi" and paying $20 in gas fees for a $50 transaction on ETH. XHV will come up from behind and fuck all the hysteric shitcoin fanatics right in the anus

>> No.21598931
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Tbf they are not wrong to invest in defi projects, it's just that ppl have lost sight of what defi should be. Normie adoption will come with an organic project that serves a real purpose, not unaudited degen yield farming. We are on the side of truth, we just have to wait for reality to catch up anon

>> No.21599123

XHV is a clear winner. It's the first private, anonymous stable coin that has ever existed and it actually works. XHV will also be like an exchange with all the other assets, so you can get exposure to xBTC if you want, and no sneaky fucking government will know you made that trade. it's basically an anonymous exchange as well.

Wait until the underground starts using it instead of monero to avoid volatility.

Imagine missing link and then missing xhv when it was at like $1.20 and hits $1000 lmfao

>> No.21599240

unaudited degen yield farming will not end well. YAM is a good example of the craze. 750M locked within 24 hrs with unaudited smart contracts and a bug in their rebase. XHV has a working product that's built off of Monero's CLSAG ring signatures, Bulletproofs, and has cheap TX fees as well as built in anonymity. People sleepin on this. It's literally your own private swiss bank account.

>> No.21599477
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Soon boring will be the new exciting. Imagine not investing in a private synthetix

>> No.21599552

here's haven's main flaw: its available amount of money that can be "off-shored" is limited by its market-cap.
after all, what happens if everyone (or a signifigant number of people) were to all off-shore at once?
another mental exercise that will naturally lead you to the same conclusion.
>criminals, drug cartels don't like using XMR because they don't want to be exposed to its volatility so they need a private stablecoin and xUSD is the only one
what gives xUSD its stability, anon? this is a simple question. you should be able to answer it, right?

>> No.21599595

Once the yieldees stop dumping on each other they'll see that this is nearly unlimited yield. Price of haven is really only a function of how many people want private, stable assets. That's everyone rrrrrright? Sick project

>> No.21599645

>low fees feel like fresh air lol
Monero is better than your shit-coin. pic very related. oh, and XMR fees drop a futher -25% in october with CLSAG implementation.
all you pajeets think the "next 10x" has to be a brand new coin, or a micro-cap coin. nope. screen-cap me. Monero 4-figures by EOY 2021.

>> No.21599684

Thats a mental exercise but not achievable. That's like saying what if literally noone sold a bitcoin. Then what would its market cap be? 0. Markets have buyers and sellers. If the demand is going up people will come back onshore to take advantage and others will sell to lock in BTC. It's a market like any other.

>> No.21599704
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>money that can be "off-shored" is limited by its market-cap.

Incorrect. You can "offshore" however much you invest in XHV. XHV supply is dynamic. xUSD's stability is based on XHV -- lets say you invest $100 XHV at the price of $1, you can mint $100 xUSD from that price. If the price of XHV drops to $.50, you will be able to mint 200 XHV for your $100 xUSD. The stability is in how supply expands, contracts, and the price data of various assets are secured through Chainlink Oracles.

>> No.21599742

XHV already has CLSAG implemented and working in production. They've worked with Monero's lead developer to get it to work.

>> No.21599782

Actually having a fluctuating price is basically the only thing I don't like about Monero. It's a great project but I don't believe widely-adoptable money should have a varying value that's tied to Bitcoin. Where can I read more about this?

>> No.21599886

XHV is private, stable money. Simple as that. It is what Bitcoin wanted to achieve but failed. The lead developers have been working in cryptography for 20 years.

>> No.21599895


>> No.21599898

XHV more like KHV the lot of you

>> No.21599954

You answered your own question, what's your point? Inflation of XHV supply can and has happened but the system is no longer subject to this kind of manipulation since the team has implemented a time lock on minting/burning exchanges. All of this will improve as XHV liquidity grows

>> No.21599955

interesting, i need to look into this. this certainly would legitimize the project.
>Incorrect. You can "offshore" however much you invest in XHV. XHV supply is dynamic. xUSD's stability is based on XHV -- lets say you invest $100 XHV at the price of $1, you can mint $100 xUSD from that price. If the price of XHV drops to $.50, you will be able to mint 200 XHV for your $100 xUSD. The stability is in how supply expands, contracts, and the price data of various assets are secured through Chainlink Oracles.
so why wouldn't I, a theoretical XHV whale, just lock and unlock my funds all day to dominate the xUSD/USDT and xUSD/USDC pairs that would need to be implemented by exchanges?
you can't just say it's stable and have an incredibly elastic supply that is at the whim of whales. that's just now how valuations work.

>> No.21600072

bro you sound like those BTC maxis that felt threatened by ethereum in 2017, I like monero but haven is superior on every aspect

>> No.21600434

>so why wouldn't I, a theoretical XHV whale, just lock and unlock my funds

There are fees that have to be paid if you are locking/unlocking funds which make it not profitable to manipulate. There is also a lock-time to wait before the full conversion happens.The supply isn't "incredibly elastic" -- its elasticity depends on how many assets are offshored. It also has also the same tail-emissions as Monero

>> No.21600465

>I like monero but haven is superior on every aspect
except market-cap, user adoption, community, exchange adoption... you know, all of the metrics that actually matter.
let me know when a darknet market accepts it and i might be interested.

>> No.21600530

>The supply isn't "incredibly elastic" -- its elasticity depends on how many assets are offshored.
and this can be done multiple times by every single user on the network, if they desired, right?
it also seems that you're entirely at the whim of your pricing oracle, no? i favor monero because as it grows it can find stability without the need for third-party trust from oracles.
if all of the energy from XHV went into marketing monero, would xUSD need to exist? food for thought.

>> No.21600645

Honestly I'd be interested if someone could just verify if "Monero's lead developer" worked with XHV to implement CLSAG

>> No.21600668
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>There are fees that have to be paid if you are locking/unlocking funds which make it not profitable to manipulate. There is also a lock-time to wait before the full conversion happens.The supply isn't "incredibly elastic" -- its elasticity depends on how many assets are offshored. It also has also the same tail-emissions as Monero


yeah btc maxis said the same thing about ethereum in 2016-2017

>> No.21600667
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refute this picture
>protip: you can't

>> No.21600728

The same can be said about all the DEFI apps that are powered by oracles. Monero is amazing and this is how I was introduced to XHV, but IMO XHV has different use cases. When xBTC, xGOLD and xSILV are all added you'll be able to anonymously exchange between assets which is something Monero doesn't support.

>> No.21600730

>yeah btc maxis said the same thing about ethereum in 2016-2017
except ethereum's usecase was completely novel at the time. XHV offers nothing novel. no smart contracts.
it's just a currency coin that relies on third-party oracle data.
the fact you are comparing XHV to ETH is asinine, and your portfolio will reflect this in time.
remember me, anon.

>> No.21600765
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>let me know when a darknet market accepts it and i might be interested
coming soon (tm)

>> No.21600790

>When xBTC, xGOLD and xSILV are all added
????? introducing more third-party trust will solve everything?
no, this just opens up manipulation vectors. i'm done in this thread. good luck with your "stable" coin lol

>> No.21600834

>he thinks a plugin can just be copy and pasted onto a TOR hidden service
oh look, it's retarded

>> No.21600863
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kek, stay poor

>> No.21600955

Lel you don't need TOR to send transactions. Have you ever used Metamask? You can connet to remote nodes derp derp . TOR is only if you want to mask your IP. Which you can plug your DNS traffic into and the plugin will work fine.

>> No.21601068

Pretty much this, it seems. To quote u/rbrunner7
>They may have had an interesting idea, but as far as I can see never pulled through more than operating a Monero fork.

>> No.21601146

Offshoring transactions now works in production. CLSAG implemented before Monero has them. Burning & Minting tokens using Chainlink oracles working. xUSD launched less than a month ago. Keep up to date buddy instead of quoting a 2 years old post

>> No.21601275
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FYI they've worked with Sarang Noether, one of Monero's top developers to implement CLSAG all while modifying Monero's commitment structure to allow for xUSD. I'd say that's much more than just operating a fork. It's taking Monero to the next level.

>> No.21601296

Ngl if Haven already has CLSAG that sounds like a red flag. It's probably buggy if it's already implemented, which I'm not sure about because I don't see any mention of CLSAG on their website.

>> No.21601325
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>> No.21601345

hop inside monero's IRC, a bunch of monero heads are in contact with XHV team and they talk regularly. FYI i'm not hating on monero. I actually hold bigger bags of monero

>> No.21601406

>Lel you don't need TOR to send transactions. Have you ever used Metamask? You can connet to remote nodes derp derp . TOR is only if you want to mask your IP. Which you can plug your DNS traffic into and the plugin will work fine.
i am talking about dnm adoption retard. you need tor for that.

>> No.21601480

>It's taking Monero to the next level.
FINAL COMMENT: you do realize that if XHV happens to have truly found out the absolute next paradigm in finance which is private pegged money, what is stopping the monero community from "Borrowing" all of your progress under its more successful community, similarly to how XHV "borrowed" CLSAG from monero?
open source gang, no?

>> No.21601496

I look at the IRC too but I haven't seen any mentions of Haven before, or if I have I just didn't notice

>> No.21601507

>2 years ago
The original devs could not achieve what they wanted to do so they left and were replaced by members of the community, these comments are just outdated. Also ronohara didn't consider using a decentralized oracle to "know" xhv price so who cares

>> No.21601581
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its pretty straightforward when you look at the numbers. massive requests using Chainlink, tiny marketcap for what it is already (it works!). Ez alt season in my opinion.

>> No.21601638

Nothing could really stop Monero devs from taking the interesting stuff. dEBRUYNE_1 himself said that he was wondering if Monero could adopt some of Haven's features.

>> No.21602003

to take the interesting stuff for monero, you'd have to change to an elastic supply. seems like a bit of a challenge for monero dont you think? my money is on haven.

>> No.21602016

>The lead developers have been working in cryptography for 20 years


>> No.21602205

>dEBRUYNE_1 himself said that he was wondering if Monero could adopt some of Haven's features.
i can't find him commenting this, was it in IRC maybe?
would also love to see source for >>21602016

>> No.21602241

where can i see the data in that image?
im literally retarded

>> No.21602280

>i can't find him commenting this, was it in IRC maybe?
Nah, on Reddit a month ago.

>> No.21602298
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okey so found what anon was referring to in the whitepaper

>> No.21602340

monero bag holders are HEAVILY sweating as they realize they have missed out on dozens of opportunities only to hold an elementary version of haven whose market cap is 80x greater

>> No.21602364

98% of Monero holders haven't heard of this shit

>> No.21602454

Huobi/Binance listing within a few weeks, you're still early! Everything is going to be OK! Just don't wait too much :)

>> No.21602950

One of the most bullish things about XHV is that if a whale (or anyone) wants to get into xUSD, then the price of XHV itself doesn't matter one bit. Say if they have $50k they want to offshore, they simply buy up $50k worth of XHV (price doesn't matter), then offshore it to xUSD in their own wallet with no slippage or KYC. Now imagine if this same thing happens with $100k, $300k, $1m etc. Now factor in xGold, xBTC and you can see that the XHV supply may just dramatically diminish.

Or when they bring in xBTC and people will be able to be exposed to a private version of BTC in their own wallet...

>> No.21602968

what's a make it stack??? need help

>> No.21603236
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Good point, more xassets incentivize users to stay inside the haven ecosystem. All of this without any front runners (this is a big problem for DEXes) or the IRS stalking you since transactions are private

>> No.21603308

$80 XHV is my first target, act accordingly

>> No.21603438

make it stack is 1000

financial freedom stack is 5000+

>> No.21603809

10k stack, sit on it for 2 years and you will be good for the rest of your life.

>> No.21604350

How is it using Chainlink oracles to secure the price data? I thought Chainlink only existed on Ethereum so far?

>> No.21604430

chainlink the token exists on ETH as ERC667. but the tech is agnostic so it can sign pricing data to other blockchains (I.E NEAR protocol)

>> No.21604608

Ok thanks, sounds interesting.

>> No.21605228

the only drawback I can see right away if it actually works as advertised is that you might as well buy synthetix assets or DAI and then tumble them through monero instead. The only advantage with xUSD is that you get rid of that one tumbling step, which does sound like a pretty smooth advantage though.

>> No.21605388

Your solution is more centralized (going through synthetix assets to XMR requires to use a centralized exchange) and more expensive (ethereum gas, exchange fees, XMR exposure). Right now the big drawback of haven is XHV liquidity but it may change very soon...

>> No.21605689

>Your solution is more centralized
That's true, unless you trade DAI and Monero on Bisq which doesn't have a lot of liquidity as it is.

>> No.21606345

no collateral with XHV, mint and burn against pricing records is the perfect economy. collateral lending is just for bull markets and then liquidations. defi doesn't understand that yet.

>> No.21607264

if this is meant to be a coin that you exchange to xUSD, what's the point of holding XHV long-term

>> No.21607424

its value is going to increase as more and more XHV is burned offshore to store in assets

>> No.21607565

so the smartest time to buy in would be near the end of this upcoming bull run when people will be looking for ways to cash out correct? Buying in now seems kinda pointless cause not people are looking to cash out and using xUSD as a stablecoin is not really efficient becuase it's not on an exchanges yet

>> No.21608146
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You don't want to anticipate the rush to xUSD? Besides haven users don't have to be crypto traders (tax fraud, criminals...) and xUSD is only the first xAsset, xGold and xBTC are under development so that xAssets holders don't need to mint XHV (and sell it on an exchange).

>> No.21608562

Ahh this old chestnut. Remember it back from 2018. Must be a lot of bagholders.

>> No.21608648

yeah except now it's working

>> No.21609333
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>> No.21610063
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XHV is what bitcoin always wanted to be but failed at.

>> No.21610097

The smartest time is now, because the wise ones know that holding their XHV is going to be more profitable than minting xUSD with it.