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21590937 No.21590937 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been scouring the boards, reading whitepapers, reading news, social media, websites, reviews, history, teams, partnerships....

...and honestly I've gotten to only two coins of whom I have bought loads and will hold for probably at least 6 months. These will not rise 'for the sake of it' they will rise because they are GREAT and actually USEFUL.

XRT has a super impressive list of contributors and followers on Github, it has a good, unique use case + relatively low MC and a reliable team.

V-ID is my baby, it's fantastic. Not the tiniest market cap but massive growth for the future. Fantastic list of partners like IBM and banks, and THE TOKEN IS ACTUALLY USEFUL. Not just some 'we made a website oh and we have a token, buy it if you think it goes up lmao'. Very reliable team of industry vets. Just a fantastic project, already working product and keeps going up.

>> No.21591420

Also, V-ID is based in the Netherlands, and XRT is Eastern European, no pajeets here.

>> No.21591423

Completely agree on VIDT. Sharing some info for those who want to know:

- Deflationary token (look up VIDT dashboard, etherscan tx'ids are on there for each monthly burn that's happened - 200k a month recently burned) - https://about.v-id.org/vidt-usage-dashboard
- Buybacks every month (also etherscan txi'ds for these)
- A partner of the Dutch Blockchain Coalition (government backed, other partners include ING, IBM, PWC, CMS) - https://dutchblockchaincoalition.org/en/coalitionpartners
- Incoming Q3 news expected regarding hardware client + other news
- Top in volume on Kucoin for a while now behind BTC & ETH (not even on binance yet)
- B2C in development
- All dutch team. Offices in the UK & Netherlands. Address on website. not a bunch of linked in pages + nothing else
- Subsidiary of an existing document security company established in the Netherlands
- Look up datalink on their medium page (using existing blockchains to validate data - maintains speed + efficiency) - https://medium.com/@pim_vee/vidt-datalink-limitless-compatibility-between-businesses-and-blockchains-c04e926ee73d
- Clients only pay for service in fiat, no meddling with the token at source for them. Token is used for validations, then a percentage of tokens used for this are burned every month.
- The amount of VIDT used for validations is dynamic. Clients will always pay the same price in fiat. Token divisible to 8 decimal places
- Company has been in the black since November 2019

Some detailed + recent articles:

Detailed Infographic - https://twitter.com/JustThatBull99/status/1294696052378021888?s=19

>> No.21591476

>Eastern European

>> No.21591479

Great post. What do you see as the price EOY?

>> No.21591579

Hard to guess, but easily 5 dollars by EOY I think. A great future ahead for this token

>> No.21591748

Yeah I agree with that. I personally think after 5 dollars it will *really* become a standard, because it doesn't need that first big client anymore. It's just going to pick up more and more clients and price will keep pumping. It's such a good project, way better than 99% of scamcoins on here.

>> No.21591947

BUMP so people look into ACTUAL coins and not BS coomcoins

>> No.21592080

Pajeets and Niggers hate Vidt because the team is all white

>> No.21592450

What’s the difference between XRT and RWS? I read RWS has the meme factor of being worth 1 million eventually.

>> No.21592475

Honestly no clue. I hear it's good to hold both. I just hold XRT

>> No.21592641

VIDT is purely a marketing project. The CEO spends half his day reposting clickbait shill articles on the VIDT subreddit, and the other half selling VIDT to uniswap in small batches from the team fund wallet.

They have gained no new clients in nearly a year, validations are not increasing, dozens of companies now offer the same service for free or near-free, and most importantly, the VIDT token itself is worthless to holders. It was well done though, I must admit

>> No.21592738

Do share these companies, I'm curious. Plus how do you see the token as worthless to holders?

>> No.21592859

It's almost certainly not only a marketing project. It's partnered with multiple businesses who actually use their product.

AmSpec, Airbus, IBM

That, to me, is a value investment. But, read more here: https://medium.com/@pim_vee/vidt-and-v-ids-tokenomics-9ae760f6c7df

>> No.21592992

Oh I'm fully aware of the tokenomics, I just want to hear what he's got to say lol

>> No.21593016

Haha okay. By the way, what do you know about future news (hardware client?) I haven't heard about that.

>> No.21593073

XRT is the one. Robochads: Assemble!

>> No.21593106

Thanks for the serious response. So IOTA actually offers documentation for any individual or party to implement their own API and check file hashes on the tangle. 1000tps, no gas fee, and it's entirely free. https://docs.iota.org/docs/blueprints/0.1/tangle-data-storage/deployment-and-testing

Bridge Protocol, will also offer this service with no additional cost beyond eth gas fees. Bridgeprotocol.io

Docusign offers a free trial of their own product. https://www.docusign.com/products/blockchain

There are also some private platforms https://www.fda.gov/science-research/advancing-regulatory-science/trialchain-blockchain-based-platform-validate-data-integrity-large-biomedical-research-studies

VIDT's product is not revolutionary. How could you expect it to be? They have 1 or 2 part-time devs and the rest of marketers trying to sell an unoriginal idea for more than its worth. Hence the lack of adoption.

The case for the token is even worse. As a user you cannot physically do anything with the token. It only exists to distribute some of VIDT's revenue to investors. But that revenue is incredibly small relative to the market cap. So much so that the price impact is completely negligent. VIDT is being driven entirely by marketing and hype. When the bull market is over, people will wake up and see this

>> No.21593141

Its in their road map under Q3 https://about.v-id.org/roadmap/

>> No.21593252

Although I am certain the price will keep going up - this is a good criticism and I look forward to what the other Anon has to say.

>> No.21593374

It probably will. But it's digital dogshit and nothing more. The team has also been quite busy selling their tokens on uniswap and kucoin lately. Tokens that they essentially minted by removing them from the non-circulating supply without prior warning to the community

>> No.21593430

Nah it's definitely not digital dogshit, unless of course you know better than IBM, Airbus and other clients (not mentioning future clients whose names will soon be released). It's got a good year ahead of it, I'm sure.

>> No.21593440

Thanks for actual fair and insightful criticism, although I'm still bullish this is keeping my hopes realistic

>> No.21593486

You seem really invested in this... Are you really that salty you missed out?

You're really obvious - can tell it's you posting this same shit for weeks now

>> No.21593640

Btw, forgot to add - Vidt is just easy and literally a turnkey solution.

The IOTA one looks ridiculously complex nobody can be fucking bothered setting that up.

Bridge is ID only.

Docusign is legal documents only.

>> No.21593700

You cannot expect every company to be aware of every solution. Also, IBM is just fucking around with an air sensor. It's pretty delusional to think they are going to pay $2 to VIDT every time they want to upload some data, when they could replicate the entire API within a day on their own. In fact, I bet many of their clients would port to IOTA if they saw they can achieve the same thing for free

I was just as critical of VIDT when I owned it, as much as you like to ignore that. I do this for fun. And if I hadn't sold my VIDT, I wouldn't have caught TRB, which has done a bit better with room to grow. Not every post/thread is me btw, schizo

>> No.21593961

IOTA hornet nodes take a few hours to setup. It'll be even faster after Chrysalis 1.5 tomorrow. After you have a node deployed, you essentially have the same API as VIDT. It's pretty silly to think companies are going to continuously spend many thousands of dollars when they could just instead install a node.

Bridge is not limited to ID. I confirmed with the dev that any file type will be supported in the future. And it's free.

The common theme is that many platforms offer VIDT's entire service as a free product. Because it is worthless. The VIDT team are a bunch of conmen trying to charge money for extremely basic tech. Their only benefit is the easy setup, which still requires work.

>> No.21594187

Long response, but part 1:
Okay, let's start with the so-called competitors.

Firstly, IOTA are doing something completely different. They offer a basic solution which has no adoption as it's not their main focus. IOTA are focusing on other areas entirely and as such, this has been added as a means of 'well we can do this, but we won't focus on it and as such you won't receive the all round experience'. They're tackling the market in a different way and they do not provide the all-round service that VIDT does.

DocuSign are well known, but, once again they're not tackling the same areas as VIDT. You cannot compare two elements of a different substances and treat them alike.

BridgeProtocol can try to be successful and they very well could be. However, what you've missed by trying to FUD VIDT is that VIDT are established. They're not trying to enter an unknown market. VIDT have already solidified their place with global clients, revenue generation, multiple use cases and most importantly: PROFIT.

VIDT's clients receive a bespoke, tailored package focused solely on their needs rather than a generic text book package that is given to all. What really sets VIDT apart from every other 'competitor' is the business relationship that grows through the business to customer experience. This a journey that VIDT goes on with each and every client to ensure that all of their expectations, requirements and desires are fully met in the most streamlined and effortless way possible. The goal of VIDT is to provide the best experience possible.

You won't see that with IOTA or any other project trying to replicate what VIDT are doing.

>> No.21594265

Part 2:
Furthermore, VIDT are not only providing a service, they are also building the future to aid expansion through IOE (Internet of Environments), DVA (Diamond Verification Association), DBC (Dutch Blockchain Coalition) and many more. VIDT are also GDPR compliant and are working with one of the largest Law firms in the world: CMS Law. There is so much more going on than just fraud prevention and authentication.

I suggest you dig in and really do some research to see the plethora of areas that VIDT are successfully breaking into while scoping the landscape to see what they've already achieved.

As for your attempt to slander the tokenomics I challenge you to find a project that is more fundamentally strong than VIDT. This is a project that has tokenomics that flourish with adoption. In my aforementioned points I noted that VIDT are a business that are earning real profits. As a result, this then translates into larger burns month-on-month which aid to expedite the 'deflationary by design' aspect of the tokenomic model. On top of this, the token is integral to the daily usage of the token. To say it's not needed showcases a lack of fundamental understanding for the project you are trying to fud.

>> No.21594304

Part 3:
You also note that the 'revenue is relatively small to the marketcap'....I once again challenge you to find a project that can compete. I can count on one hand the projects in this space that are in profit while generating revenue. The tokenomics model provides a scarce asset that will only become more scarce over time.

I'll leave you with this: VIDT aren't trying to break into the industry - VIDT are creating the industry. They already have clients such as IBM, AmSpec and many more which are working alongside them to create a future where adaptability, fraud prevention, authenticity, growth through confidence of product, trust and immutability can exist side by side while providing a safer environment for businesses to operate in on a daily basis. On top of this they also work alongside many growing and respected projects such as $WAVES, $LTO, $FTM and $DGB. This list is non-exhaustive and will grow as the months go on.

>> No.21594323

>VIDT's clients receive a bespoke, tailored package focused solely on their needs rather than a generic text book package that is given to all. What really sets VIDT apart from every other 'competitor' is the business relationship that grows through the business to customer experience. This a journey that VIDT goes on with each and every client to ensure that all of their expectations, requirements and desires are fully met in the most streamlined and effortless way possible. The goal of VIDT is to provide the best experience possible.

This sounds like you work at VIDT. How would you know what kind of package and experience and journey they give their clients?

>DVA (Diamond Verification Association)

I checked the partner out, it seems to be some shady consulting firm that has nothing to do with diamonds, and they together with VIDT started the DVA....but where is the expertise? No one seems to be using it either.

Good posts though but I would love to hear your response.

>> No.21594661

IOTA is not trying to be a file validation service. They are setting themselves up to be the backbone of the trillion dollar m2m economy. The point is, file validation is such a trivial thing, that they created this application and gave it away for free.

VIDT are not tech guys. They took an extremely simple tool and are trying to wrap it in paper and put bows on it in order to squeeze as much value as they can out of something that should otherwise be free.

The argument you make about VIDT's establishment is the same one eth maximalists use. The claim is that because eth has 99% of blockchain traffic, it has network effect. But the reality is that less than 0.001% of web apps have ported to eth, leaving the other 99.99% to be determined.

Document security is a multi-billion dollar industry, like you say. What percentage of the pie has VIDT taken? Less than 0.0001% going off their revenues. They have no more than two or three dozen clients, only a handful of whom are active, and even less than that who spend a semi-significant amount of money on the service. This is comparatively nothing to the global market. They also seem to no longer be growing if recent metrics are accurate.

A company charging 2 euros per file is not going to survive long term when they have no actual intellectual property

>> No.21594709

Looking at their process in general, the client doesn't have to handle any tokens themselves, they don't have to get involved with exchanges. Service is paid for in fiat so its super simple for the client. I've always felt linking 'old money' (aka existing companies outside of the blockchain space) with blockchain centered companies in an effortless way is a key route to sustainability as a company / token. With regards to the DVA, yeah it's a new venture but I strongly believe we will be seeing things yet. I appreciate the guys response as dialogue is always a good thing. But VIDT is solid and as legit as they come in terms of projects operating in the space

>> No.21594830

Because they are a transparent team who make it very clear exactly what they are aiming for with each and every client. This has been publicly known since the very beginning.

With regards to the DVA - you're essentially making an assumption that because a business have chosen to branch out that it no longer makes logical sense? Are all businesses limited to one area of expertise or focus? No.

Take a look at any successful global business - they have many use cases, not just one. If they only had one use case they wouldn't be a global business. You start with one use case and you expand - business 101.

I'd also Google the definition of 'Consultancy'.

VIDT is a great example of exponential growth through use case expansion. They have successfully branched out to a plethora of industries.

It doesn't sound like you've actually read much into this project. You sound more like the guy who'll jump to conclusions and bend sentences to fit his own narrative.

>> No.21594887

Thanks for the response.

>>21594661 makes some good points though although the idea 'they haven't taken a massive chunk of the market so they are dead and shit and conmen' is pretty stupid. First it was barely anyone used their products, now it's already three dozen clients.

>> No.21594896

Where as I've quoted facts based on adoption, goals and growth, you've simply plucked some numbers out of thin air.

You're not selling it. No one is buying what you're selling.

>> No.21595050

I appreciated part one but now you are just sounding to sound like a shill. Lots of flash but no meaningful substance.

Is IBM going to pay money every time they want to validate data with VIDT? Despite possessing the ability to recreate the API themselves for free?

This is just more marketing gimmick crap. Diamonds and paintings.

A blockchain coalition is unimpressive enough, let alone a dutch blockchain coalition. It's just a few other shitcoins like LTO coming together for advertising purposes. They have no authority or meaningful connections.

Other projects have speculation. VIDT has been generating revenue for one year. Why should anyone buy a VIDT token that they cannot do anything with? I cannot stake it, use it to validate a file, or yield farm with it. The only reason for holding VIDT is because the team distributes revenues. The revenues are incredibly incredibly small relative to the market cap. You can argue that it's early. But VIDT has seen almost no growth since their explosive launch one year ago. You can go on and on about their marketing campaigns and partnerships, but the blockchain does not lie. They are seeing minimal growth at best. Why should I buy a coin valued at 60m hoping that 5000$ USD of buybacks will move the price?

>> No.21595232

>Diamond Verification Association
How can you verify the authenticity of a real-world item on the blockchain?

>> No.21595274

Nothing I said is contradictory. They have had the same number of clients for almost a year. Most of these clients do not validate more than a handful of files. Relative to the global market, a few dozen companies is nothing. Only one or two of them are impressive in any sense.

They are absolutely conmen. They are shilling a free 10 line of code service as revolutionary. They are marketers and nothing more. What does it tell you when the CEO spends all day reposting on the subreddit, posting moon memes in the telegram, and dumping his pre-mined VIDT on uniswap.

Prove my numbers wrong then. I was being generous if anything. Or do you really think VIDT has already captured more than 0.01% of the document validation market?

>> No.21595417

Alright you seem to be very well versed in this. I still believe VIDT will keep going up at least this year, but what other projects do you have your eyes on? You seem to do a lot of actual no nonsense research.

>> No.21595734

Look, I held VIDT for a long time. I sold before this pump and so all of these bagholders think I do this out of anger. What they conveniently forget is that I have always been critical of the project for the same reasons listed. I didn't sell until after they booted me from the telegram for bringing this shit up. I made money elsewhere, it's a goddamn bullmarket.

It probably will keep going up. They have the marketing optimized and it seems like there's a paid shill group on board. Half the people holding VIDT agree with the shit I say but just want their bags to keep pumping, I don't blame them. I don't want to hold unsound projects that are overvalued

IOTA, Iexec, and Kleros are my picks. Swipe is free money if you can find an entry

>> No.21595887

Bag holders that bought at sub $0.075 when it's now $1+?

You sold the literal bottom and now you're bitter. As such you spend your days trying to fud on Reddit and Biz while under the illusion that someone actually wants to hear your dribble.

Wipe your chin. You were never in the game.

>> No.21596103

1300 sats-->8500. Barely a 6x

Surprised you 30 year old basedmen don't follow my eth wallet too. 2000 TRB @5 and 250k PNK at 1.6 cents. I just hate effeminates who lie through their teeth. But it's worse when you personally know those faggots. So of course I'm going to call this for the scam it is

>> No.21596139


This is the CEO. Doesn't seem like 'he spends all his time posting memes' at all.

>> No.21596197

Look, I respect your views, but you come across super salty when you make arguments like this.

>The CEO spends half his day reposting clickbait shill articles on the VIDT subreddit, and the other half selling VIDT to uniswap in small batches from the team fund wallet.
What even is this argument? Did you work for him or something?

>They have gained no new clients in nearly a year
Please try to be objective...

>the VIDT token itself is worthless to holders
The price chart says otherwise.

>The team has also been quite busy selling their tokens on uniswap and kucoin lately.
And? They are allowed to sell 20% per year. Team wallet had a measly 3% whereas Chainlink devs who control 65% obfuscate dumps by way of jump transactions.

>Document security is a multi-billion dollar industry

>IOTA, Iexec, and Kleros
How many clients and how much revenue?

What you also fail to fundamentally realise is this market barely gives a fuck about fundamentals and muh better tech. Until it matures, better marketing and actual adoption to drive business value will always fuel speculation and drive price which is what VIDT is doing. Let's be real, most investors aren't holding coins other than to dump at higher prices.

>I sold before this pump
If you had said this sooner, I wouldn't have bothered typing this out.

>> No.21596210
File: 50 KB, 721x600, 7C4DB953-66EB-4E8D-9D87-F5A8C6ABB0DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You on the left

>> No.21596242 [DELETED] 


>> No.21596417

Memes in the telegram. On reddit he just reposts vapid articles which highlight meaningless crypto partnerships and marketing buzz

>What even is this argument? Did you work for him or something?
Show me a successful project where the CEO takes the time to sit on uniswap dumping $1000 batches of his token and reposting "the next chainlink" articles on reddit

>Please try to be objective...

>The price chart says otherwise.
Because they are idiots, or deceptive bastards. As evidenced by this thread. I sold some fucking Yam coin for 13 dollars

>And? They are allowed to sell 20% per year. Team wallet had a measly 3% whereas Chainlink devs who control 65% obfuscate dumps by way of jump transactions.
They removed millions of tokens from the non-circ pool, effectively printing money, without prior warning

>How many clients and how much revenue?

VIDT can't even patent their tech if they wanted to. Lol. And if you're admitting that VIDT is just a pump n dump, that's fine. I'll agree and we can be done. But stop playing both sides of the field

>> No.21596497

Are you on the right?