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21592415 No.21592415 [Reply] [Original]

Recently married my gf. She got into a nursing program and cheated on me the first week. Somehow its my fault and now she wants a divorce. I never told her about my crypto and she has no knowledge of any of my investments. If I keep this a secret will I be able to keep it all or will the court somehow find out and give her half? Any law fags here have any advice as to what I do with my crypto?

>> No.21592467

whats the most recent transaction to buy crypto?

>> No.21592557

Give all your crypto to your best friend or relative, that way they won't take it away from you and when shes gone you can take it back

>> No.21592587

court will find out because you posted here you fucking brainlet

>> No.21592595

Keep it in a ledger lol

>> No.21592609

How long ago did you get married? Get a lawyer, depending on state you can get an annulment

>> No.21592617

this or register a company overseas that holds all of ur assets

>> No.21592700
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Anons, how will we deal with marriage and love once we make it?

>> No.21592716

>move cryptos to hard wallet
>bury hard wallet
>keep secret words in cloud

>> No.21592739


>> No.21592761

Find 18 year old, get her pregnant, after she gives birth beat her on a regular basis.

>> No.21592766

The absolute state of marryfags
Everyone here knows that you shouldn't get married unless you can support her entirely and she doesn't have to work right? As for me? I'm hoping for DMG to moon so I can start my family.

>> No.21592768

You have terrible taste in women.
Getba divorce and then never trust yourself again. Its the only way to save you from yourself.

>> No.21592783

single now but what would a good way to be to get passive income from staking without her ever finding out? is that even possible? $2 million in LINK will seem like a lot to her but $50k a year wont get her pussy wet

>> No.21592794

Don't tell anyone and no one will know it's that simple if they ask just say you lost it all on ampl or something

>> No.21592799

>>keep secret words in cloud
wew lad

>> No.21592801


she doesn’t know just stfu and keep quiet

>> No.21592819

You can always kill your wife then she gets nothing. Then, depending on if you don’t get life or die in prison, your coins might be worth a lot of money when you are finally free.

>> No.21592824

FYI assets not disclosed in the prenup are not protected by the prenup and if you get caught hiding assets it might void the entire thing. Im not a lawyer though ask someone who specializes divorce law in your state

>> No.21592852

is she entitled to anything if she cheated on you? sorry anon. theres a lot of mediocre women out there. lots of love dude. mine ran away with my dog and disappeared on me 2 years ago and literally haven't heard from her since. dont let em freeze your heart. try and not lose any sleep over pastrami doing pastrami things, you know?

>> No.21592860

>he doesn't know about encryption...

>> No.21592885

Yeah that’s gonna be a Yikes from me dawg

>> No.21592893

Can you prove that she cheated on you? Do you have any texts emails from her that show her admitting to cheating on you?
You need to save this shit and get a lawyer.
You're not obligated to that half-half shit if you're the one who got cheated on.

>> No.21592926

The courts won't find out unless you tell them or you give them a reason to audit you. Whatever you do, DON'T FUCKING TELL HER. Even if she's spitting in your face calling you a poorfag and laughing at you, do NOT let her think you have assets anywhere. Women are like those pigs that sniff out truffles.

>> No.21592975

But yeah, if she cheated on him and he has proof, then hoe gets nothing.

>> No.21592999

Plenty of judges will flat out ignore them

>> No.21593012

6 months ago.

>> No.21593037

don't tell her
if she finds out beat her bloodily for suggesting you sell :)

>> No.21593040

So, not smart enough to hide shits in the cloud?

>> No.21593052
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>is she entitled to anything if she cheated on you?
>if she cheated on him and he has proof, then hoe gets nothing.

kek, you guys are in for a real awakening when you learn how divorce/family court works.

>> No.21593062

>sort of this
But instead of beating her, keep pumping babies into her and fill her up with mother hormones and she'll become a good domestic house wife.
Don't beat your wife and kids to keep your psychology in check.
If you do, kys

>> No.21593061

> women are like those pigs that sniff out truffles KEK

>> No.21593071

You are a paranoid idiot

>> No.21593109

Islam is right about women.

>> No.21593120

obviously op would go to kleros court

>> No.21593152

Well I had no idea this would happen. I really loved her and she was pretty based. We agreed on everything and she said she was a virgin. Honestly I dont know anymore. She might have lied about everything. I have no clue why women do this. I was really excited for her getting into this nursing program because this is something she talked about since we started dating. Why the fuck did she have to cheat? Is it college that made her do this or her? At a loss for words.

>> No.21593156

If you are in a community property state, it really sucks. Anything either of you got DURING the marriage gets split 50/50. If you had it before that, then you can keep it. Get a decent lawyer. I almost had to freaking pay alimony (and I'm a woman) but got away with what I just felt like was extortion, but whatever. Paid him off to keep my car.

>> No.21593176

Pretty sure that is how it works in most places regarding divorce. Maybe in certain countries/states its different but for the most part if you're are married you swear to oath of being faithful and that IS in the contract f marriage/divorce. So if you can prove that your significant other has cheated on you, you should get away scott-free.

>> No.21593229

>still getting married

>> No.21593241

Imagine telling a loved one about the size of your stack.

>> No.21593255

Can’t be enforced with guarantee of success.
t. Lawyer

>> No.21593280
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This freaks me out anon. My gf is continuously pestering me about marriage and for me I would rather get married outside of the system than bring the faggot state into my relationship. I love her and all but Im not going to struggle my whole life to just have some dumb roastie take my shit...ill go out shooting if I have to.

>> No.21593291

You didn't confirm her virginity with the register? NGMI

>> No.21593295

I really dont know. I dont have money for a good lawyer and have no intention of selling my crypto for one. I had a house before we got married but since we lived in it under my states law its considered marital property and I think she is entitled to half the house.

>> No.21593307

>Is it college that made her do this or her?
I would say a bit of both. You have to be a bitch to want to cheat in the first place, but college promotes a lot of partying too so there is that aspect.

>> No.21593311

How long were you in a relationship for before then? Any red flags? How did you find out she cheated?

>> No.21593342

Lmao I dated a girl who went into nursing way back aftwr graduating university. I am pretty sure she cheated on my just like w/ her previous boyfriend based on some of her behavior near the end. Most nurses are major sluts, get a divorce and stay away next time.

>> No.21593357

Visit your local courtroom house handling family court cases sometimes. Go to a public toilet there. See the weird tp rolls there? Look closer, you'll see that they are made of prenups from previously judged cases.

>> No.21593366

this and if they ask, you lost it

>> No.21593385

Don’t it’s a trap if she is forcing you to do it.

>> No.21593406

I dont have physical proof. I caught her and didnt take any pictures because my mind was flooded at that specific moment.

>> No.21593407

Oh you sweet summer child

>> No.21593408


>> No.21593435


>> No.21593439

It only cost me 1k to talk to a lawyer. I went to her prepped with all the paperwork I'd done myself. She was able to offer advice which really helped and I only paid the consultancy fee.

>> No.21593457

purple id and based

>> No.21593467


>> No.21593531

Its exciting at first but Im really scared now. I cant get any sleep now because of the stress. I have no clue whats gonna happen and I never could have saw it coming.

>> No.21593539

Don't do it. I'm a woman that has been screwed twice in divorces. Even just doing a ceremony and not "legally" marrying her and calling each other husband and wife counts in a lot of places as a marriage at least for "divorce."

My current boyfriend and I keep everything separate and if we were to move in together we have a plan and would gladly write up contracts to protect one another, but then again, we are old and jaded.

>> No.21593558

You sound like you've been cheated on multiple times faggot, can't say I blame the people who did (probably men). I hope they took half of all your shit including your crypto.

>> No.21593576

Hire a lawyer immediately. Don't try to cheap out either. find a Jewish lawyer

>> No.21593603

This is false.
Even if a woman cheats on you, she’s still entitled 50% of your assets.

>> No.21593607

>I'm a woman
You know the fucking rules

>> No.21593618

About a year and a half. There were no red flags that I could pick up on. Though Im not the most experienced when it comes to relationships. This all really came out of nowhere from my perspective. I walked in on them.

>> No.21593619

buy monero and transfer to some address them use the monero to buy other coins and deposit them to a brand new offline wallet that you never used before

>> No.21593629


>> No.21593677

I might do this. I have about 10k in savings liquid that I could use to consult a lawyer.

>> No.21593684

Failing a Jew get an Anglo-Saxon

>> No.21593749

This OP, don’t skip the Jewish part. It’s essential.

>> No.21593764

going for marriage in 2020 top kek

>> No.21593767

Marriage worked when people actually stuck together and getting divorced was considered taboo. Nowadays there's basically no point in getting married.

>> No.21593787

Post tits

>> No.21593802

Well in that case, the assets he has was acquired BEFORE he married her, so she gets none.

>> No.21593820

and you let them live?

>> No.21593830

I really dont want to run out of money on a lawyer. I especially dont want to cash out on any of my crypto. Im fucking scared reading this thread. I feel like Im getting charged for murder and have to defend my self against a crime I didnt commit. I just want this divorce to be quick and painless.

>> No.21593884

>he thinks divorce court decide things fairly based on the merits of the case and logic and reason, and aren't just anti-male institutions designed to punish men for existing
God what I wouldn't give to have your level of naivety again. Not being rude, would genuinely like it back.

>> No.21593885
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>give crypto to best friend and relative
>you can take it back

>> No.21593894

Were you a man before you were a woman, ma'am?

>> No.21593907

Right. We don't have kids, not that that would matter. There's no reason for marriage. Neither of us are religious or spiritual or give a shit what our parents think.

Marriage seems to be just some kind of status update on social media, anymore. I did it in the past because they were pressuring me and threatening me - I was stupid and fell for it. sigh.

>> No.21593913

If you outjew her as soon as possible she'll concede and get out of your life

>> No.21593931

>Cant tell your crush about gains
>Cant get crush to marry you cause she thinks you are poor
>Even if married cant tell cause might get divorce raped

Bit of a catch 22

>> No.21593949

It was a mess. She started crying and I remember having a severe headache at that moment. Almost felt like puking. Got really cold and kind of just left the house.

>> No.21593953

if you were recently married you can get an annulment. its more of a parties go their separate ways than a divorce where lawyers are involved. i believe it requires a judge to sign off on so would probably have to be shortly after the marriage and with good reason (cheating obviously is good). she would have to agree to it aswell so if you do have things of value that she does know about she may not want to do that

>> No.21593969

Were you sexually adventurous? Threesomes? Swinging?

>> No.21593976

>she was pretty based
I guess you can say that lmao
>she said she was a virgin

OP how retarded are you? I haven’t had a laugh this good in a month

>> No.21593977

That’s correct but OP did mention house they lived in, a judge can easily argue 50% of the house retail value as something he owes her.

>> No.21593999

She wouldnt as she is the one who wants the divorce.

>> No.21594002

When will people learn to stop marrying this trashy gender, just breed them and keep it moving cuck.

>> No.21594021

>I'm a woman that has been screwed twice in divorces.
They are rare but they do exist. I guess you can stay ho

>> No.21594036

>I just want this divorce to be quick and painless.
That is precisely why you’d want to hire a good jewish lawyer and quick.

>> No.21594047

That is true. In my state the property a married couple lives in is considered a homestead and must be split 50/50 regardless of date acquired. Probably gonna have to sell the house and split the profit.

>> No.21594081

you can probably get an annulment, whereby neither you nor her are entitled to any assets before marriage. marital property might be split, but it's possible that you avoid that as well given the brevity of the marriage. again, hire a jew, it won't be that expensive for a simple case like this.

>> No.21594103

That must have been a terrible moment for you man. I pray you feel better soon. Hopefully the annulment works.

>> No.21594122


We dont use 50s pseudo-scientist pedo terms here. The term is "sex". Gender is a word for mentally ill queers who can't deal with reality.

>> No.21594154

Say nothing, hire a lawyer.

>> No.21594165

Actually gender and sex are 100% synonymous

>> No.21594198

She can only get half of what you made in those 6 months retard. You’re fine. If you have any credit card debt or debt in general in those 6 months half of that is hers too. None of that is probably worth fighting for from either of you. She probably just wants away from you.

>> No.21594251

Nope. Was born XX and have stayed XX throughout my 41 years. That tranny shit is sick and sad and these poor kids are being brainwashed.

>> No.21594270
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>hiding assets in a divorce
get rekt, never change /biz/

>> No.21594303

Could have been cheating on you beforehand but you never caught her. Maybe she's a psycho and it turned her on or something. Who can tell. But just sayin' that it wasn't necessarily the first time.

>> No.21594309


>> No.21594314

All women are whores. Take this as a lesson. Never take a woman seriously. All the tools of deceit and manipulation in your hands still don’t even out the playing field. Here you are, absolutely rekt by this event, and she’s just thinking of cashing out on you. It’s almost comical. You can’t win.

>> No.21594315

Really, please, get a lawyer. If you do most of the paperwork yourself and try to get what you can from your wife - like pretend she can't legally have everything - you might be able to do most of it with just a consultation. Try to get her to agree using printable documents on stuff like "I get the house since you can't afford the payments" etc. Don't give her any ideas about selling to split the equity, etc.

>> No.21594326

this thread is fucking terrifying, ive been with my gf for over 2 years and she has started hinting at marriage, I just casually brush it off every time but shit might hit the fan is she ever presses me on it.

Bros, is there any way to get a 100% iron clad prenup? Like a super prenup that has almost no chance of being thrown out in court?

>> No.21594362

Nah nouns have gender
Applying it to humans is the work of exactly one lying pedophile named John Money

>> No.21594399

In Spanish maybe

>> No.21594445

don't get married fuck that

>> No.21594456

First rule about Crypto Club: you do not talk about Crypto Club.
Second rule about Crypto Club: YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT CRYPTO CLUB

>> No.21594473

Its a huge gamble. I thought I could beat the odds and really trusted my gf but she pulled this shit. If it works out its usually the best way to live life but if I could go back 6 months I would have dropped her and never got married. Scary shit.

>> No.21594475

I wouldn't put my trust in a prenup but still get one, alternatively don't get married at all and purchase most of your assets before marriage. and consult a lawyer to see what's at risk in case of divorce and have a stack of gold no one knows about

>> No.21594476

This is all that needs to be said

>> No.21594504

This is why I’ve cheated on every girl I’ve dated. Once you realize how dumb their psychology is, you can use that to get what you want out of them. Pussy is the only thing of course. I’ve even cheated on girls, dumped them for a different girl, then came back and fucked them again and they loved it. I’ve fucked married women and women with boyfriends. Humans might have rationality but they treat sex like animals. All women are whores anon. It’s not a meme. All women are whores.

>> No.21594522

No prenup can hold against the emotional drama in court.

>> No.21594526

Im glad I followed these rules so far. My family doesnt even know about it. I just hope the courts dont find out.

>> No.21594557

marriage is like buying a depriving asset at the peak

>> No.21594579

Hiding assets that you gained during the marriage is so risky it's retarded.

OP already lost by the time he got married. If he got them pre marriage just claim it, shes not entitled to it

>> No.21594591
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50 cent style and turn into XMR monero ;-)

>> No.21594593

If I found my girlfriend in bed with another dude, I'd kick the faggot out and fuck her like an animal

>> No.21594706
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>I just hope the courts dont find out.
Doesn't matter, they're still going to burn.

>> No.21594732

Easy to say that until you end up in the situation anon. What is more likely to happen is you get a full adrenaline dump and just cower away or kill her. Really hard to remain calm in that situation unless you dont love her or are a sociopath.

>> No.21594765

>throughout my 41 years
I think it's time to sell boys

>> No.21594805

I really want to believe different because I want kids soon but I dont think Im ready to get married again for awhile. Fuck this life.

>> No.21594819
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>wife takes everything you own after cucking you for BBC
The absolute state of firsties

>> No.21594829

I think my anger would be satiated by kicking the guy out or killing him. Take out whatever I had left by forcing her to give me twice or three times what he got.

>> No.21594869

if shit gets real don't be afraid to pull the trigger on a jew lawyer or kidnap a kike gavel banger's family.

>> No.21594906

Nah you retard, that’s implying that her wet hole has any value beyond being a wet hole. It’s tainted now, so it’s worthless to you. Just kick the shit out of him and then go get piss drunk with the boys.

>> No.21594954

Why cant I do both? The plus side is that I get to fuck a whore for free.

>> No.21594974


If you put her through nursing school, you better get a % of her future earnings.

>> No.21595006

there is no safe way. don't get married unless you plan to keep her pregnant and busy raising children for years. even then look up common marriage laws

>> No.21595017

You don't need to be married to have kids.

>> No.21595035

>went to college
>claims she is a virgin
Op u is retarded

>> No.21595051

He doesnt know about monero

>> No.21595064

I paid for her first semester so I dont know If I will ever see that money back.

>> No.21595091

I've been hearing pre-nups no longer hold. So freaking frustrating. How can business contracts be upheld then?

>> No.21595096
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This is a yikes but honestly you are right.
Thank you degenerate chad for reminding me how women are niggers. Ill still work towards a family but fuck the whole marriage thing and fuck the tax beneifts too. Doesnt seem worth it. Fuck women giving them the right to vote was a mistake.

>> No.21595117

She started her nursing shit after we got married. Before all she had was her high school diploma.

>> No.21595135
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Has anyone here started a family and never got married? That's what I'm thinking of doing

>> No.21595177

No larp, talk to a lawyer. You can get out of this without paying her anything. Find a lawyer who predominantly represents men in divorce filings.

>> No.21595185

Depending on the state you are in it wouldnt matter. After X amount of years the state considers it a marriage.

>> No.21595205

Based. Wife complaining? Watching too much TV? Annoyed? Literally just constantly impregnate her, she won't be able to complain or cheat with Chad if she has 8 children all under like 9 while she's pregnant with twins. This is the true way to make a woman and a relationship happy.

>> No.21595227


>> No.21595238

I really hope so. I think Im losing the house though.

>> No.21595240

Check the laws in your state about common law marriage. Don't allow anyone to think you are husband and wife, if there is common law marriage. Have kids, have a family, agree to the terms of your relationship on your own. Discuss what happens if you break up. Write it down. Just think it all through.

>> No.21595242

Won't trust anyone ever again once I've made it

>> No.21595253

Is there such a thing as being a sugar daddy for a family? Like you just pay a couple to get together and build a family while you just be the fun but not related uncle?

>> No.21595272

Typically marriages can be nullified in first year without splitting anything

>> No.21595277

Vasectomy, prenupcial agreement, and will NOT accept any single mother, not even as a 1 night stand.

Are you stupid? bitches will always betray you, they will tell you that are in love with you until you bring the prenupcial agreement to the table.

>> No.21595278

>Depending on the state you are in it wouldnt matter. After X amount of years the state considers it a marriage
I'm an pastabro. Does anyone know about Europe/Italy?

>> No.21595349

Only some states have common law marriage. It's a terrifying thing.

>> No.21595359

hit her with a fish or throw her some garlic... you know italian stuff and shit

>> No.21595365

Unfortunately no. Id imagine its the same or worse over there but you would have to find that out.

>> No.21595372

U bizlets are so fucking naive and wholesome... Probably desperate for female interaction too
It's a deadly combo u will attract whores whose only life skill is manipulating men using their vagina. Do whatever you can to stay away from the whores frens they will utterly destroy you from the inside out. You either go in knowing you will never feel a thing towards them or do not go near them at all if this is not possible

>> No.21595389

Have you talked to a lawyer? It seems like maybe you werent married long enough to have many combined assets.

>> No.21595391

There’s a reason women have been oppressed for millennia. They’re property.

>> No.21595422

Lol. Hmmm. Maybe you offer your "cool uncle services" in an add at a family friendly place like a library newsletter or something. Could even start a program...just don't make it creepy...

>> No.21595469

don t talk about it. it never existed.

>> No.21595504

Yeah not Uncle Diddles, but more like Uncle DudeBro. I may be tapping into a new market here.

>> No.21595523

one thing I've learned reading this. I am never getting married.

>> No.21595528

Is she hot? All women cheat by the way. That’s why getting married is pointless.

>> No.21595555

I never wanted marriage or a family. Recently broke up with a girl that started getting marriage crazy. I didn't know prenups were useless that's good to know. Can I still coom after a vasectomy ?

>> No.21595575

Those useless PNK tokens...lol

>> No.21595586

I plan on marrying Vina Sky or Lily Love. I trust they would be faithful.

>> No.21595587

Fuck, what am I going to do with this fucking ring then, anon?

>> No.21595610

No it depends on the state.

>> No.21595616

In my personal opinion 10/10. By this boards standards she is probably a 6.5/10.

>> No.21595636

Text her asking why she cheated on you. If she starts giving reasons or admitting the act happened (which she almost certainly will), then you have your proof

>> No.21595641

Blow it out your ass.

>> No.21595675

Actually 100% this, text her, and call her (record it) and discuss this shit to get her admission to the act.

>> No.21595676

Only people who know about my coins are my older brother who bought back in 2017, my dad and a close high school friend (I only told him about link), how badly will I get demolished in the future?

>> No.21595680

Bye, bitch. Good luck with poorchad.

>> No.21595686

I would think a lot of families would appreciate it. Take the kids to the zoo one day and let them have a day to themselves, etc. Hang out at the family barbeque. That would actually be really cool.

>> No.21595694

How did she even react? Did you catch her boning another guy?

>> No.21595723

its a non marital asset if you had it longer than 6 months. she doesnt know, nobody needs to know move on.

>> No.21595782

definitely not the first fucking time if she has the balls to do it in their own house lmao

>> No.21595787

Any made it anons in here? Are y'all just fucking escorts or do you just keep a fuck buddy around? How do you make sure fuck buddies don't get preggers without getting snipped?

>> No.21595830

There's no way any parents are gonna want weird 4chin autists creeping around their children. Are you retarded?

>> No.21595839

3DPD are all the same, don't kid yourself.

>> No.21595840

Simple, dont cum.

>> No.21595845

>Make it in crypto to get wifu
>Can't tell wifu you made it in crypto

>> No.21595853

Is crypto the truth path to freedom? Are you guys MGTOW?

>> No.21595874

Full epstein tier south american breeding facility

>> No.21595896

But tranny demon story time is fine? Yeah I think I'm going to be fucking loaded in a few months

>> No.21595949

>Vina Sky
my curiosity got the better of me and I almost broke my nofap
don't do this man

>> No.21595962

What’s the solution to this conumdrum?

>> No.21595969

Post pics of your kid diddling invitation flyer at the library so we can have a good laugh bud.

>> No.21595976

Lol obviously fucking not otherwise I wouldnt be sweating balls about my wife walking away with my crypto.

>> No.21596000

> asking strangers on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum for legal advice

Jesus Christ lad. Not only does this shit vary from country to country but even from state to state. Absolutely don’t rely on any advice in this thread 100%. Use it to give you an idea of what you might expect but for fucks sake talk to an actual lawyer in your jurisdiction for More accurate advice.

How did you purchase your crypto?
When did you purchase your crypto?
How long have you been together?
When did you get married?

She either has access to your bank statements already or she will have access to them through discovery. Depending on local laws, she may be entitled to half if it was purchased with community funds or commingled. If she doesn’t know about your crypto and you have substantial crypto investments, it might be in your best interests to make a deal before she starts digging deeper and uncovers just how much you have hidden.

Practically speaking though, most lawyers aren’t savvy on the crypto yet. They might know what it is, but they almost certainly won’t know how to track it if it “disappears”. That being said if it does “disappear” and she can prove how much $$ you put in, the court may just put a dollar figure on what her half of the crypto would be worth if it didn’t “disappear” and deduct it from your half of the other assets.

There’s your free consult. Anymore will cost you 10 linkies per post

>> No.21596017

Give me like a couple minutes and I'll doodle one up for you

>> No.21596044


best advice.

>> No.21596054

Make sure you get a prenup if you do get married. And if prenups don't work in your country don't get married. Consider talking a lawyer.

>> No.21596061

Its easy, buy gold and hide it, say you lost the money, or, max out your IRA, they cant touch that. You can take it out after the divorce for a 10% loss but its better than a 50% loss

>> No.21596065

How old are you?

>> No.21596093

at least you signed the prenup agreement, right?

>> No.21596124

>What crypto?

>> No.21596147
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Idk, but If I will get married in the future I will make very clear to the woman that if she cheats she dies. It's like in the high business world. You make a deal by a handshake, not by some jewish notary. That shit is just making it formal. You break the deal and you get killed. Simple as that. You can't rely on some courts to determine what is right and what is wrong. Idk really I'm just 20, but I'm thinking about marrying and starting a family since I'm already at $300k with LINK so maybe by the time I'm 27, I'll be at $10m net worth. I would vet her family to see what her parents are like since if her mother has been loyal, then it's likely that she will also be loyal. You really gotta do a lot of due diligence and let them know that once you marry them there's no going back. It's literally "until death do us part" so if she cheating she will die. Would expect the same from her if I cheated. Purpose of marriage is to ensure a good environment and incentives to raise kids. So if you marry a woman and she agrees to raise kids and is loyal to you, but you suddenly want a divorce, then she is entitled to the 50% or whatever the contract is. Otherwise she might get just dumped on the side of the road with no possessions after being loyal for all the years and raising kids etc.

>> No.21596163

Mid 20s

>> No.21596211


>> No.21596215

nobodys reading this shit you fucking skitzo poster. wallet or gtfo

>> No.21596229

It really depends on how trustworthy your family is, my sister has a different father from me, and when our mother died, she could have taken the four houses our mother left us, in fact her side of the family pushed her to do it, there was no need to leave me with anything when it was her father that helped our mother buy those houses.
And yet, she went against them and decided to do half and half, two houses for each one, in her own words, she valued keeping our family together and having me as a friend more than getting those houses.
So I have no fear in leaving her with my crypto gains, she could have taken half a million in property from me, and she refused.

>> No.21596296

Also, there’s a bunch of shit advice in this thread and you’ll be absolutely fucked if you follow it.

That being said, if she did indeed cheat on you, you need to find out if you are in a “fault” or “no-fault” state. This will affect whether the court cares about the reasons for the divorce or not. In your case, you are hoping to live in a “fault” state. You also need to figure out if your state has common-law marriage or not. This will affect whether or not shit from before the marriage matters or not. In this case, you are hoping to live in a state that does not recognize common law marriage or something similar.

If you have actual money at stake just hire a fucking lawyer

>> No.21596301

that made me feel fuzzy. treat her well when you make it

>> No.21596398

Not gonna give exact amounts but my biggest bags are in ETH, BTC, link, and xsn. Been in crypto since 2014 and have enough now to "make it." Thank god I didnt cash out earlier this year because there would be no way of hiding it.

>> No.21596404

Do this OP.
Get her to take pity and think that you still care about her and want to stay friends
>Jennifer, I’m really not mad anymore, just very sad. I’ll always love you and hope maybe we can even still be friends after this. It would really help me if you could just help me understand why you felt the need to cheat. I just need closure.
Maybe get a phone recording app, people are more likely to divulge over phone than text since it’s less likely to leave a record.
Best of luck, whatever your going through is my nightmare.

>> No.21596424

That's wonderful. That is like me and my brother. My mom says she has no fear in leaving anything to us knowing that we'd make it fair on our own terms. Both of us have decent jobs and very different lives, but we'd never fight over something as dumb as money or assets that weren't ours to begin with.

>> No.21596441
File: 46 KB, 340x306, 20200818_160357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go bro

>> No.21596501

FUCK the text at the bottom got bungled.
Hold up. This is just the first draft, anyway.

>> No.21596549

Thanks man, Epstein would be proud.

>> No.21596560

Marry someone who thinks you’ll never make it.

>> No.21596562

Let me guess, “no-fault” states are blue?

>> No.21596571

You have to find a good woman BEFORE you make it, not after.

>> No.21596597


>> No.21596600
File: 46 KB, 340x306, 20200818_160709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better one
If anyone has anything they think I should add, please let me know

>> No.21596652

Cuck lifestyle lol

>> No.21596662

>girl cheats on u and gets 50% for it

holy shit fuck america and marriage just kill the bitch and do the time for it

>> No.21596675 [DELETED] 


Make sure you get a prenup and a good lawyer. In a lot of western countries almost 50% of marriages end in divorce. That's a 50% risk of losing half of your assets in the future.
> "b-b-but me and my (future) wife are not like other couples and will stay together forever"
that's literally what ALL couples tell themselves. And even if you and your wife are a lot more loyal than average you probably still have a divorce probability of 20%. Who knows, maybe you will simply just grow apart as you age. Maybe you will get divorced after you're done raising your children. It's impossible to say.
> "b-b-but my (future) wife doesn't think prenups are very romantic"
tell her that if you really are going to stay together forever then a prenup literally makes no difference.

From what I've heard, prenups don't always work in the US (if that's true then don't get married), but they really do work here in northern Europe.

Getting married without a prenup as a rich man is the ULTIMATE and FINAL cuck.

>> No.21596680

But then whats the point of making it?
I thought everyone wanted to make it to increase their score from mid 4-6 to 7-9?

>> No.21596718

>got married
>get JUST'ED
Stopped reading right there, OP is NGMI
but seriously anon like how did you actually fall for the gov marriage meme. Look right if you dont wanna lose your assets, just fuck off to a different country congratulations you got your assets and the bitch wont find you.
Never ever tell anyone Friends,family, partners about your cyrpto/stocks ,this is how you make sure other people cant fuck you over, also explain that you dont need the government to be involved in your marriage, If you GF wants it to be gov official after you explain this, shes gonna divorce rape you simple as

>> No.21596739

Change “won’t fuck your kids” to something less obvious like “Not on any known sex offender list!”

I also think you don’t need “ultra” it confused me at first.

Oh and I think you should change the drawing to another crude drawing of you holding hands with a kid from a different race or something that shows you’re obviously not related.

>> No.21596822
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Make sure you get a prenup and a good lawyer. In a lot of western countries almost 50% of marriages end in divorce. That's a 50% risk of losing half of your assets in the future.
> "b-b-but me and my (future) wife are not like other couples and will stay together forever"
that's literally what ALL couples tell themselves. And even if you and your wife are a lot more loyal than average you probably still have a divorce probability of 20%. Who knows, maybe you will simply just grow apart as you age. Maybe you will get divorced after you're done raising your children. It's impossible to say.
> "b-b-but my (future) wife doesn't think prenups are very romantic"
tell her that if you really are going to stay together forever then a prenup literally makes no difference.

From what I've heard, prenups don't always work in the US (if that's true then don't get married), but they really do work here in northern Europe.

Getting married without a prenup as a rich man is the ULTIMATE and FINAL cuckpill.

>> No.21596849

>Interacts with women

>> No.21596956
File: 51 KB, 340x306, 20200818_161709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows this?

>> No.21596976

And that's why you don't get married. How many times do we have to tell you incels?

>> No.21597025
File: 1.65 MB, 1000x1000, MONEROOOO AHAHAHAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bros, is there any way to get a 100% iron clad prenup? Like a super prenup that has almost no chance of being thrown out in court?

just do like 50
learn from the real Gs

>> No.21597029
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>> No.21597046

It's CRYPTO retard lol what are they gonna do hold OP in prison until he gives up his keys?

>> No.21597061

Filipina who will let me pay all the bills and not worry about any of that shit because she'll be too busy taking care of our kids.

>> No.21597135

Max out your cards, she will inherit half your debt. Make her pay.

>> No.21597171

>>throughout my 41 years

>local divorced woman gets her life back on track by making millions with LINK

this is where it's headed, stinkies.

>> No.21597175

Women are not for love retard. They are for breeding purposes. Never rely entirely on a women. Always work on you sexual value and attractiveness, even when you are in a couple, not to please your women, but so you can easily find an other one, in case something like what happened to you happens.

>> No.21597197


>> No.21597208

So she can hook up with Tyrone while you're busting your ass? How did parents get so cucked?

>> No.21597230

This for me but with a Thai woman. They're very special if you can find one that's not materialistic and doesn't have poorfag leach family members in the provinces.

>> No.21597272

sorry for that anon, but dont give her your crypto she never asked anyway

>> No.21597333

If you married some whore who you think will try to take your money you were fucked the instant you agreed to the marriage. If she isnt like that just shut the fuck up and dont even imply money will be brought into it. If you really have any significant amount, agree to pay for the divorce paperwork yourself.

>> No.21597350

You'd need to use a new exchange to trade monero for other coins, though. Not a great idea I'd just say hold the monero itself

>> No.21597384

keep her pregnant and administer regular beatings
open hand only, not with a closed fist
were not barbarians after all

>> No.21597388


>> No.21597509



>> No.21597512

That is complete bullshit that has no base in reality at all. I hope you're just kidding, otherwise you really need a reality check. This is *not* how it works.

>> No.21597525

Fuck you stupid cunt. The only you deserve is to be locked in a cage

>> No.21597528 [DELETED] 

These swapping services have a thing called KYC AML, they don’t mention it upfront but try sending anything more than a Bitcoin and see what happens. I know there are a few truely anonymous ones, but they don’t have the liquidity and the spread is hue.
Don’t ask me how I know this.

>> No.21597534

Well, at least he won't do the same mistake twice, right OP?
By the way, OP,
>She showed no red flags
>Always wanted to do a nursing program
Lol. Owned.

>> No.21597623


>> No.21597652
File: 287 KB, 220x124, pepe rave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you probably thought you were a special boy who found a NAWALT and that you'd somehow beat the system. There really is a sucker born every minute.

>> No.21597697

>You're not obligated to that half-half shit if you're the one who got cheated on.
Almost everywhere has no fault divorce laws. It doesn't mean shit in a divorce if she cheated on you, she gets half your shit anyway and have fun paying alimony on top.

>> No.21597820

What the fuck do I know just seems like that was the proper way things should be handled. I wouldn't know shit though I haven't been married or cucked so LOL.

>> No.21597958

laughable stupid. good luck

>> No.21598106

what year is this spooky boo ghostposter

>> No.21598849

Well if you have kids, want a house loan, want to avoid child support prison bullshit, then yeah you have to give her half (if it was accrued during the marriage).

You can always flee the country I guess, and keep your keys. My coworkers friend did that, he was an engineer that refused to pay child support and works in gulf countries now making bank still. Not a penny to his wife and three kids, but if he comes back to the US he's going to prison.

>> No.21599057

Oooooh a nurse that cheats?! Well I fucking never. Is her name Allison? My ex wife who married some faggot with a beard? Arron?

>> No.21599075

Sure goy, sterilize yourself. we don't want any more evil white people on this planned right? All your women are whores too.

>> No.21599200
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Women are vermin. I hate these fucking "people", they all need to die.

>> No.21599247

this token will survive just to keep this meme alive

>> No.21599408

whites are dying out and you crying on 3chan wont save them lol

now make more white babies for me to fuck

>> No.21599451

Hate to say it bro but youbneed the ditch the idea women can act like men, they are designed to be attention whores by nature so if you dont want her to fuck other dudes you need to at the very least be constantly stimulating them. Sadly you can never get complacent.

>> No.21599797

Just make a wallet and transfer all your Link to it, if they ask tell them you lost your seed phrase.
Make sure to encrypt it and keep it safe, once the divorce is over you can take it back.

>> No.21599877

As long as it's encrypted you have nothing to fear.

>> No.21600065

That's very theoritical. They could exploit security flaws. Seed, passwords, private key etc... Should be stored offline.

>> No.21600114

Why did you get married so young?