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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21589370 No.21589370 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.21589548

not an actual "partnership" but not bad
this + the tokenomics will make this moon so hard

>> No.21589562

How can you dumb fucks believe this

>> No.21589617

Additionally we have been invited to apply for AWS Activate as a new blockchain startup.

>> No.21589619

"Hey everyone, it’s Ares here. I’m happy to announce that Amazon (who incidentally also own Twitch.tv) has extended an opportunity that allows us to use their Ethereum-based Amazon Web Services nodes for free."

lol how the fuck is this an "Amazon partnership"?

>> No.21589690
File: 37 KB, 500x299, views.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21589696


it looks like the pajeet shilling is in full force

>> No.21589699

TOP 15 wallet here, we're going to be so rich!!!

>> No.21589710

who cares 650k mcap, better than the most shit on here

>> No.21589729

Confirmed Bezos owns 50 VIEWS

>> No.21589757

you had a week vindaloo

>> No.21589849

nobody gives a shit, it will moon, crypto market is braindead

>> No.21589896

make that shit fly

>> No.21589966


The VIEWS browser extension beta is available now.

Uniswap trading:

Learn more about VIEWS: https://medium.com/@views.farm/why-views-will-empower-the-next-generation-of-crypto-88c33015a11f

It's easy to get started farming more VIEWS.

Step 1. Add liquidity in VIEWS pairs (can be with WETH or any available Uniswap pair)
Step 2. Wait 24 hours and you will be issued a bonus on your VIEWS
Step 3. Withdraw using WETH pairs (ETH will not work)

Today we will be issuing the initial staking rewards for those adding liquidity to the pool, and begin adding wallets to the extension white list for early adopter bonus rewards. If you currently have VIEWS in an Ethereum wallet, it is recommended you apply to receive the additional bonus, and get access to the browser extension *ahead of launch* Not doing so could lead to a gas race. Please complete the staking information request here: https://forms.gle/JDsbD2dQPSjNzjUh8

Token Address: 0x2b6dd33b57579d93f0fb799abbc47e16d589a024

Our Chrome and Firefox extensions are coming soon to get even more bonus VIEWS when you watch streamers on supported platforms. This will be available on the 17th at the latest.

Welcome to VIEWS


Proof of locked liquidity:

Yes, I’m going to make it!!

>> No.21590031

You missed the dip kek, you can buy in now at 650k mc or at 6mil mc in a week

Also dev reveal soon

>> No.21590199

Early fags going out

>> No.21590348

>tfw bought 170 of this at like $1 then sell it at $2.50
Someone end me

>> No.21590365

This is huge... views is going even more parabolic

>> No.21590456

holy fuck anon...dont rope theres more opportunities out there

>> No.21590577
File: 37 KB, 1725x838, 1000isfud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea im thinking based
theres no way this doesnt go to at least 5M mc which is at current supply a grand per coin kek

>> No.21590618

y-yeah. let me just find another x100 coin within a week. ezpz

>> No.21590667

it's still gonna 10x anon it's ok

>> No.21590698

gonna rope when it x10 from here. that's a x1000.

>> No.21590705

Views currently at $90. Will hit $200 today no doubt. This Amazon news is huge.

>> No.21590800

I mean you could still swallow it and buy back. my DCA is like 60 bucks per coin and I still stand to make a lot of money kek
see >>21590577

>> No.21591270


Nothing against the project at all, but the title's a bit misleading no?

>> No.21591275

got banned from public telegrams wtf? I didn't do anything lol

>> No.21591367

because your fudding, go away vindaloo

>> No.21591502

Where's the browser extension? I want to mint some fresh and free views

>> No.21591509
File: 464 KB, 750x1291, DA906E36-8090-4CC3-A169-5340A0737700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not view or whatever the fuck this pajeet scam is.


>> No.21591614

Amazon wouldn’t use some fresh off the boat UNISWAP scam
Token. You pajeets really need to go. /biz/ needs flags

>> No.21591726
File: 150 KB, 806x707, 18727DF5-8332-4EA0-92AE-C553E1657BBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you at 500$

>> No.21591840

I was not!!!

>> No.21591893


It is literally Amazon's partner program, so how would you call it?

>> No.21592082



"Build and scale with up to $100,000 in AWS Activate credits"
Trying to make it sound special kek

>> No.21592261
File: 424 KB, 828x1792, 315CABD4-5C13-4305-BE45-2906B2854068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it’s not easy to get in, so if views is in awe it’s a huge deal
Stripe and other businesses come out when you click the link

>> No.21592304
