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21583988 No.21583988 [Reply] [Original]

Current price:10$
All Time High: 18.6$

We go to 30$ today, screencap this

Gaining lots of interrest; advanced pool added for staking TACO and farming SHRIMP







>> No.21584054

Is this legit? Was thinking of putting smth in after yam failed...

>> No.21584074

>YAM v2
You faggots never stop amazing me.

>> No.21584095

Yes this is like YAM but without the rebase bug

>> No.21584107

Literally free money

>> No.21584109

you are right i see this at 5x from the ATH in a few few days, staking gives u so fucking much and it just keep going up some people did take profits but even better we can pick the baggs already 600 hodlers in 2 days cmon guys this a real one

>> No.21584138

255,424 SHRIMP

>> No.21584157

lol this is going to make YFI look like Ripple

>> No.21584158

Secured a bag from Anon post @ $5 yesterday not fuckin selling until $50 at least

>> No.21584183

shut the fuck up retard this is 10 times better than yam i am so glad u are going to stay poor, i will need someone to cut my nails ill hire you dumbass ill pay u 0.1 shrimp per day and you will fucking hope i dont fire u fktard

>> No.21584185
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>> No.21584225


>> No.21584239

80k avaiable this will go fucking crazy i dont know why so many doubters and fudders dev is a rich chinese guy

>> No.21584270

.01 shrimp a day.. lol try 0.00005

>> No.21584277


>> No.21584287

Ultimate pajeet writing

>> No.21584308

DEV Xixi from DICE project and look at that glory

>> No.21584325

hahahahaah ultimate pussy ass fudder writing, you will never make it, my 10 eth about to be 100 gtfo nolife

>> No.21584388

Calm down he will se for himself

>> No.21584393


>> No.21584415


>> No.21584455
File: 14 KB, 636x226, shrimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21584471

go back CHINK scammer, we can read your chink accent through your obvious ESL on the website lol
seething chink detected

>> No.21584491

it can only go up from here

>> No.21584521

all those tiny buys are retards on biz and those huge red candles are the dev dumping on them. Neck yourself and mods fucking do your jobs about these gook scammer pajeet spammers

>> No.21584524

Im glad that you did not buy shrimp, you dont deserve it

>> No.21584549

what drugs are you dumb fuck using to be so paranoid lol
Tell me how does one read an accent you must be on some heavy drugs you need to get off it mate that is why u losing so much money and got so much hate and problems that is what i can see

>> No.21584616

hahahahah dude the devs wallet can be checked he litearally owns dice what do you gain from this bold and dumb claims? show one fucking proof or go end your miserable life trying to get shrimp to fall for a few bucks so u can afford 5 of them lol pathetic

>> No.21584637
File: 79 KB, 1182x627, ESL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me how does one read an accent
nigger you aren't fooling anyone lmfao pic related

>> No.21584716

check the wallets please i dare you

>> No.21584723
File: 72 KB, 1016x814, LMFAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO heres another what a gem this is

>> No.21584789

you seriously trying to say this isn't a chink scam? you are either brain dead or a shill paid by the gooks. I've been around long enough to see through your bullshit

>> No.21584819

man i cant wait for your dumb ass to go trough some dark shit once this moons
hope you are as weak as u seem :) just do it

>> No.21584840

you can fud all you want dip got eaten quick

>> No.21584855

>man i cant wait for your dumb ass to go trough some dark shit once this moons
>hope you are as weak as u seem :) just do it
nigger I own 10k link lol idgaf about your broke chink ass begging 4chan for 0.2 eth

>> No.21584857

where do you guys sell you shrimp at?
I can't find it on uniswap

>> No.21584862

dude why dont u show one fucking proof that sas this is a scam lol i think somone is butthurt from leaving shimp before the 90x we got trough ahhahahahahahhah id kill myself if i missed that

>> No.21584878


>> No.21584892

>t. XiXi Chu

>> No.21584901

can the creator of all these scams just say there's going to be some coin for fast food/grocery places that trades against all of these named coins (shrimp, taco, probably at some point beef, chicken etc) as if they were resources themselves?

>> No.21584912

hahaahahahhaah dude if u had 10 linkies u would not be here talking shit so u can drop the price enough to be able to afford it, crypto is not for u my man
It is funny how all of u fudding retards did not give one argument, I bet u called hex2t and sta a scam u racist little shit

>> No.21584985

just did gookoid subhuman

>> No.21585000

we will have to wait and see, dev is working hard to push us harder on market

>> No.21585033

notice how bad the shills SEETHE when they are found out to be chinks lol

>> No.21585068

nice proof hahaha

>> No.21585078

what does that shit prove lol idk man u need to take all u have and withdraw it, you are just gonna keep losing that little money u have

>> No.21585114

China is the new global superpower. Shrimp will be used by the Chinese navy to embargo Japan and other island nations around the China Sea (formerly Indian Ocean)

>> No.21585115
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is this you chang?

>> No.21585122

We're gonna moon soon babyyyyyy

>> No.21585137

i think that he is emotional because of the gas price

>> No.21585167


no whitepaper

>> No.21585207

must be that :D linkies about to fall to 4 usd and he bought at 20 with 20 bucks he had

>> No.21585235

Once this gets an AMPL pool it's gonna moon

>> No.21585238

Remember zzz when it was 15 bucks this is it, 100 usd we come soon

>> No.21585247

yeah totally not the fact that this chink is behind this scam at all.. totally didn't just look at the github and see this scam shit edited by this gook.

>> No.21585305


>> No.21585336

I already made it when i bought 10k link at 14 cents. im just here to expose you chink scammers that I see here every day

>> No.21585356

dude it dipped a bit im sure even you can now afford one shrimp 10x is incoming in next few days take a chill pill i know you are miserable from all the Ls u must be taking fuddin around hahahahaha

>> No.21585362

Fuck yes I love MLMs

>> No.21585371

cant wait to see you cry

>> No.21585372

It was at $20 usd, more ppl are in..its obv its gonna go back just sit back and enjoy

>> No.21585394

you won't see anything through those slitted eyes chinkoid

>> No.21585409

i sold. sorry frens. i can't stand the typos on the github front page and in the pinned message in the telegram. it literally looks like english is this dev's third language

>> No.21585439

thats because it is. look at the developer.
he's a chink scammer, check their github

>> No.21585442

hhahhaahha dude i bet all u made in crypto is when u first bought eth a few months back u got 2x from that all other invesments from u must be a waste of time and money hahahaha keep fucking lying u dont impress noone anon we can all see trough your BS

>> No.21585443

he is chinese

>> No.21585527

>14 posts by this ID
>15 posts by this ID
you should probably alternate more than 2 IPs chink

>> No.21585546

dude there can be no rational motive behind u being here fudding all the time talking complete BS
if u didnt buy high and sell low why are u here tell me
Are u just a sad little creature who bought high and sold low or what the fuck why are u here nolifing?

>> No.21585554
File: 244 KB, 1280x960, tereaadffda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21585597

20 posts by your dumb ass and what is there any fucking reason for u to be here except from being a poor virgin cock

>> No.21585598

>dude there can be no rational motive behind u being here fudding
I'm here to fuck this chink scammers psyop up nigger kill your self, I know you are this gook, you don't have to pretend any more. Send your eye lid chang.

>> No.21585635

>20 posts by your dumb ass and what is there any fucking reason for u to be here except from being a poor virgin cock
i love making you seethe you chink subhuman

>> No.21585668

DOT is here

>> No.21585673

XiXi is well connected anons, dyor.

$100 is literally FUD.

>> No.21585679

dude look give me one fucking proof that this is a scam and ill dump my 1k shrimp as soon as i do that, till then FUCK OFF

>> No.21585696

theres your proof retard but lose all your money idc lmao

>> No.21585796

k, happy u are staying poor, dont talking to you

>> No.21585893

>k, happy u are staying poor, dont talking to you
hi XiXi lmfaooo
>10k link
pick one nigger youre the one desperately putting money into a fucking ponzi scheme chink scam because youre so poor

>> No.21585968

7.3$ better get it while it lasts

>> No.21586002

dude i more in two nights from crypto that you made in your best 3 months of your life, I have never scammed anyone, i did make some money on rug coins but i was lucky enough to get out before for some, for some i got burned, this is not one of the coins that will go down hard, it will go over its ATH this week i know it, i wont talk to you anymore you are like a fucking parrot no bran just repeating same fucking shit without any valid arguments fuck off now

>> No.21586069

woops 7.7$

>> No.21586083

i love wasting the time of you scammers can’t wait to see all you gooks and your families dying of famine maybe you can eat your virtual shrimp

>> No.21586088

i have made*
btw guys we back on track let the new pumps begin :)
Do not worry about stupid fudders, hex2t had them and thousands of other projects too :) even better filling baggs on the dips

>> No.21586110

7.9 fud all you want but price is back

>> No.21586131

that is sad u want me dead for what buying and shilling something i believe in u must have some shitty life

>> No.21586144

don’t get dumped on anons this scammer shilling >>21586002
is coordinated

>> No.21586187

wise man once said when you can smell the fud, profits are around the corner, think about that for a sec, most of the salty fudders had weak hands and sold before price went up and now they want to lower the price becouse they got rekt by their own weaknes haha

>> No.21586203

nah for being a chink lmao CHIN CHONG CHING DONG

>> No.21586236

yeah classic nolifers with nothing to do, too big of pussies to hodl but they have the time to fud with no arguments :D

>> No.21586252

poor man, just watch the ride from the side no need to fud without any good arguments, now tell us did you mis the increased price when you were selling?

>> No.21586313

holy shit kill yourself lmao i already showed all of the chink spelling and grammar mistakes as well as the gook scammer “dev” picture. i’m not here to convince paid shills not to shill (you) i’m here to warn poorfags that this is an obvious chink stealth rug scam

>> No.21586335


>> No.21586390

you really dont have a life, and no better argumments exept grammar?
thanks for convincig smart people in to buying while you are here fudding and crying hoping to get a better deal
haha misery

>> No.21586404

lol okay whatever wont argue with u anymore u are the dumbest guy i have ever seen on whole fuckin forchan i hope you kill yourself after u miss another 10x cuz of being a little bitch with no balls

>> No.21586460

We have more holders than ever you do the math and predictions it's up to you
my profit receptors are thingly

>> No.21586493

Buying a big bag in a couple of hours just waiting for my ETH transfer.... this is a moon coin

>> No.21586587

fellow wise man I will put 2 eth more in if the price dips a little more, so comfy coin to be in

>> No.21586727

hopefully you dont miss it i want to invest more but im. balls deep already if it dips again i will but for now we going new ath in holder number and this is just the begining letts go shrimpy pimpiys

>> No.21586817

681 holders

>> No.21586862

going to be 1kplus and 25 bucks in no time :)

>> No.21586925

where are u now dumb fuck it is pumping are u crying in the corner of the shed u live in?

>> No.21586994
File: 252 KB, 968x1457, 1590720757993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are you
making thousands of dollars every time link moves a cent

>> No.21587129

so why are you wasting your time trying to fud?
Liar your bags are smaller than your tiny cohones

>> No.21587130

ahahhahahh sure u are u no brain fucktwat
i will only have 150x when we pass your stupid links with that large MC

>> No.21587269

8.6$ no fud around anymore

>> No.21587307

you two pajeet shills don't deserve the $0.02 per post you are paid

>> No.21587344

yeah someone just copped like 10 eth worth, it is funny that only the guys with 400 or less tokens keep cashing out, top 10 wallets did not touch their bag, there is u guy who bought 20 eth worth of shrimps and never even sold so idk why this guy keeps wasting his miserable life trying to fud someone :D

>> No.21587369

i wish i was paid to shill, would breake your anus
im comfy with my bags

>> No.21587424

dude i wish i got one shrimp per post id be rich in a week but its ok i bought my own and u stay down in the mud, pigs enjoy playing in the mud, while whales and wolfs like me get rich

>> No.21587760



>> No.21588116

We're gonna get to 100 usd in no time

>> No.21588180

this will explode with this number of holders and total supply

>> No.21588592
