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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 132 KB, 1280x853, 1_tFvTpNLhiBLmB10V_6gYmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21579648 No.21579648 [Reply] [Original]

Is it over, boys?

>> No.21579702

uh no it was this price 2 days ago? And nothing changed except the market cap getting smaller

>> No.21579736

No but the organised FUD was masterful, well done.

>> No.21579791

you didn't mention the thread that caused a 25% crash literally 3 minutes after it got posted
>bbbb-but its not a ponzi scheme and thanossssss doooooood

>> No.21579820

Nah, it's the next big pump unironically. 3x from here 100%

>> No.21579907

That's because Bitcoin hit 12,400, retard.

>> No.21579927

imagine being as retarded as you are and not randomly forgetting how to breathe

>> No.21580219

24c to 22c is 25%?

>> No.21580403

remember selling creates less circulating supply. Its bullish. Its better than people just hodling

>> No.21580876

Um I just bought so hopefully not

>> No.21580938

I kid you not, there was 30 cunts on here today bragging about fudding down the price to accumulate 3-4 k.

Do what you wish with that knowledge

t. 30k bag holder thats never selling

>> No.21581061


>> No.21581216

5 am FUDder unite thread and TG posts. They have had all the FUD explained but still want cheaper bags it seems. I am curious how poor they are and if they realuze we do not have 3 years of time to accumulate like LINK and we need to move up with traction asap?

>> No.21581292

as long as we dont dip below 20-21 cents for a long period of time, we're fine

>> No.21581327

Yes, the last one available just burned.
The ones that are left in wallets are priceless and will likely never move.

>> No.21581355

Where do I have that meme image of those retards who thought they sinked the titanic just because they yelled at it.

>> No.21581393

Are you that retarded that you think a single thread on biz crashed it 25% or are you trying to be 'funny'

>> No.21581455
File: 81 KB, 830x738, 1597171076487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another oppurtunity to buy the dip.

Accumulate now brothers, we have a long road ahead.

>> No.21581460

Yeah, the fudders aren't very bright. They would rather skim a few hundred dollars of profit than just hold to make thousands or tens of thousands

>> No.21581638

yeah, sell all and leave us to go beyond 1$ in piece and without your stupid threads...

>> No.21581725

>btc and eth shoot up
>sta drops like a rock during the same period
>>>dude it's an index fund!!!

>> No.21581733

yea bro its actually cringe. Less than 12 months before this thing is absurd.

>> No.21581794

>btc and eth shoot up
They are looking pretty red to me like pretty much everything at the moment

>> No.21581840

>about fudding down the price to accumulate 3-4 k.
Those are rookie numbers for a whale like me. I'm starting to get really pissed off. Perhaps I should start offering to buy their stacks and manipulate the price myself, imagine them accidentally selling at under 5 cents only for the price to go all the way up to 50 cents in just 1 transaction.
Getting really pissed off at these dolphins who don't mind their own fucking business. The top 20 addresses haven't moved an inch and here come these noobs trying to accumulate more.

>> No.21581929

Please deal with them, theyre being fuckwits and dont realise this project is going to create millionaires.

>> No.21581946
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>> No.21581969
File: 213 KB, 480x360, cat11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it, shake out the weak hands anon.

>> No.21582020

Nothing changed, meaning this project still does absolutely nothing of value

>> No.21582033
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>> No.21582080
File: 142 KB, 600x364, 1597465979434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hasn't even started yet

>> No.21582082

why does it do nothing anon? explain it to me.

>> No.21582096

About as over as it was last time. I believed the FUD and sold at a minor profit. Less than 7 days later, if I'd just held, I'd have been up 20k.


>> No.21582119

I urge you to take some modest profits when it pumps so when the price drops and these fuckers try to fud the price lower, you can buy back in and drive the price up. You would be increasing your stack at the same time. I am a dolphin, but I don't know how much I could influence the price without swinging my whole stack, and that is just too risky for me

>> No.21582149

People actually think this

>> No.21582154

im actually curious to what kind of fud yellow faggot bro comes up with

t. Green Bro

>> No.21582166

you have no idea how fucking comfy I am anon.
I sold all my STA for massive proffit
I sold all my link at the top and I'm going to slowly DCA my way into the top 100 STA wallets. I'm going to buy at 20c, I'm going to buy at 15c, I'm going to buy at 10c.
I'll keep buying for the next 4 months untill we reach $1 EOY.
I'll keep buying until we hit $3. Then I'll sit back and wait for us to reach our rightful place as top 10 crypto assets and we unironically reach double digit $

>> No.21582170

Agree anon.

I don't understand why, but there's a lot of newfags on this coin and they keep getting manipulated to sell.

Please sell and never come back. Even if you found the next 50x you'd sell it in a heartbeat with a single FUD post. Plebbit is still open.

>> No.21582180

The overall trendline is still clearly upward, zoom out.

>> No.21582195 [DELETED] 

this shitcoin is totally finished. what a dumpsterfire

cow desk scale piper finish peak roar condition soft wet sing wheel

>> No.21582218

>dude it was the biz thread!!!!!

>> No.21582378

Nice seed phrase retard.

>> No.21582548
File: 2 KB, 416x26, Sta investors group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter, so much in works behind the scenes, you thinks those fud biz posts has done something? It maybe swayed few newfags and paper hands and that is it. There are many of us that hold through -90% dips, you think we will sell now after -15,-20% while gaining holders and so much in works.

I know things, source: PIC RELATED

>> No.21582642


Can you give us some breadcrumbs

>> No.21582644

STA will make you rich.
newfags are just too stupid to hold

>> No.21582657

Ooooooo BIG investors coming soon

>> No.21582872

>getting scammer by a tranny team

>> No.21582896

I tried recovering wallet from the phrase. Invalid.

>> No.21582982

Can I get a link to that?

>> No.21582995

Nice pump n dump sirs. Well done. Vishnu be praised

>> No.21583125

sell your STA for FLOW bros

>> No.21583211

Found the idiot whale who sold STA at a loss for Flow yesterday

>> No.21583356

Me too, anon, me too... Took profit was too early on my penny range buys. Bought back in way too high, but fuck it, still have almost double a sui.

Not selling again, this is the fucking vanguard of defi. that's obvious to this mong now

>> No.21583387
File: 369 KB, 2896x2896, 20200818_175503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"pump n dumb"
Okay Pajeet that's quite enough already, just spend your villages funds in statera and get the 1$ eom gains

>> No.21583421
File: 386 KB, 414x512, 1597631951599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21583477


>> No.21583551

This is next level fudding retardation. I am slightly impressed

>> No.21583561

Classic shakeout before the refund news.
Do you think its a coincident that all the fud came when they confirmed the refund this week and said that the exchange in the top 25 will come right after? Newfags never learn. They are even linking fud threads in tele saying keep up the fud just to accumulate more.

>> No.21583570

Kill yourself retard

>> No.21583612

And a couple 100 more holders

>> No.21583644


>> No.21583688

will suck dick for actual source

>> No.21583732
File: 137 KB, 900x810, 1597494640484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag with different ID .

We are not buying your STA ponzi trannies. JFC cant wait to see you all in kleros court

>> No.21583763
File: 81 KB, 720x706, 1597628682280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm scraping this coin up for pennies right now.

>> No.21583790
File: 442 KB, 1079x1369, IMG_20200818_082628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

devs are pajeet. and for that reason, I'm out.

>> No.21583855

lol, you don't even know what pajeet means

>> No.21583884

Yep, i'm out

>> No.21583885

>Alot of newfags in this coin
I've noticed this too. It makes threads fucking awful and incredibly cringeworthy. But I guess it's a good thing that's it's attracting people. But still it's so annoying seeing the amount of retard newfags posting in these threads.

>> No.21583913

Are you retarded, Scott Batha is a Dutch-South African and abu is an arab not an indian

>> No.21583921


No, It is closed narrow group of people that donated to development of project. We get info first but under agreement we won't say anything, all will be known in time. All I can say if after all around -20% dip is making you sell, crypto is not for you...

>> No.21583981

Hi, I would really like to make a lot of money so I can get rich and buy a car finally, do you think I can double my money quickly with this coin? Also where and how can I purchase it? I can probably buy 3 thousand dollars worth of shares, if I can triple that I can get myself a decent car. Thanks.

>> No.21583993
File: 305 KB, 663x597, EfZ8KqzXYAAaJD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scott Batha is a Dutch-South African
smerige kanker hond dus.

Scott ik weet dat je hier zit vieze kankerhond. Ik hoop dat je de kanker krijgt met je scamcoin, vieze oplichter.

>> No.21584000

uniswap sir

>> No.21584008

Those aren't pajeets you dumbass.

>> No.21584016
File: 74 KB, 750x292, A23C5BED-34A2-4209-95AC-7B8D89D88472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>btc and eth shoot up
lmao what chart are you looking at

>> No.21584021

You will likely never be able to sell 6000 dollars worth of STA, not enough liquidity plus most of the volume is fake.

>> No.21584033

Is that a website? Also do they accept debit card?

>> No.21584044
File: 769 KB, 800x450, 1597513819896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi, I would really like to make a lot of money so I can get rich and buy a car finally, do you think I can double my money quickly with this coin? Also where and how can I purchase it? I can probably buy 3 thousand dollars worth of shares, if I can triple that I can get myself a decent car. Thanks.

sire you need to do needful for my village instead yes.

>> No.21584088

Could very well be a paki. Many pakis are called Abu Bakr, its a common sunni name, and pakis are literally pajeets, ethnically no difference between them and indians

>> No.21584105

Yes, a dollar won't be hard to achieve, which is a 5x from here

There is nearly $1 mil in liquidity on uniswap alone

>> No.21584115

I am a top 30. I am tempted to sell my other hding to get to top 20 off these fudfools.

>> No.21584163

>There is nearly $1 mil in liquidity on uniswap alone
90% of that being fake volume
Anyways, show me one single buy or sell order of 6000 dollars worth of STA or more. I'll wait.

>> No.21584167

do I really have to make the bait more obvious for you faggots? nuke India

>> No.21584173

If you know, you know...

>> No.21584240

You're a sperg

>> No.21584255

Woah... sekrit 200$ investors club...

>> No.21584294

>fake volume
On uniswap. With $10 gas fees.
Are you even trying?

>> No.21584297

oops meant to send this one

>> No.21584322

Kill yourself you fucking faggot

Is that a joke? There's a million dollars of volume a day on uniswap. That amount of STA wouldn't even cause 0.5% price slippage. Now you are just lying.

>> No.21584339

I legit just laughed my ass off irl, thankyou sir

>> No.21584367

Trust me, I DO know.

>> No.21584369

I don't think you know how uniswap works. Liquidity can not be "fake volume". That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.21584405
File: 15 KB, 525x208, STA buy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go sad fuck

>> No.21584424


Abu-Bakr? Al-Baghdadi?

>> No.21584443

Now show me someone selling 6000

>> No.21584464

It will keep being over every time I dump over 30c and fud the shit out of it to rebuy at 20c.

>> No.21584512

where do buy coin sir?

>> No.21584541

Did you know you can make money if it goes to 40c, too? Novel concept, I know, but it is true

>> No.21584551
File: 15 KB, 483x203, STA sell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you are trolling and geting keks out of it, but for sake of newfags, here is your sell kek

>> No.21584619

Dumped there too to rebuy lower, and plan on doing it again.

>> No.21584635
File: 58 KB, 512x512, 54873154975125713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sta is the comfiest hold of 2020 desu

>> No.21584663

>telegram bot developee by tranny dev team
Fuck you tranny enabler. You can't trust that

>> No.21584699

I'm pretty sure you are trolling but there is 800k of liquidity on uniswap alone.

>> No.21584706

where is the guy that was posting cute lain pics

>> No.21584744

thank me later


>> No.21584752

You know you can look at etherscan. You can even type in any amount of STA on uniswap to see the slippage it would cause.

>> No.21584758
File: 825 KB, 719x719, 1597673704083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take meds niggers

>> No.21584803

It;s on Uniswap you fucking idiot!. How can volume be fake? This fudding is unbelievable. This is 2013 fud on btctalk. Lmao!. Kids

>> No.21584876

Yeah, I think you are full of shit

>> No.21584885

You are a dumb tranny enabler. You are the dumbest tranny enabler I have ever seen.

Lmao why are you writing like if you were in Telegram?? Really makes you think

>> No.21584895

Is that you Scott?

>> No.21584918
File: 163 KB, 389x499, 1597732116677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boss you ok, come in?

>> No.21584921

Jonathan you're weird.

>> No.21584970

Literally the great white hope. We are all going to make it.

>> No.21585007

Bro I know you you're that guy that jacks off to trannies in /gifs/ every morning whats up?

>> No.21585010
File: 33 KB, 303x298, based2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21585049

>Is it over, boys?
it' s been over for some time. just delusional bag holding cope trying to get retards to buy their bags over the last few weeks, if not months.

>> No.21585092


I thought it was going to happen like, a few days ago? why does the refund story always seem to change?

>> No.21585096

What was the price 3 weeks ago?

>> No.21585138

It was finalized a few days ago, but no one except Balance Labs knows when they will actually distribute the funds

>> No.21585145

Months? This project is only a few months old.

>> No.21585233

>delusional bag holding cope
Im up 23x in a month. Retards have been saying its over since the start and its just keep rising overtime. Not buying STA at this price is completly retarded. This will obviously keep growing.

>> No.21585263

Where are you getting information?

>> No.21585291

It never changed. They clearly stated that it would be under 2 weeks review for people to make sure everything was correct. It got finalized on friday and the refund is this week

>> No.21585294

>Bag hodling cope
My bag worth 2000 2 week ago
My bag worth 40000 now
I don't cope you just sold

>> No.21585335

You fucking dumb nigger. Do you know how uniswap works at all? The volume can't be faked.

I'm not showing you shit because you wouldn't believe it anyway.

>> No.21585341
File: 25 KB, 480x360, scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ivan said on the live show that he talked to them , they called from Nigeria, so you know....

>> No.21585353

I lost so much money on this garbage. I desperately wish I just sold at .30 yesterday with no loss. I was delusional to think it would ever reach .50 again. Learned a hard lesson from this atleast and won't fall for scams again.

>> No.21585360

>fake volume on a dex
kek average fud iq

>> No.21585387

From Statera announcements

>> No.21585422

lol, did you sell?

>> No.21585544

The whole story of STA is a good example of why people need to learn about these projects instead of just trying to bandwagon them. There's a reason PNK and LINK for example are popular. STA was such a fad lately that people even started treating it as equivalent to those two, regardless of the fact that the entire concept was just an ordinary shitcoin with a supply burn.

I'm sure some people did make some money on this. Congratulations, you took advantage of desperate retards. The rest of you: the next time you want to jump into a project like this, ask yourself: is there something valuable here other than an attempt to generate wealth for early investors? If the answer is "no," then you should tread very lightly. Yes, STA managed to climb quite a bit, but it's an outlier. Plenty of similar "uniswap gems" crash and burn. If you made money on STA, be warned, you won't be so lucky again in the future.

>> No.21585562

Just did. Converted my whole stack to RSR. Best move I've ever made

>> No.21585583

It's entirely obvious that you fudders are all PNK faggot 16 year olds trying to become the most popular coin on biz! Faggots

>> No.21585588

lol, thanks for the free money. I have some RSR too

>> No.21585600

We're gonna see about that in a couple of weeks

>> No.21585651

STAggots get the Kleros electric chair.

>> No.21585662


>> No.21585707

You guys are cringy as fuck. If you have to fud other coins to prop up yours, what does that say about your coin?

>> No.21585825

This isn't rooting for football teams, anon. We're talking about serious investments with a lot of your money. The degree of tribalism you see in STA threads is proof positive that it's a bandwagon P&D.

>> No.21585885

Do you base all your investments on whats said on /biz or ???

>> No.21585977

>The degree of tribalism you see in STA threads is proof positive that it's a bandwagon P&D.

Dont get me wrong fuck sta its a ponzi.

But pnk/ link had/have the same tribal energy

>> No.21585981

Something you see posted a lot on /biz/ is the phrase "DYOR." It's honestly the best advice you'll get anywhere on this site. Unfortunately /biz/ is a mixture of get rich quick pajeets, useful idiots, and people who make sound investments. There are no easy answers, but there are as many people peddling them as there are people asking for them.

>> No.21585990
File: 325 KB, 600x428, 1597626123700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get it while it's cheap!!!!!

>> No.21586022

>But pnk/ link had/have the same tribal energy
Yeah but we're just kidding when we do it.

>> No.21586046

>The degree of tribalism you see in STA threads
Why are you even in this thread? You clearly have something to gain by being here. Either you view STA as a threat, which is retarded since it isn't similar to PNK at all, or you want to buy cheaper, which is also retarded since it was 3c a couple of weeks ago

>> No.21586064
File: 81 KB, 224x289, 1575948272074.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lain anon! You're back.
I missed you yesterday during the dump.

>> No.21586076

>If you made money on STA, be warned, you won't be so lucky again in the future.
Everything I own is in the green, nice cope loser lmao

>> No.21586167
File: 208 KB, 476x575, You_weak_little_fools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21586189
File: 107 KB, 807x825, 1597612944970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's that I've only been here since the start of the summer

>> No.21586397

Because everyone needs to have ulterior motives right? No some people actually care for their fellow humans so much that they dont want to see unknowing anons fall prey to these scams. These things are live ruining its not the same as trimming rune armour thats just a game. These are real lives youre playing with you're not stealing from the rich youre taking it from the poor. Which makes the persons doing these terrible human beings who in my opinion should watch their every step they better have their exit scam on lockdown because there only has to be 1 anon that gets to know who you are and where youre from and your whole life is ruined.

>> No.21586468 [DELETED] 

I fudded to try and get an entry price below .20, but it seems people are eyeing that price point and got in. Oh well, thanks for the cheese

>> No.21586473

Sta Whale here, and 4chan veteran.

A few things:
It is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for Statera to be a scam.
Even if I, and every other top 20 wallet sold tomorrow, Statera would still recover, new whales would be made, and the price would eventually recover and grow.
That's the nature of the way its designed. Its quite beautiful when you understand it, and very comforting.
You all know what FUD is. It comes in waves. These waves are as regular as clockwork.
It happened at 1c ("OMG, its going under a cent forever! Sell while you still can")
It happened at 5c after we crabbed for a while and its happening again now between 20 & 25c.
It will continue when we're at 50c and beyond. It's a guarantee.
This is perfectly normal, and has happened since the dawn of crypto time.
3 types of people are FUDDING (not just Statera, but every other good project):
Those who missed an earlier dip and are pissed off they didn't get more/a first buy-in. They want that big dip for a low entry point.
Those who are trying their very hardest to swing for a few thousand extra Sta. These people will be say ANYTHING. It doesn't even need to be intelligent for it to work on those with weak hands. And it hardly ever is intelligent, kek.
And finally, those people from other coins, who somehow, in their finite wisdom, believe that this whole thing is like supporting your favourite sports team and booing a rival will make your team better.


FUD is here to stay. Ignore it. Please.
If you wanna invest in something, read the whitepaper, road map, etc. Check out the wallets, see how decentralized they are, see how the community is. Understand the fundamentals.
Don't let other people take your money away from you.

>> No.21586485

Military wage cuck < McDonald's wagie
All the benefits are sub 3 star Yelp reviews. Unless you really hate sand niggers. Don't do it kids.

>> No.21586538
File: 1.00 MB, 850x1275, 1597448056030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something you see posted a lot on /biz/ is the phrase "DYOR."

yup thank god I actually am a software engineer student and did a blockchain intership so i know wtf to look for in good projects.

pro tip : sta aint it.

pro tip 2: PNK is.

pro tip 3: I dont know how markets work so DYOFR I only know good technology from bad , not marketing or price predictions.

>> No.21586543

Absolutely retarded. Pretending to be altruistic by fudding a coin is moronic at the deepest levels. No one believes that you have anyone's best interest in mind. Just give up.

>> No.21586585


>> No.21586591
File: 1.18 MB, 1043x693, cat17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please step on my face with your cute toesies, sir.

>> No.21586605


Thank you. Everyone else who is a newfag, please read this guy's post. The end, fuck everything else.

>> No.21586672

They will find where you live tranny. Watch your steps. Anons are good in tracking.

>> No.21586774

Sure thing faggot

>> No.21586812

Thank you for this, Anon!
I impulse bought 6,000 STA in the middle of the night after finding out about it and watching the short video on the Statera website. I didn't DCA and the price dropped big time. But this give me hope and I wont sell now !

>> No.21586813

Youre trying to save people from making 20x their money? Because that's how much STA is up in a month

>> No.21586882

If I had any doubt you're full of shit, this would've dispelled it. Good God man, that was the least believable load of verbiage I've heard since the last Boris Johnson covid update.

>> No.21586939

What's the suicide stack

>> No.21586955


>> No.21587002

newfag here, you guys say suicide stack a lot but what does it actually mean? i thought it meant you buy such a large amount you either make it or kill yourself. but 10,000 STA does not seem like a lot. do you mean 10k USD?

>> No.21587031

>4chan veteran
kek. back to telegram nigger.

>> No.21587073



>> No.21587086
File: 384 KB, 754x1158, 1595720566786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the coin whose developers you want to have your money when you kys. It's just a nice thing suicidal people on this board do. When I commit suicide I'm to give my "suicide stack" to PNK because the memes are funny haha

>> No.21587113

Future proofing to not kill yourself

>> No.21587120

It pretty much means that you have enough to not swing from a rope if and when the price shoots up.

I'd say 10k Sta is a decent suicide stack. We could see huge returns over the next few months heading into the new year and then 2021 could be a LOT of fun.

>> No.21587160

A suicide stack is the minimum amount needed to not feel the urge to kill yourself when it moons. If you have less than a suicide stack, you will want to kill yourself for not having bought more when it was cheap.

You have
Fuck you stack
Make it stack
Comfy stack
Suicide stack

>> No.21587423

>They will find where you live tranny. Watch your steps. Anons are good in tracking.
Not your personal army.

>> No.21587494

You are extremely new here.

>> No.21587608

post wallet

>> No.21588402

On telegram?

>> No.21588485

>software engineer student
>blockchain intern
Know your place child, you are a minnow relative to a few of us.

Some advice: Think bigger. This has been spoonfed enough.

T. Tenured Assistant Professor of Systems and Computational modeling at Carnegie Mellon with a background in macro-economics been an oldfag since 2005 in undergrad on /g/

>> No.21588579

>T. Tenured Assistant Professor of Systems and Computational modeling at Carnegie Mellon with a background in macro-economics been an oldfag since 2005 in undergrad on /g/

Ok faggot.

>> No.21588580
File: 449 KB, 1082x695, 1591646405862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STAstronaut checking in
Comfy level still 9/10
As soon as some news comes in STA will pump again
Once the refund comes we will break new ATH

>> No.21588678

Yes. They posted about it at the beginning of the month. Those of us that had reimbursements coming had to check the Excel file to ensure that the numbers were correct before they were finalized.

>> No.21588772

Damn, if that is true, consider me impressed

>> No.21589082
File: 98 KB, 461x416, 1583695319461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
