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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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213703 No.213703 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, I won the lottery of over 30€ million and need your advice.

What would you do in my place? What first steps and measures would you take? What would you invest in and how would you go about it?

I was thinking of buying stocks for a good chunk and found 3-4 startups for which I had ideas for the past 5-7 years in my head.

Buying gold/silver is not an option and crypto currency is retarded. I'm a modest person who can mangage his finances very well. I also don't expect to be broke soon due to living la vida loca.

>> No.213707

Buy dogecoin
Short PRAN

>> No.213711

>finish year in uni
>program all day everyday from dusk till dawn till I'm the fucking master
>use money to fund all of my app/website ideas

>> No.213712

Buy apartments to rent out to people.

>> No.213713

Step 1) Do nothing for the first year. Just learn about investing

Step 2) After learning, you will know what to do

>> No.213715

30 million is a lot. More then I could spend in a lifetime.
>What would you do in my place?
Do handouts to my fellow less fortunate biz bros. 500, 1000, whatever. Not like you'd even notice.

>> No.213719

>giving money away for free

>> No.213720

>helping fellow financial anons with their struggles
Protip: The world isn't about you.

>> No.213731

Hooked nosed jew pls go

>> No.213737

>world isn't about you
Go relay that message to people asking for free handouts. OP is a fool if he gives away money for free to no benefit of his own. Remember the golden rule: the guy with all the gold makes all the rules.

>> No.213734


What board do you think you're on?

>> No.213735

I would get 5m of gold just in-case the economy shits the bed again. From there >>213713 sounds like the smart move.
Also I would not have anyone else manage it for me, I have known a few people that got screwed hard.

>> No.213738

Buy Z8Games. Make Crossfire playable again so I can think the video game industry is worth it.

>> No.213740

Can I haz monies OP? Plz gib me.

>> No.213743

Also can I have $25K to start a margin account. I have a paper money account worth 1.8M starting from 200K. That feel when too poor though for live trading.

>> No.213750

I forgot to mention I would also get 1m of bitcoin and use it to manipulate altcoin markets. From what I have seen $100,000 is enough to increase prices 10 fold on many coins.

>> No.213752

Send me a bit, you won't miss 10 k :^)

>> No.213756

I know how to make you a billionaire.

>> No.213759

Invest in ENRON.

>> No.213773

Would you suggest going to university, if so what course of studies shoud I choose?
I also intend managing all my finances on my own and get counseling from several sources - just like with doctors.
Sent ;)

>> No.213777

You have enough money for you an your children to live in luxury. Be safe in your investments and don't get greedy. The money you earn will make no practical difference in your life especially if your spending is as modest as you claim.

>> No.213780

>What would you do in my place

15M to the catholic church
100K of pissing away money to get it out of your system
Invest and reinvest the rest taking only 35K/year out. If you want a hirer quality of living, get a job.

>> No.213783

there are people who specialize in helping lottery winners manage their money
you should probably contact such a person (call your lottery office to find out)

>> No.213786

This anon is right. Also I'm sure dozens of actually good books have been written on how to handle windfalls like this or inheritances.

>> No.213794

1. Tell no one you know in real life. This will attract the sort of attention you DO NOT WANT right now.
2. Find a lawyer. A good one. Get him to help you manage securing the money and depositing it into a bank account. Also consider getting a tax guy on the payroll so he can help you figure out how much you owe the government and all.
3. Go to a wealth management advisor, preferably at one of the bulge bracket banks. Have the manage 10-20 million of your money, whatever amount you prefer. They'll deliver a steady return over the years and you can count that cash as "secure".
4. For the rest of your money, invest at your leisure after doing research. There are many groups, sites, and resources to learn how.

I'm willing to advise you on these matters for a low, low fee. (Less than the 5-digits that people here are asking you for).

>> No.215161

hey op, congratulations

look up i-bonds. these are fixed interest rate bonds, with interest added on top for inflation. even if you invest only 20 million in this, youll be getting 500k/year to live off of for as long as you want (that means kids and grandkids too)

good luck

>> No.215165

fucking hire an accountant, that the first thing you should do

>> No.215175


OP start by dumping say 3-5 million into an annuity and paying yourself a regular salary. I think 100k / year is pretty solid.


Once you have taken care of not having to work a normal job, STUDY. You have all the time in the world to learn. Let the money grow interest in the mean time and just enjoy life.

The only thing money is good for is buying the freedom to do what you really want to do in life. Don't sacrifice that freedom by spending like a nigger and being foolish.

Good luck OP.

>> No.215178

Hire a financial adviser, and just make sure you aren't scammed into anything.

>> No.215181

> what course of studies should I choose?
Bachelor of Commerce. Study economics/finance/accounting papers. Maybe do an MBA.

>> No.215193

Don't bother going to school, unless you want to go into research or you just love the academic environment (in which case, hope you get into Ivy League). As far as learning goes, you can learn yourself much more efficiently. If it's a hard science, take a class at a community college with a professor who offers extra help out of class. He'll probably be willing to answer advanced questions even if it doesn't relate to class work.

If I was in your shoes, I would probably just focus on self-education/self-enrichment. Don't become like those lottery winners who buy a McMansion and remain low class pieces of shit their entire lives. Become a person who could have earned that money even if it wasn't awarded to him.

Most importantly, eat good food and splurge on a great bed with good sheets. Eating and sleeping well are two of the biggest factors in your overall well-being. Secure those, and everything will come easier. You don't have to worry about proximity to your job, so maybe get a place on the outskirts of town where you have nature around you. Doesn't have to be expensive.

>> No.215222

Create a CD ladder using 200k increments. You'll need 12 million to make 60 (1 per month for 5 years). As each one matures, you live off the interest, then roll over what you have left.

At 2% that's 20k a MONTH for the rest of your life.

>> No.215235

30 million in platinum

>> No.215255

get a lawyer
set up a trust fund in which you can put money into the fund under a company name or whatever, and then be able to draw out of it anonymously to the public.

Tho, you're in LOLrupe, so idk, thinks might be different. There should be a certain way to get your money without anyone knowing in public terms, though your govt will know and will tax you.

>> No.215664

Did you get an email saying you won the Irish lottery or some other lottery you never entered? It's a well-known scam, so be very, very careful. Don't send money to anyone and don't have contact with anyone other than the official lottery staff.

>> No.215686

These are all good. Keep your spending and investments conservative and you will be fine. Buy real estate, blue chip stocks, bonds, then live off your income, don't touch the principle.
Study what you like, spend much of your time doing things you enjoy, but you have a job just managing your money.
No private jets (but you could afford a Cessna, even a Beechcraft if flying is your passion). No fleet of luxury cars (but if you really enjoy cars, a Porsche isn't unreasonable). You can afford to travel (but no string of luxury vacations one after another). You can have nice clothes (but not a bunch of crazy expensive high fashion stuff). Keep it in balance, you can now afford a hobby or two but you can't afford ALL of them (at least not for long).

>> No.215702

I would smoke shitloads of crack. the interest per day is more than what you can smoke in a week.

>> No.215728

Holy shit I hate people like you

>> No.215730

Until the guy with all the Uranium comes along.

>> No.215755


Can you pump PND.

Pretty please.

>> No.215772

Invest in gold, all of it.

>> No.215791

Put anything but a years living expenses in one of those locked accounts banks offer for a fixed interest. This gives you a year to actually think this through and educate yourself instead of, say, consulting an online image board with a question this unspecific.

Also the startups: don't rush into those, check if you have an actual business model first. As for first steps, google Business model canvas poster and see if you can fill all the boxes sufficiently. Then plan a budget if your model looks viable.

>> No.215928

I-bonds would be great except

>Maximum purchase

>$10,000 each calendar year for each Social Security Number.


OP could set up I-bonds at the maximum rate for 2,000 years and still only have 2/3 of his wealth invested.

>> No.215989

Just throw it in a savings account with like a 1% interest rate. Wow a free fucking 300k income per year for the rest of your life and all of your children

>> No.216033 [DELETED] 




>> No.216260

Protocol on unexpected large sums of money is /biz/ related anyway. Many of us have inheritances coming so it's good advice regardless.

>> No.216275

>Hey /biz/, I won the lottery
No, you didn't, because every lottery winner is always immediately mobbed by people with financial advice.

Still, it's a cool hypothetical situation that a lot of people think about. I have very detailed plans for what I'd do with that general magnitude of money.

I don't play the lotto, though, because I am good at math. I have a technology company that I'll be selling in the near future, which will essentially be like winning a (small) lottery. Enough for me to realize all my hypothetical financial plans. Feels good bro.

>> No.216293
File: 21 KB, 372x260, 1394244585950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ 'Cryptocurrencies and how do I make money threads'

>> No.216318

Damnit I was going to make this same thread.

>but then I didn't win the lottery

>> No.216343

I think this thread turned into "what would you do if you won 30 million in a lottery?"

I would make sure my money is safe and secure first of all, and set that all up like what has been suggested in this thread (investments, returns, etc). I would probably finish the last year of my engineering degree for the hell of it. After this semester is over I would take a nice, long vacation this summer somewhere nice, and I would enjoy it.

After I graduate I would probably take another long vacation, probably a cruise too. I would want to travel the world for a bit, knowing that my money is all set up so I don't have to worry about it.

After that I wouldn't really know what to do. I definitely wouldn't get a job, fuck that. I think I would spend my time in hobbies and crafts, maybe even more travel. I'd build a sweet garage and restore old cars, then take them out for a drive on sunny days. I'd focus on my lifting more, and train to be a decent weightlifter (I have all the time I want to focus on it anyways)

I'd want to live on the beach though, so I'd buy / build a beachhouse. It doesn't have to be anything spectacular, but something that I'd like. Basically I would make it my goal to have as little stress as possible for the rest of my life.

>> No.216386

Spend however long it takes to become a master at forex trading. Then I would probably spend a few years advocating and trying to abolish corporate personhood, superpacs, that whole ridiculous thing. Then I would probably set up a woodworking shop and make furniture and whatever else I wanted while traveling for a few months a year and forex trading every so often. Maybe get in to amateur racing, formula ford or something.