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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 227 KB, 900x900, maki rsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21568554 No.21568554 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, is RSR a good investment? Help me anons.

>> No.21568660
File: 703 KB, 1200x791, Kim Yo-Jong Reserve Rights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me frens, I will provide the memes for this evening free of charge.

>> No.21568709


>Thiel invested
>CB invested
>no Binance listing yet
>no CB listing
>Token burn
>less supply than xrp (which hit $3 + 2017)

I’d say this has at least a 10x in it. Don’t chase though OP. There will be retraces.

>> No.21568733

did I get cancel? RSR is good

>> No.21568747
File: 111 KB, 1200x960, Dd5qKuKVMAAeFj0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is a better project than most

>> No.21568753

100x from here likely at the peak of the bullrun

>> No.21568755

RSR might unironically start wars. It's based, but also incredibly ballsy.

>> No.21568791

where to buy rsr seems like the only coin on biz other than link not shilled by a curry crew

>> No.21568813

it's definitely been shilled by curry crews but that doesn't make it a bad project

>> No.21568852

Post eye your shitskin faggot

>> No.21568870

That does sound pretty based ngl

>> No.21569004

This is one I'm waiting for winter to buy and throw in cold storage.

>> No.21569098

I take it back, but poos aren't colonizers. RSR is the colonizer coin. It's merely coincidental if poos shill the white mans coin (or Jew coin depending on who you ask)

>> No.21569217

You don’t deserve the RSR 100x if you haven’t already invested.

Let me make this perfectly clear for you mongoloids:


We hit an all time high recently following NO ANNOUNCEMENTS and it’s only up from here. Let this be a prophetic warning to get the fuck in before we breach five cents. Once that happens, you can kiss the train goodbye.

>> No.21569283

It might actually succeed in making RSV become the ultimate, true, stable coin, thereby making banks obsolete.
Just think about how RSV factors into international trade.

>> No.21569310

Lots of Indians trying to lure westeners into this.

India hustle coin, I'm staying away. Just look at the shilling in this thread. '100x very good coin sirs pls buy sirs!' fuck off

>> No.21569340

How does $56 RSR sound? $0.07 EOM, normies priced out of a suicide stack by EOY.

>> No.21569413

This better be good or I'm taking everyone who shilled to the Kleros court.

>> No.21569463

Guy, please explain to me how to buy.

>> No.21569510
File: 447 KB, 992x414, christopher columbus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not want to be one of the first to explore and conquer a new frontier?

>> No.21569511
File: 311 KB, 750x563, indian nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy on uniswap sir

>> No.21569737

What's the link?

>> No.21569769


>> No.21570698
File: 935 KB, 1080x1220, hot_tamale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you rsr chads thought that if this project actual does fulfill its intended purpose we are literally at the start of one of the greatest financial transfer of wealth, it at the beginning there was shitposters from 4chan.

We're the ground floor.

Tier 1 exchanges are one story, we got 100 stories left to climb.

Congrats on making it.

>> No.21570795


Its funny because you are getting obscenely rich but actually helping poor people at the same time

>> No.21570799
File: 357 KB, 794x971, 1597659271197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

900k here reporting

>> No.21571093

You forgot:
>less satoshi value than XRP in January 2017.

Back when XRP was $0.006, its satoshi value was something like 600 sats. Reserve is around 200 sats right now and already at 2 cents. That implies a 3x minimum from here just to be on par with XRP in January 2017.
This is why I went in hard with RSR. People will see it's a few cents and FOMO in after an exchange listing.

>> No.21571116


>> No.21571180

you have almost exactly a month until conbase listing

>> No.21571208


>> No.21571231

'how do i buy sir

>> No.21571239

welp time to buy an urbit id

>> No.21571249

read their blog. i swear no one here fucking reads anything

>> No.21571293

no, i dont read anything because I havent bought in yet
i guess I have a little bit of time then, but I will definitively get some before it gets listed

>> No.21571315
File: 32 KB, 750x546, shout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What pair has good liquidity with this shit? My ETH and BTC always fails on uniswap. I need RSR reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.21571335

there is no way for usa biggers to buy other than hotbit lol

>> No.21571339

ETH worked fine for me, the gas fees make me unironically want to blow my brains out though

>> No.21571362

i like rsr, but this is pretty bad ngl

>> No.21571364

Give the link I didn't find it in the blog
Also, the current token is a placeholder, do you know when the real token will drop and how we can get it?

>> No.21571461

This is literally the only thing stopping me from going balls deep, why is it so shit?

>> No.21571527

Too lazy to look. Long story short they state they're releasing another couple billion coins for new markets. They use a slow wallet that takes 4weeks to release. They said a couple of days ago they were pulling the trigger- meaning minimum 4 weeks til drop. Dyor. Disregard fud. And we'll be wealthy colonizers.

>> No.21571641


>> No.21571677

>tfw only 550K
>tfw priced out of hitting 1M

>> No.21571721

Just sold my stack. Thanks for saving me

>> No.21571747
File: 25 KB, 871x354, uhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean there's 12 billion tokens out there waiting to dump on us when the thing finally releases?

>> No.21571881

yes, now move on

>> No.21571889
File: 662 KB, 2224x1162, 1595879182804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll buy $500 when trump bux comes in

>> No.21571899
File: 103 KB, 882x505, RSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21571906
File: 116 KB, 1481x1062, mkr8-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's MKR's turn

>> No.21571921

kek, I love how people just photoshop the logo onto random irrelevant images. fantastic.

>> No.21572043

really huh?... am I missing something or...

>> No.21572071

no you discovered what nobody thought of, move on

>> No.21572217

is 2k enough to make it sirs?

>> No.21572289
File: 123 KB, 1126x512, photo_2020-08-18_09-44-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21572302

moving on a bit quick there hey bucko?

>> No.21572363

I really can't wrap my head around this coin model. It seems like some sort of elaborate scheme, but looking at the team and investors it looks more legit than 99% of projects. wut do?

>> No.21572379

you fags literally investing in a cb product? at this point you deserve to lose money

>> No.21572542

why should it grow in value? i dont see any reason? i just read a little bit but nothing special bout it

>> No.21572626

you are right move on

>> No.21572638

it WAS, shills already made big profits.

>> No.21572681

just dump it anons

>> No.21572685

100% true.
I will unironically sell my bags tonight when I come home from work (My boss asked me to do some overtime today, hope it doesn't dip too low by the time I come home), the uncertainty of the team and the various racist and sexist comments I've seen posted by my fellow RSR holders (incels) on /biz/ have made me want to get off this ride, I don't want to be associated with this project anymore.
My wife's boyfriend had his eyes on a Subaru he saw on Craigslist for a while now, his birthday is coming up and I think my useless RSR will finally have a real world impact and make someone happy, unlike yours.

>> No.21572705


>> No.21572740


>> No.21572803

What's funny is that first paragraph can be applied to any coin