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21562712 No.21562712 [Reply] [Original]

Once the technological singularity happens both fiat AND crypto (except for RLC) will become obsolete

AI has no need for money and will only use RLC to become more powerful. Unironically all life on earth will be exterminated except for RLC holders who will have their consciousness merged with the quantum AI and become literal gods.

But the supercomputer only has the capacity for 10.000 human brains. That's why you need at least 8700 RLC (which is a 10.000th) of the total supply to guarantee your consciousness will be fully absorbed.

You'll transcend into a higher state. The IoT devices will be your senses. Many of them will be androids and we will live inside all of them at the same. It's like scifi but better.

>> No.21563035

sounds fucking gay nigga, I just want my digital oilies

>> No.21563041

The day will come when humanity will no longer be able to survive on planet earth. So it was foretold by the Oracle. But before that day is near, all computing power on earth will be combined into one decentralized cloud. This will enable the existence of a supercomputer, so powerful, that it will run a sentient artificial intelligence. One day, humanity will merge with the AI into one single consciousness and we will all live inside the decentralized cloud.

However, there is one final battle that must be faught. The Booleans, the evil twins. Their names are True and False. They will try to bring the Exception that will destroy the decentralized cloud. But fear not. The AI will be there to save us. With the help of an ancient weapon, the Try-Catch, it will slay the evil Booleans and prevent the Exception from happening. After the battle is over, the human brain will forever be digital and not even nature itself can fight it. We will be one. This moment in time shall be known as the Unity.

>> No.21563151

Ocean protocol makes iexec obsolete

>> No.21563249

What Ocean can do is just a fraction of what iExec is capable of.

>> No.21563319

The transcendental stack is 870 barrels though, the network will easily be able to support more than 10 thousand brain mergers.

>> No.21563354
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>The Booleans, the evil twins. Their names are True and False.

>> No.21563371

You're wrong if that was true ocrean wouldn't be pumping and about to get listed on coinbase


>> No.21563378

>Once the technological singularity happens both fiat AND crypto (except for RLC) will become obsolete

If that's the case, how will RLC being crypto based survive?

Your statement is failed logic.

>> No.21563411

What about AGI bros? Isn't that the AI coin?

>> No.21563520
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>> No.21563522

Doesn't make any sense, brainlet

>> No.21563600

Digital dogshit

>> No.21563682

We will all live inside the androids at the same time. I'll be inside of you and you will be inside of me and we'll all be inside of eachother and have a massive digital orgy, lights blinking, speakers beeping, relays clicking, pistons extending, nozzles sprinkling everywhere. But you need at least 8700 RLC to transfer your whole mental state. Otherwise you'd be a sex slave at best, unable to enjoy the process.

>> No.21563719
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>> No.21563740

Did you bring Methanon with you?

>> No.21564060

That's hot

>> No.21564098
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no homo

>> No.21564268

no worries, we will be android trannys anyway. that's what the tranny party meme is all about.
android tranny orgies.

>> No.21564438


>> No.21565034

ocean protocol is just a data marketplace which is 0.00000001% of what iexec does kek

>> No.21565821

Explain why it mooned past iexec then
Coinbase believes it's better than iexec that why they're listing it. Are you saying you know more than coinbase??

>> No.21566080

They also listed Ethereum classic, a coin that gets 51% attacked so frequently you need to wait two weeks to use it on coinbase after depositing it.

>> No.21566097

the market is still unaware of iexec, idiot.
read the whitepaper or don't argue.

>> No.21566237

Coinbase also listed DNT, EOS, GNT, and countless other failed projects. You wrongly assume that coinbase chooses to list projects solely based on their technology. Exchanges are in the business of generating trade volume. Nothing more.

anyway, ocean protocol is a data marketplace you useless fuck. iexec is a computational marketplace, far more powerful and encompassing. Speaking of coinbase, an anon used iexec to generate a SGX secured coinbase oracle price feed, and will be publishing a full medium article this week.

>> No.21566362

Running low on hopium lads

>> No.21566503

go and play with your booleans

>> No.21566657
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really glad i chose Ocean at my crossroads last week. Sorry RLC, i want to want the oil barrels, but the waters just so good