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File: 20 KB, 709x311, bancorlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21559665 No.21559665 [Reply] [Original]

Bancor V2 is a complete failure. It doesn't give the best rates, it doesn't solve impermanent loss, the devs are now paying $100 for other people to create data dashboards because they are too incompetent to do it themselves.
If you continue holding Bancor for the rest of this week it will be the worst decision of your entire life.
Under $1 by Friday

>> No.21559714
File: 174 KB, 563x501, Screenshot_20200817-123037_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21560593

is this fud or real

>> No.21560709

why post a fud thread when the catalog is completely empty of bancor posts? All it's going t odo is make more people aware of Bancor, which means some with DYOR, which means more people will buy.
If you want the price to go down just don't post about it at all. It's not like the shills are exactly flooding the board

>> No.21561010

i'm sitting comfy with my bnt bag right now

>> No.21561062

Same. Unreasonably comfy

>> No.21561418

you staking your stack? only managed to get a small amount in to the link pool

>> No.21561471

I’m only 100 IQ so I haven’t figured out staking yet was waiting till caps were lifted

>> No.21561643


'Once a layer 2 DEX arrives we wont need layer 1 DEX's' - Andreas Antonopoulos

Stakenet makes this obsolete

>> No.21561724

devs already investigating l2 solutions for bancor, why would stakenet make this obsolete?

>> No.21561831
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x950, DEX RAIDEN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stakenet isn't investigating, it's already implemented. Full public release of its DEX will be before the end of Q3 and onwards from there they will be integrating Raiden(which is already being publicly tested, webm related)

Anyone can use the beta DEX right now. Stakenet already have the technology working and scaling. First mover advantage. They are going to be the primary DEX without doubt.

>> No.21561877

How do I buy XSN

>> No.21561891

The rush to XSN when people really understand it is going to be insane.

>> No.21561932

redpill me then
also how does this compared with loopring? aren't they both L2 DEXs?

>> No.21562194
File: 159 KB, 893x836, BUY XSN guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

Loopring is just on ETH and cant do interchain to BTC. In terms of Tech they are probably Stakenets closest competitor, but they still miss the big picture. Stakenet has been built from the ground up with offchain interchain swaps as the goal

>> No.21562255

How is a coin that is so hard to buy going to moon. PnD

>> No.21562510

hard to buy? for a retard like yourself perhaps but most people can figure it out

Your contradicting yourself because surely a quality of a pump and dump is that it should be easy to buy? your coping hard if you think Stakenet is a 'pump and dump'. I think your just bitter because the token that your emotionally invested in is going to be absolutely redundant within 3-6 months.

>> No.21562622

These fuds only make me want to get more, damn... imagine what will happen when more pairs are added and caps lifted, fudder knows this and is based trying to bring it down to accumulate, holyfucking shit ill be rich af with my stack

Keep doing what u're doing

>> No.21562847

you do realize that Stakenet isn't a liquidity provider, it is an aggregator, right?

>> No.21562892

To elaborate, without sources of liquidity, Stakenet is useless.
Nobody is incentivized to provide liquidity on Stakenet.

Stakenet is great, don't get me wrong. But Bancor and Stakenet do 2 very distinctly different things.
Without sources of liquidity, Stakenet does not function.
Without people aggregating good rates, Bacor does not function.

They are complementary at best and completely separate entities at worst

>> No.21563137

Wait is Bancor good or bad you schizo

>> No.21563213

its bad sell faggot

>> No.21563239

it's bad, it pushed its mom down the stairs.

>> No.21563366

'provide liquidity?' What the fuck are you talking about nigger? You clearly havent done your homework. Stakenet has non custodial light wallet(you keep your private keys) where you can store any coin and access the DEX directly from the wallet. The liquidity COMES from all the people buying and selling over the DEX like any traditional exchange. there doesnt need to be a 'liquidity pool'. The aggregator is just another mechanism to get even further liquidity

Where Stakenet liquidity comes from:

>The coins which the users hold in XSN Dex never leave them unless the transaction is completed, allowing for unlimited access. With these coins in their own wallets, users also benefit from all the utilities, features, and staking rewards of the coin. Furthermore, the user remains anonymous as they do not have to provide any Know Your Customer (KYC) details to anyone, providing complete anonymity and freedom to trade without worry or fear. All transactions are done on a peer to peer basis without the involvement of a central authority, making transactions more secure and less expensive as the fees are lower.

>Another key point of the XSN Dex is its ability to aggregate other exchanges (decentralized or centralized) in it. By making use of its API and algorithms, we create a bridge between different exchanges order books, so XSN Dex captures further value for the Stakenet interchain economy. In the end, all Stakenet users can trade with any other compatible exchange through one interface.

>> No.21563453

the last point you posted literally proves exactly what i said. you have to be fucking with me

the majority of stakenets liquidity is coming from CEXes like Binance etc, and eventually DEXes like Bancor.
How else do you think someone is going to buy $1,000,000 worth of chainlink using Stakenet?
Stakenet is going to route the trade through the best possible liquidity source, which is likely to be Bancor V2

>> No.21563495

Stakenet's liquidity comes from the horse's of people who will be buying and selling directly from the DEX because the tech allows for instant, cheap and private trading. There will literally be billions of $ worth of crypto going to and from the DEX everyday

>> No.21563507

blows my mind how some people can act like they know so much but be so inherently misguided about core features of their favorite shitcoin.

Stakenet is not going to have millions in liquidity, when someone executes a trade, it will route that trade through the best possible source of liquidity to give the best rates.
If Bancor V2 gives the best rates, then Stakenet will route that trade through Bancor.

>> No.21563547

Which part aren't you understanding? Stakenet isn't going to just steal LINK from peoples wallets when someone wants to execute a buy for LINK, it's going to go find the best source of liquidity and route the trade through that.
Whether that's Binance or Bancor, thats up to stakenets algorithm to decide

>> No.21563967

>the majority of stakenets liquidity is coming from CEXes like Binance etc, and eventually DEXes like Bancor.

No. Im going to spell it out for you because you are so delusional

>I am a LINK whale. I want to sell my LINK stack directly for BTC. I want to use a Decentralised Exchange. I want an instant trade, I want cheap trading fee's and I want to do it all privately. There is only one exchange that can facilitate this - I will use Stakenet.
>I will send my LINK stack to the Stakenet light wallet. Here i have full ownership of my private keys and can directly access the Stakenet DEX.
>I place a sell order on the DEX at the price I want.
>There are many people with many millions of dollars worth of BTC stored on their Stakenet light wallets. These people have likewise gone directly to the DEX and placed BUY orders for LINK with their BTC. The buy orders meet my asking price, so the trade is executed.
>Both parties get what the want and the funds go straight to their Stakent light wallets

You see? Ultimately, there will be no need for 'liquidity providers'. I can tell you are not prepare to accept this reality but do be warned. Your on chain liquidity pool bullshit is going to be rendered obsolete.

>> No.21564040

You're describing a non-custodial orderbook exchange like it's the death of AMMs lmao

>> No.21564044

If thats all stakenet does, how is it different to fucking etherdelta or idex which have been around for years?

>> No.21564155

yeah, figured that the stakenet shills raiding bancor threads still don't understand why v2 is going to be a big fucking deal

>> No.21564918

Staknet does a lot more than gets talked about (trading on TOR, specialized hardware, masternodes, DAO), but the two big ones right now, that IDEX or nay DEX cant do, are:
1) cross chain trades (ie BTC/LINK pair) without having to trust BTC wrappers.
2) L2 integration
cross chain trades alone are a big deal, but the heavy hitter right now in the age of $20 gas fee's are instant near-feeless trades (applied to both ERC20 and BTC -- and if you were around 3 years ago you know that moving BTC when that network gets congested is way more expensive than current gas prices)

Don't get me wrong, BNT is awesome and like anon mentioned above it is compatible with Stakenet, not competition. But i think XSN is solving a more pressing issue at the moment, and likely will do it long before anyone else can