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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2148906 No.2148906 [Reply] [Original]


VIDEO IS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ziz_Wa7M1TY&feature=youtu.be

I’m not gay, but $1 per MiloCoin is $1 per MiloCoin (kek confirmed 1.75 btw)


>Official MiloCoin website:

>Step-By-Step Guild on How to Buy MiloCoin:


>MiloCoin Video

>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:

>Skip right to the wallets, baby!

>Looking for some nodes? We gotchu!
(guide to add these addnodes on page 6 of ANN thread)

>Buy MiloCoin (before it’s too late)

>MiloCoin Blockchain

>Coin Marketcap

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit, because there is one for some reason

>Why haven't you done your part yet?
Start tweeting Gavin and insta'ing Milo. Lets Moon!
c-cex.com/?id=vote <--scroll to bottom and submit MiloCoin
support@coinexchange.io ← email them demanding MiloCoin get listed

Do the above and post about it in this thread, usually based anons will send you some MiloCoins

>Highlights from previous thread:
Am I the only one bumping these threads anymore?

>Quick Rundown (what you need to know):
Mining is over. MiloCoin has gone down in value for some reason. Devs haven't really said anything since Milo came out of hibernation.

>> No.2148948

How much you guys holding?

>> No.2148957

OP here. Forgot to add something to the top post:

The Mac client should be avoided for the moment. It will NOT stake properly and all staking gains will be not accepted by the blockchain. If you want staking gains, run the client under Bootcamp or a VM.

>> No.2148984

I'm holding 2000 MILO atm. Sold 1000 to buy some RDD after seeing MILO's price drop below what I bought in at.

As for long term, I'm holding at least 2000 no matter what. But I will only start holding more if the price starts increasing significantly over the course of a few weeks.

>> No.2148995

>shitty meme coin about a gay Nazi
why would anyone buy this

>> No.2149029

Milobros. Drop this shit and seek shelter in DGB. Trust me. Milocoin was the coin I started with, I had my hopes high for a moon that never happened with undelivered promises. Get into DGB with as much Milo as you can scratch. I will check back on the next Milo general to see if anybody has taken my advice. Best of luck anons.

>> No.2149049

OP here. I bought around 200 DGB with some MILO after started dropping.

As stated above, I'm holding 2000 no matter what. But I am more likely to sell off some of my staking gains over the long term.

>> No.2149338

Good advice, but I'll just hold over the summer. Had a bad experience when I didn't hold and missed out on huge returns. I'm also in MUSIC, ARK, LUNYR and POSW.

>> No.2149386

I have over 200k milo, but I've thankfully make all of it back with dgb but I still plan to hold my milos for the sentiment. I still believe milo will prevail. He is a jew afterall.

>> No.2149451

i don't know about that. i have ran the mac wallet since it was released, about 12 hours a day every day and although a lot of the stakes are "generated but not accepted" [by the blockchain], i am still making the gains i should be overall.

i had the same issue with the trumpcoinQT wallet, a similar % of stake gains were unaccepted using that Mac wallet too. i have no experience of windows wallets, so i had nothing to compare it to.

Your "for the moment" implies that something is wrong and it is being fixed. whatever it is isn't being changed. the mac wallet is the mac wallet.

this has been mentioned before in a general and someone said that it is just if 2 stake gains are generated at the same time, the blockchain accepts the one created first.

it's not a problem IMO

>> No.2149530

>Milocoin was the coin I started with, I had my hopes high for a moon that never happened with undelivered promises
don't take this wrong way, but you are pretty basic. your first coin was bought 11 weeks ago and you thought you'd get moon returns in that time.
fair enough on DGB though.

good job for being OP, but you have 2000 coins you probably bought for less than 1/2 a cent each. $10 of altcoins is neither here nor there. if you're playing with pocketmoney then nothing really matters.

>I still plan to hold my milos for the sentiment
hold because it is early days and things are just getting started.

>> No.2149983

I'm holding 40k Milos, but the fact that it's dropped lower than ever and that there wasn't a MILO general on here for at least 24 hours makes me want to call it quits on this bitch.

Is there still hope? Or is it time to get out?

>> No.2150011

Milocoin is a goner.

The life support is switched off.

What do you think this will achieve now?

You'd be better with Bitbean or some other shitcoin. No offense, but I'm saying this for your own good. recoup your losses elsewhere.

>> No.2150092

Now I'd be lucky at this point to break even at 500 sats. The sell walls are creeping higher unless someone swoops in or major news.
>one of the 100k+ holders and getting out asap

>> No.2150110

Milo isn't even behind it.

Dead on arrival.

>> No.2150263

>white man creates altcoin
>failing miserably

>some poo, chink or slav makes a shitcoin out of thin air
>lots of value with a healthy volume

>> No.2150632

one more bump

>> No.2150640

This is the biggest waste of time in this board's history

>> No.2150646


Well, I was so fully on board I almost went gay. But after 5-5-17 with Cinco De Milo being hyped for nothing, not even a signal- I knew the coin was a goner. If I'm wrong though, mother of fuck would I have had some dough.

>> No.2150935



Want to know my opinion again ?

These threads were run and shilled only by Devs or some small group of people, they were riding waves, and selling 50K, 20K at 500sat with fkin fake news.

Now everyone with double digit IQ left, and they are LONG GONE.

Even if they will come back to try to say something , this coin is and will be fkin dead without FULL BLOWN SUPPORT of Milo himself.

Which is not happening. This nigga is rich as fuck and doesn't care about some fkin trash coin.


Stop making threads about this abomination, I'm fkin glad that I got out of this after FAILURE of Cinco de milo.

>> No.2151306

I have 400k of these shitcoins. Was mining and staking from day 1.

At this point, I will continue staking til this shit hits 0 sats or goes to the moon.

Still got hope this will go somewhere eventually.

>> No.2152271

Sorry boys, just cashed out about 40k. If anybody is continuing to wait, they're only increasing their losses.

I knew it was over as soon as there was an entire weekend without a Milo general here.

Good luck, take my advice and get out while you still can.

>> No.2152568

yeah i agree that 5/5 was a missed opportunity for exposure.

>> No.2152650

This the the toughest I've been HODLing because the price halves every week with the majority of the volume being sellers. If not I'd be out $500, making my first crypto loss ever. Considering I do not have much and I always have rotten luck as every time I pull out, it moons, I never had anything past 0.5btc ever.

>> No.2152664

>If anybody is continuing to wait, they're only increasing their losses.
>I knew it was over as soon as there was an entire weekend without a Milo general here.
>Good luck, take my advice and get out while you still can.



>> No.2152696

then why there is no buyers then? Explain. Like fucking seriously, all of the volume has been sellers. or this is just another one post form this id fud.

>> No.2152708

Deadcoin lads
Get out before 100 satts

>> No.2152730


You all are going to have to hope that he can do some PR magic and come back from his silly pedophile comments that tarnished him. Really if he can't do that, the coin that isn't even actually endorsed by him definitely won't recover in a million years.

If you put good money in it I would just ride it out and hope for some miracle. But if you only put a few bucks in I'd just cash out. The money isn't making you any money locked up in a lost cause desu.

That money could be making mad gainz but instead it is losing money in the middle of a huge shitstorm of great pumps.

I am not even a shiller, I won't mention what coins I like. Anything is better than this coin.

>> No.2152741

i wasn't fudding, i was shitposting, but if people are selling then people are buying. by getting people to dump, they sell at the lower buy orders in order to get rid of the coins. slow and steady accumulation.

for example this:
is just a post to convince another person to dump, to get them to think fuck it and take whatever they can.

>> No.2152811

>losing money in the middle of a huge shitstorm of great pumps
Yep, that is exactly why I never never had a whole 1btc since I started this shit in October of last year at 0.2btc. Cashing all out will net me just over 0.1 btc in which I put in 0.4 into this meme, thus a loss form where I started. As it is significant for me as I never had much to begin with, I've seen bigger losses on Trumpcoin when people bought it at ATH and other meme coins. Now milo is now at an all time low.

yeah but with the volume of just sellers has red flags all over the place, no one is buying to bring the price up as the sell walls are increasing, thus harder to bring the price up. This will be the last coin I'll trade on yoshit after get my money back. It will be polo and bittrex from now on.

>> No.2153062

Yeah I hate to break it to you, but in pretend land, where a bunch of people have a successful coordinated push of a coin that averages 0.01 BTC in trade volume per day, that pump will be eaten up before you even realize it's happened.

And then even deeper into fairy tale land, you would have to hope that there were a bunch of suckers who randomly, in that tiny window of time, would buy the coin at that price when you try to sell it. I'm just being honest m80

>> No.2153341

thanks for the advice Sage of Crypto. i'm glad you are around with your endless wisdom and experience.

>> No.2154547


>> No.2154630
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>even the diehard milo bagholders are starting to realize it's over

I tried to fucking tell you simpletons a few days ago to sell, but got the usual "hurr fud, hurr pajeet" replies

hasn't it crossed any of your pea-sized brains that these threads have been dead for over a week now? why do you think that is? because most of your fellow bagholders realized this shit isn't going anywhere and sold, and of course they aren't going to keep posting in the general once they've sold

holy shit I just checked the price, 120 satoshis? if you'd listened to me you could've got out at 300, buffoons

>> No.2154658

I'm not selling shit. This is not the only coin in my portfolio and the #1 rule of trading is to not lose money, so fuck it. Stay strong brothers.

>> No.2154921
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but I cant sell. I'd crash the price in half again. To almost worthless. Yes I know I been in only for a few months but considering lots of coins on /biz/ got pumped and this one did not is making me depressing and kill myself. I got memed. I still need to learn hard lessons before my portfolio grows exponentially.
>pic related.

>> No.2154982

>because most of your fellow bagholders realized this shit isn't going anywhere and sold
have you checked the blockexplorer? same shit is held by the same people. the million coin miner still has their million coins. still as many wallets over 100k.

why are you so interested in getting people to sell? to convince yourself you were correct to?
such altruism is magnificent!

>I'm not selling shit. This is not the only coin in my portfolio and the #1 rule of trading is to not lose money, so fuck it. Stay strong brothers.
exactly. way too early to even consider it being dud or a lost cause. only newcoiners are shitting their pants.

>> No.2155152
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You didn't hear what I said. I don't care at this point. I'm making good money still but milocoins have the magic that makes crypto trading worth spending time on. Hopefully when he comes back this summer and fall, this coin will get life and I will shill it but if it goes to zero it goes to zero.

>> No.2155746
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Now that I think about it, should I crash this shit just for the shits and giggles?
I've made enough profits from XVG and now Musicoin to afford this feat.

>> No.2155773
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>coin based on a gay conservative

what could go wrong

>> No.2156473

Milocoin will moon sooner or later. Dev hasn't dumped his coins so I guess there are no news yet to post about.