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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21537533 No.21537533 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me why stocks, gold and crypto are going up simultaneously?

>> No.21537573

The dollar is losing value you supreme ultra faggot

>> No.21537602

USD is a shitcoin

>> No.21537609

Because you sold, didn't you?

>> No.21537662
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i was a neet and was not allowed to buy anything before corona, now i can buy but i missed the crisis dip and now i hate everything.

>> No.21537687

Because that's the ultimate chadfolio

>> No.21537758

Are they going up or is the dollar going down?

>> No.21537915

Because fiat is a scam and more people are starting to realize that

>> No.21538111

Stagflation risk + TINA. Stocks aren't going up by the way, they're going down, except for tech which is going up so hard it's singlehandedly propping up the entire market.

>> No.21538169
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thanks, best explanation so far.

>> No.21538241

haha money printer go brr brr

>> No.21538286

> fed pumping trillions of shitcoins (USD)
> no real economy
> you think you're rich but a donut costs 1 BTC

>> No.21538377


>> No.21538432
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so we are still at pic related

>> No.21538461

Probably be the case for at least 3 years, possibly 5-10 (if it gets that bad it's going to be peak japanification).

>> No.21538608





>> No.21538914
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which fucking sucks because i am too late to the party.

>> No.21538959

you had 10 years retard

>> No.21538984

You're not too late. Roughly speaking you have the following options:
- All-in SOXL or TQQQ (max gains, not for the faint of heart)
- 50/50 SOXL/TQQQ and TMF (if risk averse)
- Far-dated calls on tech stocks (if good at risk calculation)

>> No.21539052

Money printer go brrrr. It's the new paradigm, infinite buy wall on all markets created by infinite ability to borrow & leverage debt.

>> No.21539348
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real TA

>> No.21539416
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Checked. Here's the truth.

>> No.21539441

XRP is backed by gold now. You're welcome.

>> No.21539473

dollar is being dumped all over the world. enjoy your future 3rd world shit hole - LOL

>> No.21539624

This. Its amazing that some of you are here in hopes of making it without even understanding the abc's of economics.
Op, go right the fuck now, and read about
> what is inflation (in this case, the usd)
> what is deflation
> what is supply and demand (you think you understand but you dont)

I think investopedia has one of those subscribtions that emails you one economic term everyday, and teaches you what it is (for free). Do this.

>> No.21539707

TA stands for Totally Arbitrary. Don't fall for the TA meme.

>> No.21539712
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printer goes brrrrr, which is keeping the stock market afloat.

The smart money realizes this is a house of cards so they are looking to put money somewhere where inflation won't kill it. Normally this would be bonds, but the real risk free rates for treasuries are effectively negative. Thus the only reasonable alternative is gold and silver. This is why gold and silver are mooning.

Additionally the confirmation of Judy Shelton to the FED policy board on July 21 was a huge boost to precious metals because she is a gold standard advocate.

As for crypto its a combination of the halvening and a manifestation of the stock to flow model playing out (regular cycle of accumulation post halvening followed by bull market). Also a combination of easy liquidity thanks to FED policies going into various markets includding crypto.

your welcome and if you are a nigger kill yourself.

>> No.21539865

lots of shitskins on /biz who just want to be told what coin to buy or what to do next.

i'll never tell any one of them what to do/what to invest in or how I made ~5000% profits over the last 4 years, but I will always be more than happy to educate my fellow frens if they ask the right questions that show they seek knowledge and not just handouts.

>> No.21540016

and you're fucking retarded if you think XRP is backed by anything other than fumes

the state of biz...

>> No.21540157

Why are you here anon, what really pisses me off is biz falling for scams, that's my main problem with everyone here
I go into a thread about a blatant scam (brr and yam), I tell them it's a scam, then I get insulted
if I wasn't retarded I would have left this board for my main board (fit)
but im for some reason stuck
and, since you offered it, how does one figure out if a project will succeed or not and which ones are you waiting to get picked up by the general public?
also answer my first question too please, why do you stick around anon?

>> No.21540262

What if he got his massive returns by shilling pnd scams and is the exact same guy that insulted you in his other thread

>> No.21540288


>> No.21540322

the way he is getting pissed of at biz gives me a feeling that hes a nice guy
and based on his projects i'll be able to tell if he's a smart guy too

>> No.21540586
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I stick around here predominantly because //biz is the place where truthful economic ideas pop up. Not often, but certainly more often than in the mainstream media. I have come to the general conclusion that the mainstream economic outlets are full of shit and arguably even more shilling and propaganda than /biz. The only difference is the shills wear suits and speak less like pajeets.

Biz is much more upfront; the shills are easier to spot and therefore the good ideas are easier to discern.

Don't get me wrong; /biz is 99.9% garbage, but the 0.1% is extremely valuable (assblaster comes to mind as a great example).

As for finding the real vs shit projects, unfortunately that's where the work comes in. You need to read the whitepapers, you need to research the individuals running the projects, you need to follow up, watch them speak (most have conferences/vids/etc.). That's where the work comes in. You become very good at it after only minimal input since most whitepapers are either pure garbage (discarding those projects becomes easy) or can be tossed after asking a simply question about need for a coin.

Its a lot like reading 10Ks or 10Qs, after a few it becomes very easy / intuitive, but YOU have to do it, you can't just rely on others to read the docs and tell you what to buy. That's why I don't just tell ppl what to invest in. Why should I work for free?

That being said, going back to your 1st question, the few clever anons on /biz will occasionally tell you where to look or what to read....those the are 0.1% gems.

>> No.21540875

My predominant holdings are all in 4 coins. Those have been held long term. No shitcoins. I invested in them very early after researching heavily. I never fomo'd. I made an educated decision and got in on the bottom floor.

I recently also made great gains on precious metals and that was an easy call. After recognizing the funadmental economic factors playing out it was only rational to look towards the horizon.

>> No.21541168
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>As for finding the real vs shit projects [...]
Impressive, you're exactly right.
And you dodged my second question flawlessly, maybe I was too on the nose with it, oh well, guess I'll have to accept that

While I have you on the line, would you mind giving me your input on a few projects I've been researching?
They are Parsiq, Kadena, Coinmetro token and maybe Nimiq
you sound like you know more than me, and your input would mean a lot

>> No.21541236

>how I made ~5000% profits over the last 4 years
This is nothing special
Even a retard could've done this in 2016,2017

>> No.21541240
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>gold & silver
Fear of the money printer
Fear of the money printer and boomer rocks

>> No.21541409

>While I have you on the line, would you mind giving me your input on a few projects I've been researching?
BRO he just said to decide for yourself
You can at least say WHAT you like about them and what your concerns are so he can provide some guidance based on your own analysis you ass hole.

>> No.21541728
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>While I have you on the line, would you mind giving me your input on a few projects I've been researching?

no, see my post above about working for free

>Even a retard could've done this in 2016,2017
did you?

>> No.21541764

had to switch wifi networks, new tag

>> No.21541867

What do you look for when you watch them talk? Do you have a strong tech background that lets you cut through their shit or are you looking for like personality traits or emotional insight?

>> No.21541904

What does that mean?

>> No.21541931
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>did you?
haha rekted

>> No.21541956
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this is why.

>> No.21541991

fiat is going down nobody wants that shit when they print and print

>> No.21542006

We become a low crime ethnostate with high quality standards for food and tiny apartments.

>> No.21542152

Do you day trade, or hold long term?

I just picked up a book on modern monetary theory, I have no background in economics. Would that be helpful in the crypto space, if not do you have any reading suggestions?

>> No.21542161
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Stop being a cunt, there was no reason to throw around insults, and asking a fellow anon for his thoughts shouldn't be wrong, he doesn't have to answer
but alright here are the top things I find interesting about the projects I listed

Parsiq - extremely undervalued, data analysis like they do it is huge if you don't want to get fucked over, and everyone who doesn't, will use it. Imagine being able to see when someone is front running on the uniswap book, how valuable would that be.. exactly.
Kadena - People on the staff worked for JP Morgan and the ceo worked for the SEC, so im thinking this might be a good project but I haven't invested anything yet so take that as you will.
Coinmetro - Assblaster's second pick after link, do with that info what you want.
Nimiq - This is the only one im not sure about

If you knew about them your response would be different, how about you use this post as payment, maybe you learned something you didn't know before.

>> No.21542192
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its a bit like interviewing a potential employee. You are looking for verifiable accomplishments and a realistic path forward for how he or she can improve your ROI. If the interviewee or in this case project presenter relies predominantly on hypotheticals and reliance on the industry as a whole (rising tide raises all shits type of action) or keeps alluding to becoming the next BTC, next ETH, then that is an intantanous red flag. And its a red flag that pops up all the time.

>> No.21542195

Educate your own self faggot

>> No.21542308


>> No.21542315


>> No.21542660

so did you make 5000% or not?

>> No.21542732
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I do not recall assblaster mentioning coinmetro. You have me there.

I do not daytrade any significant amounts. Predominantly hold long term. There are a few books I recommend:
-Creature from jekyll island
-End the FED

Right now reading Elliott Wave Principle

>> No.21542789

This makes a ton of sense thank you. I don’t expect you to give us your winners. Are you willing to tell us your biggest miss?

>> No.21542858
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love these overly complex theories and observations ITT

truth is dumb money has entered the market in volumes unseen in all of history through brokers with ease of access apps

>> No.21542884

>I do not recall assblaster mentioning coinmetro.
That's because he only alluded to it.

>> No.21542905

Look at the japanese stock market in the past 20 years. Japanese bank hasn't stopped printing for the past 20 years, not even for a day.

>> No.21543010

All the retail in the world can't compete with even just one MM, retard.

>> No.21543071
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longterm you can research which coin might have a future but short-mid term everything is just rumors and luck.
good example for that is link, it is ridiculous

>> No.21543150
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link has been one of my greatest wins. My first link buy was in Sept 17. Etherdelta days

>> No.21543235

>I do not recall
he didnt want biz to know

>> No.21543688

How do people find out about icos in advance