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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21523904 No.21523904 [Reply] [Original]

This is the only place on Earth where you have millionaires and hundreds if not thousands of to-be millionaires lament about their lack of purpose in life and inability to attract women. The average normalfag could not comprehend this struggle.

>> No.21524027

>watching something I have $30k worth of moon by 2x
>be absolutely dying seething because I wasn’t done filling bags
Pure distilled autism anon. It’s a beautiful thing.

>> No.21524334

nah they are bunch of loosers larping about their virtual money
non of them are millionaires.

>> No.21524373


>> No.21524502


BAT mooning fucked me hard anon, I know the feel.

Cost me $36,000 in gains. Most expensive nap I’ve ever taken.

>> No.21524551

>make more money than 2 YEARS of working my shitty job in a few months
>still absolutely seething about missing out on teenage experiences and love
you don't know what pain is

>> No.21524698
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 764CC397-C121-4468-BA67-88D0FA046917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’ve only ever had sex with my wife, who I’ve been with for fifteen years.

Sometimes I worry that maybe I missed out on something by not banging thots in my youth, maybe I should have an affair now that I’m older, confident, more distinguished to see if I missed out on something.

Then I see what your average woman is like and I decide it’s not possibly worth it. They would have ruined me then, they’ll surely ruin me now.

>> No.21524895


your situation is to die for in this clown world. i would not throw it away

>> No.21524938

Don't do it you retard you only get once chance to not fuck it up

>> No.21524975
File: 36 KB, 439x374, B00F06FC-20B2-4834-B746-3C0A8CABB053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turned $5k into $32k
>not really seething about anything

>> No.21525007

Thots are literally holes, if you want to have this experience, buy a fleshlight, take it out for a few drinks, take it home and fuck it while half drunk, that's it, that's pretty much the experience of fucking a thot.

There is nothing in it but sexual release, you have built something, I hope you like your wife, if you do, don't fuck this up, it's not worth it, life isn't about pilling up meaningless experiences, trust me, it brings nothing. Life is about meaning and you have found some.

Be content with what you have, because it is probably more than most will ever have

>> No.21525017

What you gonna do with that money, anon? Buy a used SUV?

>> No.21525058
File: 383 KB, 2732x2048, 1597381372940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had 3 years :( how does it feel knowing that even the average anon who got in mid 2018 is worth 100x you minimum

>> No.21525068


Oh I know, I’m well aware of how blessed I am.

She’s good with money, doesn’t cheat, attractive (actually grows more attractive as we age because she didn’t destroy her face with makeup hair dye etc) and didnt fry her skin in the sun, very smart for a woman, redpilled to a certain degree.

I’d have to be clinically retarded to throw it away.

My best advice is to look for women outside of the traditional routes. We met as kids in a very non traditional way. If it’s a way you can talk and share interests before physically seeing each other that’s probably ideal.

>> No.21525070


>> No.21525071

It’s time to change how you view yourself anon


>> No.21525091

No I’m gonna keep holding

>> No.21525107
File: 16 KB, 320x349, 22539930_290942221401854_7455503661730042187_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned 4k into 20k by holding link.
I plan to turn that 20k into 100k holding link.

>> No.21525123

The fact that you would even consider cheating while being married to such a woman is beyond me, but I guess the nature of men makes them unsatisfied with what they have.

>> No.21525128
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 169962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is sad, but true

>> No.21525147

You already did a x6. Now do it 3 more times & you've made it.

>> No.21525181

you can totally live those teenage experiences in your 30's or 40's you fag.

>> No.21525245


It’s definitely lizard brained shit. I’ve never even remotely acted on it, but I was a “ugly” youth who didn’t get attention from girls.

Now that I’ve built a life and a better me I get attention from women and I could if I wanted to, and monkey-brained urges say go for it, but I know it’s a siren’s call.

I’d probably have more luck convincing my wife to 3 way with an escort or something than having an affair, but I’m not even going to push my luck with that.

I landed as close as you can get to a 21 in this fucked up world as far as a female partner goes, an easy trade for using some busted ham wallets.

>> No.21525291

Absolute chad

>> No.21525323
File: 91 KB, 400x333, 54EFFEE1-A072-4E04-8E2F-8D7681C28B08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah :)

>> No.21525330

biz is filled with incel losers OP
you could give thema billion dollars and it would change nothing
they would still be complete failures at heart

>> No.21525358

Seethe and cope. I'm up 10k in the last month. /biz/ is changing my life for the better.

>> No.21525375

It’s true, please give me a billion to prove it

>> No.21525403


Based advice and confirmation of what I already think. Appreciate it.

>> No.21525406

That feel I got so close last summer.

She was interested then someway during the date she lost interest.

Literally into felt this attracted to a girl 3 times in my life and I fucked it up

>> No.21525407
File: 8 KB, 180x180, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link marine sine 2017 here, fuck me im high boys.

What else do i spend my money on, i feel fucked.

>> No.21525410

Dead god, please don't remind me

>> No.21525414

Money is useless in sexual attraction. Money will get you a glorified escort, not inherent sexual attraction or love.

Your girlfriend still lusts over Bryan the broke bartender, with his large head, square jaw and rippling muscles.

Money is an utter cope, but the perfect escape from real life for incels. It allows you to live like a comfortable hermit.

True winning is being a handsome jock throughout your formative years and every step of education. Chad's life is a movie.

>> No.21525422
File: 113 KB, 1131x517, cindy vs gaia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes I worry that maybe I missed out on
you can't really escape those thoughts, whatever you do. every fucking decision you make in life is in detriment to other things, every choice you make has his pros and cons (getting married, having children, fucking tons of women, waging hard to make money, not waging hard to make money, living here instead of there, etc.). Always take responsibility of your choices and never whine about how life would be if...

>> No.21525500


thanks bro

>> No.21525533

Normally I'd agree but a lot of anons have decent sized link bags which are now in the 6 to 7 figures

>> No.21525567

You should almost have enough to afford a carton of durries cunt

>> No.21525627

Good advice and Cindy Crawford was the first nudes I wanked it to. Good times.

>> No.21525633

Most based comment in this thread.

>> No.21525841

You didn't anon.
Sex is sex, go fuck a whore if you really feel tje need but don't destroy the love and trust you've spent so long building.
The other side is vapid and hollow.

>> No.21525866


>> No.21525878

just be some 18yo's sugar daddy, it's even better

>> No.21525901


>> No.21525971

jesus, the cope in that post
you realise most people browsing this board are literally the losers who missed out on btc in 2011, on eth in 2016, on the ico bubble of early 2017, and picked chainlink instead of an easy x100 in 6 months in tron or ant or xrp
and even those losers got their x100 eventually
literally the only thing you need to do to make it in crypto is to be patient

most "problems" posted on here are completely self-inflicted, products of anon's own mind

>> No.21526001

Get some Kleros cunt.

>> No.21526004

Chainlink millionaire here. How to to get hairy pussy pink butthole huge lactation boobs virgin redhead(loooong hair) gf that likes to snuggle and doesn't want friends and gives lots of blowjob and anal and is nice a pretty and likes watching anime with me? Extra points if southern accent but I'm trying to be realistic here so accent don't really matter in the long run as long as she hits the basics.

>> No.21526027

this order cunt:
>shiny rocks
>guns n ammo
>more shitcoins

>> No.21526068

Pretty much this. I'm even worse, I actually lost my main Bitcoin wallet that'd currently be worth millions & I was coping so hard about it I missed Eth. Yet here I am with my Linkies I bought back at 20c, hoping to make it in the next bullrun.

>> No.21526166

Don’t worry bat will shit the bed, I expect it to be under .30 by end of day.

>> No.21526273

Anon, just wanted to let you know that I'm in a similar situation to you and these posts gave me some assurance. These early morning /smg/ threads are incredibly based.

>> No.21526349

f p b p

the struggle is real

>> No.21526355
File: 8 KB, 237x213, 25774AE5-62B7-4CA4-AFE5-F5EA5EA8F6EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turned 100 into 1000
Excited for the next x10.

>> No.21526365

That’s a lot of fucking basics, anon.

>> No.21526565
File: 346 KB, 1264x852, palmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got $370k in LINK and I'm just 20yo, but I can't really spend that money. I know we are in a middle of a bullrun and then there will be a -60% correction so I gotta focus on that since if I play that fairly right and LINK recovers after correction, I'll actually make it. It feels like this is the last boss. Currently I could sell 10% to live very nice life for a year(in my country), but 10% is quite a lot and I don't think the top is in yet. If I'm gonna sell, I'm gonna sell a bit bigger portion to cover new living expenses of moving out and then to use rest of the money to buy in at the bottom. The money I currently have is very tempting, but ultimately it's not enough. Might go for some €2k vacation though.

>> No.21526780

That's because it's not deserved wealth. In a non-degenerate society you get rich by providing value to others. This requires men of action.
Currently the easiest way to make money is to gamble on shitcoins and stocks. It's a solitary activity that generates no wealth which makes for sad and lonely people.

>> No.21527082

I sold 200k link back in 2019. Statistically at least some people with similar stacks held, they are all millionaires anon. If I can be happy for them you can too.

>> No.21527614

Taxes LMAO

>> No.21528138

Just jack off
Nofap Is a meme .
Once you hack off u don't give a shit about fucking random sluts
Just don't watch porn