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File: 330 KB, 593x563, pho-pho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21516067 No.21516067 [Reply] [Original]

Am I fucking retarded for trying to be moral my whole life in this matrix? So far, being fair, empathic and moralistic ruined my fucking life no no return.
All I see is people being financial psychopaths and succeeding at it. My whole life I thought that I just meet bad people and karma would get them, while they were just playing this fucking game by the rules. Meanwhile I was getting poorer, unhealthier, weaker, boxing bag for everyone.
My upbringing made me this way, while they knew the rules.

>> No.21516204
File: 214 KB, 1686x982, ghidra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong brother, it will get better. Societies cannot function with financial psychopaths.

>> No.21516264

Why do you think death terrifies so many people? There is a very real terror that seized those who chose to live an immoral life when they are faced with their own mortality.

>> No.21516295

imagine not knowing what the fucking ouroboros is and making that image

>> No.21516299
File: 23 KB, 849x454, Metal_Gear_Solid_5-snake-horn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karma does NOT fucking exist, and neither does god. Secondly most people are retards with slave mentality. You need to break from the "HURR WORK LIKE A SLAVIE FOR 80 YEARS THEN MAYBE U RETIRE" mindset, saving nonstop while working like a dog is not the way and everyone who encourages it is a slave who deserves to be viewed as something below an intelligent, conscious human being. Also if people treat you bad just move on unless they stop being retards, don't associate with cunts and retards. Do what you want with this info. I've made more money than ever having accepted this, and no I'm not scamming and breaking laws.

>> No.21516325

final redpill

>> No.21516510

You should generally still be a good person and learn some office politics type shit to make your life easier, but invest, and use your wage money smart so you can figure out how to not be a slave for decades of your life.

>> No.21516576
File: 55 KB, 613x607, keyboard warriors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What made you think he didn't know?

Living with God makes your life better.
You are slave for material possession, that is shitty life compared to dedicating time for propagating family genes and favorite memes.

>> No.21516631

trying to tie ghidra to 8ch is already a huge stretch, the BSV retardation alongside it makes the whole image laughable

>> No.21516715
File: 49 KB, 720x637, a1xqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QAnon is real, deal with it and trust the plan.

>> No.21516721

memes like signing a deal with the devil are real. The material worlds rewards go to zero in the end.
That doesn't mean what is popularly described as moral is actually moral.

Your inability to find a way to live in a way you want without fucking others over is immoral and is driving you to start fucking others over

>> No.21516788

We created God because we want a reason to live. People don't believe that a nihilistic society can thrive. In my opinion, there really isn't a "good" or a "bad", we define them through the society that we are born into. Human sacrifice was seen as normal in some societies for example, we see that as a "bad" thing. The world itself does not care for the definition of good or bad.

>> No.21516862

Your opinion is wrong. We can objectively define good and bad outcomes.

>> No.21516915

cringe as fuck
chasing ghosts with advice like this, stop projecting

>> No.21516948


That's proving the point exactly. It like the victor writes history argument. I believe my opinion is just, just as somebody like you think it isn't.

>> No.21516961

the bsv dragon isn't eating its tail

>> No.21516985

how am I projecting when OP states he's considering being a piece of shit

>> No.21516994

Relativism is a self-defeating ideology. Hang yourself

>> No.21517007

>You are slave for material possession
No I'm really not, I have over 6 figs and haven't even really thought about buying a new car or fancy shit. The money is for financial freedom and independence. There's more to life than just passing on your dna, and I don't need god to be a good person.

>> No.21517032

G-d exists, anon. On your death bed, you will know.

>> No.21517056

>babby's first excited declaration of his belief in moral relativism on a transexual tucking methods bbs group
brave, stunning, and wise

>> No.21517076

god is the personification of the virtually infinite unknowable variable that are critical to your continued experience. You're like a dinosaur denying the existence of asteroids because he's never observed one

>> No.21517093

The world does care for the definition of good and bad, hence we have game theory etc.
Its not about the victor writing history because there are no winners in nihilistic thinking.

>> No.21517136

Thanks, I guess?

That makes sense.

>> No.21517175
File: 243 KB, 815x777, 1597066082975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I see is people being financial psychopaths and succeeding at it.
Actually those psychopaths are jews, not people, who would succeed regardless through the power of clannish nepotism committed by racial chameleons who ought to be exterminated.

>> No.21517232

You're like a rube believing in a jewish tranny demon because a rabbi told you he saw one

>> No.21517400

You are one of a long line of retards that want to give their freedom to autocratic government because you fell victim to the lowest form of ideological subversion you blamed your problems on the existence of race. kys you dumb socialist

>> No.21517457

Don't think I'll be following your advice, chaim.
Protip: I'm for the liberty and self determination of all *people*.

>> No.21517467

God exists. Not the christian god but one day you'll understand anon.

>> No.21517477

Well no shit anon, if you're nice to everyone indiscriminately then you will get fucked over.
Life is all about dominance, if someone tries to assert dominance to do wrong to you then you should have no remorse to get back at them and make them suffer.
Revenge is rightful, if someone attacked me with a knife I wouldn't think about pardonning him or whatever cuck mindset, I would think about him hanging to a tree.

>> No.21517534

nice semantics you psyoped socialist. I bet you just can't wait to make your freedom conditional to the approval of a failed arts student and whatever he considers people

>> No.21517542

When you realize the candle light is fire, the meal was cooked a long time ago.

>> No.21517621 [DELETED] 

>financial freedom and independence
These are guaranteed rights in any functional society with fair constitution.
No amount of money will protect you from the rule of law, countless examples of dictators who died trying.

>> No.21517718

>financial freedom and independence
No amount of money will protect you from the rule of law, there are countless examples of dictators who died trying.

>> No.21517808

I don't want to break the law retard

>> No.21517843
File: 6 KB, 249x202, 1597581570053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine parroting the marxist doctrine of 'false consciousness' whilst accusing others of being socialists, not once but twice.
Imagine being unable to consider anti semitism without automatically and unconsciously associating it to the most heavily propagandised movement in history that hasn't existed for 80 years.
Imagine believing that god exists without even considering the possibility that you're wrong merely because that is how you were raised.
Imagine doing all that and still 'thinking' that you're immune to psyops.
Eat shit you zogged out NPC golem.

>> No.21517862

Then its not real financial freedom or independence slave.

>> No.21517938

financial freedom and independence is having my own wealth and not relying on anyone else, and not having to wage cuck every day. cope more cuck.

>> No.21517965

You sound like one of those fags who made money with crypto and now you think you are some kind of genius with the answers to life. Guess what FAGGOT you don't know jack shit. Hold on to those gains because they are the only thing keeping your superiority complex afloat.

>> No.21517978

repetition of results is not evidence repetition will continue

oh so you're not a national socialist?
how should the government control the genetics of its nation?

>> No.21518042 [DELETED] 

>believing that god exists without even considering the possibility that you're wrong merely because that is how you were raised
Sorry, but this is not how it works.

Remember Jesus’ words, “...because you have seen, you believe... Blessed are those who have not seen...” That is, seen with the eyes. Most people since the time Jesus rose from the dead who believed in Jesus didn’t see him. They trusted the testimony of those who did, which is exactly what Thomas should have done. He had seen Jesus work miracles, even raised the dead. So when they said they saw Him, he should have believed him. Instead, he said, “I’m not going to believe until I stick my finger in the wound,” and basically, Jesus was saying, “That’s a little bit much, but if that’s what you require, here you go.”

Jesus is not arguing against a thoughtful evidenced faith. He is chastising Thomas for requiring an extreme level of evidence, that’s all.

>> No.21518074

Cope faggot. I know plenty enough to get where I'm at, we've been saying it for years. "they'll say you were lucky" cope and get back in your cagie wagie.

>> No.21518119

Yes goy, every god exist, just not the christian one!

>> No.21518193

I bought link under a dollar retard. But unlike you I have some humility. Why don't you go and accomplish something with your life now that you have all this free time instead of dishing out advice like you actually worked to get where you are at.

>> No.21518233

Lol white people

>> No.21518310

Your wealth is relying on "wage cucks", who choose to work for their family genes and favorite memes.
How about your days, suffering from hedonistic treadmill yet? Take it seriously, many successful and smart guys have killed themself.

>> No.21518332

>Your inability to find a way to live in a way you want without fucking others over is immoral and is driving you to start fucking others over
this is wayyy to fucking specific for the thread topic my guy, it reads like you're talking to someone you used to know

>> No.21518348

Find out who God's God is and they will tell you the answer:

>> No.21518374

it's no more specific than the original poster.
You are the one that is projecting.

>> No.21518375

Yeah I don't have humility because I refuse to take a bunch of nonsense from christ cucks, piss off. Bible thumpers were cringe before the money and they will continue to be cringe long after.

>> No.21518424

Not religious just sick of worthless little kids like you who dont have the intelligence to realize that a number on a screen doesn't make them someone worth listening to.

>> No.21518426

Without an incentive for evil there’s no morality in good. If being good guaranteed riches everyone would be good all the time. Only someone willing to face suffering and still be righteous can truly be said to be righteous.

>> No.21518462

No. If everyone acted like a psychopath we'd all live in a far shittier world. Be the change you want to see.

Unless you live in a Mad Max style environment you've already profited off of people who do that.

>> No.21518486

Anyone can say anything in any thread but you're invalidating my thoughts simply because of money, I would say the same exact shit regardless whether I had some money or not. I thought that shit long before I made money and I will continue to do so. Cry more.

>> No.21518626

Enjoy eternal damnation, anon. You should change your ways and turn to Christ.

>inb4 anon is triggered and starts seething because muh christianity is badd11!! the jews told me so!!qq1 I only believe in science bro!

>> No.21518693

Nice reading comprehension fucktard. That's the textbook definition of putting words in my mouth.

>> No.21518704

Stop your priests from molesting little boys first then maybe people will care what you retards have to say

>> No.21518742

Your thoughts on "wagecucking" are the same shit that is spewed by nearly everyone on this board on the daily. You are not unique or an interesting thinker. And maybe you are so stupid that you already forgot your original post, but I'd like to remind you that you used the fact that you have "made more money than ever having accepted this" as a way to lend credence to your views in your original post. But in reality your wealth has little to do with your views or your intelligence but instead has to do with being in the right place at the right time.

>> No.21518810

>thinks I subscribe to an organized religion
Your perspective is flawed. I’m not a Catholic, I’m a Christian. I convene with the Lord without a human mediator. The Roman Catholic church is what turned me away from God in the first place, thankfully I saw the error in my ways and rekindled my relationship with God after I was given a sign from him showing that he exists.

>> No.21518812

nah dude thats some hopium, op said absolutely nothing about fucking others over, if anything he said he was tired of watching it in others. chances are good he's a pussified fuck, not a cunning backstabber.

you're on some weird bullshit, im just trying to do ya a solid. pce

>> No.21518845

you're a retard >>21516325

>> No.21518861

So if I don't want to be a nazi I have to love all jews no matter what they do. I see now.

>> No.21518897

I'm about to leave my company for a direct competitor. I feel awful about it, but the opportunity is too great. Hope it doesn't backfire.

>> No.21518911

I never claimed to be unique or an "interesting thinker", nor do I care of you think I am. Yes its said all the time on the board, and for good reason. It's true and I believe it wholly. Nobody likes working like mad so someone else can get rich. My views deserve credence simply because I have been on this earth for decades and my experiences/lessons can't be undermined or thrown out the window by some bible thumpers who think I'm a slave to material possession. It's flat out wrong and you're a cunt.

>hehe I'm christian not catholic
>that sect bad we good!
Good for you glad your happy

>> No.21518936

>All I see is people being financial psychopaths and succeeding at it
I think you mean appearing to succeed.

>> No.21518946

You type like such an insecure little faggot.

>> No.21519027

Turns out there is very little to life outside propagating your genes.

>> No.21519144

I disagree, I have thought about adopting and would do it at some point in my life. Spreading ideas, culture, and other beauty of life is even more important than spreading your dna.

>> No.21519148

Thats a hot take.

>> No.21519162

I agree with the other anon, you have some major personality flaws. Seek God.

>> No.21519230

define jew.
what do you think the government should do to jews?

>> No.21519297

You can be ethical and get good returns on your investments! Look up ethi.asx. It's an etf.

>> No.21519307

>how should the government control the genetics of its nation?
A great first step would be to remove tax schemes that create ponzis that require new tax payers like Social Security. Also remove welfare, both corporate and nigger. Remove income taxes, property taxes, etc. Remove the Civil Rights act. The list goes on, but really the core proponent that needs to be abolished is fractional reserve banking.

What am I saying though... you were asking about controlling the population not freeing it. Taking the steps I laid out would not only free whites but boost their population and diminish shitskin population within WHITE countries. Shitholes too I suppose once we remove foreign aid.

>> No.21519353

>Spreading ideas, culture, and other beauty of life is even more important than spreading your dna.
Those two are one in the same.

>> No.21519411

then the economy will shrink and you will get the 1970s oil embargoes again this time controlled by china as the us will not be able to maintain the petro dollar.

>> No.21519457

Not exactly. For instance not everyone is able to have kids, not everyone gets the chance, some people have kids and hardly raise them in some passive or abusive way.. Or they just have kids to have them. Mindlessly passing your DNA is just low bar.

>> No.21519546

The exceptions make the rule, fren.

>> No.21519644

The existence of god doesn't matter when your belief/disbelief doesn't have an impact on his actions. If he's doing something that's "beyond mortal understanding", then he's just fucking with people.

>> No.21519989

no. people who know they don't know do better than those that think they know when they do not. Being an atheist has become so popular since the scientific revolution because people are stupid and don't realize repetition of results doesn't mean it's rational to believe repetition will continue ie gravity could invert tomorrow morning and that would be a scientifically valid result. The scientific revolution has also destroyed peoples ability to communicate symbolically
Every aspect of your reality is built on your implicit assumption that things you do not yet know or can not ever know continuing to function in a way that is conducive to your existence ie you have faith in the transcendent whether you acknowledge it or not.
Belief in the divine is true across all cultures independent of time and geography because it is evolutionarily beneficial to have language to the describe these concepts. "Evolutionarily beneficial" is equivalent to being in favor with god.

>> No.21520140

The thing abouy karma is it creates your next incarnation so in most cases you won't see karmic backlash.

>> No.21520420

thank your government education for that. you don't have to fuck over everyone because people will not want to do business with you but you can definitely jew them out of their $$$. choose 1-6 people that matter to you and don't fuck them over, but fuck everyone else.

>> No.21520612
File: 228 KB, 598x315, NOTHING-CAN-STOP-WHATS-COMING-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literLly the gayest shill ive ever seen and thats saying a lot

>> No.21520990


God and karma are real. You'll find out when you pass onto the next life.

>> No.21521109

Satan and his (((minions))) rule this world. Evil is rewarded and good people lose.

>> No.21521719

Love comes into being through useful service to others. And the pirmary meaning of divine worship is love, or in other words a life of charity and kindness to others.The point of morality is a life of love, and I promise that whatever pittance you've recieved living a life of love is a mountain compared to what you get when you live life like a selfish asshole. Its like the facebook effect, where you compare you whole life with others highlight reels. Selfish assholes 99.999% get what they give. Your odds with a life of love are far better, at the very least, and you can live your life with pride and dignity knowing what you are.

>> No.21522009


>> No.21522055

This. People do not understand that right and wrong are subjective. This shit changes and there is nothing set in stone, it is all just opinion at the end of the day.

>> No.21522210

you are the one playing by the rules set by big daddy and sound like typical
>nice guy
you are the only person responsible for your wellbeing, nobody is going to hand it to you on a silver plate. also having non-standard set of morals does not mean you need to harm other people to achieve your goals

>> No.21522260
File: 54 KB, 899x674, Concerned Taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to specify exactly what you mean by "trying to be moral" and what you mean by "financial psychopaths".

Maybe you are exactly right and fairly upset about central banking Jews, but its also possible that something else is going on.

Either way, hopefully your future is healthier. Don't forget to buy bitcoin.

>> No.21522267

Lol your company doesn't give a shit about you. Never feel bad about making a smart business decision. When they see you quitting they go "oh no, we lost a resource and now we'll have to train another one," not "oh no, we lost Anon, I really liked and cared about him."

>> No.21522304

Damn man that describes me. I embraced my inner asshole but I sort of regret it. Depends on how you feel when you realize people aren't really people, they run on programs and probably are not capable of waking up. Call it low IQ or whatever.

>> No.21522330
File: 98 KB, 1150x673, The Lion King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quality post, but here's a question to get you thinking yourself:

Does Mufasa exist?

>> No.21522340

Don't feel bad for them. They do worse shit to animals with the justification that they are smarter. NPCs are subhuman.

>> No.21522364
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1576775713295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I too love Jesus and God, but I do feel the same. The only thing I ever wanted in life was love but the only thing I ever got offered to me in life were sluts. So the last couple years I've decided to stop rejecting the loose women who show interest in me. Is there regret? Yes somewhat. Am I happier? Yeah and I feel like a Chad.

I've also started treating everything like an economic transaction as well and that had me go from renting shitty rooms hoarding cash and looking for the right "job" to rent an apartment to undercutting my desperate father to pay half price for one his rental apartments and making 100k in crypto (you'll invest in my coin to bring the price higher).

It's a dog eat dog world out there and you can't trust anyone. Be an opportunist and take what opportunities come to you and exploit them. Do good when you can spare to do it. Like the Mafia.

>> No.21522569

Morality is a spook

>> No.21522864

Based and egopilled.

>> No.21522894

there's a difference between being moral and being meek or slavish

>> No.21522962 [DELETED] 

>There's more to life than just passing on your dna
Literally all you are is a biological machine, with one of its primary functions being the propagation of itself.

>I don't need god to be a good person.
Sure, you're just good as defined by what everyone else around you agrees is good.
I'm not saying either or is good, I'm saying that is the choice limited to those two.