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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 250x250, pink buidl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21512090 No.21512090 [Reply] [Original]

> delisted from its only legitimate exchange
> devs posting biz links in the balancer discord
> "non compatible erc20 token"
is it actually over for these rainbow pajeets
is this the last we are going to have to hear about this shitcoin
This is better than the yam crash its down 15% today already

>> No.21512159

lmao go to the balancer discord, it's a complete shitshow

>> No.21512162

Imagine being an eth dev who couldn't even write compatible code for their tokens. This thing done like 3000% in the last week and people were buying over $2. The pnd is over
Kek go to the telegram the devs havent responded in day's. Enjoy the bags fellas

>> No.21512188

Imagine investing in a coin with a logo that’s literally a LGBT snapchat knockoff

>> No.21512213

balancer devs can't even handle minor coding trash talk lol

>> No.21512252
File: 11 KB, 657x96, basedMario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first thing the buidl devs writes after being summoned lmao

>> No.21512274

it's gambling, have you seen the state of the discord it atrocious. its just moon and lambo memes all day. The github hasn't been touched in 3 weeks and the project is supposedly only 3 months old. I've got 3K in this for a laugh but It might actually go to 0

>> No.21512299

>ever trusting italians in crypto
if you're knew and don't follow the scene, you might not know, but unfortunately they are huge drama queens, and this isn't the first promising project with a relatively good start and idea that got burned to the ground because the team went full retarded
i dont know what it is about them, but italians are the biggest retards of europe. they're like the 4chan of europe
very based people and super fun, but doing any sort of project or business is bound to fail

>> No.21512369

>not new
welp, I guess i'm one of those retards

>> No.21512383

Basically sums up why much of Italy sucks ass. A refusal to admit flaws or mistakes and nothing ever learned.

>> No.21512401

for any anons watching these threads. Ask yourself why the fud is so heavy. If they don't like the project why don't they just not buy? Why does the chart look so bullish?


>> No.21512479
File: 693 KB, 1200x627, 1596223450546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a top 50 coin.

>> No.21512521


Nice fud here, pretending you're an investor. The discord is anything but that as anyone who visits it will see, and the github was last updated 5 hours ago


>burned to the ground and the devs went full retarded

What are you talking about lmao

>> No.21512550


You can't get delisted from a sec

The buidl ERC20 is perfectly fine, the problem is with balancer who don't understand solidity

>> No.21512633

Dex * lmao

>> No.21513435

When will this moon? I’m all in and I can’t take much more of my wage slave job.

>> No.21513470

Balancer is centralized liquidity. Scared streetless to have another statera they are gate keeping listings.

Permission based billion dollar garbage.

>> No.21513477

if you bought at 1 cents this already mooned, it's too late now

>> No.21513530

Wayyy to late son

>> No.21513564


>12 mil MC, revolutionary project
>too late

Pick one Julian. I got in at less than a cent and I'm not selling shit until another 10x at least

>> No.21513575

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this balancer discord happening?

>> No.21513603

Every week I get 200 BUIDL from staking. I enjoy the FUD threads lol

>> No.21513627

If you didn't sell at x500 a few days ago you're completely retarded, unless you invested some lunch money

>> No.21513749


I'm sorry that you can't see the true value of BUIDL. *x is basically a red herring. This coin is destined for the top 100

>> No.21513792

I guess you invested lunch money then

>> No.21513886


What was lunch money is now make it money, still not selling

>> No.21513905

Kek i'm just reading through this discord argument now. One of the BUIDL devs made a post which completely BTFO the logic of the balancer devs, and all the balancer mods could say in response is essentially "wahhhh you're being meany pants".

>> No.21513911

I've never seen such frantic FUD. Julian on absolute suicide watch

>> No.21513917

0% chance this thing won't be worth 10 ea after the rebrand

>> No.21513974

>balancer whitelists buidl
>balancer whitelists arte
>balancer declines arte v2 due to having unit256 vs unit8
>balancer states they will delist buidl as well
>buidl devs teach some solidity
>50% of balancer tokens are 256unit including mkr, bat, knc, compound USD etc.
>balancer devs start to shit on street and complain of Pepe frogs
>buidl devs pepperoni the pizza out

>> No.21513979

how much did you buy if you bought under a cent?

>> No.21514051


A shitload. My only regret is selling some sub 20c before I realised this coin was going to fly

>> No.21514082

by your inability to even reply to the correct post, I guess I was correct assuming you were larping

>> No.21514167

Larp. You would need 500k staked to get that much

>> No.21514170
File: 62 KB, 1080x285, Screenshot_20200816-193516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

balancer admitting they don't know what they are talking about and are waiting for their CTO to come admit they were wrong and the buidl devs were right

>> No.21514200

>accidentally clicks the wrong post to reply
>is still in the thread to spread fud


>> No.21514207

about 20k if he staked for a year by my math

>> No.21514252


With logic like that, you're NGMI. What are you even arguing? Anyone can look at the top BUIDL holders and see that many of them got in under 1c and haven't sold lol... give it up dude

>> No.21514304

Yeah I know that, I'm the biggest actual holder there

>> No.21514306
File: 68 KB, 888x894, 17FB815B-1967-4D2C-8928-208551D2EE83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropped 14 holders
well done, boys. this was some good fud.

>> No.21514336

Yeah he's just casually getting over 300% APY. Retard

>> No.21514351

I'm selling everything I own now. I'm glad you care about my financial well being! THANK YOU ANON!

>> No.21514369


So are you calling yourself retarded in this post


>> No.21514378
File: 522 KB, 640x915, 1597289961114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steaking on uniswap was a dum move desu

>> No.21514379

50% of 20k over 52 weeks = 192 buidl a week

>> No.21514384
File: 11 KB, 307x164, Ale chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically this
buidl it actually my biggest hold
It was a shitshow this morning. the balancer mods were litterally pic related while the chads devs schooled them

>> No.21514393

>What is fudding your own investment to accumulate more?
I tell you man, you're kinda retarded

>> No.21514416

is that why they switched sides in both world wars?

>> No.21514425


Do you really think you are influencing anyone at all lmao

>> No.21514431

I have a good amount staked and the impermenant loss is pretty rough but whatever I'm making good money still

>> No.21514448

I'm imfluencing you at least

>> No.21514464


>> No.21514612

you're just a poorfag and got in too late to buy this insanely cheap, and to stake it early when it was sub 1 dollar. /

The only dumb move I made was staking USDC with a large portion

>> No.21514757

How would we see how much we have in the uniswap pool if we did it through dfohub? The etherscan link on the stake page?

>> No.21514851

buidlet here. i'm never selling. the wario/luigi bit solidified that for me. if it goes to 0, i'll keep holding. you devs are fucking based.

>> No.21514899

based don fudders

>> No.21514978
File: 705 KB, 2048x1536, Efb3Lr5XkAccrD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took my initial "lunch money" out so buidl can sit

>> No.21514995

Algo's main head of dev is Italian and algo is a better blockchain than eth. Stop investing in shit coins.

>> No.21515060

I think it will end up being pretty lucrative. I feel rather content and I only have 1075. If nothing else the devs are entertaining.

>> No.21515249

we done it, we saved the city

>> No.21515627

They BUIDL devs are going to continue to use ARTE profits to make sure this doesn't go below $2.50. The same way they used ARTE profits to pump the coin without getting new holders. The dfohub website looks like a amateur made site from the 90's and they stole their logo. They've had 800-1000 holders for a month but somehow have gained 3× marketcap. 1% of the holders have 80% of the coins. There's still 40M coins locked up and they can't unlock them without causing major losses. The moment BUIDL goes below $2.50 all major wallets will dump so they can get something out of it. Has anyone ever noticed how ARTE dips when BUIDL gains? They're stealing from Peter to pay Paul and it's all about to crash.

>> No.21515715

This is autistic as fuck

>> No.21515803

Mama Mia! This is like a greatest hits album of buidl fud. A true soldier for the cause.

>> No.21515833

Can you please not? They don't deserve to know this

>> No.21516030
File: 36 KB, 447x447, b1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's truth not fud but I forgot you cultist hate anything but lambo and rocket post. You can't stand hearing someone's opinion unless it echoes what you say.
You hate anyone who thinks BUIDL won't reach $100. Tell me what I said isn't facts?

>> No.21516186


That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Everything you said is lies

Also, I feel euphoric in this moment

>> No.21516280

there where 400 address last month

>> No.21517281

What do you think is realistic market cap for BUIDL?

>> No.21517481

So bros how do I see exactly how many Buidl I have left so far while staking?

>> No.21517494


>> No.21517555

within 2 years we will easily see a 20-30M mc

>> No.21517861

>within 2 years we will easily see a 20-30M mc
so a 2-3x in 2 years? Are you baiting?

>> No.21518787

just try interacting with their site. none of the projects have any liq.

>> No.21518980

The dev kit isn’t even released. They are proof of concept. What part of research and development phase don’t you understand? Biz wants in early on projects but is sleeping hard on this one.

>> No.21519790

This is gonna moon sometime before the dev kit is released in sept/oct