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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 541x498, 1516135781018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21508577 No.21508577 [Reply] [Original]

the whole concept of kleros is so unbelievably stupid, fucking dentacoin made more sense lmao

>> No.21508638

just smoothbrain things

>> No.21508671

But fortunately Kleros doesn't need your approval. Vitalik Buterin and the European Union love Kleros.

>> No.21508700

we should use kleros to vote if this true or not

>> No.21508746

vb loves a lot of thing that never pan out to be successful

e.g. Augur

>> No.21508762


Much like SJWs you can only try and shame or bully people into trying to buy your dogshit rather than sell it on it's merits (because it has none).

>The blockchain dispute resolution layer. Fast, open and affordable justice for all.

Talk about something that ISN'T NEEDED IN THE LEAST. Moronic fucking unnecessary coin shilled by lowlife losers.

>> No.21508768

honestly find it baffling how biz can be genius tier when it comes to link for instance but is also retard tier with picks like kleros at the same time

>> No.21508818

>actually believing this
How big is your stack faggot

>> No.21508850
File: 104 KB, 395x650, D50F6E69-4A9D-4294-A0F7-BFF5EF2DFBB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS fudder. You missed the 20x and now you’re crying like a little beta bitch. Cry harder.

>> No.21508859

This, it is a complete scam and I can't believe anyone would actually put money into it.

>> No.21508887

cringe dude
not selling is a link meme because you should actually not sell link because it actually has a future
I don't know how a single person can read >>21508762

>> No.21508898
File: 6 KB, 224x225, 37F7B598-8E66-4371-861E-94CD54E0AA1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH NO NO NO why are you this sour hahahahah this is worst than Jason parser fud

t. 16k link 440k pnk

>> No.21508913

uniswap is where what happens sirs i forgot

>> No.21508944

>pink ID
KEK loves toying with you faggots. See you at $1 baseless fudders

>> No.21509031
File: 17 KB, 800x1165, 1536813213980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will burn this FUD as fuel for my bags
If you know, you know

>> No.21509058

Shhhhh DCN is my dark horse moon shot i'm still accumulating

>> No.21509091

Nobody is as retarded as you

>> No.21509149


You first you worthless faggot. Way to prove the point of the post you were responding to.

>> No.21509153

I like seeing these posts, happy to know these fags wont make it.

>> No.21509185

imagine being this dense, do you hate money anon? PNK is literally the golden ticket.

>> No.21509236

>isn’t needed
Check kleroscan.com
There’s been 300+ cases that have generated $1M to the users. But yeah it’s not needed anon! You’re right!

>> No.21509303

Your post didn’t say anything specifically. You just sound like a sad faggot who missed the 20x. If you don’t think this is needed then you can’t be helped. BTFO and get rekt nopinkie

>> No.21509312
File: 648 KB, 845x883, 1529023697162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read through this community update to see what youre actually invested in:


50% of the post is about how good their community "memes" are, including a video from big man tyrone. Then they boast about how $700k has been earned in Kleros courts.
Keep in mind the total market cap of kleros is $80mm, so the earned/mkt cap ratio is over 100x vs chainlink which secures over $2 billion dollars in defi protocols and has a market cap of about 4x that number.

This is literally req monkey friends 2.0, cant wait for you fags to get JUSTed

>> No.21509350


Sorry that you're some ESL retard that doesn't understand basic English then since the post very clearly says something. Your inability to interpret it just further proves my point. Keep spamming stupid dogshit though you pussy.

>> No.21509368

This is literal
Ranjeesh fud. I’m getting more pnk now

>> No.21509375
File: 439 KB, 1240x457, 1597587701034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you sirs, this screencap is added to Sanskrit library.

>> No.21509413
File: 14 KB, 471x388, 39D36FC9-F5DD-4CFD-9B60-6BA9983E32C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA look at this faggot SEETHE! You missed out, just accept it

>> No.21509430
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It's better that they don't know for now, more time for smart people to accumulate. They'll learn eventually.
We had the exact same FUD posts about LINK when it was hovering around $1.40 for a while. History repeats itself.

>> No.21509457

Imagine spending all this time to type something out but still doesn’t prove anything besides the fact that you missed out on the easiest money you could have ever made. Oh no no no no

>> No.21509530
File: 308 KB, 700x1244, reqfreinds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the future of kleros stans

>> No.21509597
File: 204 KB, 750x500, 1509549534407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i just realized most PNKies are too new to even remember the request fiasco

history repeats itself I guess lmao

>> No.21509615
File: 495 KB, 784x705, 6CD2D2B4-8DCE-45ED-BF07-A6AAE2E554D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just bought another eth worth after seeing your shit tiered fud. Thanks for the buy signal

>> No.21509663

Cringe and bluepilled. Spend all this time fudding. Have sex pal

>> No.21509666

FINALLY someone said it. Totally agree.

Hurrrrr duuurrrrrr. I’m a juror! Drrrrr

>> No.21509722

??? augur was a top 10 coin in 2017

>> No.21509741

Makes sense that it's Twitter dogs spreading this FUD. I thought something smelled like inflated ego and 15 minutes of Google searches.

>> No.21509743
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>implying Augur isn't going to be successful

>> No.21509751

>he thinks it’s for courts of law

>> No.21509811
File: 188 KB, 431x405, C18A60FF-AD24-4823-966A-697C4759DA62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, you missed out.

>> No.21509828
File: 40 KB, 1533x653, aug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah? So was bitconnect

>> No.21509864

True but who gives a shit? I'll take /biz/ retard money as quickly as I'd take sophisticated money.
Let them buy and hold. We'll clean them up later and laugh about it in the rope threads.

>> No.21509882
File: 315 KB, 1331x493, 82DEAFCB-C462-4CBC-9E3F-256F33EFDEAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving that you’re a poorfag. Rich people wouldn’t spend time fudding an $80M mcap. Jokes on you, incel.

>> No.21509927
File: 99 KB, 1600x1352, 849B4365-CF52-4CA5-AF30-4C0C264D87AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing this
>rather than buying pic related
It’s as if you hate yourself and money.

>> No.21509971
File: 3.88 MB, 1200x2800, A59DF82C-3E7F-4686-82C7-D9C93F520E6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys beta cuck

>> No.21510264

clement betrayed us, we were supposed to be int his together

>> No.21510282

>newfags still talking about market cap like they understand it's implication
I'm so glad you retards demonstrate this so often so I can always make a profit by doing the exact opposite of whatever you're shilling/FUDing. Never change.

>> No.21510376

>posting a graph showcasing that augur poised to make a bull run
Even the FUD is bullish kek

>> No.21510432

hello sirs where do i buy this coin

>> No.21510529

Finally some said it, it's over kleros is dead

>> No.21510550

Judge Judy meets Mechanical Turk on the blockchain.

>> No.21510553
File: 36 KB, 577x577, 1559706064671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally 80% down from its ATH
>hasn't reached at in over 2 years
>this was somehow a good investment

shitcoiners are so used to losses theyve forgotten its possible for a coin to NOT lose value of several years

>> No.21510806
File: 290 KB, 393x561, 1596234591269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care
bought another 20k

>> No.21510914

Its way too early for this solution.