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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 20 KB, 640x640, stake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21495247 No.21495247 [Reply] [Original]

Listen to me
Honestly, I'll outline why I think this will continue to be the biggest gainer of 2020 + 2021.

1) ETH is getting absolutely hammered by DeFi at the moment resulting in insanely high gas prices, the underlying architecture of xDai mirrors Ethereum 1.0, meaning that smart contracts can be written and deployed there very easily. It is THE best solution right now until ETH2 is ready.

2) xDai can be used as an interoperability layer between different chains and ETH for example Elrond (https://elrond.com/blog/elrond-interoperability-with-ethereum-compatible-chains-via-xdai-token-bridge).). As more and more projects come to xDai more projects will use it as an interoperability layer for their chains.

3) Some of the biggest names in the space are actively talking about xDai (Vitalik...) and deploying there, we have already seen movement from DAOs, NFTs, Payment platforms and more. Real life utility is moving to xDai daily. It's a massive snowball effect, more projects result in more projects being forced to migrate to xDai.

4) The Reddit scaling bakeoff winner will really make L2 / Rollups solutions explode. In my opinion we stand a VERY good chance of winning, our pitch was solid, Evan Van Ness (one of the judges) actively talks about xDai quite alot too. I think we stand a VERY good chance.

5) Low marketcap. We are only valued at 20MC even with this pump, MATIC is valued 5x higher, MAKER is 30x!! higher. Also, there is a huge amount of tokens locked in EasyStaking making STAKE a much more scarse asset.

Honestly, if we can even capture a small % of the DeFi ecosystem there is absolutely no reason why this project couldn't hit $200+ in the short term. There are chains out there worth billions with next to no usage.

>> No.21495493

going to 25 $ today, because this is a unique situation, with the Vitalik shill and BitMax down

>> No.21495588
File: 124 KB, 334x506, 1595338364852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xDai chain = SNX + MKR + ETH 2.0 = 1 billion MC easy buy EOY

>> No.21495684

Everyone needs to read this

>> No.21495703


>> No.21495722

xDai STAKE is a killer. Every crypto holder must hold a few STAKE. DYOR & see for yourself.
$1000 eoy

>> No.21495740

BOOM 12 $

>> No.21495910


They don't deserve to know

>> No.21495978

no more big sellers on Uniswap

>> No.21496018

whats the vitalik shill?

>> No.21496047

Fck me, and i thought it’s expensive @ 1,6$. Luckily i filled my bag then

>> No.21496138

500 K USD and we go to the moon

>> No.21496179
File: 31 KB, 598x276, Vitalik xDai STAKE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21496238


>> No.21496293

keep it for 1 year at least, it's only 25 mil MC

>> No.21496351

Don't have time for that desu, I hope for quick flip after a few days

>> No.21496404

there is nobody to dump it now on Uniswap, hope somebody pumps 500 K in to it so it moons

>> No.21496450

i have 27

will i make it?

>> No.21496550

You'll have $27000 eoy, fren

>> No.21496632

Please anon don't do that, the price may be inflated as most of the volume is inaccessible right now due to bitmax being offline for maintenance. At least wait for bitmax to come back online before you buy in.

>> No.21496688

I'm a stake holder but I don't want to see people get absolutely rekt by this.

>> No.21496713
File: 56 KB, 800x480, 8-apollo11astr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you at 25 $ in 3 hours

>> No.21496752

That would be great for me but I'm not getting too excited right now. If the price doesn't dump after bitmax comes back online I'll coom my pants.

>> No.21496809
File: 8 KB, 1033x70, Stake whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whales are here

>> No.21496820

Easy, bitmax comes back online at 9pm est. i just sell before then

>> No.21496881

>$13.19 per STAKE
Topkek. Low volume illiquid shitcoin

>> No.21496979

So I'm suppose to buy this pump that you just posted? I mean where were you 2 days ago? Jesus this is so pathetic

>> No.21497013

1100 ETH in the pool

>> No.21497090

i shilled STAKE at 1 -2 $ , everybody called me a pajeet

>> No.21497109

How does $27 billion sound?

>> No.21497124

You understand what Vitalik just said in a tweet right??

>this goes 100mc-200mc today or tomorrow

>> No.21497135

lol another igor scam. just like poa.

>> No.21497187

use burner wallet and shut up

>> No.21497241

ok Pajj

>> No.21497493

Keep saying that faggot, yes ignore this beauty, you keep on buying shitcoins. This is the real deal! Bought at 1$ and staked a lot immediately, so comfy

>> No.21497603

Amazing opportunity right here

>> No.21497646

Imagine not having at least 100 of them

>> No.21498212

I don't think there's any point in buying STAKE from uniswap right now. Bitmax will be back online in few hours and I suppose STAKE will resume trading at its pre pump lower price over there. Am I on the right track anons?