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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2148616 No.2148616 [Reply] [Original]

REEEEEEE WHERE IS IT?? I sold everything for fiat yesterday because you said the jews were going to hydrogen bomb BTC and poloniex but everything's just continuing to rise. Did I get jewed?

>> No.2148624

>continuing to rise

>> No.2148626

>selling for fiat

>> No.2148650

I saw that thread. Learn to ignore bad information. Everyone was assuming things like BTC segwit and speculating on prices. If you learn anything from this, learn to hold good coins.

>> No.2148759
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>Did I get jewed?

>Find "secret" Jew conversation on 4cahn via reddit on twitter.
>Did I get jewed?

>> No.2148768

>convo was literally in hebrew
>did I get jewed

>> No.2148785

It was obvious that it was an attempt to make everyone panic sell cheap alt coins (then notice how Zcash spiked hard today because of the announcement?) This shit is set up hard to screw those without iron hands.

>> No.2148811


> Thinking that the attention whoring nerd was not exaggerating to gain twitter followers and 5 minutes of fame.

>> No.2148823


>> No.2148833

learn to read my dude

projecting a drop in alts and a rise in btc

which was literally what happened, polo was blood on 24h changes

sad part is no NYT article dropped

>> No.2148853

But it did happen, senpai. A hydrogen bomb exploded and launched Bitcoin into orbit. Your interpretation was just a little off.

>> No.2148862

I knew from the start that thread wa shady

>> No.2148874

FUCK. Why did it sound so convincing last night. They were all like "you have been warned!" and there was a scary spongebob picture. Some guy from the netherlands who reads Hebrew said the facebook conversation between Silbertstein or Shem or something had a "deeply negative undertone". Some other guy was saying there will be a log jam like we've never seen before and we'll all get slaughtered like pigs. I couldn't even sleep.

>> No.2148903

significant BTC rise generally = alts drop = polo blood bath. That's what they were warning about dude.

>> No.2148923
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If it was just BTC rising relative to alts I couldn't give less of shit. JEEEEEESUS CHRIST. Why couldn't you people just say that.

>> No.2149009

I saw the thread. if someone makes vague statements about 'happenings' and never gives concrete answers you can usually ignore them as shitposters.

>> No.2149039
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This is what happens when you wear a fucking aluminum sheet head apparatus!

>> No.2149088

FWIW some of us were.

I explicitly stated in several posts that Shitty Shillbert was gonna trick the weakhanded fucky cucks into selling out and opening the door for gainz for whales

>> No.2149094

Gotta be honest senpai. I am willing to sell my soul at this point for money