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File: 10 KB, 200x200, AKRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21483435 No.21483435 [Reply] [Original]

This is your captain speaking. The final $AKRO presale unlock is today. Store your $AKRO in the overhead compartment or beneath the seat in front of you and fasten your seatbelt. Flight attendants, prepare for takeoff.

>> No.21483533

moon is waiting!

>> No.21483546 [DELETED] 

chart looks nice

>> No.21483652

HOLY SHIT is that a one year cup and handle?

>> No.21483689


>> No.21483757
File: 84 KB, 600x900, 1587636979398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOY price?

>> No.21483807

can it farm shrimp?

>> No.21483870

no, it cannot farm shrimp

>> No.21483927

few understand this

>> No.21484020

not only shrimp

>> No.21484193

The platform is similar to yearn finance in a lot of ways but it adds a DAO creation utility, under-collateralized loans, yield farming, pools, and it can connect to your bank so you can go straight from USD or EUR into DAI or USDC and earn interest.

>> No.21484269

We are going to $4/-

>> No.21484270

aint even mad

>> No.21484395

Im fucking ready. Never selling until 1000$ eoy

>> No.21484405

When 10$ anon?

>> No.21484418

why do you expect a pump after presale unlock?

>> No.21484436

IS AKRO token like CRV?

>> No.21484457

After $8 which will be some time after $4 The Gods of the Akropolis will make it so. Akropolis -Just Do it!

>> No.21484470


It's up 1500% in a month

I'll buy your bags for cheap

>> No.21484533

we better.

t. 1 Million AKRO stacklet

>> No.21484601

It is better with unique and working DeFi products

>> No.21484653

I've been making bank riding the defi wave over the last month (yams, cake, meme), apart from CRV. Anybody shrimp farming?

>> No.21484738

Probably to demoralize us when there is no pump and possibly a dump in turn casing us to also dump.

>> No.21484902

If we do I can quit my job.

I hope so. My Link gains need to be reinvested somewhere.

>> No.21484984

AKRO is normie friendly and won't force you stay awake doing blow while chasing shit like YAM.

I am getting AAVE vibes.

>> No.21484994

I hold both. Hoping Akro funds my travel while link funds the rest of my life.

>> No.21485030

yeah, seems like a better mStable

>> No.21485484

Is this comparable to aave?

>> No.21485583

Yes insofar as it uses AAVE as part of its suite of banking services. Look at the website.

>> No.21485626

when the TVL piles in to Delphi watch AKRO shoot within the top 100

>> No.21485859

why it's below 100 market cap?

>> No.21485906

AKRO has capped the TVL for delphi because they aren't stupid like the YAM dev. So once more TVL increases then price should increase aswell.

>> No.21486155

Staked and ready for Delphi full mainnet. ADEL is going to be the YFI, super excited.

>> No.21486269

how do we stake akro

>> No.21486288

you wait until staking opens up. they held a lottery for early stakers but thats done now.

>> No.21486364


Coin was unfairly priced, and now it's not. Doubtful it goes lower than 2.5c.

>> No.21486583

if i buy akro now, i can yield farm in the near future? How does it work anon.. im an absolute defi brainlet

>> No.21486667

you buy and hodl
later if you want yield you learn

>> No.21486842

How can we farm this thing? When staking?

>> No.21486909

Buy Akro -> Stake it -> Earn Adele - >Use Adel to farm. Sinple really

I dont understand how is this not a ~200mm mc.

>> No.21486960

i earned crv tokens, where do i stake them?
i hope this really makes farming easier, it's confusing as fuck now

>> No.21486987

Mainnet on the 20th and TGE for Adel is the 24th. You should be all in in this fuck at leat for a month. Shit has another 10x under the sleeve.

Shameless shilling because my bags are packed and guaranteed returns to anyone who buys in right now.

>> No.21486988
File: 23 KB, 218x218, 4L_wV8ge5n3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale suppression. Once they’re done accumulating this shit will moon! I’m literally shaking right now. Getting link vibes!

>> No.21487038

Akro is undeservedly underrated. Delphi will turn it around once Adel is released.

>> No.21487123

Do i sell my BNT to pickup more AKRO?

>> No.21487166

Thanks, anon. I have converted all my ETH into this. Let's go!

>> No.21487312

this whole thread is so sketchy

>> No.21487356

How so? AKRO is the Aave of Polkadot. Get in or get left behind to bitch like LINK/Aave

>> No.21487410

It's ok, don't buy. We don't need you.

>> No.21487414

Just wait until MSM realizes it’s women-led too and shills it as the anti-financeBroDegenDeFi. This is going to catch fire.

>> No.21487437

man can't decode your message

>> No.21487531

I don't think there's a lot of women into crypto so not sure if shilling it that way will be profitable. Also, libtards are pretty stupid financially desu.

>> No.21487587

You underestimate the SV male virtue-signallers too. Plus, it’s just a damn good project and clean UI. Mark my words, Ana will get major features this fall

>> No.21487647

Exactly. Expect - women lead defi project going mainstream- type of articles all over crypto community.

Your welcome anon. Bear in mind it might dip a bit due to presale token being released. But dont expect - 20% type of correction

>> No.21487710

Hmm could be possible. Anyway, I just wanna stake and farm soon. I may not have the time to check this until end of the year because of school. I hope AKRO moons hard so I can fucking finally drop out and never wage.

>> No.21487770

have got a baby stack now... 50k reporting in

>> No.21487794

Most of the presale tokens have already been released. The ones being released are for those who didn't pass kyc.

>> No.21487830

Yep, can see it happening rn. But seriously, support is pretty solid 'cause no one's selling. Been holding since 0.006 cents and just added more today. Not selling either. Kek.

>> No.21487926

Checked. Who's the lass?

>> No.21487956

How much are the presale whales getting? I don't want to get dumped on.

>> No.21487983

Whales are just breaking even from ICO trust me they are not dumping

>> No.21488208

I'll wait to see how it goes. They may want to pressure the price to lower levels in order to bag-up more.

>> No.21488306

it will not happen real fomo in here

>> No.21488370

that's Mommy, the CEO of AKRO.

>> No.21488428

thats not happening. Imagine you bought the ICO and held for years, only to play chicken with DeFi fomo powering these massive moves.

Anyone selling now will be swinging from a rope once they see AKRO pull an AAVE

>> No.21488736


>> No.21489011

Anyone selling now is selling for crumbs. Akro is about to make serious moves.

>> No.21489074

make it stack ? I have around 90K akro

>> No.21489106

suicide stack is 100k
make it stack is 1Million

>> No.21489186

Crypto noob. Where/how to buy AKRO?

>> No.21489245

You lads rarely let me down, I'm just scared of whales. Noted Akropolis on my list of shitcoins and after I do a bit of research I will get in it.
Many DeFi turned out to be scams, at least this one has some history and at first glance looks legit, not vaporware.

>> No.21489295
File: 57 KB, 749x646, Normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally have a service for Normies. I keked hard. She's qt and based.

>> No.21489348


>> No.21489426

I did last week, now waiting for $1

>> No.21489458

the entire team is weaponized autism they know what normies want. This is only the beginning.

>> No.21489565

all autists want moon only

>> No.21489580

dont forget Polkadot integration. few understand this.

>> No.21489636

So... next Link?
Started doing research on it and this popped out:
Hold me anon, I'm starting to fomo

>> No.21489656

FFS. Just bought 100k unironically.

>> No.21489913
File: 61 KB, 1366x638, Screenshot_2020-08-16 Polkadot Telemetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he knows
pic related
DeFi is going to be the greatest transfer of wealth from traditional banking. Who ever can make it easy and safe is the next JP Morgan Chase/Goldman Sachs/Bank Of America x 100

Akro is at the forefront of this.

>> No.21490235

What does your pic show, no clue here

>> No.21490302

Buying more, I wouldn't want to miss the next YFI.

>> No.21490319

Everyone is jumping on the DeFi bandwagon these days. Beam announced they are working on anonymous DeFi. Should be interesting.

>> No.21490371

Akropolis running their substrate testnet nodes on Polkadot.

>> No.21490374

There’s no need to say this.

>> No.21490416


Its a polkadot project block scanner I believe,
What do I need to watch or understand to believe in polka projects ?

why will polkadot be so big ?
Gavin woods ?
its not trying to kill eth but to integrate with it ?
the idea of parachains is cool ?
you will be able to write in Rust ?

but to the end user is just a a faster platform right ?

>> No.21490426

YFI has low supply, thus the crazy moves. Akropolis has a huge supply.

>> No.21490810

Legit questions


>> No.21490825

Okay lads, I'm convinced that Akropolis is a gem. Waiting for a retrace to safe buy-in levels and I'll jump in.

>> No.21490940

it's been flatlining for a week. do you even think there'll be a retracement?

>> No.21490983
File: 122 KB, 500x750, 09e5af7b53ecb7480e6f38450a89be24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for a retrace lads

>> No.21491055

Same I've got 125k and about to get more with my OXT profits lol

>> No.21491159

OMG the chart..... Gigantic C&H. Please someone tell me I'm wrong, I don't want to fomo any harder I swear.

>> No.21491396

Post a screencap? I'm not seeing it. What time frame?

>> No.21491686

It's a no-trade zone for me now... if it breaks out, I jump in, if it dumps, I jump in.

>> No.21492169
File: 16 KB, 795x465, akroch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go anon, tell me to save my money pls.

>> No.21492381

>increases supply when unlocking tokens for investors
Imagine my shock.

>> No.21492496

This chart is literally every shitcoin from 2017 that wasn't complete vapour ware. And yes, Anon, if we enter a real bull market, they all will explode massively. Just pack your best bags, get ready for the ride and enjoy it.

>> No.21493169
File: 68 KB, 567x544, GOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got me some AAVIES and AKROTS ready to fucking GOOOOOO