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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21481063 No.21481063 [Reply] [Original]

I have
>7.5M RSR
>5k LINK
>100k AVAX (locked)
>100k USDC
Do I sell maybe 1m RSR and 500 LINK so I can ensure a few more years of NEETing away?
My country doesn't provide a social system (I pay very little in tax as well though).
I know both those coins can moon even harder, but having hard cash for 1-2 more years (50k/year in spending, I have kids) seems like a nice safety net in case my coins need more time to moon.
What would /biz/ suggest?

>> No.21481090
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P.S. I can limit the spending to 35k/year probably.
And I can also work part time as a dev (I have offers) so I don't sell.
Just wondering what my best options are right now.

>> No.21481288

Definitely cash out a bit, I think everyone is on edge because of three years ago so the price crash might happen sooner than we expect. Better to lose a little bit of gains, but be secure for a while rather than lose everything in a week

>> No.21481394

since you already have cash for 2 years i would sell enough for one more year just so you’re not forced to sell the bottom in case of unexpected shit happening, 3 years worth of expenses is really really safe and should be enough

>> No.21481502

Bruh donate me some link im poor asf

>> No.21482083

Thanks, based anons, I expected 4chin to shit on me for considering this selloff.
I guess I'll put sell orders slightly above current price.
If they pass through - great.
If they don't - I'll have to wagekek part time until they moon.
And if they totally collapse I'm using the 100k USDC to buy cheap and will wagekek fulltime.

>> No.21482105

Also wanted to add that I'm jelly as fuck at your RSR stack, I'm nearly at 500k, but 7.5M is insane, you'll be a millionaire soon

>> No.21482203
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Thanks, anon.
I'm in bitcoin since jan 2013, so I'm incredibly poor given my early entry point.
But I was below the poverty line in an already poor country back then.
My mom basically starved herself to give me a wagecucking-free college experience, so I have a lot to give back as well.
Good luck with the RSR I'm about to sell to you xD. Hoping for at least another 5x.