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File: 202 KB, 1001x823, DE89A893-D9C6-41CF-A6AE-AA2DFEFA9D03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21476574 No.21476574 [Reply] [Original]

And why are you in yet anons? Are you saying you’re smarter than this guy? Okay Kek


>> No.21476618
File: 118 KB, 332x332, 482928CE-8715-4A85-B2AB-DB5EB3784362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I was in PNK before this whale
130+ IQ confirmed. The bottom is in so I’m going to get some more. Who puts 1000 eth into anything without knowing something special.

>> No.21476656

Why so much?

>> No.21476675

stop leaking my address

>> No.21476691

It's old long shot Louie's wallet
Guy loves long shots

>> No.21476704

No clue but I imagine he knows what’s to come. The lad has spent over $400k on pnk this last week or so. If this isn’t a buy signal then idk what else to say

>> No.21476725

Baste sire

>> No.21476738

Incredibly based

>> No.21476745
File: 38 KB, 691x444, 128DA81C-B412-47BC-AB9C-F997517E8E1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk. If that were the case he would have went in during February at under a penny. The fact that he has bought $400k worth of pnk around ATH is fucking bullish beyond belief.

>> No.21476757

god I wish this was me
t. 40k pnklet bought at 1 cent
only hope is that this shit goes to at least $15 at the peak of the bull and that I have enough time to accumulate more

>> No.21476764

b but there Argorn and other jury coins. Fuck France

>> No.21476802

Based pink ID. Long shot Louie better change his handle cuz pnk isn’t a long shot. It’s an empty netter.

He’s gotta know something from above. 1000 eth is nothing to play with.

>> No.21476877
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>> No.21476878

I just can’t get past the fact that not only has he dropped 1000 eth on it in the last few weeks, he’s been buying it near ATH. In what world does a whale do this? He must know it’s a winner.

>> No.21476940

Insider trading in anticipation of the coinbase listing?

>> No.21477020

PNK moon mission as we speak bois

>> No.21477046

Honestly it could be. I wouldn’t rule it out if the equation. He’s also participating in cases too.

>> No.21477177

That fucking dildo holy shit. I’m thinking we’re back.

Big if true

Let’s fucking hope

>> No.21477208

inb4 those aragon faggots come back
they're in every pnk thread

>> No.21477239

how do you guys feel being so early in the project and just like that a rich guy comes in and cucks your bag
t. top 100 who is slowly getting kicked out by new whales

>> No.21477247

So you discovered that rich people also gamble. No inside knowledge. Just gamble some spare money. Vegas is full of em.

>> No.21477279

ur mad hes not gambling on ur shitcoin

>> No.21477299
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You’re missing the point.

Kek I used to be top 150 and now barely in the 250 last time I checked. I’ll let rich guys cuck me any day. Feels kinda good desu.

>> No.21477324
File: 14 KB, 471x388, 1953D956-5B68-47FB-9FB5-019A72036461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a form of coping?

>> No.21477327

go read the yellowpaper. The only reason kleros isn't a top 10 coin is because it doesn't have major listings and awareness in the wider community.

>> No.21477328


Guys guys enough of the violence...

Just buy more PNK we dont need to be acting like neanderthals

Even little Anajeep in mumbai had a chodeable stack

>> No.21477350
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Ill be the judge of that, Anon

>> No.21477383


>> No.21477475
File: 32 KB, 1080x287, IMG_20200816_185247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Makes me feel comfy about my stacklet.

>> No.21477478

He probably knows about "C" or "V"

>> No.21477508

That’s $5M at its peak

>> No.21477542

Blockfolio doesn't have accurate pricing for PNK, it's so weird.
>wake up, check blockfolio
>PNK is 20c
>feel good
>two hours later check blockfolio
>PNK is 8c
>go to buy more
>check coingecko
>PNK has been crabbing around 16c for two days with no major movements
what the FUCK

>> No.21477548


>> No.21477559

Have you seen the leaks?

>> No.21477593


>> No.21477614

Post em

>> No.21477629
File: 130 KB, 991x784, 9F37D3EE-104E-4207-A0DA-F7B6BF016F18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you mean the copy paste clone of kleros? Yeah, no thanks faggot. Kys btw.

>> No.21477661
File: 99 KB, 1600x1352, 25A09400-1F21-4A7C-9474-B1E60CB120B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe. Get a load of this faggot. Go Fuck yourself Jorge. Goodluck copypasting all of pic related.

>> No.21477681

It must have something to do with PNK not being listed on any major exchanges or something like that, because the blockfolio numbers are indeed fucked.

>> No.21477759

likely fake leaks
doesn't affect PNK in anyway because exchange listings are only a matter of time considering how much headway the project is making

>> No.21477764

god I forget just how GOOD the team is at assessing where value can be created in the most straightforward way.

Do you have the one where he says his paycheck comes first and foremost? I have no idea how ANJ is value so highly by the market.


>> No.21477843

There’s so many tweets of ignorance from Jorge and the rest of those cucks. They think they can just copy everything and it will work out. What they are failing to realize is that they aren’t autistic like the kleros team.

>> No.21477867
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If the courts will it, so it will be

>> No.21477929

There isn’t another team in crypto that is doing what pnk is doing. There really isn’t. The stuff they’re doing has the potential to disrupt IRL applications.

>> No.21477933 [DELETED] 

Anyone can donate some pnk anons 0x9645e72f2471ae5d9edEE41BcCFF399caC57DF0e

>> No.21477958

There is no way kleros won't be listed on coinbase sooner or later. The only problem I have is they've already namedropped aragon in their "potential listings" and it would be an incredibly shitty thing of them to do if they listed it first when it's just a copy+paste.

The jury has their verdict - [ x ] fuck off

>> No.21477967

pen in pooper first sir

>> No.21477986
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>Imagine actually believing this

>> No.21478012

Okay you got dubs so that’s a start. Next time you go to shit on your street. Insert sharpie into your pooper and take a pic. You can use local train station as reference for time stamp. If this all works out then you may become a very rich man in the future.

>> No.21478148

Where can I buy PNK?

>> No.21478155

ANJ is ranked so much lower than PNK, has fewer wallets, inferior tech and basically sucks in every way.
It would be a real blunder if that happened.

>> No.21478162
File: 197 KB, 829x1015, pnk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on the non-court dapps

>> No.21478180


>> No.21478192

Bitfinex has it. KYC though.

>> No.21478195

This just gets funnier and funnier the more you do it my ebin memer bro :^D

>> No.21478234

Just noticed the IDs. What's the play? Getting more people on uniswap?

>> No.21478277

>What's the play?
There is none.
They just do it in every PNK thread.
It's some kind of extension of the PNK pajeet larp except it go old and cringe really quickly.

>> No.21478299
File: 495 KB, 784x705, 75D4432B-BC08-4614-BBF6-6BAD18E310E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what your end game is but Kys incel. This kind of shit confirms that you do not have sex. Congrats? Kek

>> No.21478316

Seething bitch kek

>> No.21478343

you do this in every thread
it's not even funny

>> No.21478388

The non-court dapps are the real gem behind kleros and the reason vitalik is so keen on the tech. Decentralised arbitration is a HUGE leap forward in blockchain technology. It basically makes the system complete.

The next steps have all been included in the yellow paper. Whitelists sound boring but have gigantic ramifications, particularly in proof-of-person lists, which kleros is actively aiming to create. You will prove to the best of your ability who you are, and stake kleros to that effect. People looking to make money can challenge that stake and a case is created, and the winner gets the other person's stake. This will create a system of humans.

Once you have that, crypto potential can go bananas. You could arbitrate cases by saying "I want my will to trigger upon my death. My 'death' shall trigger when my x key hasn't been signed in over a year. I want x coins to go to x persons wallet. That wallet shall be y, however that person may change that wallet address via smart contract to be verified by kleros that the change is legitimate.
[distribution of assets]
If there is a challenge to the will, I want the case to be judged on kleros by jurors from x jurisdiction, as determined by their bio on their kleros P-O-P whitelist.

This is one example. But proof-of-person in the blockchain world will change absolutely everything, and kleros is handing the ability for that to happen to the world on a silver platter. It is mindboggling stuff if you have the imagination to use it as a solution to real world problems.

On a smaller scale, it could be used for Linguo. You have a proof of person on a whitelist, then you say what languages you can translate, and people can 'rate' your translations, bringing in more jobs and weeding out the google translators.

>> No.21478397

How much can this potentially go to? I have 30k of this. Is it enough?

>> No.21478439

Basically to summarise - the real use of kleros is actually to avoid disputes. By having the potential for disputes to arise, and financial stake backing your claim on the blockchain, you can create trust in the network and completely avoid the idea that if you want to get your money back, you will need to use the court.

>> No.21478460
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Checked and absolutely based.

>> No.21478543

>Are you saying you’re smarter than this guy?

>> No.21478566

Im sorry bro, Kleros is awesome and I’m over 6 figures in it, but proof of person sucks cock in Kleros. It can only verify humans the same way centralized places can, which is through looking at you/looking at docs/ etc which is all both privacy violating and easy to fake in decentralized systems
What you’re looking for is Idena network, and they can be completely interoperable with each other. Let Kleros deal with general decentralized arbitration systems and contracts, and let Idena do the proof of human portion. Completely privacy preserving and decentralized, impossible to fake 100% human verifications
I went balls deep in Kleros at sale, and I’m telling you Idena is the next huge thing as well. Both of them are. If you like Kleros, do yourself a favor and just look into Idena. I’m not even saying invest into it, just sign up and join the network. It is completely unique and changed how I looked at crypto systems completely

>> No.21478633

Don't discount the arbitration mechanism.

>> No.21478703

Depending on whether DeFi is a bubble or a new paradigm, it could be up there with LINK. Arbitration is not judge judy - it is an oracle network which does not require an oracle network to be set up in advance. It is inefficient for things like exchange rates and the like which can be automated, but when the network is big enough and enough jurors exist (+100k) then you could feasibly have cases decided MUCH faster, making the juror network that much more effective and attractive to clients.

I briefly looked into Idena. Redpill me, but as far as I could tell it's concerned with individual privacy, which is something that, ironically, you don't want to have in many scenarios on the blockchain. Proof that somebody is not a robot is different to proof that somebody is exactly who they say they are. What you want is proof that a certain address is x person, and kleros provides that trust by having a monetary incentive to find people who are lying. This would invariably require third party evidence like passports and drivers licenses, but the point is it would be entirely up to the provider of the information and is decentralised from any one source.

>> No.21478710

I’m not, it is awesome. In fact, doing arbitration with financial stake on it as Kleros does is probably a better way to do it than just have “1 vote per human” as Idena would if it had to do that for arbitration. I’m just saying that for proof of humanity and where decentralized “1 person per vote” mechanisms are concerned, Idena will change the world with its privacy preserving, evenly distributed human voting mechanisms. I think togethwr they’ll crush and solve the human problem of crypto
Don’t forget that Idena is based on ethereum and has the same address and is very nicely interoperable with ethereum.

>> No.21478713

Anon how u know this? Just from etherscan?

>> No.21478828

Totally. For proving things like “I’m John Smith” Idena is shit. For proving things like “I’m an individual person different from anybody else possible, you don’t need to have my name or ID, here’s my vote for [whatever needs democratic voting]”. Big time event oracles are a huge use case for that, but there are plenty more, like a lot of game theory games.
Idena and Kleros solve different problems and complement each other. Look into “Sybil attacks”, where one person can give more than one vote. In some cases it is totally fine, like where it is expected and the system draws a lot of people with many votes and expects them to even oit — like Kleros did in case 302. But in some cases this won’t work, and each person needs to have a single vote only, or needs to have a single “something” only, like Universal Basic Income.
Democracy will take a completely different meaning with Idena on the blockchain. These problems weren’t even researched much because people just kept going “nah, too hard on the chain without doing KYC”. This is quite, quite unique stuff.
Again, Kleros is fucking awesome, just don’t overlook Idena.

>> No.21478871

Ahhhh now I get where you're coming from in regard to your post above. I'm talking about contracting - trustless financial contracts don't require proof of person. You don't give a shit who the person on the other end of the contract is so long as they pay up. But for literally every other kind of contract you need rudimentary trust that the other party is who they say they are, and kleros will provide that to you. Of course they could beat the system and have excellent credentials but be somebody else - but that's why kleros allows you to set your own stake. If someone provides amazing evidence and stakes 10 ETH on their own identity, they're probably not a venezuelan with a fake american ID.

Thanks anon. Sounds like we agree on that point - I'll look more into Idena.

>> No.21478892

where can i trade it? it isn't on coinbase...

>> No.21478918

Where can i get this coin?

>> No.21479008
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>> No.21479119

Me too bitches LET'S GO.

>> No.21479157

Yep! For things like insurance contracts between two suppliers, I’d much rather use Kleros and their arb system. Once someone figures out insurance smart contracts as an “add on” for providing liquidity to things like dexes and other liquidity providers, using Kleros as a “in case shit goes down but otherwise you get my insurance fees, mr. Compound/Curve/Aave/centralized provider/etc”, boy oh boy. It will be gucking gg. It will work for both decentralized systems and centralized
Man we’re so fuckingn early. How did people not see this, I don’t know. I guess the market only recognizes things once they’re built and can’t have vision into future. We actually use blockchain daily (well, I do) and this shit is so obvious that it is needed, and seeing Kleros build it with 3(!) 500k euro grants within 9 months and a team of math PhD autists with a 300 academic paper, I mean come ON. how’s it not obvious that this is going to change crypto?

>> No.21479187
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If this isn't more memeing then uniswap or idex. It will list on coinbase in november and anyone not accumulating before then will miss out.

Remember anything less than $5 is FUD.

>> No.21479232

I was being serious desu relatively new to crypto and haven't had the need to go outside of it yet

should i go with Uniswap or Idex? Are they trustworthy?

>> No.21479256

>I guess the market only recognizes things once they’re built and can’t have vision into future
Half of the top 100 coins by MC don't have working products. Look at band as an example - an oracle provider with no oracle networks, just hype. Even XRP is a glorified shitcoin. Kleros works right now. The real redpill is that crypto only recognises things when they moon. People will only pay attention to projects when the possibility of making money is there. But the money comes from the potential, and the potential comes from the technology and its applications.

>> No.21479271
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>> No.21479289

Uniswap is a decentralised exchange. You are not trusting anyone with your money, you are trusting it to a smart contract and you have 100% control of your keys at all times. Fees are good. You can and should use uniswap for pretty much every trade these days.
Make sure you select Version 1 in the top right corner to get a cheaper deal - there's more liquidity there so you can (usually) get more PNK for your ETH.

>> No.21479380

Man fuck whoever leaked that shit. It should’ve stayed low on the radar and then shilled for higher ROI’s for people truly aware of PNKs potential.
There is literally nothing good with leaked shit as it could even delay listing.

>> No.21479434


>> No.21479444
File: 121 KB, 800x848, dog-burger--9969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i miss the chance to buy a 0.15 or should i just buy at 0.16 and stop refreshing

>> No.21479457

Spotted the Seething idena Fag lmfao it’s over for you topkek

>> No.21479491

To be fair, Kleros is perhaps the biggest shoe-in in crypto right now. There was no way they weren't going to list it eventually and while the date being leaked is a dick move, it might even speed up the listing so they can start getting fees sooner.

>> No.21479497

>pnk will be $4 soon
What’s the diff between a penny anon. This is long term.

>> No.21479510

You are buying at sub 20c. Consider yourself extremely lucky and don't worry about it. People will look back at this post in the archives, see you haggling over 1c, and be amazed.

>> No.21479519
File: 158 KB, 1242x848, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck me trips decides friendler, thanks for the advice screenshotting

>> No.21479533

>that feel when $4 is only a x20 away

>> No.21479574

I like the idea of it 100%, once on coinbase the average tradesman or professional can participate in arbitration and grow the product.
I just wanted more time under $1 to accumulate

>> No.21479750

The FUD has been strong, pinkies.
ANJ faggots are mad as fuck that no one gives a shit about their gay coin

>> No.21479940


>> No.21480308


>> No.21480726

God it feels good to not be american.

>> No.21480776

I wanna be fucking part of this with you guys. Can't fucking wait to look back and go FUCK YEAH!!!! THANKS FOR FEEDING MY VILLAGE

>> No.21480974
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Keep telling yourself that all the way to the guillotine.

>> No.21481304

>tfw bought 100k at 1cent per PNK
Feels good, lad.

>> No.21481330

Eventually, people will be saying "just bought 100 PNK, will I make it?"
You won't be a stacklet for long.
t. 100k Olympian

>> No.21481349
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>> No.21481387

is 800k enough to make it?

>> No.21481421
File: 44 KB, 462x707, PNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I bite the bullet? aaaaa

>> No.21481424

village? sir, I think you mean your CITY

>> No.21481460

do it my kind sirs

>> No.21481465

There is simple one question sir
Do you want village to become town like new delhi or village to stay village like karachi sir?

>> No.21481511

How much would you pay for GAS fees?

>> No.21481520

>26k PNK
Yes just don't buy any more or you'll push me out of my spot. I went from #700 to #850 in a few days and have to keep buying more to say ahead of future whales.

>> No.21481530

about $5, which is cheap compared to what I've seen recently.

Thank you for your advice sirs. I will do the needful.

>> No.21481535

>about $5

>> No.21481537

>>tfw I own 7500 PNK and coped that at least I had something but not enough to make it.

I love this thread.

>> No.21481580

how does 7500 serves of chicken vindaloo sound?

>> No.21481582

Fucking hell.
It was $30 (and I paid it) like 3 days ago because of those fucking yammers lmao
At least we're not gonna get YAMMED with PNK

>> No.21481617

What's the mcap going to be like realistically a 1 usd

>> No.21481721
File: 154 KB, 1131x549, Captura de pantalla 2020-08-16 a las 19.55.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon. Also sirs please stop buying PNK I need more time!

520m tokens floating about, but you have to remember that kleros ALREADY has staking and staking actually had good rewards. A 500m market cap is FUD. Kleros will be a top 10 token easily. It will hit $1 immediately upon coinbase listing if it hasn't done so by then, but you'd be stupid to sell any PNK before $5-10.

>> No.21481738

Yeah I've been wanting to invest (in this and a few other small coins) for a while, but the gas fees have put me off. It seems to be down to a more managable level now (or maybe it's just quiet atm with the americans mostly asleep)

>> No.21481772

Nah it was up really high because of the shenanigans about YAM.
They'll just continue to go down from now I imagine

>> No.21481850

Well senpai.. i just bought a suicide stack ..32k PNK

>> No.21481890

BASED. Just know you made the right move. The whale put 1000 eth into this shit at ATH. He knows something we dont. Welcome aboard

>> No.21481903

So, has anyone actually been partaking in the Courts? How is it?

>> No.21481959

A lot of us have. It works fucking smooth. Some anons have made 10k pnk so far, some even more. Case 302 was a big one and showed the power of kleros at any scale.

>> No.21481971

I bought into link in 17 .. at .19 .. sold them last year at 3.5 ..for 1 btc .. just traded half that for eth—- PNK .. I’m scared senpai

>> No.21481987

OP here. If any of you faggots have read this thread and still haven’t bought, congrats, you failed the IQ test. I’ll see my fellow pinkies at $1.

>> No.21481988

>Just tried to stake some PNK in the court
>$17 gas fee

wtf, it cost me $5 to buy my PNK, now this?

>> No.21482000

Blame that on eth not pnk.

>> No.21482117

Yeah I know it's not down to PNK, just can't understand how it's jumped nearly 3x in a matter of minutes

>> No.21482135

Just wait until a less busy time of day.

>> No.21482188
File: 400 KB, 1600x640, Dhalsim Kleros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21482545

>gas fee up to $21 now
I think I really got lucky with my $5 earlier

>> No.21482554

You’re 18k away from a suicide stack, friend.

>> No.21482638

>someone just bought 8 whole pinakion
>gas fees would have cost at least 50 PNK
I wonder if it was a venezuelan or someone with 9992 PNK.

>> No.21482658


>> No.21482722

Eth is a hoe rn

>> No.21483075
File: 261 KB, 1079x1840, Screenshot_20200816-070301_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have to use one of these 3 wallets for mobile ?

>> No.21483148

fuck the fees not even worth putting 20 euros on this trash

>> No.21483229

Me 8 rupees sir

>> No.21483262

Think you mean country sir

>> No.21483284


>> No.21483299

quick question...im using metamask on firefox...would i be better off with a ledger for mz stack of PNK

>> No.21483405

YEah?... should I drop the other half of that btc into eth and make my way to uniswap?

>> No.21483411

Metamask has an app (in beta) too now but it doesn't work for me.

>> No.21483551

I just bought an ETH of this tranny coin. This better have other uses than this stupid court.

>> No.21483669

It's dumping right now so you might as well wait it out.

>> No.21483837


>> No.21483897
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>> No.21483985

How do you check the wallet rankings? I'm on 25k, want to see where I fit

>> No.21484049
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>> No.21484622

50k suicide pnkbro