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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21460867 No.21460867 [Reply] [Original]

it surely will never stop going up

>> No.21460908

Is Greyscale publicly buying link? I was under the impression they weren't.

>> No.21460912

anyone not selling before the $20 dump is retarded sell sell sell before it’s too late

>> No.21460932


Zoom in

>> No.21460939

Already did

>> No.21461076

there’s nothing to cope for, I don’t even hold link

>> No.21461123

>anyone not selling before the $20 dump is retarded
>Holds no link, has proven himself to be actually retarded.
Time will tell anon, time will tell.

>> No.21461151

You can post this every day until the actual top and this cycle ends then spend 20 months in a bear market pretending you are a genius.

Anons with brains? Holding link into triple digits. You had three years.

>> No.21461153
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>> No.21461232


and its not even cryptocurrency, cryptocoin, its just erc-20 token

looks like that generation of chainlink bagholders coming

this is zero sum game, those who bought chainlink at 20 cent made huge profit if they cash out, but this chart isnt sustainable

I wouldn't touch with a barge-pole with chainlink

>> No.21461289

order book on the buy side is collapsing @ binance

rip linkies

>> No.21461306

we will see anon, however, when it dumps the second it breaks 20 you better apologize to me

>> No.21461331
File: 214 KB, 2743x1494, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had 3 years

look at this healthy son of a bitch

>> No.21461542


yes, 3 years of ponzi scheme
all ponzi schemes come eventually crashind down when people realize that the "emporer has no clothes", i.e. chailink was ponzi scheme from day one, and its has zero real use case, and its value its about zero dollars then

>> No.21461644
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>> No.21461715
File: 24 KB, 487x339, S-curve-adoption-model-of-music-streaming-adoption-rate-The-arrow-indicates-an.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.21461746

wow thanks for your deep insight

>> No.21461866

And hold onto rapidly depreciating fiat? I'll ride through the dip up to all time highs. Have fun paying your capital gains taxes.

>> No.21462133

It’s already rebounding you alarmist homos.

>> No.21462498

Im buying popcorn machine for the day link dumps back to 6-8$. Ocean of red wojaks is going to drown biz kek