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21454944 No.21454944 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think many people grasp the full effect of a deflating supply. A year from now, half the supply will be gone. Even if the market cap stays the same, the value of each STA doubles. Then again next year. Then again next year. After 3 years that's an 8x even if it stays at a 20 million dollar marketcap. Now imagine if it goes to 200M. 3 years from now at just 200M marketcap, that's an 80x. And that's if after 3 years it's only at a 200M marketcap. You're percent of the supply doubles every year at this burn rate.

>> No.21454997

it all makes sense and everyone should have STA :( i want every retard here to make it after losing hope.

>> No.21455009

Ok? But what is the point of the coin? Do you buy things with it? The whole concept just sounds like gambling and has zero practical use.

At least link solves the oracle problem this doesnt do jack shit.

>> No.21455061
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It balances an index fund, or rather, multiple index funds.
These make reliable growth investment in crypto possible, without turning it into a casino.

>> No.21455068

It’s the first crypto index fund. The deflationary element is to keep your returns steady when you pool it with other coins.>>21455009

>> No.21455118
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This is true, but the actual percentage owned by an individual remains the same.
Unless there is increased demand, deflation does NOT make a difference.

>> No.21455155

>when you pool it with other coins
what does this mean? i'm a newfag

>> No.21455201

Can someone post that metamask/uniswap buying DIY graphic for brainlets plz

>> No.21455238
File: 206 KB, 700x469, 1597284716679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half the supply will be gone
How do you calculate this? Is it fully random based on the volume people trade?

>> No.21455312

An individual with 1M at 95M supply was 1/95th of the total supply. Now, a few weeks later, at 87M, it's 1/87th. The percentage owned by that hypothetical individual has increased.

>> No.21455412

Assuming none of the holders have moved, then the proportion of the market cap owned, and thus the value, has remained the same.
If no-one buys this, then 10STA at any Mcap remains the same price.

>> No.21455729

isn't the rate of deflation tied to how many tx? so how would you fucking pajeet know how much supply is gone is a year you dumb faggot

>> No.21455753

>10 STA at any marketcap is the same price
Marketcap is price x supply so your statement isn't even valid. And you also are forgetting that by virtue of being an indexed token, there are always transactions via arbitrage.

>> No.21455773


>> No.21455786

But what if the price drops?

Half of zero is still zero biztard

>> No.21455867

No, it's tied to the amount sent. And it stays at around 5 to 15% volume to MC. There is a standard deviation of trading volume for all crypto and you can use any number within the bounds of that range to estimate.

>> No.21455943

post chart

>> No.21455950

Then since STA will be cheaper, while there will likely be fewer transactions, each transaction will be burning more as each transaction would contain more STA.

>> No.21455970

This exactly. Just having it in the balancer causes the pool to buy and sell based on market performance of BTC, ETH, Chainlink, SNX, Delta and whatever other assets are in the other pools.

>> No.21456014

You're betting on crypto as a whole when you buy Statera

>> No.21456072

I can't get this rich guys this is fucking crazy

>> No.21456209
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>> No.21456577

How does $500,000 sound?

>> No.21456697
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>there are always transactions via arbitrage.
Wait what.
Holy shit I'm cumming.

>> No.21456728

How many do you own?

>> No.21456774

Are you gonna cash out or give us STAggots a chance too?

>> No.21456852
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Did you finally grasp the golden key to what ACTUALLY makes STA a valuable hold?

The key to this isn't people buying it, it's having it in as many balancer pools as possible, which there is really no reason not to have this coin inside one once it reaches a decent mcap since it just generates extra returns from being in one.

>> No.21456868
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You guys know I'm not selling my top 30 stack!

>> No.21456879

Would you mind going into more detail? I read a chunk of the whitepaper but I'm grasping at an intuitive understanding. Don't need to dumb it down completely but if anyone could explain it assuming no advanced financial knowledge I would appreciate.

>> No.21456953

I have 2mil STA coming in the refund. Going to dump all of it at the same time on you losers

>> No.21457015

You know the full amount of STA in the pool was around 2 million.

>> No.21457027

No u dont and no you won't lol

>> No.21457133
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Ill buy it all.

>> No.21457145

Lain anon!

>> No.21457188

Go to the back pages of the WP where they put it in layman's terms.

>> No.21457227
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Hey Statera community up for a shitposting contest?


>> No.21457265

Crypto20 is the first crypto index fund. Just wanted to correct you there bud.

>> No.21457337
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I love Statera!

>> No.21457391

Lain is cute!
Lain anon, didn't you already make it with LINK?

>> No.21457544

This is how I look at STA DESU.

>> No.21457596

Just bought 6k of STA.
How long until it doubles it's value?

>> No.21457636

curious why you ask, I've never mentioned LINK that I can remember

>> No.21457706

Might've been an impostor.
But, did you?

>> No.21457803

I have a respectable amount of LINK but I cannot retire in the 1st world yet.

>> No.21457853

Oh, okay. Just curious.
You're going to beyond retire with that amount of STA.

t. 25k STAggot

>> No.21457936

where is it being sold?

>> No.21457942


By the deflation mechanism it has a global and local advantage.

1. By holding STA in a mix of tokens at fixed % allocations, STA's job is to introduce upwards price pressure if your mix of tokens are highly volatile (can go up or down), eg the use case is a bunch of alt coins that can moon or go to 0.

2. As the presence of STA in index funds increase globally, its intrinsic value increases. STA scales exponentially with increase in network effect (mark of a mooning coin).

I want to know
1. Does this moon before PNK or the other way? STA looks more mature

>> No.21458046

Whos the team? Is it anonymous? Can't find any info on them

>> No.21458066

Statera is an unsustainable model. You put money in. The supply decreases your money because worth more. Meanwhile the price increases slowly dissuade new buyers from joining because they know they are joining the ponzi further in its lifecycle

>> No.21458071

The founder is a South African called Scott Botha.

>> No.21458099
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I don't think I'll ever leave /biz/ and I want you all to make it. I know what it feels like to fail at everything in life and be alone every night. If LINK and STA take me where I think they will I will stop in and guide you all through the next phase of making it. I'll try to bin the 'tism and find a girl to travel the world with me, you'll see a little picture of Lain posted at all the global exotic locations. Screencap this.

>> No.21458175

Deflationary coins are worthless for buying things, this coin may be good as a store of value however.

>> No.21458195

So just dca this over the next few months, wait 18 months and we'll be wealthy? I'm too poor for the pools right now.. Have the devs perfected defi?

>> No.21458205

I know we’re supposed to fud this, but if you had a eureka moment finding STA, you’re gonna make it

>> No.21458209

Ok, thank you for your low-effort fud.

I would really like to answer your questions, but i really can't comprehend your post.

>> No.21458280

He's saying that it makes the buy-in higher as time goes on and lowers demand.
A valid criticism.

>> No.21458307

That's kinda the point anon... This isn't a speculative asset. It's an index fund. Nobody is here for a baseless moon mission, we're here to hedge our bets with the bull run. We've placed bets on this and that, and STA is where we keep some % of a portfolio to ensure that it will, at least on average, float with the bull run.

>> No.21458438

STA is so fucking valuable because it guarantees steady returns and transactions through the deflationary concept when you put it in a balancer pool.

Why should there be no demand for making money?

>> No.21458471

I just looked up that anime, the japanese are so based to create a subtle version of a female anime Jesus I love it

>> No.21458478

Based lain anon, hope you find a travel waifu.

>> No.21458519

Isn't that a valid criticism for every crypto coin though? Why would someone buy chainlink at 20 dollars? Bitcoin? Doesn't make sense. Early buyers will always be more blessed

>> No.21458547

How do I profit off of this balancer pool shit? Or is that not possible yet if it's still just on Uniswap?

>> No.21458573

Yeah I own about 5k STA but I don't understand this balancer pool shit at all

>> No.21458661
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GL Lain, I hope to see you top deck on a cruiseline somewhere

>> No.21458709

I'd wait for the price to be higher before pooling anyway.

>> No.21459090

This guy wrote a good statera article https://cryptokek.com/statera-the-deflationary-index-fund/

>> No.21459228
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>this guy

>> No.21459321

do i just hold this or do I need to add to liquidity pool?

>> No.21459336

i thought it was okay site

>> No.21459346

>Even if the market cap stays the same, the value of each STA doubles
you mean, if the price doubles, the mc is the same. mc is price * supply, but everyone shilling deflationary coins thinks price = mc / supply. NOT TRUE. the market decides price, which decides mc, not the other way around

>> No.21459413

I was assuming it was you

>> No.21459460

Not bad anon, not bad.

>> No.21459500

What about the bug that never got fixed and killed STA’s momentum the first time? If it is still there people will get jacked again, this time for more money

>> No.21459529

>le ponzi meme
the best way of knowing that the fudder doesnt know anything about the project lol

>> No.21459794

“Big if moon” kek

>> No.21459859

It's people not understanding that an investment is not a ponzi.

>> No.21459904
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Here's a STA recap from the other thread:
>Sta v1 came out everyone buying in
>error found in line of code
>Sta v2 came out everyone buying in
>Uniswap and 1inch exchange crashed and delisted Sta because they couldn't handle all the incoming buy orders kek
>based devs bring out Sta v3 and airdropped it to all holders of Sta v2
>Sta v3 completely trustless and flawless audited by Hacken.
>Sta v3 (STA) pumping
>Pool grew from $50k to $500k in 2 weeks. Big whales were pooling $100k
>Balancer gets hacked and STA pool gets drained to $0
>STA declared dead dropped to $0.009
>Balancer takes responsibility of the hack and is refunding all lost assets.
>STA revived from the dead pumped back up like crazy.

>> No.21459903

As for binning the 'tism, there are elements of that in which I am an expert in my career.
I recommend you look into a book called the Science of Making Friend by Elizabeth Laugeson.

>> No.21459916

I wish this shitcoin would do something.
Constantly shilled by cucks on here yet its 20% down since I bought.

>> No.21459938

The token has been audited by hacken and came up clean.

>> No.21459962

There's no bug in STA code, it was the balancer pool that got hacked. The Delta token in the pool now is the same as any erc20 token in balancer pools, pools with millions of dollars of liquidity

>> No.21460041

I've held sta for 3 months now, stfu bc u bought a week ago. When you go 99% and your STA goes above 500k$ usd after you can talk. Littrally buy and stfu/ all you have to do.

>> No.21460188

i feel like for this coin i can wait until the stock market crashes again

>> No.21460426

I'll look into it thanks.

>> No.21460649

Who keeps dumping?

>> No.21461139


thank me later, an index that has statera in it



>> No.21461335

Buy more then.

>> No.21461910
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fucking checked and lain based

>> No.21462167
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Based anon. Traveling around the world with a hot chick is also one of my plans after making it. For getting rid of the 'tism I definitely recommend MDMA, it helped me a lot to connect easier with people and to get rid of all fears and insecurities. May the Gods of Index help you make it anon