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21455956 No.21455956 [Reply] [Original]

I’m brand new to crypto. I’m a collegefag and I bought 84 link when it was 15.75 and sold it cause it kept going back down to 16 and now its at 19. Please tell me it’s going to dip again so I can buy back my linkies. I feel so fucking stupid right now

>> No.21456021

It's going to dip, you just have to be patient. Buying litecoin right now is like buying link at $9, though.

>> No.21456025

Invest in STA instead.

>> No.21456068

I only have coinbase atm

>> No.21456075

Hey man, you're better off than me. I dont even know how to buy this shit.

>> No.21456148

If you’re new new I feel like the coinbase process is the easiest. It took me 2 minutes to sign up and start buying. It’s linked directly to your bank account.

>> No.21456170
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I was just like you, in January 2018. I had no knowledge and no money. Now? Heh...

>> No.21456201

>fomo in
>immeditaly panic sell
Take this as a lesson you retards. Do some serious contemplation on whether the token will reach a higher price in the long run. Dropping a few dollars in price is normal. You need to be thinking in terms of months or years, you're not a day trader

>> No.21456216

>Buying litecoin right now is like buying link at $9, though.
LTC is a dead piece of shit. But yes LINK will dip back, and probably hard based on past pumps.

>> No.21456219

I’ll warn you right now though you’ll be glued to your phone watching the prices of the coins you bought go up and down. I’m taking summer classes atm so I’m not doing myself any favors. Hopefully I can get back on the link train. Also sign up from the app.

>> No.21456248
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Tranquility is going to be enormous. This is like investing in BTC in 2009. TranquilityNET is going to be used in actual hotels and could capture a huge portion of the property management system market in a few years.










1. Obtain 10,000 TRANQ
2. Email Tranquility and submit proof at https://tranquility.network
3. Receive 2,500 TRANQ bonus
4. Join FTHA
5. Receive cut of unsold TRANQ after ITHA ends

>> No.21456249

Is it reasonably secure? I really dont know jack shit.

>> No.21456280

Yeah I’m starting to learn that. I definitely learning my lesson. I’m just buy back my link on the dip and just let it sit. I’ll accept the loss if it comes to that.

>> No.21456305

Normally I'm fine, I only look at my stocks like once a day, or maybe if I'm researching stuff.

>> No.21456323

The same as signing up for cash app or acorns. There’s a 2 step verification process and anything.

>> No.21456371
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>Buying litecoin right now is like buying link at $9, though.
Fine I just bought some. Every time I come to this god forsaken board I end up buying more goddamn crypto. This is all fake right? Like pets.com stock in 2000?

>> No.21456409

I meant like people cant just steal my shit and it poofs away. Is it insured like with a bank?

>> No.21456522
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See that I’m not sure but it’s the most popular exchange people use to trade coin with so I don’t doubt it’s secure.

>> No.21457155

That's fair I suppose, I'll just look into it a little more. In some ways, not getting into crypto is kind of foolish. It is almost purely run on memes, the most powerful juju.

>> No.21457408

Good luck to you my friend. Just don’t panic sell like me.

>> No.21457458

I feel stupid also cause I bought etherium when it was 100$ cheaper and it shot up. Just buy and hold. They keep repeating it on here but I get anxious. Buy on the dip.

>> No.21457491

Just sign up to any exchange that has link, verify your account, make sure your bank knows you're gonna make a large purchase, and buy your link

For newer coins that haven't been placed on exchanges yet, you're gonna need ethereum to pay the miner's fee to exchange your coins to the other one. I usually buy BAT or ethereum when I'm buying new coins. The exchanges are done on Uniswap. Make sure your wallet can be used on Uniswap though.

>> No.21457683

Same boat, people suggest coinbase for beginners but I don't want to deal with their fees. I know there's a better alternative out there that people aren't telling me.

>> No.21457712

>Please tell me it’s going to dip again
It will. At $20.50 it'll slide back to like $19.xx for a bit then break $20 and stay above forever.

>> No.21457804

I learned my lesson with Tesla.
>Buy in around @200
>cool going up
>Elon musk might be in legal trouble
>wasnt following closely, until I saw it at 400
>no way itll go past that
And now here we are. Iron handing my folio now. Never selling unless I know for sure the company is going full retard.
>Buy the dip
That's the plan, I'm not going to buy at 19 beans. Fuck that.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks bro.
I've looked into it a little, at this point, and it doesnt really seem that way. If you find it, share with your fellow bros.

>> No.21457848

Will it unironically go back to 17 today so I can buy back in?

>> No.21457930

You only pay fees when you’re buying coins with fiat and converting them back to fiat when you sell from what it seems like. But you can convert from coin to coin without paying fees.

>> No.21458191

Haha nope.

>> No.21458268

I’m being serious lad. I want to buy back in what do I do.

>> No.21458306

Nulinkers are the best form of entertainment on this board right now.

>> No.21458338

I'm being serious too. You fucking missed it. Buy something else or take what you can get.

>> No.21458344
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Forgot pic :^)

>> No.21458375

Everyone was new at one point. I’m kicking myself in the ass for not getting into crypto earlier but I didn’t have any money until I got into college. Please give me whatever advice you can give me. Should I wait for it to go back under 18 to buy again?

>> No.21458474

I believe sou. Fuck. I know I missed it by a mile. I would have been better off if I decided to start buying crypto a week ago but I came to biz on a whim 2 days ago and here I am now. Fuck my life bros. I even bought eth 2 days ago and sold that too like a fucking retard.

>> No.21458524

>Please give me whatever advice you can give me.

>> No.21458527

You’re gonna need to look outside the top 10 coins if you don’t have much to spend

>> No.21458544

Don't worry bro, there will always be more opportunities in the future... maybe.

>> No.21458590

The problem is I’m so new to all this I don’t even know what to look for in a good/bad project. I don’t understand the jargon or the processes behind what these projects are trying to accomplish.

>> No.21458699

Here's some serious advice. Forget all this. /biz/ is full of scams shilled specifically to retarded newfags like you. The fact that you bought and then immediately panic sold your LINK shows that this is probably going to cause more stress for you than anything and will end up losing a lot of money. Just forget crypto. Go back to your real life.

>> No.21458834

Do I need a hardware wallet to get into crypto? I don't want to miss the LINK tendies

>> No.21458846

This kind of mentality is what made me miss the chainlink train, I'm not falling for that again.

>> No.21458884


>> No.21458940

If this post brought joy to your pathetic incel life I’m glad to be of service

>> No.21458981

Keep coping faggot

>> No.21459131

Bought 8 link at $9. Sold at 17 because of target profit. It's small time, but missed out on free moneys. It happens and it sucks, just don't make similar mistakes.

>> No.21459288

I hear you brotha. I’m just gonna buy and hodl