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21453188 No.21453188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Balding anons, how will you cure your illness if you make it?

>> No.21453220

it was over before it began

>> No.21453248

femanon here, don't worry i only fuck with black guys

>> No.21453249

Hair transplant?

>> No.21453290

I've made peace with it. It ain't so bad.

>> No.21453294

Leisure suit larry looking motherfucker

>> No.21453303

get buff and shave it

>> No.21453318
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I’m trans, so that was my solution. Still have a 5head tho

>> No.21453339
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embrace it

>> No.21453344

Wont cure it. Shave and embrace. My six figure portfolio helps me cope

>> No.21453345

>Spending money on hair
>being this insecure


>> No.21453350

you need to be shot

>> No.21453370

Look up the big 3 and dermarolling. Working well for me. Finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral

>> No.21453387

Shave head, get ripped, nice clothes *voila*

>> No.21453416

Before hair transplant you should try the bosley revive shampoo kit, a DHT blocking supplement that contains saw palmetto, fish oil supplement and biotin supplement. Try it all for 6 months at least.

Link to shampoo kit: Bosley Professional Strength BOSRevive Starter Pack for Visibly Thinning Hair https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003709CUE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_oEcoFb6NQDJWC

>> No.21453418

Yeah probably, but I work in healthcare taking care of your family and frens so pls wait to kill me so I can help us out first

>> No.21453422

When you stop caring life becomes better, you become freer.

>> No.21453441
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>Handsome face
>temples went back but hair still thick as fuck
>good beard genes
>Looking like that cool history teacher you had in high school

You can make it work, the problem you're having is that you're an insecure faggot and every woman can sense it the moment they speak to you.

>> No.21453598
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No one is going to see me in my citadel besides my robot waifus anyway, so who gives a shit

>> No.21453776

Holy shit that ID

>> No.21453812
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>> No.21453821

Not even bezos can lel

>> No.21453847

nice ID. u gay bro?

>> No.21453863

This. It's not even that expensive.

>> No.21453868

the bald + beard look is unironically based.

>> No.21453899
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bros, should I just shave it all off?

>> No.21453929


>> No.21453971

Goy baby blood injections.

>> No.21453974

or this 100%, but you'd have to be a chad in order to pull it off, both physically and mentally

>> No.21454023

Synthetic sandalwood

>> No.21454064

By not giving a fuck

>> No.21454069

Dr. Tsuji

>> No.21454078
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>the bald + beard look is unironically based

t pic related

>> No.21454094

yes, probs look pretty good

>> No.21454097

I'm currently at norwood 3 vertex balding

I was a bit insecure about it when I first found out but after a couple weeks of stressing about it I decided to stop giving a shit. If my hair gets really bad I'll just buzz it, I need to focus on working out anyway so this will be good motivation. At the very least I refuse to be both bald AND fat

>> No.21454107

He would look at least 50% less retarded without that facial expression

>> No.21454124

Nice soý face

>> No.21454161

Bald + shaven aesthetic master race

>> No.21454173

>learning terminology and classification of your hairloss

get a grip dude

>> No.21454175

How much of this shit is just due to scalp inflammation from eating carbs? You know humans aren't really supposed to be eating that shit, right anon?

>> No.21454180

All he would have to do to go from soi to cunt destroyer is;

>Stop smiling
>lose the glasses
>stop being fat

Problem solved

>> No.21454181

post your face then, if you're such a gigachad

>> No.21454201

Realistically you have a few options.
>grow it out and grow your beard
There is nothing wrong with looking like a man. This is a classic look and you can carry the confidence of knowing you aren't so weak in spirit that you resort to (((medical science))) advice like taking fucking Finasteride.
>crew cut/buzz
Same as above. It takes confidence to wear these hair styles. Be confident and comfortable with yourself and you will command an energy that others cannot deny.
>hair transplant
drop 10-20k on a good hair transplant. hairs from the sides of the head are "programmed" differently and in theory will not fall out when placed on your balded areas. Not a big deal to do this imo if you have the cash, just don't take the fucking pills, for christ sake - have some dignity.

>> No.21454222

Peppermint oil

>> No.21454229
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>> No.21454256

>get /fit/
>eye surgery
>healthy t to stop making that face

>> No.21454263


Glasses can work, but those big framed abominations look like dogshit. Find a frame that fits your head shape, and stop going super size.

I have a pretty square face so I go with small oval glasses.

>> No.21454264
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I saw an image once that had a chart with the names, are you too retarded to remember terms for things? I quite literally said I stopped giving a shit about it too

>> No.21454266
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Nah, I'll show my back tho

>> No.21454357


>> No.21454365

why is it so hard to just buzz your hair. acting like a bunch of women out here

>> No.21454393

Minox, dermarolling, fin/dut

>> No.21454395
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He didn't bother to do anything about it. Why should I?

>> No.21454431
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by getting fit/ The issue isnt the hair, is that your body its disgusting. Without the gimmick(hair) you are left with what you are, a sissy human who only deserve to be raped by someone stronger


>> No.21454442

It plays a roll. The cycle is partly genetic with follicles being sensitive to DHT, partly nutritional in regards to inflammation, and partly physical due to calcification. This roughly describes the slow process by which a hair becomes weakened at the follicle due to DHT sensitivity or inflammation, the pore slowly shrinks the hair gets smaller until no hair grows and the pore closes. This is why you can have real success with dermarolling/essential oils/nutritional awareness/taking care of your circulatory system.

It is just difficult to actually regrow the hair you had, even if you address your nutrition and have a dermaroll/oil routine. It is however necessary to "stabilize" your scalp with these methods before doing something like a hair transplant. Plenty of stories of people getting hair transplants only to continue to bald and need additional procedures. In the end it will not be worth the effort and constant ruminating over just letting it go.

The masculine stereotype is under attack, remember this. Wearing a male phenotype proudly is actively spitting in the face of this gay society.

>> No.21454492

Shaving and getting /fit/ so people think you're a tough guy even though you're just a neet with internet money.

>> No.21454496

Seriously just use synthetic sandalwood. It's already been proven to work

>> No.21454518

Shave it off and get a LINK cube tattoo on the top of your head.

>> No.21454516

Ironically your balding lives in your head rent free. Cope.

>> No.21454647

he can't even read either, a shame really. probably has a double digit LINK stack too

>> No.21454675

Got thick hair but my pubs also thick as fuck
If I make it I think I'll get later surgery or some shit
Constant shaving is a pain

>> No.21454733

No u

>> No.21454758

fuckin ew

>> No.21454793

If my hair ever recess enough, I’ll probably take Propecia or get a hair transplant. I will never let myself go bald.

>> No.21454823

not really

>> No.21454864

For a few sats you'll suck anybody cock.... And if not, I identify as black. I'm a transnigger. And you not suckling me off means you are a racist biggot.

>> No.21454890
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>> No.21454896


>> No.21454937
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i will do what elon did

>> No.21454958
File: 29 KB, 479x370, micro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has mentioned microneedling yet. Look it up. Some studies have it performing even better than the DHT blocking chemicals. And of course, it doesn't have the testosterone reducing sideffects. Consensus seems to be that a dermapen is the best way to go, not a dermaroller or a stamp.
Coupled with some said DHT blocking chemicals it seems to be extra effective though.

Don't touch creatine supplements, ever!

>> No.21455000

unironically would

>> No.21455084

my temples receded when I was 21 (2 years ago) and stabalized at that.
gonna get 1800 graft hair transplant because why not I'm rich now.
if I have to hop on finasteride in a few years cause it starts receding again, I'll just do that

>> No.21455093

No. Just get it short. God damn senpai

>> No.21455150


microneedling isn't enough to regrow hair by itself, you need an anti-androgen for the hairs to go terminal still.
the individuals in that jpg would be on finasteride or at the very least applying minoxidil daily.

>> No.21455179

Can’t believe nobody is saying Scalp Micropigmentation. I got it done And it’s amazing.

>> No.21455182

I like your hair. You could be a guru or something who gives a fuck?

>> No.21455183
File: 77 KB, 800x786, 1595794564593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite what anybody tells you or what you've read, try this (worked for me), takes around a year:

Pure virgin organic cold pressed castor oil with 5-8 added drops of 100% essential peppermint oil. Apply that around 3-5 times per week (the castor oil is pretty thick, you may wanna distil it slightly so it's easier to apply), leave it on for as long as you can on any given day, or do it overnight. Was tested on balding rats and it's the only thing that worked. Did its job for me, my hairline was shit too & now it's back to pretty much normal, no side effects, it's all natural. Some other anon shared it on here ages ago.

PS: I also was taking BIOTIN 5,000 by Solgar. Solgar has the purest shit, known to have no side effects but don't take my word for it. So try giving all of that a go, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Hopefully it will get your life back to normal as it did for me.

>> No.21455223

No. You need to fringe maxx for as long as you can. Also grow a moustache and stubble - you're pretty close to the Chad Embrace

>> No.21455272

this, i just rock a horseshoe like fuck u

>> No.21455294


>> No.21455337

Anecdotal cases on forums confirm they had better success with just microneedling than minox/fin. Definitely seems like worth a try as it is not that expensive to buy one and there are little chances of anything going wrong.
I'd let a dermatologist or some beauty parlor chick who knows how to handle the pen show me for the first time, if scared to do it wrong.

Transplant is of course the best way though, yes.

>> No.21455749

I like to slightly dilute the above mix with pure Aloe Vera because otherwise it's really thick and hard to apply to my scalp. Invest in quality shit, don't be cheap, it will pay off for you anon

>> No.21455957

I shave and I hate it. I've been thinking about doing a transplant for years. It's about $40k in my case

>> No.21456029

Welcome to the club OP, enjoy your stay

>> No.21456060
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>> No.21456065

Fix your diet. First step is to figure out what human beings are supposed to eat. (Hint: Look at your body hair.)

>> No.21456341

Does it really fill the room with poop smell?

>> No.21456427

I don’t get it

>> No.21456442

This was part of it for me. I discovered whey protein (either isolate, or concentrate, I forget which) was causing massive hair loss. Switched to vegan protein powder (Orgain) and my hair loss stopped completely.

>> No.21456462

Don't fight it. Baldness is a masculinity marker. Think about it, whenever you see a ceasar your brain instantly says "mature age + male". Just pair it with money and you'll be fine.

>> No.21456606

Most of us are eating the wrong food for our species. Imagine.
This is more important than LINK. Read it:

>> No.21456679

Kek don't fall for the vegan trap guys; vegans actually age and bald 10x faster

>> No.21456730

Scam veggies are useless ! Vegan s are weak

>> No.21456795

Most vegans eat a lot of GMO onions and processed crap.
Whole food vegetarian... FRUITARIAN... now that's god-tier.

>> No.21457032

lol those are the most emaciated diseased looking skellies of all

>> No.21457040

I'd like to know your bmi and cholesterol levels after a jungle bush shaman comment like that.

>> No.21457070

I hope to buy stuff to fix this off the safex markets

>> No.21457107

Don't worry Chang we're not going to eat up all your dirty corona rice.

>> No.21457194

Rogaine and transplant obviously

>> No.21457266

Shave it and hit the gym , also work on your neck workout to look buff and strong.

>> No.21457269
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Just get into some prison-style bodyweight exercises, grow a beard and go full Waingro.

>> No.21457284

I have a full head of hair, beautiful locks that make women jealous, but I wouldn't mind going bald, it would just make my skull even more masculine

>> No.21457307

lmfao you're gay

>> No.21457325

bro just shave it and grow a beard

>> No.21457335

hair transplant if it gets really bad. ive been using a dermaroller and minoxidil for a month or two and it seems to be working but it takes like 4 months to really see a difference.

>> No.21457390

All your hair went to your unibrow

>> No.21457409

i've been on finasteride over 2 years and it works great. no side effects. you're too pussy to go on it so enjoy being a baldie

>> No.21457418

Trying to hide it makes it worse. Just shave it

>> No.21457692
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<-- what a fruitarian primate might look like

>> No.21457698

I’d rather pay for hair removal/electrolysis than a transplant or any of that. No more having to shave it at all