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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2144454 No.2144454 [Reply] [Original]

Will everyone here please buy bitbean?
It ate all of my life savings, and now I need everyone's help. If everyone will just throw into bitbean, I can have all of my money back.
Please 4chan? I heard somewhere that if I post here and do something called shilling that it would help me. A bunch of my friends do it all the time here apparently.

>> No.2144533

This coin has the most retarded logo i fucking swear.

>> No.2144548

was even worse when they tried going 3d.

>> No.2144576
File: 799 KB, 1920x2223, NOBEANERS BTFO ETERNALLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is eternally asshurt he didn't listen to me for a whole month

>> No.2144602

my wrists are too weak to hold beans at this point, especially when there are greener pastures in RDD and other coins just starting to break out.

>> No.2144612

rdd is literally bitbean with 10x more coins you stupid fuck
>not owning both

Consider suicide bro

>> No.2144613


>> No.2144994

wasnt there an mmorpg coming?

>> No.2145428

difference is that I got into RDD at 5 sats, there are other coins at there you retarded shill. Opportunity cost of holding my limited assets in bitshit is way too high.