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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21442157 No.21442157 [Reply] [Original]

Could only afford 5.6 link bought at 16. Seeing the portfolios posted here makes me so depressed.
I cant sleep because i know im missing out on a once in a lifetime opportunity. I can put in 100 dollar a month.

I guess us poorfags are not meant to make it.

>> No.21442200

just keep accumulating fren.

>> No.21442230

This. Buy dips until it’s over $50. It’ll hit $100 eoy, probably not any higher than that though.

>> No.21442242
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I'm a neet whale who bought tens of thousands with government neet money @ 0.2 range when it dipped in 2018.

Never worked a single day for my link stack kek'd so hard.

>> No.21442285

There are plenty of opportunities anon.
Ride your tiny gains and be on the lookout for the next one.
Better yet, start thinking of potwntial smart contract uses and get in on the ground floor

>> No.21442313

fucking based (but only if you're white)

>> No.21442321

I felt the same coming to /biz/ in 2017 having "missed" Ethereum.
You have to be smart and you have to be diligent and you have to be patient, but you have a chance.

>> No.21442366
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thanks frens.

>> No.21442408

Also great advice. Keep an eye out here for new projects that have potential to 5x or 10x short term, and invest some profits into a long term hold like Algorand.
Pro tip: DSLA and SBTC are gonna make a huge jump. They don’t trade on Coinbase so you have to buy ETH and use uniswap. Low market cap coins with very small prices can make you a killing if you buy a ton of tokens.
It is gambling though. Could fail and lose you thousands, or succeed and make you hundreds of thousands. DYOR.

>> No.21442416

Never think of what could have been. Utter pointless. Work with what you got. You could have lost everything on shitcoins. You don't think about that eather

>> No.21442460

There were so many people in your position a year or two ago. Just keep lurking until it’s your time to shine. This isn’t the last time a coin is gonna jump up like this. Plus, it’s easy to assume you would have been a link marine but chances are you probably would have sold by now. The only people with these crazy portfolios are people who bought it early as fuck.

>> No.21442473

how does 560000 sound?

>> No.21442533

Oh boy I've missed so many once in a lifetime opportunities during last five years

>miss BTC
>miss ETH
>miss shitload of 1000x scammy ICOs
>miss LINK

can't wait what other once in a lifetime opportunities I'll miss

>> No.21442566

You can still 10x your money on Band Protocol

>> No.21442589
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richfag here, I am sorry about your feel bro

>> No.21442606

Plenty of opportunities in the 2010s alone, btc/eth/xrp/ltc, tesla, amd...dozens of other tech companies...surely the 2020s will have opportunities as well. Cheer up anon

>> No.21442646

I should have specified op, learn to identify shitcoins and scams too

>> No.21442656

you morons keep stacking billion dollar marketcap coins. Instead of doing some actual research and stacking up on smaller than 10M marketcapcoins.
Like SOUL. AVA and HPB used to be

>> No.21442668
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Be ready to pull the trigger poor anon when the time is right. Don't be sorry now. Weed out the shitcoins from the bluechips

>> No.21442672

This. When people realise crypto works with more than 1 oracle BAND will skyrocket. $100 EOY

>> No.21442709

LNK is also reaching its end of the fib! 22USD max before a 50% correction at least

>> No.21442724


How did you.come.to this?

>> No.21442739


>> No.21442740

Not op bit similar poorfag who discovered /biz/ a week ago and only has 15 LINK.
About shitcoin and scam, what do you mean, is there some sort of repeating pattern ?
What do you think about VIBR and their private presale with coingecko listing tommorow ?

>> No.21442789

You're currently missing on STA.

>> No.21442813

This, also assume 99% of what is shilled to you here is a scam because it is. If something is actually worth getting, people either won't talk about it at all (so they can hoard it) or they will create high quality fud and put a lot of effort into it to dissuade you from getting it. Basically everything mentioned in this thread but link is dogshit. That's not to say you can't gamble and pick up 10x's while getting out at the right time, but it's like playing musical chairs, except everyone else is working together against you.

>> No.21442820
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Thank you very much frens, you moved me to tears with your kindness. I will not give up i will be like you one day.
i will keep investing im too poor right now to try uniswap because of the fees and frankly im a little scared im gonna lose so for now i will hold link.

>> No.21442876

you still can become rich if you're only able to invest 100$ a month. Just need to be smarter then the rest. But i doubt chainlink at these prices is being smarter then the rest.

>> No.21442893

Look up the trendinger coin and site. Soon you won't need to read all contracts and check everything yourself. I invested 5 dollar for 10 trdn but I can definitely see it going up to a 2 dollar. So buy now

>> No.21442926
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I'm also a newfag and destitute poor living in a trailer right now and have pretty much hit rock bottom, was going to rope myself a few weeks ago but saw some funny memes about chainlink and decided to use the last of my stimulus to buy 78 poorfag linkies at 7.77 and the investment turned out way better than I expected. I still think link will get 1k EOY which is a very good profit for us to start investing in other hidden gems. We're going to make it, remember a lot of link whales right now started where we are now.

>> No.21442948

The pattern is obvious, and it’s repeated about 5 times. Higher and higher. It’ll cap eventually but I think we will see triple digits.
We haven’t even reached the media attention phase yet. We are early, fren.

>> No.21442964

Think of it this way, there's 3 people who post here. Retards, high IQ autists and pajeets. Pajeets work together to try to get you to buy their pump and dump scams, they're like bug people and somewhat easy to spot though. High IQ autists will either stay very quiet about a coin they have interest in, or if it gets attention here they will create quality fud (fear, uncertainty, doubt) to dissuade others from taking interest so they can continue to accumulate at a low price. If it's an actual blue chip like link, it will also attract high quality memes, which can't be suppressed due to free speech/no moderation.
A subset of high IQ autists is the discord trannies, who operate like the pajeets, and will steal memes and posting patterns of actual popular coins like link. These can be trickier to see through, because they understand what attracted people to something like link, but the memes are all blatant ripoffs and there will never be quality discussion in those threads.

As for retards they will fall for pajeet and discord trannies and buy shitcoins then complain about how /biz/ scammed them.

>> No.21442987

If it makes you feel any better, I’m a 38 year old virgin.

>> No.21443039

20-ish LINK Poorfag fren too
Learn everything what you can about LINK's success, and what made it valuable, and apply it to high potential, low cost shitcoins from here on
$10 can get you a thousand 1c coins

>> No.21443080

Ocean Protocol will do the next Link style run. Get into that. Top Linkies already know.

>> No.21443119



>> No.21443226


CUR is the new LINK.

2 million total supply - tokenization of luxurv cars, watches etc...

they already sold a Ferrari for 1 mio $

a conservative 10x from here

100x very likely in a few years

>> No.21443278

>fancy cars and watch coin

You are getting scammed

>> No.21443326

also anyone who is trying to shill something with link is a faggot that wants you to buy their bags. this also applies to "portfolio" threads which just show someone with a large portfolio containing btc/eth/link and whatever shitcoins they are trying to shill you, so you think "he has money he has smart I will do what he does"
remember everyone here is trying to trick you at all times

>> No.21443356

I'm here from 2015. You're not going to make it.

>> No.21443443

>tfw got 100k but dont have the balls to invest it

>> No.21443510

Official Webpage:


>> No.21443547

How do you find these lithe coins with a lot of potential?
And how you know that they're not scams?

>> No.21443601
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hmm, maybe I shouldn't be here.

>> No.21443624

jesus christ alright last time I will post any help, if someone posts you a low mcap and acts like they're doing you a favor 99% it is a scam, anything worth buying either will not show up on /biz/ or there will be high quality fud to dissuade you from buying it (note what I'm giving you is low quality fud cause I'm not explaining why its a scam beyond its fucking obviously someone shilling to you)
remember everyone here wants to make it but they also have to screw each other over unless the project is so good it can't fail because someone has to buy your bags

>> No.21443669

I only discovered link by being here so that's not true. change your mindset though, if there was a next btc/eth/link all the time they wouldn't be btc/eth/link. when it happens you'll know.

>> No.21443735

OP you missed the boat with link but there are hundreds of great crypto projects. Look into OGN/origin protocol. I think it is the next LINK. Currently under 50 cents per token. Going at least to a dollar soon

>> No.21443740

Yes true, but how to find unshilled gems? Look through coinmarketcap randomly rank 200 and below? Are there any trustworthy sites with news about new, high potential coins?
I've only ever been shilled here

>> No.21443819

how long have you been here?

>> No.21443881

legit methods I will be honest I couldn't tell you I'm not a crypto expert just good at seeing through the bullshit here. smart people will tell you read the whitepaper but that requires you to have good understanding of the technology and what role the project is trying to fill. if you want to find new high potential coins that aren't guaranteed bets that will make you money you will literally just have to educate yourself. if it's a niche pick with a 10x in it that isn't a guarantee to go 1000x or more, nobody is going to shill it to you because they want to accumulate at the lowest price possible, maximize their gains, then gtfo. at most they shill when they are ready to dump.

>> No.21443888

I have only 40 anon. I can stay jealous at those that have 10000+ or I can be happy that I got in before it jumped so high. Don't compare yourself to anyone else anon!

>> No.21443928

The rich stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping.
The poor stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich.

>> No.21444009
File: 54 KB, 720x1057, poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your wallet address bro ?
I'll send you 0.28267236 Link

>> No.21444128

>everyone here is trying to trick you

You're a pleb of the worst sort. How do you think the Link Marines were formed? No one is selling Ocean and it'll surpass ETH by 2023

Data is the new oil and Ocean has no competitors.

Please DO NOT buy.

>> No.21444276
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>> No.21444339

>reddit spacing
link has had fud threads everyday for 3 years, autists literally created detailed technical jargon nonsense to dissuade people on reddit from getting in, fuck off pajeet/tranny

>> No.21444408


>> No.21444458

Bro, there will ALWAYS be more opportunities in the future. Most people here missed out on 99% of every other opportunity just like you my man.
PS I was only able to invest 250 because of jewbase's limit. I sent an e-mail requesting an increase but those sheisters haven't responded yet. That said, I've already got a good job and other investments so I'm doing fine regardless.

>> No.21444493

Like what you are doing right now?

>> No.21444508

Congrats on your success anon. Always happy to see fellow frens make it. What do you do with your free time btw?

>> No.21444592

He op, you know what they difference is between you and >>21442242?

he NEEDS to make it, else he's fucked, you already have something and you are building something.

Imagine have 16 tesla share, would you be mad? no.

>> No.21444758


>> No.21444813

2017 link marine

hedged a suicide stacks worth of ocean from my link gains at 19 usd, didnt even scratch the surface.

had my eye on ocean for months

ocean suicide stack cost me 11 dollars in long run. lets goooooo

>> No.21444858

I'm not shilling anything, so that makes no sense. example of a common shill thread,
posts huge portfolio so you go "wow this anon must know what he's doing", asks what to do, lists the obvious (btc/eth/link) and just casually slides ocean next to link cause you know duh that's going to make him millions. then 4 or 5 other anons also casually go "yeah man ocean's a good bet" even though it isn't fucking talked about at all here, and absolutely nobody corrects them or disputes this. fuck you even have 2 different posters within a minute shilling the same 3 shitcoins (ocean, ewt, dot) alongside link, sometimes they make it too obvious.

>> No.21444952

How is link a once in a lifetime opportunity? This shit happens all the time in crypto.

>> No.21445368
File: 42 KB, 637x516, 1009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fren you put a tear on my face.
I hope you get big karma gains back.
Thank you so much!!!

>> No.21445412

>5.6 link
how does $453,600 sound?

>> No.21445472

You are dangerously based if you actually sent it, especially considering you have exactly a sui stack. I have ~1200 Link I wouldn't part with a single one

>> No.21445506

If you have a job you could take a loan and then just use that surplus 100 mothly dollar to pay interest

>> No.21445792

>bought a modest stack of link at $7
>see a deflationary shitcoin shilled the day of its inception here on /biz/
>think I could easily multiply my money in a matter of days or a week tops but don’t wanna risk my Linkies or spend extra money
>few days go by and the shitcoin peaks at a 10x and is now sitting at a 3x its original price
>link is sitting stable for a few days
>swap half my link stack into BRR
>next day brr keeps dropping and Link starts to get back up to $9
>next day exit scammed by BRR
>now link is $19

You live and you learn

>> No.21445876

Poor Fags are never supposed to make it. This simulation your in isn’t a Lifetime Channel movie

>> No.21445887
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We all have to start somewhere fren this world is full of possibilities just keep accumulating and keep lurking there will be more opportunities to acquire new coins but DO NOT STOP ACCUMULATING LINK AND NEVER SELL HODL THE LINE

>> No.21446062


>> No.21446098

What do you guys think of sta and zrc?

>> No.21446137

Everyone everywhere is trying to trick you at all times. If you can make it here you’ll make it in the rest of your life. In our age of data overload the most valuable skill in the world is being able to parse through good and bad data accurately./biz/ can be the crucible that creates this ability in you.

>> No.21446192

XAMP? There’s still time fren.

>> No.21446225

Pure garbage like everything else. Buy low, hype it, sell high

>> No.21446567

It's actually useful being here when you know when to buy the fuds and sell the green wojaks.
Only works like 60% of the time though.

>> No.21446686
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 5YjYpra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be frustrated my friend. This is your inner fomo just fight him. Crypto is not yet that widespread. Just wait until mid autumn or spring and bought the deep, and wait next bullrun in 2022-2023.
It will have no real use in the blockchain.
I recommend that you look towards RLC, PNK and CEL. But don't buy now, wait for the deep.

>> No.21446885

Yeah whatever raj

>> No.21446935

slave mentality
fuck link, once you are out, you are out
disclaimer: sold at 9, waiting for 5

>> No.21446989

If you’re really considering roping yourself over this then you lack the mental fortitude to make it. Your weak hands would have crumpled. I didn’t buy link but I just accept it for what it is. Half of the people here with $100k+ are gonna lose it when this bubble inevitable pops. Those are the people who will unironically want to rope. I don’t envy them. Just be happy for our bros for making it and find some new opportunities

>> No.21447064

Kys Prakash. Day of the chaiwalla SOON

>> No.21447117

Not once in a lifetime OP... BTC Happened, then ETH, then NEO and Raiblocks... LINK is just another moon in a big universe. There will be other projects that do the same thing just keep investing what you can!

>> No.21447168

Bless your soul.

>> No.21447270

kek this is based on so many levels

>> No.21447330


>> No.21447373

Try being me op. Held 6k link when it was around a dollar and swapped for xrp on the advice of an irl friend

>> No.21447515

You deserve it

>> No.21447705

That's what im doing with XRP PNK and STA