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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21434885 No.21434885 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the point of getting rich anymore?

>> No.21434907

feed niggers to fuck your wife

>> No.21434955

i can live on my own time at the very least

>> No.21434990

fuck being rich, id rather work dead-end job for minimum wage everyday for 8 hours and spend 2 hours commuting back and forth in rush hour traffic in my used toyota camry with a broken air conditioner. Come home tired as fuck, cook dinner, shower, and oh look at time. it's already night time. tomorrow's a brand new day to do the same old thing until I'm 80.

>> No.21435188

redpilled, if I got 10m$ right now I would still drive my corolla and eat beans every day. Imagine wanting more in life, fuck capitalism

>> No.21435298
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So you can buy land and build an off grid homestead and never let the nigger or the roastie prosper from the work of your hands again.

>> No.21435312

I want more women

>> No.21435350
File: 9 KB, 300x300, george-soros-speaks-about-the-euro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this wave has reached its peak, I fully expect /biz/ to fulfill its duty by all of us becoming Soros figures and combining our fortunes to save the White Christian West. Don't fucking disappoint me.

>> No.21435355

Same. I actually have a 6 figure income and I drive a corolla and eat like I’m still a poor college kid. That’s why I’m never selling my Chainlink ever even if it crashes to nothing. My preferred lifestyle is poverty basically

>> No.21435365

same as its always been.
will to power.
if you're too retarded to figure out how to adjust to a system where money isn't the only means to access to capital, you deserve your fate.

>> No.21435559

>subdivision in eyesight
>power line visible
Oh nonono pffgggfft

>> No.21435628

so you dont have to be a wagie

>> No.21435656
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Shut up and feed the beast while we fuck your wife.

>> No.21435714

/pol/ tourist pls leave

>> No.21435726
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>> No.21435760
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>fully expect /biz/ to fulfill its duty by all of us becoming Soros figures
To replace Soros one must remove him...

>> No.21435811

so you have all this rage about niggers on welfare but you take one look at history and black people have been systematically excluded from participating in "white society" for generations. Black Wall Street got burned down by raging white people who couldn't handle black success.
Low status white people WANT black people to be gutter tier because it gives them something to be better than. So when you literally create and perpetuate a system that keeps black people on the bottom how do you get all butthurt when they, you know, stay at the bottom?
It's not like white supremacists would be happy if suddenly every black kid pulled their socks up, became a lawyer, and made bank. In fact they would think that was 10x worse.
Infighting between black and white poors just means (((they))) can get away with anything. It's divide and conquer and it works like a charm.

>> No.21435923

Go back to twitter

>> No.21435945
File: 269 KB, 1000x1000, peace between peoples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and world peace pilled

>> No.21435973

thats completely absurd, theres like 11 white supremacists in america, everyone else would be very happy if blacks were functioning members of society

>> No.21435988

back to afrika nigger

>> No.21436005

Low status whites hate Mexicans much more than they hate blacks

>> No.21436033

Obtain fuck you money to get as far away from all this bullshit as possible, raise alpacas.

>> No.21436079

Dude. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.21436106

>everything is white man's fault
No, it's just your race who turns into shit everything.

>> No.21436145

Wasted dubs

>> No.21436156
File: 114 KB, 968x681, 6359A89D-787A-40D8-BB0A-FAE42D2A4AA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just keep letting them try to be a part of your society because it’s worked out so well so far

>> No.21436203


>world peace
>it only works if we let them all to come into our country and give them welfare
Cringe man

>> No.21436289

Yeah I know the feeling
Make more than 50k a year here, and you'll pay half of it to some fucking immigrant family to rape your kids and stab you
Fan, fucking, tastic

>> No.21436294

>the reason black people are basically scum of society is because of white man
>never been around black people
>never saw them in their hoods
>never saw how they act toward that smart black kid(he acts white, or if use correct grammar, he speaks like white people or Uncle Tom shit)
Black people keeep other blacks down because of extreme jealousy
I saw one smart kid black kid who got accepted in Ivy League got killed by jealous gangbangers because he was about to get out of their shitty society
Get out of your ivory tower and your fucking all white suburban neighborhood and see how blacks ruin each others life

>> No.21436297

lol unironically based.

>> No.21436335

I went to high school with this black kid who is a preacher's son, nicest and most polite kid in the whole fucking school.
Other hood rats fucked with him constantly making fun of him for not adhering to gangster culture.
I made a point to make friends with that kid cuz fuck the niggers that want to stay niggers.

>> No.21436364

Exactly, blacks want to bring other blacks down.
Even blacks in Africa becoming hoodniggers because it all cool and hip (poverty And drug addiction are lit bruh)
What I learned about blacks are that they can become influenced easily and peer pressure works exceptionally good on them.

>> No.21436380


>Your all the same; two sides of the same coin. >Small minded
>Not progress driven
But on another note 4chan is a good time sync to watch the animals

>> No.21436399

you're unironically insane

>> No.21436408
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That was pretty cringe homie. You should think before you post next time.

>> No.21436421
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You had three years, nigger.

>> No.21436429

To live your life at its fullest, without wasting precious time/energy wagecucking

>> No.21436431

Isn't buying land cheap in the US, especially compared to Europe?

>> No.21436448


I honestly think shitting on someone because of their race is the dumbest thing possible

>> No.21436502

nigger gangsters shot at an armed lynch mob outside a jailhouse and a complete shitfit ensued
not jealousy over a black shopping district

>> No.21436534

Kill yourself nigger. This is why I'll never pay a dime of my gains to the irs.

>> No.21436582

>That’s why I’m never selling my Chainlink ever even if it crashes to nothing.
Then why hold it?

>> No.21436584


>> No.21436629

get rich so you can get laid
get laid so you can feel your life has purpose
feel your life has purpose so you can get laid
repeat steps 2 and 3 until you die or your dick falls off

>> No.21436661


>> No.21436698
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>tfw will make enough to quit my job and work on my own business for years

>> No.21436738

Do you realize that the middle class is about to get erased?

>> No.21436762

Can a rich person go on welware?

This certainly isn't me, but let's pretend that I earned $500,000 through investments. Enough to buy a house in the middle of nowhere and live frugally for the rest of my life. Now, year after year, I will claim to be poverty. I'm earning <$10,000 a year through some part-time job that I decided to get for fun. In this scenario, could I claim welfare and food stamps even though I would probably have $400,000 sitting in a bank account?

>> No.21436784

>it has to be the white guy "working" and looks like the victim
White privilege

>> No.21436785

can't have savings over 7k - might not get discovered but if you it's prison

>> No.21436803

*if you do.
welfare is utter shit, in the uk it's £75 a week for everything, and you probably won't get it. remember the prison scene from 'requiem for a dream'? "can you see me? can you hear me? fit for work"

>> No.21436861

It's fucking sad bro.
I've met some upstanding blacks in my time, sadly few and far in-between.

>> No.21437133
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I agree.
The problem is rather complex, and most are looking into the situation with a very narrow-minded view. From a historical context, no other ethnic group has went through centuries of economic slavery and destruction of its culture and people. You can not refute that.From the Native amazon tribes, to the armenian genocide, including the holocaust...(maybe the pusedo asian ethnic group off the coast of South Africa that's facing extinction) On top of segregation, Jim crow laws, the failures post slavery...its so much. European colonization, government mistreatment(see:chinese massacre,illegal syphilis testing on blacks,predatory lending on poors.etc)

>> No.21437431

Current situation: Media + Hollywood controls the narrative. (Post 911 up till now majority of major movies had people of arab descent as the bad guys.) Hip'Hop/Rap/Entertainment is control by the big 3. Most major artists do not have direct artistic control and their contract states that over the 10year period they must do what the c level execs say. This includes how they dress, what they say, any deals domestic and foreign. Hence why gangster rap is popular and not hiphop(mos def/talib kweli era)
Special interest groups and corporate have so much power that individuals have lost who they truly are. You were tricked into buying that brand of milk, those color shoes- they know you better than you know yourself
The power elites dont give a rats ass. Their focus is of themselves. We are in a regime change, everything is a smokescreen at the moment. So yes blacks are bad, whites oh no!, mexicans...grrrr...and fuck the asians & arabs
For the ones at the top this is better because you'll stay out of their business in continued domination.

>> No.21437686


Updated as of June 2020