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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 26 KB, 492x635, buidl a fortune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21425309 No.21425309 [Reply] [Original]

I give up. I've read everything out there on BUIDL, looking for a reason not to invest. Scavenged through the github code, and yet I still cannot find any significant downside.

I genuinely beg you to give me a good answer as to why this project won't moon, and how the idea of a DFO won't adopted by every decentralized organization created in the near and distant future.

I am genuinely curious.

>> No.21425339

Everyone here is just retarded. Get a bag

>> No.21425375

Anon you’re not alone. Just get a bag. 200 is a suicide stack

>> No.21425376

i got 5600 tokens staked until january :)

>> No.21425392

cos its dumping and you should not try to catch a falling knife.

>> No.21425400

Wallet with over $2m is routinely buying BUIDL during every dip. Any reasons why?

>> No.21425444


>> No.21425490

He's got 30k BUILD now. I wonder who it is because he's the only one buying when volume is thinning out.

>> No.21425493

Thank me later but it’s about to forever reach a new base of $5 in 6 or so hours

>> No.21425519

is this like the boring but sure thing investment? seems like this has autist power to go to the moon
what price are we talking?

>> No.21425528

lol yall jeets been saying this shit for 3 weeks

>> No.21425548


>> No.21425552

You might be right but can't be too sure. The wallet that was exiting is running out of BUIDL. There's another wallet in the top 10 that dropped to top 20 that was selling a couple of days ago though.

>> No.21425589

Some people predict $10 but I'm not too sure about how accurate that is. I am a bagholder so take my advice with a grain of salt.

>> No.21425615
File: 43 KB, 657x450, 1590791176336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent had time to read anything about this and i still don't know which is the "real" contract so i cant fomo in

>> No.21425628

The one with $300,000 in liquidity.

>> No.21425666

>Thank me later but it’s about to forever reach a new base of $5 in 6 or so hours

I know. I was in the private group when he spilled the beans on his buying

>> No.21425708

10 is unironically fud. that's less than a 3x, it's just a matter of time. 10 dollars and even then it would still be lower mc than what link was at ico. this is really early

>> No.21425725

are you anons fucking with us or what. i'll buy a bag if there's some actual info here that can be proven
$10 long term?

>> No.21425751

make it stack?

>> No.21425753

$10 by October easy. But that’s small. Everyone is usually eyeing the long term project potential.

>> No.21425782

I've been holding since 6c so I'm not sure if long term or not. This token kinda crabs for a significant period of time before it pumps.

>> No.21426011

What is a make it stack of BUIDL?

>> No.21426073

5k imo

>> No.21426214

The dev team on this 100% reminds me of ETH back in the day. Feels good man.

>> No.21426379

Yes! I agree

>> No.21426440

I love these italianos

>> No.21426470

What other notable tokens have had an autistic italian dev team? Genuinely curious

>> No.21426478


I held a slightly larger than suicide stack of 11K linkies and sold those mid last year for circa $3 and yes I'm burning inside

If you look at circulating supply of buidl to link it's roughly .83% of links circulating supply

If 10,000 linkies is enough to not make you commit and we assume that dfohub can do 1/10th of what link has done price wise then a suicide stack should be 830 buidlr correct? If it can do half of what link has done then a suicide stack would be 415 buidlr.

830 buidlr is roughly $3,100 USD
415 buidlr is roughly $1,550 USD

As far as market caps go buying buidlr now is equivalent to buying link at .03 cents

>> No.21426553

100m cap, landing I'd guess around 8k holders, would be $32 per token. depending on how much the team cleans up their branding and keeps putting out updates I could see an easy bull run peak of 300m mcap.

if the platform actually delivers and buidl holders own a stake in hundreds of of valuable dfos, well...

>> No.21426562

keep in mind i sold my link at $3 like a retard so I'm probably undervaluing this one just as much

>> No.21426594

>As far as market caps go buying buidlr now is equivalent to buying link at .03 cents


>> No.21426895

can one of you autists explain to me why dfohub (BUIDL) is valuable and not just the idea? for example, is this a protocol that has to be used in order to create a DFO? can someone else just create a DFO on their own without this? in other words, can you create a modular project on ETH without this project? what is the benefit of using dfohub.
if i understand correctly the BUIDL tokens have value because they give you equity in the DFOs that are built using the protocol? is there any other reason why BUIDL will appreciate?
what is driving the price to go up, is there an actual use for the tokens other than the (if my understanding is correct) obviously important equity you'd gain from DFOs
post a screenshot anon, im on the fence of buying a nice bag but was hoping for a dip. dont want to wait if there's a pump coming

>> No.21426975

The low circulating supply is the only thing that's bugs me, if this thing even does a 10x then it's at like $37 a coin so
When John Smith goes to put his normiebucks his npc brain is going to see his 100 bucks buying three buidlr instead of 10000 xrp or whatever the fucks it's worth and probably buy that. It's like the which tube has more fluid test

>> No.21427137

4200 make it. 420 sui

>> No.21427201

I mean XOR mooned with low circ too.

>> No.21427271

>what is the benefit of using dfohub
DFOs are complicated to set up. dfohub, the platform, takes all the work out of it and lowers the barrier of entry significantly.

>> No.21427358

I'm a brainlet but basically if DFO's end up becoming a thing and decentralization is important than dfohub will have the first mover advantage and have the most decentralized network because it's the only team doing this right now
It's only a guaranteed win if DFO's are needed

>> No.21427474

and DFO's IMO will definitely be needed...

>> No.21427517

can you expand on this. how does it make it easier?
i see. so DFOs are kind of under the radar at the moment. would this mean a project would have to be created from scratch to harness the benefits of DFOs?

>> No.21427669

Good questions, the devs are holding an AMA August 28th.

You welcome to join the discord and ask the questions on the August 28 AMA section.

>> No.21427698

if they do a cringe ass mario again i swear i'm out

>> No.21427712

In essence, yes. I'm not saying they are going to be a valuable thing because I just simply dont know. But If they are then dfohub would be the biggest in the space as it has the most amount of users. Like yourself I'm not sure of tokenomics or why buildr would gain in value other than the amount of users on the network. But at this point if we wait and see we'll be priced out due to speculators buying and pushing the price up before they come out with a structure.

>> No.21427746

I hope they do that was the best

>> No.21427774

I don't want to be a reddit fag but we should really come up with some questions to ask the team on the ama

>> No.21428036

Yeah I've got a good list. Doing some research peter lynch style

>> No.21428069


this shit just makes me like them more. buidlers are above cringing

>> No.21428089

Should I stake my 1075 BUIDL?

>> No.21428148

anyone else notice the absence of julians? did they all kill themselves?

>> No.21428178

I got 10k staked until May

>> No.21428202

BUIDL represents a small ownership stake and voting rights in all DFOs on the network. Buidl gains value via influence on those tokens and ownership in them AFAIK

>> No.21428217

fuck off don't out me

>> No.21428228

not until $8 is breached, less to lose

>> No.21428242

wait, I don't understand what you mean by "less to lose"

>> No.21428372
File: 984 KB, 1101x762, devs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only correct answer

>> No.21428409

is that the dfohub devs?

>> No.21428420

if the value of the token raises, uniswap exchanges more of your stake for ETH

ask the poor builders who staked 10k at 50c

>> No.21428436


>> No.21428474

I staked 1400 buidl for a year against less than 3 eth on the day staking dropped, impermenant loss puts me now at 713 buidl against 7 eth. I have made lots, but I would have made more just holding 1400 buidl. look up how uniswap liquidity works for sure

>> No.21428508
File: 83 KB, 750x1000, 1551538840841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this from? lmfao what the hell have i invested in?

>> No.21428582
File: 600 KB, 500x750, 1596180756042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you invested in a bike, you get a Ferrari

>> No.21428939

$100 EOY