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21421090 No.21421090 [Reply] [Original]

Nostalgia thread

Remember cryptopia, etherdelta, forkdelta?
It all was shit yet I can help but think about them with a smile.
So much happened since then yet we're still having the exact same scams nowadays

>> No.21421171

Remember when you lost the game

>> No.21421181
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>you will never again margin trade maidsafecoin on poloniex with grandma's birthday money while shitposting in the trollbox

>> No.21421307
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Ywn again buy crypto through game tokens without kyc on Virwox. Rip.

>> No.21421516

>nostalgia for dex
real nostalgia is buying second life lyndon dollars to transfer into BTC-e to trade btc ltc and ppc

>> No.21421654

This thread makes me feel as though I've forgotten how to speak English

>> No.21421817
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I remember a coworker shilling me back in 2012 to buy bitcoin because the world was ending and we needed them to cross money across the border so we got high together and I bought 20 of them and a month later I sold them for 100 mollies from the dark web because we didn't die like the Mayans allegedly said and I was desperate for molly.
Traded some of them for blowjobs, but still. ...didn't get back into bitcoin til 2017 when my brother showed me Coinbase.

>> No.21421990

cryptopia still needs to give me b back 25$