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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21419310 No.21419310 [Reply] [Original]

Objective truth
Subjective truth

>> No.21419382


>> No.21419418

Kleros entire usecase is encapsulated within the capabilities of Chainlink. It just takes some smart contract logic (approval aggregation) and a faggy UI that a Pajeet could slap together in a day.

>> No.21419453

PNK in this image is the kid who did fuck all for the group project but still put his name on it

>> No.21419456

based retard

>> No.21419497

Can anyone explain to me how PNK actually works?
Like what does it mean if I run a node. What does it mean if I invest? What do I get to do with the token?

I am inclined to believe this. Setting up smart contracts for each stage is exactly what PNK is describing. You don't need it for that, you just need a competent smart contract maker.

>> No.21419518

The Kleros example of subjective consensus is funding a construction company. So how will Kleros initiate off chain payments? Through Chainlink? Might as well bypass Kleros then

>> No.21419666

> “a open”

>> No.21419680

everyone should know to hold bags of pnk and link
oracles are going to make us rich

>> No.21420398

>contracts which are purely deterministic are rare

a bold-faced outright lie

>> No.21420684

As a 2017 Link holder, kleros makes no fucking sense. It's a dumb idea that will never work. Law and any legal dispute have so many subtleties which are impossible to communicate effectively to some mass decentralized jury. Why the fuck do you think a whole army of lawyers and judges exist. Fuck this is stupid.

>> No.21421272

It's not about legal disputes, ignore the judge judy stuff. It's about information input. If there is no oracle network set up for x specific task, then a contract will fail. But Kleros can fill any gap required in any contract. It's actually incredible technology.
LINK is useful for exchange rates and the like but its oracles cant input every piece of data.

>> No.21421312

I’m sorry that you haven’t done any research. Link CANNOT handle subjective data. If you believe subjective data doesn’t exist, then you’re right.

t. 12k link 260k pnk

>> No.21421349

>he thinks it’s for courts of law
Way to oust yourself as a dumb faggot that hasn’t DYOR.

>> No.21421385
File: 197 KB, 829x1015, 1597357934471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day gains% pnk vs link 1-0
Weekly gains% pnk vs link 1-0
Monthly gains% pnk vs link 1-0

Have you started seeing the pattern you braindead incels? Im telling you for days now.

Perhaps you skipped math class at school.

Let me make it easier for you:

A large marketcap is more difficult to % increase than a small cap.

55m invested in link will raise the price 1%

55m invested in pnk will raise the price ~70%

Lets not forget the fact that link reached the top of its parabolic run and its correcting downwards.

Linktards with less than 50k will NEVER make it.

You need small caps in the next to year to boost you to financial independence.

Thats a FACT and backed up by math

By holding chainlink you are only helping 100k link+ whales and jews become the 1% and never having to work again.

And we all know only 5% of this board has stacks like this.

Transmute link to pnk. When you have the equivalent of 50k link, Buy back if you d like.

>inb4 dr;ns posts by terrified link jewhales

>> No.21421398
File: 14 KB, 471x388, A777EE47-4E46-42A0-922A-655B535F6E60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. 6k link
560k pnk

Okay this guy is the dumbest one in this thread. Fucking kek

>> No.21421410

Your IQ is below 130

>> No.21421441

>t. 12k link 260k pnk
top comf

>> No.21421448

Link is for logical and Kleros is for subjective right? It seems like the perfect partner for it.

>> No.21421542

Easiest way to put it yet most of biz still doesn’t see this. They’ll fomo soon. Hopefully it won’t be too late by then.

>> No.21421696
File: 50 KB, 963x481, youhavetobelieve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it

>> No.21421753

where the fuck do i get pnk? any decentralized exchanges besides uniswap?

>> No.21421992

It sounds like a GOAT combination but I don't hold any myself, instead I'm holding Statera but I've been debating switching to pinkies. Any advice on what would be the better long-term hold?
t. fellow 6k link holder

>> No.21422060
File: 99 KB, 1600x1352, 2CF0B1B4-1A71-48F1-AB6D-E4066D129340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stat imo is a Mess and lacks any real substance. Kleros on the other hand has a handful of dapps that are VERY useful both irl and in crypto. Pic related.