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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 251 KB, 1100x619, 160901112617-rendering-aerofarms-super-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2141869 No.2141869 [Reply] [Original]

how is it not a huge thing already
>can grow any kind of crop any time of year
>dont have to buy million $ tree shakers and shit
>dont really need workers
its such a great idea

>> No.2141876

>dont really need workers
>posts picture with four workers

>> No.2141877

Yeah you grow Indica instead of Sativa

>> No.2141888

Mostly only useful for salad right now.

>> No.2141919

>lighting isn't cheap
>space isn't cheap
>hard to compete with massive farms that only require the right time of year
>decently fertile dirt is quite spendy too
>metal racks capable of holding literally tons of material are expensive

This is done already, but it can't be set up as cheaply as you think.

>> No.2141931

nice fuckin trips dude
they wont be needed in a perfect farm
a slab of the crop will be moved to a shaker that will shake away the dirt from the crops then the crop will be placed in boxes and transported

>> No.2141949

its secretly a horrible idea im just shitposting

>> No.2141963

Depends what you're growing, how much you're growing of it, and when you plan to grow it. When you grow indoors, you give yourself the opportunity to control all variables. This enables you to 1) Harvest for a longer period of time (including before and after conventional harvest windows) and 2) have more frequent harvests than you would in an outdoor field setting. With longer periods of harvest, you can sell your yields at higher margins as long as you're not competing with markets of the same crop to your south, assuming you are in the northern hemisphere. The cost of such a set-up is pretty fucking high for the time being. You'd be better off building a greenhouse. But as time goes on, economy of scale will take effect. Indoor ag is the future, boys.

t. studied this shit in uni, come from farming family

>> No.2141982

>start thread
>i'm just pretending to be retarded
>literally 4 individual posters and 7 posts into your own i'm just pretending to be retarded thread
i know you think you're clever and that you were just pretending to be retarded

but you're actually retarded

>> No.2141991

Lighting is a serious expense, however there is research going on regarding using LEDs which are amazing efficient in comparison to conventional light sources. I know a couple of PhD students studying this topic.

>> No.2141996

lol fuckin baited idiot
6d chess works again

>> No.2142005

But isn't the taste considerably worse in comparison to food grown under normal conditions?

>> No.2142006
File: 26 KB, 720x720, 1495158455201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a pretty great solution
>take off roof
>use mirrors
>redirect sunlight onto layers of crops
what could go wrong

>> No.2142016

never heard that complaint.

>> No.2142020

That sounds incredibly complex/convoluted if you want to get more than a single row of crops.

>> No.2142036

Weird. Under general consensus here any vegetables grown under such conditions taste much worse

>> No.2142049

proofs pls
yea but no lights money saving

>> No.2142065


Nah. Most of what you're hearing is confirmation bias. As long as a crop is given sufficient light, fertilizer, and irrigation it will taste perfect no matter what the growing situation. It's similar to the claim that "organic tastes better" because a guy grew a tomato in his front yard then compares that flavor of a perfectly fresh crop to a 2 week old refrigerated tomato at the grocery store and assumes organic is the reason for the difference. No hostility here. It's just a common misconception.

>> No.2142082

Capital intensive. Requires lots of energy. You can't really do much yet. I ran the numbers on it and it won't REALLY be worth it until the whole world is using fission or maybe even fusion. Electricity will fuck your shit up.

>> No.2142085

Hmm, maybe that's the case. It probably has more to do with the fact that most bad-tasting vegetables are brought in from relatively distant locations, therefore are refrigerated and/or "enhanced" in some other ways

>> No.2142120

Take for example my family. We grow peaches. Most peaches are picked green for storage and then given an ethylene spray to ripen when needed. Our varieties are too sensitive for that, so we're forced to pick tree ripe and sell fresh. This means that our market is limited, but our quality is WAY better and this allows us to sell at a premium (we also sell between two major markets so we have little competition). I prefer it that way really.