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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21415197 No.21415197 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good intro to economics?

>> No.21415318

economics in one lesson is the redpill /biz/ needs

>> No.21415365

possibly the worst one

>> No.21415405

The best way to learn about economics is to study SAFEX, no fucking joke anon

>> No.21415505

Haven't read that one
Is he just aping off Marx's Das Kapital and what's the main message of this book

Basic Economics by Sowell is a pretty good one if you just want to read a book and understand its namesake

>> No.21415600


>> No.21416258

>just buy ETFs bro

>> No.21416310

start with mises and hayek

>> No.21416360

austrian economics is pretty much as equally retard tier as communism.

>> No.21416436

new paradigm in macroeconomics by werner

>> No.21416692

From what I remember (read it years ago) the main message is this: the 20th century was an anomaly, massive wealth inequality is the default way of things, mainly because of inheritance. Two world wars and the Great Depression wiped out most of the accumulated wealth meaning that the 50s-70s were unusually egalitarian in terms of wealth distribution. Since then wealth inequality has been slowly returning to 19th century levels and will get steadily worse unless governments can somehow coordinate to implement a global tax on capital.
The other main thing I remember striking me from this book is that fully 30% of the world's (estimated) wealth isn't accounted for in the books. It's presumably in offshore funds and no-one can see who owns it or how much there is.
I've heard some people take issue with his datasets but the overall argument about accumulation of capital via inheritance seems pretty sound to me. But I'm not very familiar with economics. I think there are probably better places to start.

>> No.21416890
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Read Man, Economy and State by Murray Rothbard.

Austrian economics is top tier

>> No.21417055


yes, except that is the other way around

the only school that teaches real economy, austrian economics was the first red pill i took in life

>> No.21417114

Not a bad rundown. It's a good look at global inequality.