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21412605 No.21412605 [Reply] [Original]

This man saved my life.

>> No.21412706
File: 2.77 MB, 762x1080, hyunjin [4K] 190815 이달의 소녀 직캠 (LOONA) - 포토타임 @LA출국_Fancam By 쵸리(Chori)-3lyoR5XmNvA-[01.31.833-01.37.133].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his advice is common knowledge

>live frugally

>> No.21413035

COMMON SENSE is UNCOMMON these days squirt. Everything is going to SHIT because the kids are given PARTICIPATION TROPHIES and are too busy playing on their PHONES

>> No.21413151
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I've lost a lot of gains listening to this man.
I get it debt is not necessarily good, but moving from a 30 year to a 15 year mortgage like he suggests dropped my available income to invest. I missed a lot of the Dec 2017 bullrun because of this.

>> No.21413203

and if my interest rate on my house is 3.5% why not take my extra cash and invest and earn 10% plus instead of using the extra cash to pay down the debt

>> No.21413274

Dave Ramsey is for retards that can't manage money. If you're not in massive debt, there's no reason to listen to him. That's nothing against him personally, but his target audience is double-digit IQ.

>> No.21413310

Okay...You need to make 100x what you make now, go get a better job

>> No.21413322

Why does he feel that he doesn't deserve to be happy?

>> No.21413354

he always sides with women overspending
christian simp

>> No.21413401

Yeah, I disagree with Ramsey on this.
Get the 30 year mortgage, make double payments.
If shit happens you can use your emergency fund to bail you out in the short term and go to regular payments on the mortgage until you've bailed yourself out and gotten your emergency fund stocked up.

>> No.21413451


people know it. they are just weak-willed and need someone like dave ramsay to coax them into being responsible with money
he's there for validation and reinforcement

>> No.21413466
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Exactly, but he will never hear this argument.
He will only hear you must be debt free before you do anything else.
With interest rates at record lows and no sight of them going back up anytime soon it makes sense to use leverage to your advantage.
In a perfect world with gold backed currency his advice is excellent. But when ((they)) manipulate the entire monetary system to their advantage, you're crazy if you don't play the game too.

>> No.21413604
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This guy is a shill for overpriced real estate. He teaches you how to get out of debt, and then he literally tells you after you get out of debt to go and buy a fucking house like its some foolproof way to get a high ROI. He literally shows you how to climb out of one hole so you can fall into another. Smh

>> No.21413634

Based boomer

>> No.21413701

he recommends condos for older people which is bad advice

condos have home association fees that akin to paying rent every month even after you have bought your condo. my mother lived in one

>> No.21413735


that are akin*

>> No.21413941

You've clearly missed the point.
You don't buy a house to get a ROI. You buy it (and pay off the mortgage asap) for security, so you can focus on other investments without worrying about future.

>> No.21413985

dave ramsey doesn't live frugally himself so why should you go to him for advice he doesn't practice?
he buys like 6 million dollar homes and shit

>> No.21413996


>> No.21414015

>pay HOA a few hundred bucks to handle property maintenance like lawn and pest control
>rely on your own frail body to do that shit and injure yourself or get fucked by a contractor who will rape your wallet because you're ignorant.

>> No.21414035

dave ramsey got rich from being a financial guru and selling books and not from being an investor or a businessman or a frugality advocate

>> No.21414068
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This man saved mine

>> No.21414069

HOA only pays for community landscaping and shit. if you have your own yard, you'd have to cut it yourself or pay someone else. HOA is cancer. bunch of boomer faggots enforcing the gayest rules.

>> No.21414081


or you could keep it the way it is and let it become dirt which is what i do

>> No.21414312

Lol checked.

>> No.21414326
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>tfw 18k student loans

>> No.21414345


>> No.21414601

What's the recipe?

>> No.21414610


You midwits don't realize that Dave is for brainlets who can't balance a fucking checkbook. He is and has said for people can't manage debt properly. If you can responsibly pay off your credit cards and save you don't need Dave Ramsey. You're operating at a level of financial complexity that dwarfs 100% of his listeners.

>> No.21414784


I'm one of those brainlets. But I turned it around using a lot of his advice and now am debt free and I have about 200k saved up. Almost enough to pay cash for a house and I want to buy one next year. But now I'm torn if I should follow through and buy one in cash or break from the plan and just make a minimum down payment and invest the rest

>> No.21414841


18k isnt even that bad, what is it, 180 a month?

>> No.21414955

If you're responsible now, then minimum + invest is always idea but you should save at least a year's worth of mortgage so that if shit hits the fan you can ditch the property without having the Satan's flames licking your asshole.

>> No.21415119

do a 20% down payment, 30 year mortgage, have a savings account with a year's worth of mortgage payments in it, then the rest in crypto.

>> No.21415204
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I dont know if I'd do 100% crypto

Wait for a dip and do like 40% bluechip stonks and 40% crypto and then take that last 20% and buy a good safe, some gold/silver, and a gun.

>> No.21415267

How are you supposed to focus on other investments when you're fucking house poor?

>> No.21415284

you do you man, but i'm trying to get rich. what communists like bernie and aoc don't tell you is that rich people take risks. blue chip stocks are already over inflated. gold/silver/guns are fine but they are not as liquid as you might think and you get fucked when selling them (trust me). crypto is my way out.

>> No.21415289

> Why are you gambling with your money? You should withdraw all of your money and instead invest in quality mutual funds that return 12% every year. They're not hard to find.

>> No.21415298


theoretically you would use the money that you would usually be making on rent or mortgage payments to DCA into investments over time

>> No.21415333

If I was saving 99% of my income, would this man tell me to abuse the AAVE loophole?
I think he would
Few understand this

>> No.21415348


I don't even want to be rich, just secure enough to not have to live like a slave. I could be happy living a modest life I don't need lambos and shit I'm just tired of being a wage cuck

>> No.21415415
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> The unstoppable force meets the immovable object.

>> No.21415574

I guarantee Ramsey doesn't have a single bit of chainlink. He's boomer retard who thinks debt is bad. Debt is only bad if you don't have leverage. Example: You take out a cash advance of $20,000 to buy chainlink at $0.17. 117,647 Link is now in your wallet. Your monthly payment is coming up. You tell the bank to suck your fat cock or you even pay the minimum payment for a little bit. 3 years later your $20,000 in link is now a cool $2,000,000. Do you pay the loan back? Fuck no, why would you? Your bank has already sold the loan off to collectors anyways. Settle the debt of the $20,000 + interest for $9,000. Your bank is insured against your failure to pay it back and the debt was sold off for pennies on the dollar. The collectors just want to break even on their purchase. You've now effectively more than doubled your actual ROI. You've turned $9,000 into $2,000,000. Your credit score is likely shit but you're too busy living in Bali AirBnBs and fucking European college girls to care.

>> No.21415716

because life happens
for every dude who makes it, there's another who breaks his leg, or goes through a nasty divorce, or develops a mental illness, loses his job, can't make just a few months of payments, and is now so far underwater that he'll spend the rest of his pathetic life drowning

besides its not like you or most people will actually make efficient trades, what actually happens to fantasnoozers like you is that you buy the top of the 2017 bullrun, get justed and wonder why you didn't take the safe road

>> No.21415736

i listened to ramses and invested in his high grade mutual funds that return 12% per year.

couldn't be happier. gonna be a multi millionaire in no time!!!!!!!!

>> No.21415768

Dave Ramsey probably makes more per minute of his life than your entire stink stack.

>> No.21415929

That’s right son all it takes is NO DEBT, TERM LIFE INSURANCE, and MUTUAL FUNDS to become a millionaire. If only these damn millennials would STOP BUYING $10 AVOCADO TOAST they could afford to own a home and raise a family

>> No.21415937

Sure thing champ.


>> No.21415969

Not if the dollar crashes.

>> No.21416066


Crypto is a pretty big risk to begin with. 40% of your savings is a huge gamble man. One bad regulation can tank the market. Rich people get rich through risk, sure, but there's a difference between measuring opportunity costs and putting investments behind risky ventures and walking into a casino and putting it on black.

>> No.21416272


>> No.21416644

Did you finally buy a high fee mutual fund that beats the index? Kek

>> No.21416717

>when you're fucking house poor?
Why would you be house poor unless you're a retard who buys something outside of his means?

>> No.21416760


>crypto is risky

not really. if it tanks you hodl until it goes back up

link dropped to 1.27 and now it's almost 20 dollars

>> No.21416782

I have a 15 year which I'm paying down at double its current rate, at least until I reach 20% (which should be in about a year).

It's not horrible, I think the difference was like 700 bucks a month.

>> No.21416794

Agreed. IMO An agressive allocation that isn't straight up lottery is some crypto, tech ETF and global market ETF
Obviously no shitcoins

>> No.21416816

HOAs are great to keep nigger culture out of a neighborhood. Personally though I like to live like a nigger but don't want to be around niggers hence I want to buy a house in a secluded few acres so no one bothers the fuck out of me.

>> No.21416892


>I like to live like a nigger
>I want to buy a house in a secluded few acres so no one bothers the fuck out of me.

living off the grid is a very white lifestyle. blacks never do that. that usually live in urban areas

>> No.21416934


they usually*

>> No.21416972



>> No.21416974

>Dec 2017 bullrun
You mean the top faggot

>> No.21417035
File: 40 KB, 820x425, Dave-Ramsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21417063

Mr. Miyagi is a great mentor. He helped me a lot too.

>> No.21417067

Congrats you managed to pick out a graph that went up amongst thousands that went down. Now how would you predict that and time the top?

>> No.21417079

Oh I get it.
That's why he says "no credit cards".
He doesn't say "learn to responsibly use a credit card" because he realizes his target audience is dumb and addicted to credit and can't handle it.

>> No.21417110


mostly all the cryptos on coinbase went back up after going down. wtf are talking about? how about you stop buying obscure cryptos that are pump and dump scams?

>> No.21417291

I don't buy shitcoins like link
I Know crypto has great upside if you're in long term

>> No.21417312


i think mostly all housing(except for rentals) in cities require that you pay HOAS. my cousin lives in a suburb and has to pay an HOA
this is why i am going to buy a house in a rural area

>> No.21417433


only during a certain part of the year(during a bull run) is it easy to make substantial gains in the short term
when the market is down you will have to wait to make gains