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21399306 No.21399306 [Reply] [Original]

Is "making it" the most dangerous thing that can happen when you're married?

>> No.21399328

I'd I made it, I'd be married to Jennifer Connelly.

>> No.21399362

My wife married me when I was a poor student with debt and shit.
Am I naive for thinking making it would only improve things?

>> No.21399391

That depends...are you a stupid cuck divulging all of your investments to your spouse? Then yes it will be bad.

>> No.21399422

i would keep a big pile secret just in case

>> No.21399468

ew she got fucked by a nigger anon

>> No.21399593

naw my gf/her family have way more money than I'll probably ever have. We've already talked about it, were getting a prenup when we get married along with a contractual obligated buyout of our stakes in the other's companies in the event of divorce, since were both 50% partners in each other's businesses.

I get the benefit of having trips paid for, insane christmas/birthday gifts (her sister gave me $10k for my birthday), a free house to live in (that was given to her, but whatever, we dont have to pay for it), etc, she gets the benefit of a guy who isn't after her for her money and is more interested in doing my own thing rather than just bumming around the house mooching off her constantly like her last boyfriend.

>> No.21399661

what an ugly kike

>> No.21399728

You already didn't make it if you're married. Name a single concrete benefit you can only get by being married as a man, that you can't get as a single man? (protip: you can't)

>> No.21399762

Only if you didnt marry a faithful God fearing Christian woman

>> No.21399842

unlike you my boy

>> No.21399850
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>Name a single concrete benefit you can only get by being married as a man, that you can't get as a single man? (protip: you can't)
Having sex AND going to heaven.
Premarital sex leads you to hell.
> t. Catholic

>> No.21399934

You can fuck whores every day after making it.
A wife will mostlikely lose her sexdrive after the first or second child.

>> No.21400024

>making it
pick one

>> No.21400082
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>You can fuck whores every day after making it.
you can still do that if you're married AND come home to a loving family afterwards. That is the way of the true chad

>> No.21400134

Single men have more sex than married men. Women often lose their sex drives after marriage and get fat. Jewgle 'dead bedrooms'. This wasn't a problem in the past when you could divorce your wife with no financial penalty if she didn't take care of your sexual needs.

>> No.21400213

You can still come home to a loving family without a legal contract between you, your woman, the state and the nation of Israel. There's no benefit, the woman just want it so she can take half your shit if she wants to in the future.

>> No.21400410

But most women are narcissistic creatures with an communist mindset.
Where would you even find an loveable women?

>> No.21400449

just get one with a benis
it is 2020

>> No.21400457

keep her anon