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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21384147 No.21384147 [Reply] [Original]

The ideal portfolio* through the end of 2021:
25% LINK
15% STA
10% XSN
10% RLC
10% ETH
10% BTC
10% PNK
5% SXP
5% Chasing short term pumps

*If you’re a pussy. If you’re not, all in on LINK or STA.

>> No.21384204

actually agree

>> No.21384258

got the link, pnk, eth, rlc, buidl... want xsn soo fucking bad rn not worth the gas for 200$ tho

>> No.21384292

All in Link and RLC. I dont have enough to dilute my positions.

>> No.21384303

Got 4 at least.

>> No.21384366

How are you denominating those percentages? For example I've held the exact same amount of LINK/ETH/BTC since I bought up everything I could in march, but the ratios have gone from like 20% Link to 50% link (in terms of dollar value) even though my portfolio hasn't changed at all.

>> No.21384418

you forgot STA

>> No.21384525

You forgot to be literate

>> No.21384526

Let’s assume that for one day every cryptocurrency stays flat except ETH. What would happen?

1. The value of Delta will go up and the 50:50 ratio would be out of sync, ETH would need to be sold and STA bought to keep the locked in split. This causes STA to burn

2.The Phoenix fund is 30% ETH and 40% Delta. It would then need to sell both assets and buy wBTC, Link and SNX to keep the predetermined asset weights. So now both Delta and Phoenix are back in balance, but it doesn’t stop here

3.As Phoenix sold Delta there is a negative impact on the price, but the actual quantity of ETH and STA inside of it didn’t change after point 1. As a result, it would be beneficial to unmint Delta to realise the full value of the underlying assets. This unminting process causes STA to burn. Something like this is generally done by arb bots.

4.But now as some STA has been burnt there is upward price pressure and the inverse of point 1 happens. STA is now sold to buy ETH, causing STA to burn. Initially this may not be significant but as supply decreases the impacts of this will get bigger.

5.Point number 4 means that the value of Delta has changed, which means Phoenix needs to sell Delta and so the cycle goes back to point 2
Please note, that the impacts of point 4 and 5 are probably too small to see this early in the project but it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

Now remember there is zero chance that ETH is the only asset to move in price for the day. THEY WILL ALL MOVE.

Now think how many indices Statera will be putting out on platforms like balancer (yes balancer will not be the only one).

Multiple index funds on multiple platforms with different pools using the Delta coin.

STA will be the most used coin in Defi soon.



In simple terms the Burn function of STA is designed to create volume. In a way Statera discovered "Volume farming"

>> No.21384555


What is an index fund?

An index fund is a fund that can track and adjust a specified basket of underlying investments. In this case: BTC, ETH, LINK all balanced with STA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzNhe5Hd0do)) [Open].

The rules are that these coins are set in a fund at a specified percent so as one goes up or down the others are automatically bought or sold to balance risk and maximize profit. HOWEVER, the key is that STA is deflationary (whenever a STA transaction happens for buying/selling/pooling, 1% of the transaction of STA is burned). You also are given a % of all the fees paid in STA transactions up to 36% APY and during a run up to 40,000% APY (https://medium.com/@stateraproject))

The power of STA is that the ripple effects of: (1) compounded fees/locked/pooled tokens, (2) token burn, (3) price pulled up by ETH, BTC, and LINK leads to an exponential effect and positive feedback loop on price.

Can the team dump? No, this is the most decentralized token. Much like how BTC is out of Satoshi's hands, STA is out of the hands of the devs who only own <4%.

>> No.21384699
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>diversify meme

100% balls deep in XSN.

DEX: $1+
RAIDEN: $10+
HYDRA: $100+

>> No.21384700
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>no DMG

>> No.21384771
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The only thing stopping PNK from being on stage 3 is no binance and coinbase. I would jump in before that if I were you.

>> No.21384847

Based, I'm partial to DFOBuidl though

>> No.21384889
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i will never buy into a chart that looks like this. im not in the business of being a bagholder.

Congrats if you bought early though.

>> No.21385462

newfag detected. you just listed off all the shitcoins that are being shilled on biz this month. a year from now most of these will be forgotten except for LINK ETH BTC

>> No.21385487

No buidl

>> No.21385525

based, just dropped over 20k on XSN a few days ago

>> No.21385629

I’ve been here since moot’s picture was in the sticky and running eBay scams made up 10% of the posts. There are several things shilled here that I’m omitting because they are bad projects. The only thing I listed that I’m still not a strong believer in is PNK, but I could see it still growing because of marketing until the end of next year and no later which is why I said through 2021

>> No.21385653

I am about 50% link.

Went all in link. Yeah I'm smart. Mooned. Half sold for XSN for next Moon.

>> No.21385796

we are in the beginning of stage 3
2018-19 were stage 2 rough af

>> No.21385978
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>> No.21386006

All I see is 80M market cap faggot.

>> No.21386215


>> No.21386260


Checked. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.21386684

>No LRC, despite guaranteed top 5
>No RDN, despite XSN value being a function of raiden

Ignore L2s if you want to miss out on the biggest gains this bull market.

>> No.21386722
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Need more PNK. Way for faces to melt. Pic related.

>> No.21386874

I'm a bit late on LINK so I'm DCAing a trickle into it, /biz/ helped me find PNK early and XSN very early though.

>> No.21386875

The market cap is $89Mil USD you stupid cunt, we are reaching 90 soon. We will be top 100 coins soon

>> No.21387251
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>> No.21387369

>Ignore L2s
I wouldn’t be holding XSN if I was.

>> No.21387402

pretty based. i only hold link, eth, sta and buidl. thinking about throwing some weight at crv to ride the wave but i also want to get some sleep tn

>> No.21387558
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Please rate

>> No.21388403

Just hodl all them bitches bro. Good positions

>> No.21388448


>> No.21388476

LINK is in stage 1 and anybody saying otherwise is in PURE DENIAL

>> No.21388495

>no algorand
Anon I....

>> No.21388767

i genuinely dont know if this is another scam or not

>> No.21388902

55% LINK
35-40% RLC
5-10% ALGO

>> No.21388918

There’s already a working beta that’s open to anybody to test. You don’t even need to buy much, if any, XSN if you don’t want, if you join the discord and ask the devs to join the beta dex you can test it and see for yourself. It’s going public this month with lightning integration (instant off-chain bitcoin chain swapping), and while they won’t be releasing the Raiden integration just yet as they test it rigorously, they’ve already shown video demos of it working by swapping BTC with an ERC20 token instantly for next to nothing in fees.
I know I sound like a shill but it’s not a scam, not by a longshot. Doesn’t mean the project is guaranteed to succeed — ultimately, they still have to get people to adopt them and that’s never a given — but the team itself is legit.

>> No.21389238

Isn't this the exact script that verge xvg used for their atomic swaps?

>> No.21389330

If I recall correctly (and I may not, I haven’t thought about verge in a while), those swaps were still happening on chain which still leads to scaling issues.

>> No.21389734

Any onchain swaps DEX like Uniswap or otherwise is finished when XSN releases later this month. L2 tech is the future it’s obvious and nobody apart from XSN is taking advantage of it in a meaningful way. People screaming about gas fees and transaction times due to network congestion at the minute are nothing compared to what will happen when the market goes full bull, onchain is simply not sustainable and XSN is the only one right now that avoids that by using L2.

>> No.21389906

Needs STA

>> No.21389935

>no buidl
it was almost based

>> No.21389936

>The only thing I listed that I’m still not a strong believer in is PNK

>> No.21390053

Bingo. The only thing I disagree on is that it won’t truly invalidate other dex’s until raiden integration which isn’t part of this month’s launch. However, they’ve already demo’d it a bit so it shouldn’t be any later than November or December. Maybe even earlier, but the dev team has shown that they prefer to do it right the first time so they take a lot of time to test and QA before releasing.

>> No.21390067

>no XRP

>> No.21390110

Dumbest post itt and that’s saying a lot.
I’m convinced that 80% of ripplenipples are Qboomers.
Fucking YAM has more potential at this point.

>> No.21390138

Do not over diversify. This ends badly trust me

>> No.21390159

Ive been 100% LINK since 2017. but okay

>> No.21390272

60% LINK
10% ETH
10% RSR
10% PNK
10% STA

Just need a 5x and I can live out my dreams

>> No.21390318

Sora did a 90x last month. TA is a meme.

>> No.21390352

Because no one wants to read the fucking 300 page white paper. We're just hoping it works out.

>> No.21390359


I'm retired / unemployed and here I am, still being a faggot on 4 chan

>> No.21390408
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>> No.21390433
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>Sora did a 90x last month.


not buying the top of a pump isn't TA, its common investing sense.

>> No.21390454

Find some hobbies. There was a point I left in 2019 but then the LINK Coinbase listing happened and I came back. Realize we're all gonna die some day with little to no chance of afterlife and try things IRL you think you'd enjoy.

>> No.21390511

Please post a cope post when you're wrong in 2 months.

>> No.21390536

You wouldn't have bought at $15 Sora from your method. Also, if you do believe TA, it's a good entry now before a dead cat bounce to $95.

>> No.21390550

>1k link
>50k STA
>30k xsn considering 1 more masternode if I can afford it

Will I get a million after taxes? Please bros tell me honestly

>> No.21390595

Oh god you weren’t kidding

>> No.21390617

XSN is the kinda coin you can go all in on. Feels like link again

>> No.21390740

Yeah I have gone all in on it, just setup my mns let the rewards flow in while waiting for moon, it’s a lot less stressful than having to chase the next coin that will pump

>> No.21390756
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>> No.21390793

Xsn is top 5 coin

>> No.21390970

Do you have STA pooled?
Within the Phoenix Fund pool, when there is new purchases and sell off, do you accumulate more as time goes on exponentially? I'm just having a hard time getting my brain to understand what happens as time proceeds.

Also, do I need to split up for example 1k USD before getting into the pool or can I just pool in something like wETH and it'll disperse it itself?

>> No.21391152
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Shameless bump for an answer

>> No.21391604
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Imagine not having XRP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.21391875

I sleep a lot easier knowing there is no XRP in my portfolio

>> No.21392442


>> No.21392467

Pls post yfw xrp 30 cents in 2 months

>> No.21393081

90% sta
10% Phoenix (Btc/eth/link/snx)

Wouldn’t mind dca’ing so Xsn