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21380561 No.21380561 [Reply] [Original]

Based Tyler Durden calling out the Chainlink ponzi scheme for what it is - a ponzi scheme.

>> No.21380798

those retards at zh think link is a retail currency. they have zero idea what they are talking about.

>> No.21380858

to be honest it is just a ponzi sheme at this point.

>> No.21380873

wait is he actually this halfwitted or doesn't know what link does? or did he just miss it?

>> No.21380897

zerohedge is retarded 7/10, this is one of them

>> No.21380906

He's talking about BTC.
Retarded link haters.

>> No.21380910

I’m guessing it’s purely ignorance.

>> No.21380912

This is about Bitcoin and Tether. Tyler doesn't know what DeFi is though.

>> No.21380914

you have brain damage.

>> No.21380926

wasnt 0hedge shilling link a few months back? and he still doesnt get it
grandpa maxis is the exact same mental illness as goldfags
all they can do is whine about muh fed all day

>> No.21380952

it would be fucking hilarious if he's talking with such confidence about link being a ponzi while being ignorant of what it does

>> No.21380958


Zero Hedge is not what they used to be. They now have comments censorship. Its controlled in a way that it wasn't before

>> No.21380994

it's not really that hard to grasp what it does on a conceptual level if you look into for two seconds

>> No.21380997

Just because the project is legitimate doesn't mean the value of the token isn't in a speculative bubble.

>> No.21381014

Holy shit. I remember this guy from the slack channel in 2017. Me and him both sold around 40 cents. Fuck

>> No.21381018

made an article today, it's pretty shit, misses the big picture, he's clueless
143 comments kek

>> No.21381086

>Tyler Durden

>> No.21381106

ponzi refers to fundamentals being fraud so that line of reasoning makes no sense. i agree with your point about it being possibly speculative bubble though

>> No.21381110

nvm it's just a repost of the cointelegraph article, he didnt even write it

>> No.21381141

All of you are retarded, this isn't zero hedge, it's some guy that runs a knockoff website.

>> No.21381157

read the comments, 90% of them are about btc and gold
those people are literal npcs

>> No.21381169

how tf do you remember this? only guy i remember was guy who was holding 1.1 mil link with a profile pic of dog with a cowboy hat and rory trying his best to air the curry scent out

>> No.21381315

dude no fucking way. You were there too? I know exactly who you are talking about and have been wondering about him recently. I remember he was getting itchy fingers before it even hit 1 dollar

>> No.21381369

>he bought into the ponzi scheme fully

get out while you can, don't be left with the heavy bags

>> No.21381371

he linked a screenshot of exact amount of his link and i found his wallet. one day in 2017 it was empty of link and im 80% sure he sold, cant remember for sure though. wtf was his username?

>> No.21381458

cooldog? I'm pretty sure. Were you in the ICO dude?

>> No.21381508
File: 46 KB, 640x425, OK-Boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no limit on the amount of cryptocurrency that can be issued; almost like the US dollar.

Yep,, anybody can create a crytocurency based on blockchain,,, open source tech. Making it a store of value and transactionable will be your problem.

Uh, the same thing that drives all of them.......marketing schemes. That and sheeple chasing fads.

All of these useless cryptos copy Bernie Madoff's business model.

It’s easy, gold and silver are money.

Make it simple, no rules and restrictions to bs. My hard earned money will never pass through a medium.

I am my own bank...........Precious Metals do not complicate my life.

Aren't Trojan Hor$es full of "0" that are wrappers to conceal a currency $USD that is also "0" a fun magic trick to fight boredom before the worst happens to U.S.?!!!

Oops. Two out of three BTC and ETH are manufactured by servers located in...The People's Republic of China.

All crypto currencies are 100% speculative investment. 90% of world population cannot even spell crypto, not to mention how to use it, trade it. Do not invest in this crap.

If .gov regulators are going to allow these crypto ponzi schemes, they might as well let Bernie Madoff out of jail.

Bitcoin is made by humans and has endless forks, therefore endless supply!

"apparently, not many of you understand the defi movement in crypto. Chainlink is what is known as an oracle. its function is to translate and transfer information from any outside source into any of the defi apps now being created on Ethereum." You talk like you are trying to confuse, but you are talking down, regardless.

You mean they sell second hand data that we normally get for free from primary sources.

What sources and how do you know you can trust them? Do you trust the credit rating agencies? You trust as fact what you read in the Wall St Journal? Starting to see the problem trusting the’experts’.

>> No.21381548

no but i bought before binance listing, what about you?. not sure about cooldog thought. what was your nick?

>> No.21381623

I was in the ICO and shared my pool with some biz tards here. I'm pretty sure cooldog was the name. I don't even remember my name. I was banned from the slack late 2017 or so.

Fuck. If he sold a 20m$ lottery ticket that makes me feel a lot better about selling my 73k stinkies for 30 cents

>> No.21381701

he was an arrogant prick so good riddance.
really cool to see people here from those days man, did you ever re-buy? 73k stinkies HURTS now

>> No.21381850

Post an actual use case that only link can do. No other non-crypto software on the planet can do it.

>> No.21381923

too many times to count

bought like 40k in 18 for 15 cents or whatever it was. Had to sell them in the 40 cent range for college tuition. I look for rope whenever I think about that.

the worst is that I scooped nearly 10k LINK for 1.70 this March during corona dump. Sold at fucking 2.50 because who could have seen this crypto boon coming during a massive financial collapse. It's insane.

yeah i vaguely remember some people from there and always wonder where they are now

>> No.21382047

chainlink does nothing for my grandma who just bought,

>> No.21382073

Phone posting now.
Really blows about having to use link funds for real life shit but other shit like swinging is on you. I never sold once, I'm either getting life changing money or nothing at all, idgaf.
Don't rope yourself though, life will go on. Just find work that doesn't feel like work and look for other opportunities in crypto or business. Good luck man, hope you make it

>> No.21382103

what was your stack btw

>> No.21382171

Hey fren, you have something that 99 percent of the population don't have, knowledge of this space and the ability to do it again.

>> No.21382323

What does this have to do with chainlink. Also, he is a retard, everything he mentioned has literally zero impact on the crypto market, zero.

>> No.21382334

ladies and gentlemen: the midwit nolinker.

>> No.21382376

This it has nothing to do with chainlink unironically

>> No.21382416

>to be honest it is just a ponzi sheme at this point.
bitcoin is more of a ponzi scheme than chainlink at the moment. you can argue, but no, i'm correct. chainlink has real world use while btc is a "store of vale"

(jk but i'm kind of serious)

>> No.21382443

The Fud is the real ponzi

>> No.21382453

Token not needed. Literally publish your data yourself to the blockchain. That's what Bitcoin is all a fucking bout.

>> No.21382473

No u

>> No.21382748

>You mean they sell second hand data that we normally get for free from primary sources.

Yes, which is retarded because primary sources can sell the data themselves on Bitcoin. Just publish the shit to the blockchain and be paid a microfee by parties that want to use that data.

>> No.21382798
File: 128 KB, 750x920, 35636333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must of got that 5 btc from zeus capital

>> No.21382870

He’s talking about BTC, faggot

>> No.21382926
File: 41 KB, 512x564, 1597328655408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only says DeFi Ponzi and doesn't call out any specific token
>Linkies immediately offended
Christ you fuckers are women.