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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21372050 No.21372050 [Reply] [Original]


>cardano integration on shopify

Pay with ADA at Shopify
Jeronimo Backes, an Australia-based developer is working on the development of a Cardano integration dubbed the “Cardano e-commerce integration project,” that will enable ADA holders to pay with the native Cardano digital coin at over 500k online stores on Shopify.

thats gonna be massive, get in before bitcoin start pumping again along with cardano!

>> No.21372137

ADA is gonna eat ETH and ripple

>> No.21372228

How big is a make it stack?

>> No.21372285

>make it stack?
25k if Cardano is as big as Apple

>> No.21372335

I mean when

>> No.21372351


>> No.21372407

Shh we are still in an accumulation zone
No point in letting it go up now, link has the spotlight

>> No.21372483

zero reason to "cash out" when ada will give everyone a way to buy shit directly with their crypto by wrapping their token of choice all in one blockchain.

imagine how much better defi will become when you can have over 1m tps with hydra.

100-200x is on the table for cardano and biz is still sleeping on it. instead they wanna shit on charles on a personal level because they can't argue with the facts of the project and the insane potential there is.

>> No.21373146
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Come stake with us
>3m ADA now delegated
>Low 1% pool fee
Name: /bizpool/
Ticker: 4CHAN
Pool ID: a076d1ea6e8a35bdafc3ca3290abe334672edde80ba1306fc5ae2ae8

Telegram: t dot me/bizpool_official
Twitter: @bizCardano

How to delegate ADA:

>> No.21373282
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Currently 1008 active pools

>> No.21373804
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>> No.21373807

ADA is shit. Please KYS

>> No.21374091

>>3m ADA now delegated

>> No.21374144
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>> No.21374333

When is it going to reach £100?

I can't wait to be a multi millionaire.

>> No.21374393


>> No.21374565

ADA is anything but shit, it's literally one of the best coins on the market, if not THE best. the only problem? it will take a long long while before you will see your profits with investing , and even then your investments will only be like a 50x ? in 2025? not enough.

However I'm extremely hopeful in these guys making it, great developers amazing team. These devs will 100% make it , my blockfolio updates are almost all cardano. Shits 50% of my portfolio right now, I believe it will only rise, but the other 50% in shit coins like PNK / STA LINKIES are what's actually going to make me rich in the short term.

ADA is the long term safe investment with very promising, but "low" returns from a crypto perspective.

>> No.21374881


This is really good news, it gives poorfags like me who only got into cryptos when they dumped in March time to accumulate shit tons!

Already got 10 ETH worth! I got a good feeling about this, bros!

>> No.21375129
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>> No.21375329

>ADA is the long term safe investment with very promising, but "low" returns from a crypto perspective.

if 100-200x is low then yeah i guess it's low

>> No.21375749
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>> No.21375796

Explain yourself now, butthurt anon

>> No.21376187

he fell for the fud at 2 cents and didn't buy at 3 cents. he's never gonna make it, just let these anons seethe away as we continue to grow exponentially. ada is pure fundamentals and no gimmicks. highest IQ project in all of crypto.

>> No.21376223

Staking on Binance when?

>> No.21376389

Nice to see actual adoption, hope more shit like this follows. Curious though, what is Charles planning for ETC? It looks like his attention has been turned back to that lately

>> No.21376404

Goguen will make cardano the best crypto in the space. Hopefully we can see it happen within the next 12 months

>> No.21376589

Based. I'll delegate to it

>> No.21376591

it's set to launch by the end of the year anon. 2021 is the year of goguen and before then we're gonna have a hell of a run. ada should be at or above ATH by that point.

>> No.21376944

>24 delegators
>3 million staked
I guess /biz/ is just seething then

Also, the telegram doesn't seem to accept chats is that normal?

>> No.21377025

You joined the scam one. There’s a scam TG where they all talk about receiving free ADA. Its Bs. Find the real one

>> No.21377099

I don't see any chats is what I'm saying. I'm investing into ADA you should know that we're not brainlets. If someone asks for ADA I would leave

>> No.21377222

Cardano has a habit of being flexible with their deadlines. I remember hearing "Shelley soon" in 2018 (when I bought). Hoskinson even considered the ITN launch in Dec 2019 as the Shelley launch, while it took a further 6 months before it was actually released as the mainnet.

Even right now the d=1 and it's not expected to be fully decentralised for another 3 months.

I honestly don't expect goguen until 2021 at the earliest. Maybe we will see a multi asset testnet by December but I would be extremely surprised to see anything goguen on mainnet.

>> No.21377376

100-200x ?

Anon im an ada fanboy but this is retardly high.you are aware it already has a 3b market cap?

This shit will go 10x -50x max.

>> No.21377415

200k at least on this bullrun, 6 years away perhaps even 50k or 20k will make you a millionaire.

>> No.21377428


>> No.21377430


You retards this is just a plugin to enable a payment gate in Shopify. Hurrrrr it’s like being enthusiastic for Ethereum because you can install a Woocommerce plugin to pay with ETH... the state of this board

>> No.21377614

Literally nobody cares what you think faggot. If you look at the thread you see we are actually discussing ada and not the shopify news

>> No.21377656

does it add value to the holders? Yes.
so it's valueable! easy!
>giving your power to centralised entity
they'll take your votes and probably stash some of the staking profits, on top of charging a higher fee than other pools.

Guys, I'm a long term believer but i've started to think maybe I shouldn't be all in cardano due to how long it takes to release stuff. continue to trade alts and put profits periodically into cardano?

>> No.21377716
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first blocks being produced by stakepools just in the last hour or so. decentralization has begun. >more than 1000 stake pools
>more than 6 thousand relays

>> No.21377733

Yeah that’s because your average /biz/ tard can’t go further than “better than x” “i have x will i make it” “eoy??” Like kids with no attentionspan

>> No.21377755
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>> No.21377759

>continue to trade alts and put profits periodically into cardano

Yes. Do what other poster did. 50% ada.

Going all in 1 coin is retarded. Diversify you no matter what retard linkies tell you.

>> No.21377765

Anyone else aiming to accoomulate 1mill stack?
Doubt it will happen but it'd be comfy as hell if they can keep the price from mooning for another month or two I can make it

>> No.21377817

And if you notice the avg ada holder doesnt do that shit.

Get the fuck outta here go to your tendies yamis and curries

>> No.21377821

Q4 is the coinbase listing so you better hurry, but damn wish I were you.

>> No.21377909

>Diversify you no matter what retard linkies tell you
as a retarded linkie, I can tell you that I am 60/40 Cardano/LINK.

>> No.21377983
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absolute state of this shill

>> No.21378536

ada will get to 1trillion marketcap anon, you'll see. i was skeptical about it at first too but there's too much potential here. we're gonna see 60-70% staking soon. that's going to reduce the active circulating supply significantly which means way less sell pressure and thus allow the MC to rise quickly without resistance. peak bullrun we're breaking 10-15 usd easily

>> No.21378607

yep. world financial operating system in the making.

>> No.21378730

the thing is that cardano will support entire crypto market within their ecosystem once everything is up and running but small brain anons don't understand this. interoperability is the key

>> No.21378921

eventually cardano will wrap every single crypto in the top 20 and give them all the utility that comes with the cardano blockchain. this means 1m + transactions per second, smart contracts, proof of work, decentralized identification, stablecoin support, onchain tracking, oracles, and the list goes on. it's too much to sit here and list it all but i find it funny how many biz tards are still sleeping on cardano and continue to fud charles on a personal level, like dude nobody gives a fuck how many "soi" faces he makes, get over it. the guy is clearly autistic as fuck just like vitalik but the difference is that charles is capable of actually running a company and isn't just sitting around picking his nose pontificating about child porn.