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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21367861 No.21367861 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21367929

Fucked Up Didntcha

>> No.21367991

i wonder if that guy killed himself

>> No.21368155
File: 1.49 MB, 996x1160, Smiling buffalad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that last paragraph
holy fucking kek

>> No.21368289

People still got rich on non-ETH coins and tokens in 2017. People can still get rich off non-LINK coins and tokens in 2020.


>> No.21368583

Sold my 55k link stack for $4 a few months back. This anon right here is why I bought back 10k at $6. Do i regret it? Yes. Am i going to kill myself? No. This dude has gotta be one of the most punished souls in existence. I would rather live my whole life in abject fucking poverty than make $100k and miss out of $10mil. I couldnt mentally cope with that regret.

>> No.21368682

>would have been 12x if I didn't sell!

Most OGs are 50x at this point. It's not really comparable. Selling now if you're 50x is a regret-free experience. Doesn't matter if it pulls another 10x from here.

>> No.21368744


I'm going to print this out and read it several times a day to clam my nerves and keep me from selling. My link is worth a QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS from a $6000 investment, and its taking its toll on my sanity.

>> No.21368857 [DELETED] 

why? you can't do shit with 500k. just take a deep breath and out it in perspective

>> No.21368923

so... for context, you would have 50x the principal, but you would miss out on having 500x your initial investment, and this won't fuck with 99% of people's self esteem???
dude they call them suicide stacks for a reason

>> No.21368955
File: 213 KB, 496x407, 1583855542300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt matter if i have 500k or 5 million, its the same thing!

>> No.21369006

I'm nearing $1 million, and I still bought more Link. Decided to throw some cash down to sell specifically at $75 for when I buy myself a steak.

>> No.21369034

a quarter is 250k you dumb fuck

>> No.21369086
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>> No.21369089

As someone who earned and lost and earned millions of dollars in 2017-2018. If you are still holding your Link, consider yourself delusional and seek treatment.

>> No.21369100


>> No.21369121

from the perspective of someone that starts with like 5k I can understand the point, but selling early seriously fucks with people for life.

>> No.21369146

has nothing to do with chainlink

>> No.21369189

It keeps rising.

>> No.21369259
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i meant that its not the same thing buddy, there is a huge difference between 500k and 5 million.

>> No.21369288
File: 116 KB, 699x653, 1594594349777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing these images is why I keep holding, it's just baffling to see short term anons being unable to see how the most valuable cryptos pulled x1000 over time and link is well positioned to generate similar results, especially now that we have the hindsight of seeing it happen to btc and then eth, with link being the obvious third wave towards adoption of the smart contract concept outlined by szabo decades ago... like how short sighted do you have to be to sell now on a random pump at 7 on no news thinking this could be the ultimate top, when it's barely beginning to gain traction... I mean it could crash and burn tomorrow and that's a risk I'm willing to take, but the alternative upswing would mean it could keep exploding exponentially to two or three digits, with important news or a general market bullrun etc. can they really not project themselves five or ten years into the future?

the LINK generation has the advantage of hindsight that og BTC and ETH investors didn't have, they might have had intuitions about explosive growth but it was unproven so most ended up selling too early... go through the archives and you'll find very very smart and early anons showing complete disbelief at the possibility eth could even reach one hundred for example, but post 2017 LINKies saw it could happen and they understand it's now simply a waiting game

pic related, once we hit 8 understand we only need 3 more 2x to hit 64, this pic was made just a few months ago and it already evolved by almost one degree of realization

-- this is pasta of a post I typed on July 13

>> No.21369289

i would rather see my portfolio go back to my initial than miss the upside. like fucking hell theres people who only invested like 1k and are up to 6 digits. why in the fuck would you sell at that point?

>> No.21369324

we all thought the same way in 2017 and we all got burned because we let those 500k in paper gains evaporate

>> No.21369338

That's a personal problem. Before someone sells they need to accept this is an amount that they can use to meet their goals. Stop thinking in terms of millions vs hundred of thousands and start thinking of paying rent vs getting paid rent, waging vs financial freedom.

>> No.21369340

damn son for real? lemme see that portfolio 5Y graph

>> No.21369418

lol there is absolutely
But marginal benefit wise, he is right in that if yesterday you have nothing, you think about 500k differently, and it's not that he is saying no to 5 million, he just can't risk the 500k...

>> No.21369476

If youre still here from ~2016/17 the way you think has shifted radically from the way most people think

>> No.21369549

You can't call the top, let's say link hits 100 end of year and crashes back down to 10 dollars, I'd prefer to sell on the way down than on the way up

>> No.21369641

My goal is to pay off my house at the very least. Never having to pay schlomo for a roof over my head is the most basic thing to achieve for financial freedom.

>1.4 btc
>35 eth
>1300 LINK
>500 OZ silver

>> No.21369707

I see what you mean. I guess those are rich man problems a la hundred thousandaire overjoyed vs millionaire feeling he doesn't have enough. Kind of like wolf of wall street was mad he was a few mil shy of making a mil a week.

>> No.21369792

why?? 250k is literally nothing

>> No.21369803

Wow, saved.

>> No.21369878

Yeah, that's goal #1. As long as you're either paying rent or a mortgage, you're a slave. Your employer could snap his fingers and suddenly you're absolutely fucked with no real recourse, out on the streets.

Everything after that is cherry on top

>> No.21369966

I like how you think I’m nearly identical to this plus 100k pnk

>> No.21369986

I sold half my link at 16 and wanna KMS now.
Should I FOMO back in or just keep hoping for a dump?

>> No.21370025

Imagine thinking that. I'm glad this psychopath didn't make it.

>> No.21370094

Yep literally happened to me this year.

>bank going through merger
>sorry anon youre the lowest and newest anon here
>gives my job to the lady above me

At least ill have 20k in savings and im finishing my mba while my woman works in the meantime.

>> No.21370108

chainlink isn't eth though, it's not compareble. it has a specific use case (purchasing and selling data to developers) where as eth is universal

>> No.21370174
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gets more and more real every time I read it. brutal

>> No.21370176

OP here. But yeah, taking profits is smart too. Say 5% at certain points ($12, $25, $50, $100 for example). Just don't sell all.

>> No.21370183

dude this x100.

i've been in crypto since 2012 and living off my profits since 2013 mostly trading shitcoins.

Trading shitcoins is like gambling at a casino. There are always people making money and there are always people losing money. Someone just hit a jackpot and won a new car? You don't see people FOMO the fuck out and drive to the casino at 2am because there are only so many cars left to win... yet that's exactly how people look at crypto.

LINK is just another story of a coin that mooned among hundreds of other projects that didn't. There have already been dozens of projects like LINK and there will be dozens more. The opportunity to make or lose money is always available 24/7/365 and people should stop trading with a mindset that today/this week/this month/this year is the last chance of getting in on fast money

>> No.21370184

You will unironically never be able to enjoy life

>> No.21370207

The past is history, the future lasts forever.
There is literally 0 point in thinking about mistakes in the past. Only today and tomorrow matters.

>> No.21370224

Keep reading. It's bigger than ETH. This is what people on biz are supposed to know/get

>> No.21370226

That's exactly what happened with me. I work in healthcare and everything has ground to a halt because muh chink flu. I may have been well-paid, but because I was one of the newer hires a year ago, I was up on the chopping block when hour cuts and downsizing happened.

At least I get a pretty good severance package, and the unemployment bennies will be flowing. That and I'm making more money from chainlink right now anyway, lel. It's hard to stay motivated looking for a new job when I'm fantasizing about making it on /biz/

>> No.21370267

When are we all selling?

>> No.21370279

The last time I enjoyed life... I was a child.

>> No.21370282


>> No.21370324


>> No.21370335

Irs gonna pull another 50x tho

>> No.21370363

>when I'm fantasizing about making it on /biz/
It's gambling. You could lose it all in an instant.

>> No.21370439


>> No.21370445

Pls respond

>> No.21370501

I haven't been investing for more than 2 years actually. But no thanks. Never bothered to make a Blockfolio portfolio. Just have my counts and a python interpreter so I'm calculating my networth every 50 cents push above ATH. I need another several dollars before I can officially say it.

I'm enjoying life all now actually. I don't need much to live on. And more importantly, I know I'll be wasting potential cash as I know how big this project will be. I can afford to wait a year.

>> No.21370503

I know, I say that tongue in cheek. Bottom line is that my recent experience has disillusioned me to life in the workforce where you can be axed at the drop of a hat. I want to have a cushion against such things from now on.

>> No.21370508

what made you do that?

>> No.21370523

> selling


>> No.21370668

this. it's terrifying. & most a reflection of link right now before smarcon

>> No.21370957

How high are we expecting it to go, realistically.
Non meme answers please.
Are there any practical reasons it can't hit 1k?

>> No.21371595

Thought we were going down a bit.