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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 1000x668, Chainlink-Review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21365868 No.21365868 [Reply] [Original]

My overall net worth on paper is now over $1MM (includes other assets I hold, not just my stinkers) and I feel nothing and I'm positive I will never sell. /Biz/ gave me an actual syndrome.

>> No.21365921

Selling is for faggots.
Eventually any body worth interacting with will accelt crypto as money anyway.

>> No.21365954
File: 279 KB, 945x745, EQoWH-2VAAIPZkR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21366019

this. basically all rich people will be in crypto so they are forced to cater to where the money is, nobody cares about poorfags

>> No.21366103
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Imagine going to work for hours to get paid with some kike funny money.

>> No.21366129

Getting close to you anon, $650k from $10k. Feels unreal, congrats!

>> No.21366164

why would you sell, just to get some worthless USD? LINK is better than USD in all ways. selling makes no sense, unless you're being a degenerate swingie I guess.

>> No.21366203

Conditioning yourself to be numb to the money will be a great benefit. The goal is to not have to wage and to live off of passive income. Spending the money on expensive liabilities as fast as you can to impress people is a first class ticket back to the poor horse. I'm ready to start enjoying life and be free. I feel like my life sentence just got overturned after years of being locked away and I just want to go to McDonald's and have a Big Mac.

>> No.21366465

Good because in the next few days it will crater to 5 digits.

>> No.21366504
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>> No.21366619

So technically if crypto becomes mainstream enough to use for everyday purchases we would never have to pay taxes on capital gains?

>> No.21366727

>biz did this
>not realizing 4chan did this and that 4chan isn’t a website but a hive mind collective of intj autists aggregating their power to manifest reality
heh cool site kid

>> No.21366849

>basically all rich people will be in crypto so they are forced to cater to where the money is
Anon it's the opposite. That's like saying all rich people are in gold so grocery stores will accept gold coins in lieu of fiat. I'm all in on link, but think for one second you tard.

>> No.21366870

Good on you anon but I think you should splurge a little bit get a side of fries and possibly a soda

>> No.21367122
File: 3.37 MB, 630x385, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT bagholders hoping their zoomer savings on shitcoins make them rich like Bitcoin holders

>> No.21367277
