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21362881 No.21362881 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21362934

i really fuckin doubt we break 20 before smart con

>> No.21362944

We can probably do $30 at this point. Look at reddit daily thread, most of those retards are just now considering buying.

>> No.21362949

2-3 days

Gotta walk the crab before you talk the walk crab

>> No.21362970

When is Smartcon again?

>> No.21363002


>> No.21363012

36 eow

>> No.21363042
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The identification with Ba'al Hammon later gave rise to the Saturn cult, a cult that enjoyed great popularity until the 4th century. Besides being a popular cult it also had the character of a mystery religion and required child sacrifices. It is also considered as inclining to monotheism

>> No.21363049

I just bought, prepare for the dump.

I'm not even joking, it happened with Link before in March, with Statera yesterday. I didn't sell tho, lol.

>> No.21363103
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>reddit is buying link

I guess this really is the top.

>> No.21363105

Does anyone know who is buying? Rather than a gradual buildup it seems like LINK’s price jumps all at once

>> No.21363110

> march
oh you mean when that black swan world changing pandemic became prevalent in the westernized world collapsing all markets into oblivion?

that dump?
that one?
it'll happen again?

>> No.21363153

Yes, that one. Markets crashed literally hours after I bought.

But nah, I'm sure it won't this time.

>> No.21363218

It's the top when those fags think they're gonna make it with 12.56 LINK

>> No.21363334

we are still in that black swan world changing pandemic you fucking teenager level brainlet. the ramifications of everyone not working and not wanting to go back to work are still months away from manifesting. believe me, this ships going down, i just dont think it will take LINK with it... but it will absolutely stunt its growth.

>> No.21363427

$20 EOW no question. We are all going to make it! Did my first 2x on RLC too. I am about to break 20k.

>> No.21363442
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can I not make money with my 25 linkies

>> No.21363710

I think anon hit the nail on the head in a thread last night. Whales are using AAVE to buy Link in mass quantities. Quantities unavailable on order books, and if bought publicly would drive the price even higher. It works as, Whale borrows Link using a common token as collateral. Some of these collaterilizations are in the 10-20M range. Whale now owns link and owes interest until the position is liquidated. When the position is liquidated the whale gets to keep the Link but looses the colateral he didn't want anyways. Anon said it prevents price slipage, which I assume is what would happen if they bought it on the open market and drove the price up. If this is true it is INCREDIBLY bullish. Couple that with Coinbase buying link on Binance, and the reduction in Link available on exchanges and it looks like supply is drying up. Our Iron hands, and those of other investors are causing the price to skyrocket. It is based on demand and limited supply. Staking hasn't even started yet...

>> No.21363735

no, sorry anon but you will never make it with 25 LINK
maybe you'll buy the newest iPhone next year though so at least that's an upside

>> No.21363872
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You're pretty much saying that you're unlucky and bad things happen to things you touch. If you're so unlucky then how do you own any link? How do you know about it when the rest of the world has no idea of its existence yet and won't until its valued at $98 each? You're pretty fucking lucky or you're smart enough to recognize links true value. You'll be able to say you got in LINK early.

>> No.21363902

fuck. You bois think its too late to invest in linkies at $18? I doubt this will go down back to 1 or 2 dollars anytime soon...

>> No.21363960
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you bet your tight little bussy we can

>> No.21364027
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I hope you're right, fren. I really could use a win right now, no matter its size.

>> No.21364104

98$ each before world notices is FUD

>> No.21364700

That's actually a sell signal.
Its especially a sell signal if CNN or Forbes tells people that its a hot commodity or some shit.

>> No.21364887


Unironically Chinese government backed tech companies

>> No.21365303
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Not yet, we have 3 more days to accumulate.

>> No.21365362

but it's wednesday and it didn't hit $11. stop posting your own price predictions newfag

>> No.21365495

Forbes did two days ago.

>> No.21365535
File: 191 KB, 512x468, FeelsWeirdMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to go to around $19.80 and then correct to $12 screencap dis

>> No.21365548
File: 77 KB, 549x669, black-cube-of-saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The identification with Ba'al Hammon later gave rise to the Saturn cult, a cult that enjoyed great popularity until the 4th century
>a cult that enjoyed great popularity until the 4th century
>until the 4th century
Sweet summer child.

>> No.21365557

>retards stopped it from hitting $11
>hovered at $12
>still jumped up to $18

Yeah, I'll believe that retard's prediction over your FUD.

>> No.21365671
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>> No.21365693

It's not like it's a horrible prediction, at least he said we'll hit 20

>> No.21365890

$22 eow

>> No.21366044

Blow-off top about to come and facemelt all SHORTS. Then we correct for a bit.

>> No.21366106

Do I put all my btc in bros? I already 4x'ed but I didn't really put a lot in.

>> No.21366878

In December 2017 the random blue collar boomers I work with asked me “what’s this bitcoin thing all about?”. That’s the sell signal

>> No.21366940

Redditors need to convince their normie friends first.

>> No.21367090

what FUD? i'm just saying his price prediction is inaccurate and not worth reposting retard. we'll be $50 by eom but not because this guy "predicted" it.

>> No.21367183
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guys it's just Fibonacci progression don't shit yourselves

>> No.21367204

it's more like that's a signal that you should sell in 3-6 months

>> No.21367383

Still more accurate than anything you posted. Get the FUD out of my face faggot. We aren't hitting $50 EoM pajeet, that's not how it works.

>> No.21367467

$25,000 for a new iphone?

>> No.21367583

Can I make it with 1200 link if I hold? I only want like 100k I’m not greedy

>> No.21367705

on Aave, they allow you take out, at most 80% of your collateral with USDC, if whales are really doing that, they are buying 20% more expensive. volume would have to be gigantic for this strat to be better than market buying.

>> No.21367753
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>> No.21367919
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>> No.21368460

My brain is full of fuck

>> No.21368623

Are you trying to imply that anything with cube symbol is Satanic? Is link Satanic because of your Infographic?

>> No.21368672
File: 289 KB, 1069x774, 2F5578AB-977C-4536-964E-750E9CFFBBF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek is even showing himself to Normies at this point. Of course they won’t notice

>> No.21369315


PRICED IN. What do you think is driving these fucking prices up? If this becomes the first case of not selling the news I will fuck my father