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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21362062 No.21362062 [Reply] [Original]

ETH’s in a bad state. Poor projects like YAM release in a broken, irreparable state. This causes on-chain waste, clogging up the ETH infrastructure. As ETH becomes more and more congested by broken, half-baked projects, gas goes up. Transactions slow down. And our bullrun halts.

The DFO model, already proven to work, allows for fixes to be implemented to broken products and shoddy smart contracts. Instead of creating on-chain waste, broken products can be recalled by a vote to have fixes implemented. More than ever, you can see how necessary this is. Every other week we get a new, completely busted Uniswap token that shits all over the ETH blockchain. This waste stays there, and these devs after a quick buck move onto the next half-assed project to later abandon as a rotting corpse.

The sooner we see adoption of the DFO model, easily enabled by dfohub, the more salvageable ETH becomes. This is why they were at EDCON. dfohub is a large-scale breakfix. Vitalkis has already acknowledged this technology as essential, with the caveat that nobody wanted to put in the work to make it happen.

Well here it is. What are you waiting for? Check some of their medium posts. They outline a scenario they encountered much like YAM’s, where a(n intentionally) botched deployment was saved by being on a DFO model.


>> No.21362367

EDCON presentation for those who haven’t seen it.

>> No.21362383


>> No.21363065

Yams was orchestrated destruction by dfo as a marketing scheme. Essentially a "protection" racket classic mob cliche.

They are holding the eth network hostage

>> No.21363187
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god-tier plan if so but we all know it was just some two-bit scammers who can’t do basic code reviews

>> No.21363228

bag loaded, ready for moon.

>> No.21363525
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Every bag loaded brings us one step closer to a cleaner Ethereum blockchain, and a more successful bullrun. We all stand to gain by adopting DFOs, and supporting dfohub is the fastest way to get us there.

Godspeed to us all.

>> No.21363611

based and buidlpilled

>> No.21363679
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>> No.21363719

How does this DFO token capture value? This feels like something that is really innovative but isn't something that can provide returns as a stand-alone ecosystem. For example, anyone can fork chainlink code but loses network effects and community talent-therefor moat. Is a governance smart-contract something that needs a community? To be monetized to create value? Can it be monetized?

>> No.21363739
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>> No.21363868

I want to buy buidl eventually, what's a good price entry? Thanks guys

>> No.21363904

anything under $100

>> No.21363962

literally this

short-term, anything under $5. We hit a new ATH at $5.12 on uniswap last night. Get in under $5 and you’re in a good spot. Getting in under $4 is practically stealing.

>> No.21364014

I see two different DFOhub tokens on etherscan, which is the correct one? is buying on uniswap the way to go?

>> No.21364066


The other is likely v1, which is useless now. You can confirm this is the correct address via the Etherscan link.

>> No.21364075

you want the v2 contract, and uniswap v2

>> No.21364125

thanks guys, looks like this thing is ATH right now? god I can't bring myself to buy when its high like this, ill have to buy the next dip, and if that doesnt happen fuck it

>> No.21364189

>wise guy
Don’t use words if you don’t understand them

>> No.21364207

coingecko shows a marketcap of 9mil
etherscan shows marketcap of ~150mil
which one is correct?

>> No.21364358

No, ATH was a bit over $5. This is the dip.

CMC is showing fully diluted. Of the 42.6 million tokens, only 2.9 million are available. The rest are locked up in smart contracts, and holders will be voting on what to do with them when it comes time to consider releasing (or burning) tokens. CoinGecko’s estimate is more realistic at the moment.

>> No.21364452

thanks for the explanation, im going to keep an eye on this project, and buy in at the right moment, how confident are you in buidl?

>> No.21364558

Smart move - listen to your gut.
I’m feeling extremely confident in buidl. The team has a working product, proven use case experiments, provides regular updates, and was given a presentation slot at EDCON2020. Nothing about this project has given me pause aside from the branding, which is being addressed.

>> No.21364608
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they just presented at edcon, the biggest eth dev conference of the year. they have been working on this for years. this isn't some no-usecase shitcoin, this is a whole new protocol and ecosystem for ethereum DAOs

>> No.21364686
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Some anon posted this a few weeks back. So yes it can go very far.

>> No.21364690

What does buidl allow us to do? i read somewhere that it allows for fixing of shitty code? Is this the basic gist of it? How does it work? im bad at reading whitepapers

>> No.21364753

thanks for the post, so the majority votes for modification of code, doesnt this allow for a majority attack(forgot the name) but where 51%+ people vote for something

>> No.21365223

buidl itself is the programmable governance token of the dfohub ecosystem. dfohub itself is the platform that allows for the easy launch of DFOs. We’ve known for a while that DFOs are necessary (see >>21364608), but it’s a tremendous amount of work to get a functioning DFO ecosystem going. dfohub takes the work out of it, trivializing the launch of a DFO. buidl’s value then comes from being a stakeholder in a platform that will be used by future decentralized projects in need of a greater degree of decentralization than the DAO model provides.

>> No.21365260
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DFO: a more flexible and decentralized version of a DAO. all DFOs are governed by a token

DFOhub: the platform used to publish and interact with DFOs. it is itself a DFO, hosted on DFOhub. all DFO's give a small % of equity to the DFOhub wallet

buidl: the governance token for DFOhub, which gives you both control over the network as well as control over those funds in the DFOhub wallet

there is a better spaced version of that pic now

>> No.21365603


check out this video here, I think it explains the basics pretty well