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File: 79 KB, 828x572, A45A3FA3-90DB-4E39-BFCB-A9581A74E64D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21364443 No.21364443 [Reply] [Original]

unironically link is the new eth

>> No.21364507

Is LINK gonna keep mooning to 30-50$ or should I expect a big pullback first?

>> No.21364568
File: 17 KB, 229x220, B2A2836F-4ACB-42FB-BC5F-B30D2B44E726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey himself already said that LINK tokens arent needed to use the network. thats right. it's still unclear when and how the LINK token will be used if private networks are an option, and not to mention the massive allocation of LINK not locked up but in dev control (2/3 of supply).There is no need for tokens if chainlink isn't even needed to run the nodes.

Ari Juels, the brain behind chainlink is a Jew into occultism as well, all this is well established and accepted even by link holders.

Adelyn Zhou, Chainlink's CMO, is known for using AI chatbots. Read her book and watch her presentations on her website for more research. There is a clear indication that there are AI chat bots operating on 4chan involved with shilling chainlink cryptocurrency token.

Stinkies compare Sergey to Jesus (mocking Christ our Lord), they worship Saturn and endevour in other blasphemies (like telling anons to put sharpies how up their anus to get free link which is never sent)

>> No.21364574


no, it will go to $50 in a few hours without pullback, the weak hands are shaken out.

>> No.21364617

shut up nigger, you had 3 years.

>> No.21364647

Wow racist..

>> No.21364705


Take your meds

>> No.21364722

yeah cause this run up to 18 bucks is totally the same as eth going from 7 to 1400

>> No.21364806

idgi OP, your pic looks like you think link is gonna dump but then you say $50. w/e

>> No.21364813
File: 63 KB, 570x640, 1590079896056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back r*dditnigger

>> No.21364843

Link can't be a new with because it's an eth token u absolute retard

>> No.21364885

Take your head off

>> No.21364893

it is arguably the engine to ethereum’s chassis

>> No.21364915


>> No.21364994
File: 126 KB, 750x826, 9A4D04DF-FB4D-4F46-9156-170282EFE2EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pasta would be allowed on r3ddit
Why don’t you go back newfag?
>The original old fags were IDF (Israel Defense Forces)members stationed here to quell nazi rebellion online. Soon they realized they could create useless ethereum tokens to scam anons visiting 4chan who had hopes of crypto gains. Detailed LARP threads, general pastas, and attractive memes were created and distributed. After the 2016 election predictions Etc the thread’s were taken more seriously when gets would appear. A perversion of Kek for the financial pockets of a few has been brigaded on 4chan convincing many to believe it- which leads to a path of Saturn worship orchestrated by the occasional “42” namefag

>These old fags bought $100k+ of chainlink EACH ($100k of chain link at $0.17= A LOT OF CHAINLINK) for pennies on the dollar and now are selling it to idiots for over $15

>> No.21365108

ETH is the road and LINK the fucking combustion engine