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21357827 No.21357827 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna rope myself. Sick of waiting for xrp. Seeing this link shit was the last straw.

Considering just leaving my wallet key here.

AMA before I commit kys

>> No.21357870

Your gonna kys over 1.9k?

>> No.21357874

What kind of wallet do you use?
I can't figure out which to use for my xrp

>> No.21357890

It will be ok anon. Just take a break from crypto and get some fresh air and some lunch

>> No.21357902

Let me ask you something. How does 26 million dollars sound?

>> No.21357905

Yeah I fucking am. I’m sick of life.


>> No.21357930
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>buy high sell low
why not accumulate xrp?
you want it to moon first?
>logic.exe files missing...

>> No.21357938


would you just send me the ripple?

also dont do it fren

>> No.21357955


It’s been FOUR YEARS

>> No.21358008

anon can you send me the xrp?

>> No.21358014


No I’m going to probably just put it here and let anons race

>> No.21358049
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Damn, im retarded at crypto, and at work

>> No.21358058

you clearly bought in at the WRONG time FOMO fagget, sell that shit

>> No.21358144



>> No.21358184

bro give me your fucking XRP fuck everyone

>> No.21358203

anon, before you put it out there can I have 1k? im not a rich anon by any standards but im white and i work a lot, just cant keep up with all my payments and would like some more crypto

>> No.21358256

yeah but the price you paid is clearly the wrong price if you are losing money bro

>> No.21358298


I don’t care what color you are you’re still begging like a pussy

How do I find my private key on trust Wallet I need to get this shit out of my life

>> No.21358334

meh, blow me then

>> No.21358338


You are a mongoloid fuck I hope you die

>> No.21358353


>> No.21358371


People who say meh are more likely to have weak lower jaws and Incel like personalities. You should kys on reddit

>> No.21358449

I think you should just hold it man, there's no sense in getting emotional over it just because it irks you, just stop focusing on it and put your attention on something else, if you lose a few bucks you lose a few bucks, if you make a few bucks it's all about the same.

>> No.21358479

Just give me your wallet. Email it to the email in my name field. If xrp moons I will give you 95% of it back. Right had to God.

>> No.21358483


You're clearly having a manic break or something anon. You should just uninstall the app and check again in 4 months.

I am thirsty for money to invest though, so I will pathetically scramble to recover your wallet and send it to myself if you are deadset on it.

>> No.21358484

>literally crying about how he's going to kill himself to online people who literally don't care, just want his coins then he can off himself

>"you should kys on reddit"


meh, you're a faggot, literally kys, id love for that to occur but do it after the 2k eoy

>> No.21358542

Fuck you I am taking a shit and now I feel like there are spiders on my ass

>> No.21358556

You can accumulate Yam too but that doesn't mean It'll ever go back up

>> No.21358566

we can do a 1:1 trade with xrp. that way you can reset your loss

>> No.21358571

>some lunch
With what money nigger

>> No.21358615


Kill yourself

>> No.21358634

Can i have your xrp before you off yourself?

>> No.21358642
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>Gonna rope myself. Sick of waiting for xrp. Seeing this link shit was the last straw.


oh and meh.

>> No.21358667

Not holding chainlink is a financial risk.

>> No.21358719
File: 75 KB, 1125x180, 85A03408-5583-40A7-9ABB-DA96295F65AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and don’t talk to me about this fucking shit coin

>> No.21358738

Lol you bought xrp

>> No.21358761


Bet your wife is a hambeast. Post tits or fuck off.

>> No.21358779

maybe the emotional is other, holding your money so many time while you could made more money from other assets

Consider this, at least 60% of the XRP is static, this reduces the field for any positive change on XRP, or even any change at all, there is not positions for it to grow, thts why it had not change to much in years.

>> No.21358804
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Hahah, dude you're literally freaking out like a woman online. You better show your tits or gtfo you little slut. No man would ever cry like this online it's fucking pathetic even if it's a larp.

>> No.21358813

I thought you guys were going to moon today?

>> No.21358881


I’m going to fuck your wife in the afterlife you can be sure of that

>> No.21358910

Holy Shit Anon, maybe its time to just rope yourself.

>> No.21358917



>> No.21358918
File: 27 KB, 604x604, o3nktow0uu1qjkxb4o1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna help you out anon, so you won't have to kill yourself.
>First, sell your XRP. It's a shitcoin with no future, no point in holding it any longer.
>Second, go for a dive on uniswamp, find 2 or 3 low cap "defi" coins that haven't mooned much and put that money on the coins.
>Wait for the price to x2/x3 and sell.
>Use some of the profits and buy Link, and then repeat the first step with the rest of the money.

You'll make it in no time.

>> No.21359003

defi scam is ending

>> No.21359024
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...pathetic... maybe you should go through with it after all, you know?

>> No.21359110

It's only just beginning. DeFi is here to stay, however you're correct that most of its scams will fade over time.

>> No.21359372

Bloated market now, too many defi projects that the money is too diluted

>> No.21359560

Hey cheif, slide that xrp my way