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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21354565 No.21354565 [Reply] [Original]

I'm part of an organization that collectively holds nearly 5 million LINK. We very well might start a runaway dump.

>> No.21354584

proof or larp

>> No.21354588

good luck, my organization has 20 million LINK

>> No.21354601

Yeah if you dont like normie money go ahead and dump on 4Chin
I'd wait for twitter to go nuts myself

>> No.21354606

You don't hold shit nigga

>> No.21354619

Sure go ahead. I own 50k LINK.
I am never selling. I will be apart of the singularity.

>> No.21354652

Dump it Im part of an organisation waiting to buy cheap link

>> No.21354670

my organization is willing to buy 5 million link @market price, lets do it nigger

>> No.21354735

Please do it, I want to buy more.

>> No.21354744


>> No.21354773

stop larping post proff faggot.

>> No.21354801

Do it faggot.

>> No.21354813

what a pathetic larp

>> No.21354835

My dad works at LINK

>> No.21354880

All you faggots are scared that we're going back down to $9, effectively burning a lot of the new money that just came in

>> No.21354884

Good luck, I'm part of an orginasation which holds about 1 million BTC, and were prepared to buy up and dumps of LINK at any moment

>> No.21354901

Just dump it already you little bitch. If Link isn't bellow 12$ in 2 hours I'll assume you're lying on the internet again.

>> No.21355023

I'm the head of your organization, where's my coffee u dumb bitch? Also we ain't selling until I say so, capish?

>> No.21355064

/biz/ actually wants a dump please dump

>> No.21355079


>> No.21355098

Please, yes. We need to go below $15.3 so I can make my LINKies back that I tried to swing

>> No.21355107
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good luck, my organization has 5000 million LINK

>> No.21355142
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>> No.21355177

Do it, I'm still accumulating.

>> No.21355186


Same 50k brother. See you on the yacht.

>> No.21355212

dump it now please I need more cheap LINK

>> No.21355225

Please do by all means, I'll get a loan and buy a make it stack.

>> No.21355250

I'm posting screencaps of this thread to our discord.

>> No.21355513

Do it nigga. I just sold my link so you can sell your link and then I'll buy my link back cheap

>> No.21355897
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not this time, frog

>> No.21356018

I don’t give a shit you dumb nigger.

>> No.21356045

Do it fegget

>> No.21356408

Than better hurry up as long as your 5 million internet coins haven't dumped by themselves.

>> No.21356515

sirgay takes bigger dumps every time he shits

>> No.21356587

I am an individual with 350million LINK
you cant dump on me

>> No.21356620
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>>21354565 related

switch to RLC fuckers

we're mooning, you're correcting

>> No.21356703

>discord tranny
Every fucking time

>> No.21356807

Deluded. You know how shit RLC is by how forced the meme threads are. Back below $2 eod once whales are done.

>> No.21356904
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>> No.21357175

please do, I regret not buying more

>> No.21357244

You'll have a hard time convincing them with the 22 linkies you own.